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350 lines (274 loc) · 8.98 KB

PonderJS NBT Interface

AE2 normally uses server-side only state and synchronizes it using a binary blob to the client. This obviously will not work with PonderJS's modifyTileNBT calls.

Cable Bus

To place AE2 cables with attached parts in PonderJS, the ae2:cable_bus block must be placed first. Then it's NBT data can be modified to actually set the cable and attach parts.

The cable bus supports one NBT property for each side and one for the center where the cable is placed.

The property names are cable for the cable and down, up, north, south, west, east for the part on the respective side of the cable.

A part tag requires at least an id property, which is the Item ID of the part that should be placed at that location of the cable bus. Any additional properties are part-type specific.

You can find all AE2 part ids in


The following code places a simple uncolored glass cable at 0,0,0:[0, 0, 0], "ae2:cable_bus", false);[0, 0, 0], nbt => {
    nbt.cable = {
        id: "ae2:fluix_glass_cable"

Cables also support the following properties to configure their visual appearance:

  • visual.connections a list of Directions configures which sides the cable has a connection to.
  • visual.powered a boolean that toggles whether the cable has power. This is only used by smart cables to enable the channel display.
  • visual.channels an integer that sets the number of channels carried by the cable on all sides at once. Used by smart cables.
  • visual.channelsWest, channelsUp, etc. set the number of channels carried by the cable to that particular side. Used by smart cables.

Full example:[0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0], "ae2:cable_bus", false);[0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0], nbt => {
    nbt.cable = {
        id: "ae2:fluix_smart_cable",
        visual: {
            channels: 5, // Show 5 channels on the cable
            powered: true, // actually show the channels
            connections: ['west', 'east'] // show a connection from west to east


All parts support the boolean visual properties powered to enable the status indicators on the part, and missingChannel to enable the missing channel indicator light.

The following example places a cable and attaches a storage bus facing downward. The cable is green to make the indicator light more visible.

// Place green cable with storage bus facing downwards[2, 1, 2], "ae2:cable_bus", false);[2, 1, 2], nbt => {
    nbt.cable = {
        id: "ae2:green_covered_cable"
    nbt.down = {
        id: 'ae2:storage_bus'

// Toggle the power light on
scene.idle(20);[2, 1, 2], nbt => {
    nbt.down.visual.powered = true;
}, true);

// Switch to missing channel state
scene.idle(20);[2, 1, 2], nbt => {
    nbt.down.visual.missingChannel = true;
}, true);


Facades are serialized as ItemStack NBT data under one key per side: facadeDown, facadeUp, facadeNorth , facadeSouth, facadeWest, facadeEast. Please note that it's a serialized AE2 facade item and not the item the facade was created from. See below for an example:[2, 1, 2], "ae2:cable_bus", false);[2, 1, 2], nbt => {
  nbt.cable = {
    id: "ae2:fluix_covered_cable"
  nbt.facadeUp = {
    id: 'ae2:facade',
    Count: 1,
    tag: {
      item: 'minecraft:cobblestone'
  nbt.facadeWest = {
    id: 'ae2:facade',
    Count: 1,
    tag: {
      item: 'minecraft:stone'
  nbt.facadeNorth = {
    id: 'ae2:facade',
    Count: 1,
    tag: {
      item: 'minecraft:glass'

Part-Specific Properties

Storage Monitor & Conversion Monitor

NBT Example:

nbt.north = {
    id: 'ae2:storage_monitor',
    isLocked: true, // Shows the lock indicator (default: false)
    configuredItem: {
        "#c": "ae2:i", // ae2:i for items, ae2:f for fluids (no default)
        "id": "minecraft:stick", // ID of shown item or fluid
        "tag": {}, // NBT of shown item or fluid (default is null -> no NBT)
    visual: {
        powered: true,
        amount: 1234567 // Amount shown on the monitor

Level Emitters

NBT Example:

nbt.north = {
    id: 'ae2:level_emitter',
    visual: {
        on: true // Toggles the level emitter on or off

Annihilation Plane / Formation Plane

The planes will automatically visually connect to adjacent planes. No NBT is needed for this.

NBT Example:

nbt.up = {
    id: 'ae2:annihilation_plane',
    visual: {
        powered: true // Enables the texture animation on the plane (default: false)

P2P Tunnels

Remember that each type of P2P tunnel has their own item id.

NBT Example:

nbt.south = {
    id: 'ae2:me_p2p_tunnel',
    freq: 1234, // The frequency is shown as a colored pattern on the back
    visual: {
        powered: true

Light P2P Tunnel

The Light P2P tunnel also supports a lastValue property that sets the emitted light-level on the output side. But PonderJS does not support block lighting, making this pointless.

Toggle Bus / Inverted Toggle Bus

NBT Example:

nbt.east = {
    id: 'ae2:toggle_bus',
    visual: {
        powered: true, // The bus needs to be powered to show the indicator
        on: true // Toggles the visual indicator on/off (default: false)

Rotating All Monitors / Terminals

All "reporting parts", which includes all terminals and the storage and conversion monitors, can be rotated further around the axis they're attached to. This is controlled using the visual.spin property.

NBT Example:

nbt.north = {
    id: "ae2:terminal",
    spin: 1 // Rotation. Default is 0. 0=0°, 1=90°, 2=180° 3=270°.

Block Entities

Some block entities also support specific NBT to manipulate their visual state.

In general, AE block entities support the forward and up NBT properties to set their orientation. The default is forward = north and up = up.

ME Drive

Example:[2, 1, 2], 'ae2:drive', false);[2, 1, 2], nbt => {
    nbt.visual = {
        online: true, // Controls whether the LEDs are on or off (default: false)
        // Set the cells using cell0 to cell9
        cell2: {
            id: 'ae2:item_storage_cell_64k', // Item ID of cell
            state: 'empty' // Status of cell LED
        cell5: {
            id: 'ae2:fluid_storage_cell_64k',
            state: 'full'
}, true);

Supported cell states are:

  • empty The cell is completely empty (green)
  • not_empty The cell is neither empty, nor full (blue)
  • types_full The types are full (orange)
  • full Full (red)

Paint Splotches

These are very hard to do with NBT since they use binary encoding. Use a mater cannon to place the paint and structure blocks to export them.

Sky Stone Tank

Uses standard Forge Tank NBT, which means:

  • FluidName = ID of fluid stored
  • Amount = How much
  • Tag = Optional NBT of fluid

Wireless Access Point

Uses a combination of block states and the standard NBT for rotation of AE2 block entities.

Example:[2, 1, 2], 'ae2:wireless_access_point', false);
// States: off, on, has_channel[2, 1, 2], state => state.with("state", "has_channel"), false);[2, 1, 2], nbt => {
    nbt.forward = "up"; // Forward is where the antenna is pointing
    nbt.up = "north";


NBT Example:[2, 1, 2], nbt => {
    nbt.visual.smash = true; // Triggers an animation cycle and auto-resets to false once it's done


Some AE2 machines have internal inventories. These save their slots under the inv tag. Each slot is named item<x> with x starting from 0 and counting up. Each slot uses the standard Vanilla ItemStack NBT format.

Example:[2, 1, 2], nbt => {
    nbt.inv = {
        item0: {
            id: 'minecraft:stick', // Item ID
            Count: 1, // Amount
            tag: null // Optional NBT for the item


NBT Example:[2, 1, 2], 'ae2:charger', false);[2, 1, 2], nbt => {
    // Put a crystal in
    nbt.inv = {
        item0: {
            id: 'ae2:certus_quartz_crystal',
            Count: 1
}, true);

scene.idle(20); // wait a bit[2, 1, 2], nbt => {
    // Put a *charged* crystal in
    nbt.inv = {
        item0: {
            id: 'ae2:charged_certus_quartz_crystal',
            Count: 1
}, true);