This file contains commands used for the different experiments reported in our paper.
Note that none of these commands specify a termination criterion for training (we handled termination at the job-scheduling level). In practice it is pretty clear when training has finished because the learning rate is decayed and eventually all new iterates produce indistinguishable results on the development set.
To train the base parser with factoring disabled, run
python src/ train \
--use-tags --use-words \
--model-path-base models/nk_base6_nopartition --no-partitioned
This experiment is briefly mentioned in Section 3 to motivate factoring of the model.
python src/ train \
--use-tags --use-words \
--model-path-base models/nk_base6_pos8 --no-partitioned --num-layers-position-only 8
Using learned word embeddings and an external tagger:
python src/ train \
--use-tags --use-words \
--model-path-base models/nk_base6_wordstags
Using learned word embeddings only:
python src/ train \
--use-words \
--model-path-base models/nk_base6_words
Using learned word embeddings, and a character LSTM:
python src/ train \
--use-words --use-chars-lstm \
--model-path-base models/nk_base6_wordslstm --d-char-emb 64
Using a character LSTM only:
python src/ train \
--use-chars-lstm \
--model-path-base models/nk_base6_lstm --d-char-emb 64
Using learned word embeddings, and CharConcat:
python src/ train \
--use-words --use-chars-concat \
--model-path-base models/nk_base6_wordsconcat
Using CharConcat only:
python src/ train \
--use-chars-concat \
--model-path-base models/nk_base6_concat
python src/ train \
--use-elmo \
--model-path-base models/nk_base6_elmo1_layers=4_trainproj_nogamma_fixtoks --num-layers 4
Below is our code for training and evaluating models on the SPMRL dataset. Note that the data itself must be obtained separately.
To train the parser, update the SPMRL_BASE_PATH
variables accordingly. Note that each language has some hardcoded parameters that relate to preprocessing of the treebanks; see
. These parameters require the presence of the language name in the path to the text files containing the trees; if your files are named differently you may have to modify the code in order for it to run.
Code for training:
SPMRL_BASE_PATH="your path here" # ours is a folder named READY_TO_SHIP_FINAL/
echo "Language: ${SPMRL_LANG}"
if [ ! -e "${TRAIN_PATH}" ]; then
echo "Only train5k data condition is available for this language"
python src/ train \
--train-path ${TRAIN_PATH} \
--dev-path ${DEV_PATH} \
--evalb-dir EVALB_SPMRL \
--use-chars-lstm --d-char-emb 64 \
--model-path-base models/${SPMRL_LANG}_nk_base6_lstm
We used the following additional parameters for individual experiments:
- To use word embeddings, add
(do not remove--use-chars-lstm
!) - For Arabic, add
--sentence-max-len 1000
- For Hebrew, add
--learning-rate 0.002
- For Polish, add
--learning-rate 0.0015
- For Swedish, add
--learning-rate 0.002
Code for evaluation:
SPMRL_BASE_PATH="your path here" # ours is a folder named READY_TO_SHIP_FINAL/
echo "Language: ${SPMRL_LANG}"
python src/ test --test-path ${TEST_PATH} --evalb-dir EVALB_SPMRL --model-path-base models/${SPMRL_LANG}_nk_base6_lstm
Unfortunately, the code for these experiments is not included in the public release.