Enki is intended to be a logic language for teaching programming to people with no programming experience. It is still a work in progress, and is not yet ready to be used for this purpose.
To run an Enki file (see examples below or in the examples directory, use the following command:
To compile the file:
To see the code output, run:
You will need stack:
curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh
Then you can run:
git clone https://github.com/ReedOei/Enki
cd Enki
stack install
echo "export ENKI_PATH=\"$(pwd)/libraries/base\"" >> ~/.bashrc
Sample code to solve Problem 1 on Project Euler:
A divides B if B = A*N.
multiples of A in List is
when List = H :: T, A divides H then prepend H to multiples of A in T;
when List = H :: T then multiples of A in T;
when List = empty then empty.
answer less than N is
ThreeMult = multiples of 3 in range 1 to N,
FiveMult = multiples of 5 in range 1 to N,
FifteenMult = multiples of 15 in range 1 to N,
sum of ThreeMult + sum of FiveMult - sum of FifteenMult.
display as text answer less than 999.
Alternatively, we may use partial application and higher order functions to rewrite multiples of _ in _
multiples of A in List is filter List with (A divides _).
Sample code to solve Problem 2 on Project Euler:
fib nums A B Limit is
when A > Limit then empty;
when A <= Limit then prepend A to fib nums B (A + B) Limit.
fib seq up to N is fib nums 0 1 N.
display as text sum of multiples of 2 in fib seq up to 4000000.