The Integration plugin creates a simple solution for generating blockchain transactions to be signed. The API & Tx builder gives just enough to create Minecraft functions without having to deal with all the backed understanding of a cosmos & signing.
You can read a rough overview HERE which includes the backend, security mitigation techniques, and infrastructure.
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Example in production: CRAFT PRIVATE GITLAB LINK
& also in Github → notional-labs/craft Integration → test plugin
depend: ["craft-integration"]
IntegrationAPI api = CraftBlockchainPlugin.getAPI();
String wallet = api.getWallet(uuid);
boolean result = api.setWallet(uuid, craftwallet)
// Gets balance from chain query
CompletableFuture<Long> ubalance = api.getUCraftBalance(uuid);
CompletableFuture<Float> balance = api.getCraftBalance(uuid);
// The DAO's wallet
String swallet = api.getServerWallet();
// Will deposit money from DAO wallet -> a Players wallet
CompletableFuture<FaucetTypes> cf = api.faucetUCraft(addr, description, ucraft);
... cf = api.faucetUCraft(uuid, description, ucraft);
... cf = api.faucetCraft(wallet_addr, description, craft);
... cf = api.faucetCraft(uuid, description, craft);
// thenAccept(status -> {... logic here});
// Gets the link to the webapp signing location
String webappAddr = api.getWebAppAddress()
// Get the USD price as a float, just cosmetic nice to have
CompletableFuture<Float> usd_price = api.getCraftUSDPrice();
// Gets a decimal tax rate. This is automatically added to Txs after generation
Double rate = api.getTaxRate();
// manually removes a transaction from the server & redis AND runs the logic which
// expires a transaction (if set). This is useful to revert a change without waiting
// the full time for the Tx to expire (such as wagering in minigame lobby)
boolean wasSuccessful = api.expireTransaction(txinfo.getTxID());
// converts CRAFT on chain -> escrow account in game 1 for 1 rate
EscrowErrors escrowUCraftDeposit(UUID playerUUID, long ucraft_amount)
EscrowErrors escrowCraftDeposit(UUID playerUUID, float craft_amount)
// converts escrow -> on chain money upon request IF they have enough
long escrowRedeem(UUID playerUUID, float craft_amount)
// remove balance & return Success if they can spend
EscrowErrors escrowUCraftSpend(UUID playerUUID, long ucraft_cost)
EscrowErrors escrowCraftSpend(UUID playerUUID, float craft_cost)
// pay between accounts
EscrowErrors escrowPayPlayerUCraft(from_uuid, to_uuid, long ucraft_amount)
EscrowErrors escrowPayPlayerCraft(from_uuid, to_uuid, float craft_amount)
long escrowGetUCraftBalance(UUID uuid)
float escrowGetCraftBalance(UUID uuid)
long escrowUCraftRedeem(uuid, float craft_amount)
long escrowCraftRedeem(uuid, long ucraft_amount)
// TODO:
// Allow a way for ppl to pay the DAO via escrow? DAO address = all 0's?
// /escrow pay <OnlinePlayerName> <FloatCraftAmount>
// /escrow balance
// /escrow deposit <CraftAmount>
// /escrow withdraw <CraftAmountFromEscrow>
Tx tx = api.createNewTx(uuid, to_wallet, amt, memo, Consumer<UUID> function);
Tx tx2 = api.createNewTx(uuid, to_wallet, amt, desc, BiConsumer<UUID, UUID> function);
UUID fromUUID = tx.getFromUUID();
UUID toUUID = tx.getToUUID();
UUID txID = tx.getTxID();
long ttl = tx.getRedisMinuteTTL();
long amt = tx.getUCraftAmount();
float craft = tx.getCraftAmount();
String desc = tx.getDescription();
String toWallet = tx.getToWallet();
Consumer c = tx.getFunction();
BiConsumer b = tx.getBiFunction();
Tx tx = new Tx();
// tx.setToUUID(toUUID); // biConsumer only
// OR
tx.setDescription(fromUUID + " paid " + toUUID + " 10 for their trade of items");
tx.setRedisMinuteTTL(3); // OPTIONAL: expires in 3 minutes
// OPTIONAL: On expire, we may want to run code (such as giving items back from a middleman trade)
// NOTE: if you want to manually expire a Tx later, use the following api call.
// This works even if setRedisMinuteTTL is not set. Useful for wager system
// Set the logic to complete once the Tx is signed
tx.setFunction((Consumer<UUID>) Logic.purchaseBusinessLicense());
// OR
tx.setBiFunction(, Player2UUID));
// You can automatically set sending messages to user on submit
// These are false by default.
// Subit the Tx to be signed by the user
ErrorTypes err = tx.submit()
if(err != ErrorTypes.SUCCESS) { // I should really change this to SUCCESS
p.sendMessage("Error submitting auth transaction to chain: " + err.toString());
// inform user link to sign. Not required if you used tx.sendWebappLink(true);
// Internal
TextCraftComponent tcc = new TextCraftComponent("", "\n&6[!] &fClick here to unlock your account (2fa)!\n");
// Other
p.sendMessage("Sign your Tx at " + api.getWebAppAddress());
NOTE: This is required if you want more specific messages.
If you want this done automatically when building a Tx, set it on the Tx.
- tx.setIncludeTxClickable(true);
- tx.sendDescMessage(true);
- tx.sendWebappLink(true);
before .submit()
sendWebappForSigning(CommandSender sender, String message, String hoverMsg)
sendWebappForSigning(CommandSender sender, String message)
sendWebappForSigning(CommandSender sender)
sendWebappForSigning(Player player)
// Link to take user to documents page (useful when getWallet==null)
sendClickableKeplrInstallDocs(CommandSender sender)
// Format requires "%value%" as the replace placeholder
sendTxIDClickable(CommandSender sender, String TxID, String format, String hoverMessage)
sendTxIDClickable(CommandSender sender, String TxID, String format)
sendTxIDClickable(CommandSender sender, String TxID)
// Send a users wallet too them, on click it coppies.
// Format requires "%value%" as the replace placeholder
sendWalletClickable(CommandSender sender, String wallet, String format, String hoverMessage)
sendWalletClickable(CommandSender sender, String wallet, String format)
sendWalletClickable(CommandSender sender, String wallet)
public void onExpiredTxEvent(ExpiredTransactionEvent event)
event.getTxID(); // with this, you could get the pending Tx from PendingTransactions
public void onSignedTransactionEvent(SignedTransactionEvent event)