In this document, Keycloak and Red Hat SSO are interchangeable. The latter is the product made out of the upstream community project known as Keycloak. However, all the procedures are tested using Red Hat SSO. |
This document was initially developed targeting fish shell, but it strives to provide also the bash alternatives. Here is a general rule, that will not be advertised further: the command set -x ENV_VAR xxx must be replaces with export ENV_VAR=xxx
This document expects:
AMQ Streams operator deployed
A Kafka cluster already deployed in your environment called
. -
No authorization configured
Create keycloak in its own namespace:
oc new-project keycloak
oc apply -f k8s/keycloak/01-rhsso-operator-olm.yaml
oc apply -f k8s/keycloak/02-keycloak.yaml
Show the keycloak user and password:
oc get secret credential-my-keycloak -o jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_USERNAME}' |base64 -d
oc get secret credential-my-keycloak -o jsonpath='{.data.ADMIN_PASSWORD}' |base64 -d
Show the essential information about keycloak:
oc describe keycloak my-keycloak
Create the kafka
oc apply -f k8s/keycloak/03-kafka-realm.yaml
A client is an application or service that interacts with Keycloak for authentication and authorization purposes
Clients can be of different types, including web applications, mobile applications, single-page applications (SPAs), and service accounts. Each client in Keycloak is assigned a unique client ID and can have its own set of configuration settings, security protocols, and access permissions.
We need 2 clients one for the consumer application and another for the producer one:
They have to be configured: confidential
and service account enabled
In order to have predictable secrets and streamline the remaining part of the configuration, import a realm base configuration:
Select the Kafka realm
From the side menu select Import
Upload the json file available in this repository:
At question If a resource exists choose
in addition to the two clients, the import prepares some definitions that will be useful later:
client which hold the authorization configuration -
Realm roles:
The following picture shows the authentication flow when the set up is completed:
with the Keycloak endpoint:
set -x KEYCLOAK_ROUTE (oc get route keycloak -n keycloak -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')
Switch on the Kafka project, e.g. oc project my-kafka
The following command replaces existing Kafka listeners and creates 2 new ones (internal and external endpoints) that use Keycloak to authenticate clients via JWT token:
oc patch kafka/my-cluster --type=merge --patch-file=(cat k8s/keycloak/05-kafka-listener.yaml.patch | envsubst | psub)
Bash alternative: oc patch kafka/my-cluster --type=merge -p "$(cat k8s/keycloak/05-kafka-listener.yaml.patch | envsubst)"
This is the listener configuration:
- name: external
port: 9094
type: route
tls: true
type: oauth
validIssuerUri: https://${KEYCLOAK_ROUTE}/auth/realms/kafka
jwksEndpointUri: https://${KEYCLOAK_ROUTE}/auth/realms/kafka/protocol/openid-connect/certs
checkIssuer: true
checkAccessTokenType: true
accessTokenIsJwt: true
enableOauthBearer: true
maxSecondsWithoutReauthentication: 3600
In this section, you will configure the kafka consumer in your local environment to connect to the remote Kafka server using the OAuth authentication mechanism.
Add Kafka OAuth plugin to your client dependecies pom.xml
(already present in this project):
The client application needs to enstablish 2 TLS connections: one to Keycloak and one to Kafka. In this example, the Kafka endpoints uses a self signed CA, so we create a truststores to support it:
oc get kafka my-cluster -o=jsonpath='{.status.listeners[?(@.name=="external")].certificates[0]}{"\n"}' > kafka-cluster-ca.crt
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file kafka-cluster-ca.crt -keystore truststore.jks -storepass password -noprompt
Add application properties to enable the OAUTHBEARER authentication in both consumer and producer:
set -x KAFKA_ROUTE (oc get kafka my-cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.listeners[?(@.name=="external")].bootstrapServers}')
echo | cat - k8s/keycloak/06-application.properties | envsubst >> kafka-consumer/src/main/resources/application.properties
echo | cat - k8s/keycloak/06-application.properties | envsubst | sed 's/consumer/producer/g' >> kafka-producer/src/main/resources/application.properties
Make sure that the password in application.properties
match the secret in the Keycloak client credentials.
Run the kafka consumer:
mvn -f kafka-consumer clean quarkus:dev
Run the producer to check it’s working as expected:
mvn -f kafka-producer clean quarkus:dev
Once the authorization is enabled at Kafka level, client applications cannot access to Kafka in an anonymous way, even if the connection comes from an internal listener. For such a reason, make sure that authentication is enabled on all your listeners.
The following script show the environment variable to enable client OAuth authentication:
cat k8s/keycloak/09-configmap.template | envsubst
Add the outcome of the previous command to the consumer configmap:
oc edit configmap kafka-consumer-config
Repeat the configuration for the producer using the following variables:
cat k8s/keycloak/09-configmap.template | envsubst | sed 's/consumer/producer/g'
Add the outcome of the previous command to the consumer configmap:
oc edit configmap kafka-producer-config
In this section, it will be enabled the Kafka authorization and the SSO will be used to retrieve the permission. The following picture shows the interactions between the parties:
Kafka operation: Read
, Write
, Create
, Delete
, Alter
, Describe
, ClusterAction
, DescribeConfigs
, AlterConfigs
, IdempotentWrite
, CreateTokens
, DescribeTokens
, All
Kafka resources:
represents the consumer groups in the brokers -
represents actions related to transactions -
represents the delegation tokens in the cluster -
: CreateToken and DescribeToken operations can be granted to User resources to allow creating and describing tokens for other users
An API key (protocol) is represented by a specific request and response pair. Some of the commonly used operations include:
: The produce operation allows clients to send messages to Kafka brokers for storage and distribution. Clients send a produce request containing the messages they want to publish, and brokers respond with a produce response indicating the success or failure of the operation. -
: The fetch operation allows clients to retrieve messages from Kafka brokers. Clients send a fetch request specifying the topic, partition, and offset they want to read from, and brokers respond with a fetch response containing the requested messages. -
: The metadata operation retrieves metadata about topics, partitions, and brokers in the Kafka cluster. Clients can send a metadata request to obtain information such as the list of available topics, partition leaders, and replicas. -
Offset Commit
: The offset commit operation is used by consumer clients to inform Kafka brokers about the progress of consuming messages. Clients send an offset commit request to commit the offsets of consumed messages, and brokers respond with an offset commit response.
Privileges can apply to specific tuples of protocol, operation and resources, e.g.:
Write |
TransactionalId |
An transactional producer which has its transactional.id set requires this privilege |
IdempotentWrite |
Cluster |
An idempotent produce action requires this privilege |
Write |
Topic |
This applies to a normal produce action |
Read |
Topic |
Regular Kafka consumers need READ permission on each partition they are fetching |
Read |
Group |
An offset can only be committed if it’s authorized to the given group and the topic too |
Read |
Topic |
Since offset commit is part of the consuming process, it needs privileges for the read action |
Further information: Security Authorization Primitives
Clients are entities that interact with Keycloak to authenticate users and obtain tokens. Most often, clients are applications and services acting on behalf of users that provide a single sign-on experience to their users and access other services using the tokens issued by the server
Permissions are the individual actions or operations that a user or client can perform on a specific resource. For example, permissions can include actions like "read," "write," "create," or "delete" on a particular resource.
Policies are the rules or conditions that determine whether a user or client is granted or denied access to perform those permissions on a resource. Policies evaluate the permissions requested by a user or client and make access control decisions accordingly.
A Role is a set of permissions or access rights that can be assigned to users or clients.
A permission associates the object being protected with the policies that must be evaluated to determine whether access is granted.
X represents one or more users, roles, or groups, or a combination of them. You can also use claims and context here.
Y represents an action to be performed, for example, write, view, and so on.
Z represents a protected resource, for example: a topic, a consumer group.
Scope-based Permission: use it where a set of one or more client scopes is permitted to access an object.
Resource-based Permission defines a set of one or more resources to protect using a set of one or more authorization policies.
An Authorization Service is a component of an identity and access management (IAM) system that handles the process of granting or denying access to protected resources based on predefined policies and rules. Any confidential client can provide the authorization service.
This section shows how to create a client with the authorization services enabled, then inside the client configuration how to define:
Open the browser with the keycloak route URL.
See in section Kafka authentication how to retrieve the Keycloak administration user and password.
After the login, select the Kafka
If the import procedure worked without issues you can jump on Create Permissions section. |
Create the client to host the kafka authorization service:
oc apply -n keycloak -f k8s/keycloak/07-authz-client.yaml
Alternatively, via web console:
client -
Set Access Type to
Switch on
Service Account Enabled
Switch on
Authorization Enabled
From the left menu select Roles and add 2 roles: topic-consumer
and topic-producer
Select the Clients entry from left menu:
Switch to the Service Account Roles tab
Repeat the previous steps for kafka-producer
and topic-producer
Affirmative decision strategy means that at least one permission must be evaluated positive.
Select the Clients entry from left menu and open the kafka-authz
Switch to the Authorization tab
In the nested tabs line, select Settings
Set Decision Strategy to
Select the Clients entry from left menu and open the kafka-authz
Switch to the Authorization tab
In the nested tabs line, select Authorization Scopes
Create the following scopes:
In Authorization > Resources
Delete the Default Resource
Create the following resources:
and add all the available scopes -
and addIdempotentWrite
as scope
Roles are defined (at realm level)
Resources are defined (at client level)
Authorization Scopes are defined (at client level)
Grant permissions to consume from a topic (Scope-based Permission):
Navigate in
client, then Authorization tab -
In the second level of tabs select Permission
Default Permission
if it exists
From Create Permission drop down list select Scope-Base
Enter a meaningful name:
Topic consumers can read and describe topic:event
In the Resource field select
In the Scope field enter:
Create a new Policy select Role Policy
Enter a meaningful name:
topic consumer policy
In Realm Roles select and add
Grant permissions to any consumer group (Resource-based Permission):
Enter a meaningful name:
Topic consumers can use any consumer group
In the Resources field select
Select an existing policy e.g.
topic consumer
or create a new one
Grant permissions to produce into a topic (Scope-based Permission):
Enter a meaningful name:
Topic producer can write and describe topic:event
In the Resource field select
In the Scope field enter:
Create a new Policy select Role Policy
Enter a meaningful name:
topic producer policy
In Realm Roles select and add
Grant IdempotentWrite permissions at Cluster level (Scope-based Permission):
Enter a meaningful name:
Topic producer have IdempotentWrite grant at Cluster level
In the Resource field select
In the Scope field enter:
topic producer policy
The following command will set up Kafka to delegate the authorization to Keycloak
oc patch kafka/my-cluster --type=merge --patch-file=(cat k8s/keycloak/08-kafka-authorization.yaml.patch | envsubst | psub)
Bash alternative: oc patch kafka/my-cluster --type=merge -p "$(cat k8s/keycloak/07-kafka-authorization.yaml.patch | envsubst)"
If the Keycloak definitions are correct, you can execute the local consumer and producer and check the normal message flow.
If you get an authorization exception on the client side, you can enable the logging in Kafka to investigate the OAuth behavior.
See Troubleshooting.
For more information and troubleshooting tips, see the Appendix.