Php Accounting System.
This is an open source Project created by me(Raja Osama) and my friend 3 years ago, Everything is working. Bootstrap Theme is being used in this Project
Your Welcome to Contribute, I am willing to make this fully functional but before that we need to complete migration to laravel.
- Clone the Repo
- Make sure you have wamp or xamp or lamp
- run composer install
- copy .env.example to .env (if not done already by composer)
- inside .env update mysql connection parameters for DB_CONNECTION and DB_CORE_xxx sections (use a different database for the laravel part, - e.g. accountNew)
- run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed (this will create the tables in accountNew and populate them)
- run npm install
- run npm run dev
- run php artisan serve (this will serve the project, usually at
- visit the local site
- sign-on with username : me and password: password