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297 lines (196 loc) · 9.6 KB

File metadata and controls

297 lines (196 loc) · 9.6 KB


  • refactor to leverage 3.10 pattern matching - PARTIAL
  • add docstrings
  • split readme
  • refactor text_spoiler without opencv


Code style: black

A Python Tool for generating images with different layouts and noise combinations by defining yaml templates. Shutter is basically a metamodel leveraging the Composite Pattern for generating images + Visitor Pattern to apply different noises or to navigate the structure.

The tool loads a YAML configuration file where the generation model is defined, namely each logical component is defined along with the optional noises to apply on it.

Each parameter to be used can be fixed or sampled at runtime using the defined distribution.

Shutter generates by default 3 folders:

  1. original containing the ground truth images;
  2. spoiled containing the original images with noise applied,
  3. annotations containing a JSON file for each generated image. These JSONs will contain positions and potentially relative data about each generated component and spoiler applied to it
  4. a config.yaml file containing the parameters used for the generation (including the seed used to initialize the random state to enable determinism between runs).

For more details about the exporters, see Exporters

[BETA] Tutorial

Try the tutorial in Colab! Open In Colab


  • [OPTIONAL] pyenv - brew install pyenv or visit
  • pipenv - pip install pipenv



  • pyenv install 3.10.1 if not yet installed
  • pipenv sync --dev should install py 3.8 environment with required packages
  • pipenv run init installs pre-commit hook
  • pipenv run check runs pre-commit checks on all files


  • pyenv install 3.10.1 if not yet installed
  • pipenv sync should install py 3.8 environment with required packages


run pipenv run python src/ -h to know supported args

run pipenv run python src/ --config $CONFIG_FILE --size $K --dir $PATH_TO_OUT_DIR [--workers N] [--out FILE_PREFIX] to start the image generation

Known issues

On Mac M1 there is a problem importing cv2 when spawn_context is fork, bypass error with:

OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES pipenv run python src/ --config $CONFIG_FILE --size $K --dir $PATH_TO_OUT_DIR [--workers N] [--out FILE_PREFIX]

Docker image - RECOMMENDED

The docker image is recommended for configurations using multiple fonts. It's built to use dumb-init to enable proper terminations of the workers. For more see And it's easily deployable to a pod

Simply build the docker image, and run by mounting your local folders inside the docker container

docker build -t shutter .

Get font list

docker run shutter fc-list

e.g. running with complex.yml as model

export OUT_PATH=/local/path/to/output/dir
export MOUNT_DATAPATH=/opt/app/data

docker run -v $OUT_PATH:$MOUNT_DATAPATH shutter dumb-init pipenv run python src/ --config examples/complex.yml --dir $MOUNT_DATAPATH --size 3 --workers 8 --out complex_out --dpi 70

Example configurations available in examples

Output examples using complex.yml available in examples/complex_out

Available Components

Each component has a default generation probability of 1. Overriding the default behaviour results in optional components. See Container for mutual exclusion.


The basic component to play with in shutter. Each other component will inherit Generator fields.

Defines its size (possibly a position relative to a parent) and a list of sub-components elements.

Basic parameters

  height: H
  widht: W
  x: X
  y: Y
  - Generators...

Each value node in the YAML can be filled with an absolute value (H = 2000) or a value < 1 denoting its relation to the parent Generator.

Spatial values

Components can define where they should be placed in the image, and how big they can be.

position accepted values are:

  • float < 1 - to denote a value relative to it's parent considered axis
  • int - absolute value to fix position
  • str : 'head' | 'center' | 'tail' |'concatenate'

size accepted values are:

  • float < 1 - to denote a value relative to it's parent considered axis
  • int - absolute value to fix size
  • 'fill' to fill any empty remaining space on the considered axis


  height: fill
  width: 0.3
  x: 0.5
  y : concatenate

will place the object sized (0.3*parent_width, parent_free_height) top left corner at (0.5 * parent_width, parent_first_free_pixel)

Define Randomness

Wheter you'd like to define a random value for a particular field, you can assign a probability distribution function to it and let shutter do the rest. e.g.

      distribution: normal
      mu: 1000
      sigma: 100
      min: 800
      max: 1200
    height: [1000, 1800]
  elements: ...
  spoilers: ...

Defines a Component generator which will produce images with:

width sampled from a normal distribution with μ = 1000, σ=100 truncated in the interval [800, 1200]

height sampled from a uniform distribution in the interval [1000, 1800]


A single line of text.

    bold: 0.5
    name: font_names.txt
    italic: ~
    size: fill


A block of text. Loads lazily random text from a source_path or fixed text taken from the yaml.{h/w}_border defines an optional % region of the image to be left blank

TODO: Rename to padding


An image that can be sampled from a set or be constant. if files is defined, path points to a folder where to find the files and probabilities defines a list of entries like <file, likelihood to be selected> see example in config.yml


A logical container useful to define mutually exclusive Components. The configuration syntax is almost equal to Generator less than it assumes that for each defined sub-component there is an associated probability of being picked for generation.


A Table with configurable layout. cols: number of columns rows: number of rows fix_keys_col : probability of cells to have a top key text fix_rows : probability of having fixed rows height fix_cols : probability of having fixed cols width row_frame : probability of cells having horizontal borders col_frame : probability of cells having vertical borders title: probability of table header row headers_file : file of lines to sample from for title keys_file : file of lines to sample from for cells keys values_file : file of lines to sample from for cells values keys_uppercase: probability of keys to be uppercase

cells_spoiler : list of spoilers to apply randomly to single cells spoilers: list of spoiler to apply to the table


Each of the defined Component can define a list of accepted spoilers and the associated likelihood.

Available Spoilers


Crops an external white border (if available) of the component.


Adds an external black border to the component.


Rotates the component by a random angle and crops the resulting image.


Adds random noise to the background of the component.


Adds random noise to the foreground of the component.


Adds salt and pepper noise to the image


Blurs the component by radius r


Adds a randomly moved line to the component.


Adds randomly one of the overlays available in path


Adds a vertical line


Adds a intensity gradient to the component






quality / subsampling


Exporters are run on each model instance and visit the generated tree structure to output annotations (or some final postprocessing) on the generated image. Currently the exporters dumps generation and spoilers informations such as type of component, size, applied spoilers, rolled values (when available) and data contained.


Global Exporter outputs coordinates with respect to the image origin (top-left)


Local exporter outputs coordinates with respect to each component origin (doesn't account nested position offsets)

Create custom Component

Components are resolved by reflection when they are named in the config file. It is sufficient to add a class extending Generator, implementing a constructor accepting a dict with the params and a generate function.

A generator takes its yaml node as argument from which it can take initialization parameters and store relevant informations for the actual generation step.

In the generate function, you basically pop random values and return a drawn component which will contain useful informations for future spoilers.

To pop a random value for a parameter (node with param name and distribution values): just call the roll_value function and pass the node as argument. See some generators implementations

Create custom Spoiler

Spoilers must extend the Filter class, they received unpacked args from the yaml node, and must override a run(self, image): method returning the spoiled image

Create custom Exporter