All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Changed the allowed inner blocks for Collapsibles, Alerts and Notices.
- Buttons, FAUdir and more Blocks are now allowed in accordions, Alerts and Notices.
Fixed an issue, where FontAwesome Fonts were not loaded correctly any longer
Improved transformation behavior from and to blocks to ease the working process inside the editor. Fixed an issue, where users with different language settings might get a Block Deprecation inside the editor.
A new store for managing the jumpNames throughout the Element Block suite minimizes duplicate id's and errors.
- #174 The Jumpname issue
- JumpNames are automatically generated based on the input title. Per default, generation is switched off. If a jumpName starts with the autogenerated tag panel_, the flag is positive and jumpNames are generated automatically via the title-Attribute. This also makes sure, that already set jumpnames are not affected by the change.
- The fix should also fix an issue where moving Accordion tabs from one into another accordion was not possible due to a duplication of JumpNames.
Minor improvements
New Timeline Block with gsap animation
- React & React-dom from the package.json
Minor improvements
Accessibility improvements for the Accordion-Block inside the Frontend.
- Fixed a11y-issues like missing aria-Tags and roles for full Voice Over Support. The script follows the a11y-Update from the RRZE Element suite, still sharing the same JS for backwards compatibility.
- German Formal Translation for better coverage
Quality of Life improvements
- Updated #143 Further improved the automatic block transforms for Accordions
- Fixed #151 Fixed an issue, where the Font size was not applied to Icon boxes.
- Fixed #150 Fixed the translation & Minor Usablity Issues inside all Elements Blocks
- Removed the starter templates for patterns, waiting for the new design in 2025 to establish the feature.
Improvements for the Accordion & Collapsible-Blocks. UI-Improvements
- Added #143 Added Block Transforms for nested Accordions, Accordion-Elements and inner Accordions. Also added a prompt window to ask users, if accordions were detected in a correct manner and if users want to proceed.
- Fixed #140 Fixed an Issue where the Accordion Title was invisible after title was deleted.
- Fixed #146 & #137 Fixed missing Translation inside the Accordion & Collapsible-Blocks
- Fixed #141 Resolved PHP-Warning "Undefined array key "isPHP" for Pattern registration
- Fixed #144 Resolved an Error where drag & drop of several Accordion items caused an Error and frozen Editor
- Removed #144 Removed the old automatic jump link generation. Jump links are now generated via the cut-off block-id to reduce calculations on block interaction. Elements-Accordions generated via Shortcode won't be dynamically transformed
Older Versions are tracked via GitHub Releases but not listed inside this File.