- Error message is now shown if a resource (Freeform, Actor or texture) can't be loaded
- Help file has been translated to English
- Windows/ANSI encoding support for TTFont (TTFontSetEncoding)
- New Material functions: MaterialSetTextureExFromLibrary, MaterialGetNameFromLibrary
- New Freeform functions: FreeformSetMaterialLibraries, FreeformMeshFaceGroupSetLightmapIndex, FreeformMeshFaceGroupGetLightmapIndex
- ActorProxy objects
- New Actor functions: ActorMoveBone, ActorRotateBone, ActorMeshSetVisible
- New Object function: ObjectInFrustrum
- Mouse and keyboard input functions
- Window creation and management functions
- RGB color packing functions
- Saving and loading scene files (experimental): EngineSaveScene, EngineLoadScene
- GLSLShader doesn't show empty error message if there are no errors
- Fixed specular highlights in PhongShader and BumpShader
- Python and D language bindings added
- ClipPlane functions
- Spot lights, fog, transparency and shadeless rendering support for BumpShader and PhongShader
- New Material functions: MaterialSetZWrite, MaterialCullFrontFaces
- New ODE functions: OdeDynamicSetVelocity, OdeDynamicSetAngularVelocity, OdeDynamicGetVelocity, OdeDynamicGetAngularVelocity, OdeDynamicSetPosition, OdeDynamicSetRotationQuaternion
- TTF fonts and Unicode text support
- ObjectHash functions
- Improved FBORenderObjectEx
- FreeformGenTangents and FreeformBuildOctree
- ViewMatrix and InvViewMatrix parameters for GLSLShader
- Added GLSLShaderSetParameterHasTextureEx
- Seamless cubemapping in shaders
- Fixed MaterialCubeMapLoadImage
- Querying and modifying geometry data of Freeforms
- Getting size and position of Viewer
- Override materials for Viewer and FBO
- More color formats for FBO
- Rendering ShadowMap shadows into custom FBO
- Querying supported OpenGL extensions
- FBO support for fast offscreen rendering and Z-buffer access in shaders
- Rendering separate objects and hierarchies - essential for multipass rendering
- New multitexture mechanism for Materials (8 texture slots)
- Improved Freeform API, added an ability to manually construct Freeforms from vertices and triangles. Freeforms now can be saved to file (GLSM, OBJ, STL, or NMF)
- New file formats support: CSM and LMTS (these were absent in 3.0), X, ASE, DXS (experimental, without lightmaps for now)
- Ragdoll support in ODE
- Added Movement object that can be used to define smooth interpolated movement paths for objects
- Improved BumpShader, added shadows and automatic tangent space support
- Improved PhongShader, added diffuse texture support
- HUDShapes: rectangle, circle, line, and custom 2D mesh
- Improved Sprite API, added texture atlases support
- Functions to query Material's texture size
- Alpha channel support for PNG
The library was reimplemented from scratch because of lacking source code for original Xtreme3D from Xception.
- GLSL shaders support
- Shadow maps
- Antialiasing for Viewer (2x, 4x, NVIDIA Quincunx support)
- MemoryViewer for fast offscreen rendering
- Proxy and MultiProxy objects
- New file formats support: LOD, B3D, MDC, WRL
- Tag support for MD3 models
- Animation blending for Actors
- Object-to-bone parenting
- Material scripts support
- Improved BumpShader (rewrote shader in GLSL, added specular shading and parallax mapping)
- TexCombineShader
- PhongShader
- Perlin noise procedural textures
- Linear waves for Water object
- New geometric promitives - frustum, dodecahedron, icosahedron, teapot
- Improved mesh explosion effect, added an ability to reset mesh to its normal state
- Grid rendering
- Debug rendering of Dummycubes
- New Camera functions
- An ability to copy object matrices, and also manually set them
- Many improvements in DCE, added terrain support, gravity and impulses for dynamic objects
- Working Freeforms and Terrains in ODE, an ability to set local positions for geometries
- Saving renders to BMP
- Text reading function
- New ODE functions
- New Actor functions
- Dynamic Collision Engine (DCE)
- CLOD terrain
- Model/Scene loaders with lightmaps:
- Blitz3D scene loader(with hierarchy) and special portal/zone culling functions
- Cartography Shop CSM loader
- Pulsar LM Tools LMTS loader
- DeleD DMF loader partially: no lightmaps, only triangles and quads supported
- Function to load lightmap coordinates from a second (lightmapped) model
- Function to split a freeform's internal meshes into single freeforms
- ODE Physics engine support
- Dynamic Quadtree and Octree for visibility culling and collision checking
- Static and dynamic cubemaps
- Render to texture
- Loading resources from compressed PAK archives
- Bump-/Normalmapping Shader
- Celshader
- HiddenlineShader
- Multimaterialshader
- Multitexturing
- Texture format selection
- Texture compression selection
- Texture filtering quality selection
- DDS (DXT1, DXT3, DXT5) texture support
- Actor bone manipulation functions
- Multiple viewers and material libraries useable