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This repository contains the following static standalone binaries of Python offensive tools:

Tool Operating System(s) Binary output(s)
Certipy Linux / Windows x64 certipy_linux
CrackMapExec Linux / Windows x64 crackmapexec_linux
dirkjanm's CVE-2020-1472 (ZeroLogon) Linux / Windows x64 cve-2020-1472-exploit_linux

cube0x0's CVE-2021-1675 (PrintNightmare) Linux / Windows x64 CVE-2021-1675_linux
Ridter's noPac (CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287) Linux / Windows x64 noPac_scanner_linux

enum4linux-ng Linux x64 (with the samba tools installed) enum4linuxng_linux
gMSADumper Linux / Windows x64 gMSADumper_linux
impacket Linux / Windows x64 Current (as of 2021-07-11) impacket's examples scripts
ItWasAllADream Linux / Windows x64 ItWasAllADream_linux
LaZagne Linux / Windows x64 lazagne_linux
lsassy Linux / Windows x64 lsassy_linux
Pachine (CVE-2021-42278) Linux / Windows x64 pachine_linux
pypykatz Linux / Windows x64 pypykatz_linux
pywhisker Linux / Windows x64 pywhisker_linux
Responder Linux x64 (experimental) Responder_linux
smartbrute Linux / Windows x64 smartbrute_linux
SMBMap Linux x64 smbmap_linux

Credits to maaaaz and ropnop for the original idea and inspiration.

Build process

The Windows and Linux standalone binaries are built with PyInstaller, executed in Docker containers from Windows.

The Linux build process is heavily based on work from ropnop's impacket_static_binaries and uses cdrx's PyInstaller Linux docker image. The Linux binaries are built in Ubuntu 12.04 running Glibc 2.15 and should thus be compatible with any version of Glibc newer than 2.15.

The Windows build process relies on a Windows Docker image provided by Microsoft. Python 3.8.9 and PyInstaller are installed at runtime in the container.

In order to limit overhead for successive builds:

  • a persistent container named OffensivePythonPipelineWindows is created whenever calling the windows target. The container is used for the consecutive builds and deleted upon completion of the process.
  • a temporary image is created whenever calling the linux target. The image is used for the consecutive builds, with each new container's changes applied to the image. The image is deleted upon completion of the build process.
Build the binaries yourself

The binaries can be build directly from sources using the provided Makefile after retrieving the and / or cdrx/pyinstaller-linux Docker images. The Makefile targets must be executed in a Linux distribution using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2.

The newly compiled binaries will be placed in the binaries folder.

The PROJECT_PATH_LINUX and PROJECT_PATH_WINDOWS variables must be set accordingly in the Makefile. For example:


Makefile usage:

# Retrieves the required Docker images.
& "C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCli.exe" -SwitchLinuxEngine
docker pull cdrx/pyinstaller-linux

& "C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCli.exe" -SwitchWindowsEngine
docker pull

# Help message listing the supported Makefile targets.
make help

all:                      Compiles all binaries for both Windows and Linux.

windows:                  Compiles all Windows binaries.
windows_certipy:          Compiles Windows binary for ly4k's Certipy.
windows_crackmapexec:     Compiles Windows binary for byt3bl33d3r's CrackMapExec.
windows_gmsadumper:       Compiles Windows binary for micahvandeusen's gMSADumper.
windows_impacket:         Compiles Windows binaries for SecureAuthCorp's impacket examples.
windows_itwasalladream:   Compiles Windows binary for byt3bl33d3r's ItWasAllADream.
windows_lazagne:          Compiles Windows binary for AlessandroZ's LaZagne.
windows_lsassy:           Compiles Windows binary for Hackndo's lsassy.
windows_nopac:            Compiles Windows binary for Ridter's noPac.
windows_pachine:          Compiles Windows binary for ly4k's Pachine.
windows_printnightmare:   Compiles Windows binary for cube0x0's CVE-2021-1675.
windows_pypykatz:         Compiles Windows binary for skelsec's pypykatz.
windows_pywhisker:        Compiles Windows binary for ShutdownRepo's pywhisker.
windows_smartbrute:       Compiles Windows binaries for ShutdownRepo's smartbrute.
windows_zerologon:        Compiles Windows binaries for dirkjanm's CVE-2020-1472.

linux:                    Compiles all Linux binaries.
linux_certipy:            Compiles Linux binary for ly4k's Certipy.
linux_crackmapexec:       Compiles Linux binary for byt3bl33d3r's CrackMapExec.
linux_gmsadumper:         Compiles Linux binary for micahvandeusen's gMSADumper.
linux_enum4linuxng:       !! Still depends on nmblookup / net / rpcclient / smbclient !! Compiles Linux binary for cddmp's enum4linux-ng.
linux_impacket:           Compiles Linux binaries for SecureAuthCorp's impacket examples.
linux_itwasalladream:     Compiles Linux binary for byt3bl33d3r's ItWasAllADream.
linux_lazagne:            Compiles Linux binary for AlessandroZ's LaZagne.
linux_lsassy:             Compiles Linux binary for Hackndo's lsassy.
linux_nopac:              Compiles Linux binary for Ridter's noPac.
linux_pachine:            Compiles Linux binary for ly4k's Pachine.
linux_printnightmare:     Compiles Linux binary for cube0x0's CVE-2021-1675.
linux_pypykatz:           Compiles Linux binary for skelsec's pypykatz.
linux_pywhisker:          Compiles Linux binary for ShutdownRepo's pywhisker.
linux_responder:          Compiles Linux binaries for Responder.
linux_smartbrute:         Compiles Linux binaries for ShutdownRepo's smartbrute.
linux_smbmap:             Compiles Linux binary for ShawnDEvans' smbmap.
linux_zerologon:          Compiles Linux binaries for dirkjanm's CVE-2020-1472.

test:                     Executes all the Windows / Linux binaries
                            (for a manual review of errors use make test 1>/dev/null).
clean:                    Clean build artefacts by deleting the build folder.

Known issues

  • Pressing the Enter key may sometimes be necessary to finish the execution of the CrackMapExec Windows binary ¯\(ツ)/¯.

  • enum4linux-ng still requires the samba tools (nmblookup / net / rpcclient / smbclient) to be installed on the host. This is likely due to the PyInstaller extract folder (_MEIxxxxxx) not being in PATH for the subprocess calls made by enum4linux-ng.

  • SMBMap is non-functional as a Windows standalone binary (endless printing of the usage helper).

  • impacket's nmapAnswerMachine is missing the uncrc32 module (Linux / Windows) and impacket's sniff / split are missing the pcapy module (Linux / Windows).

  • impacket's ntlmrelayx / smbrelayx / sniffer standalone binaries fail with error WinError 10013 on Windows and NotImplementedError: Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader type on Linux.

More comprehensive tests of the binaries are underway, if you find a bug please feel free to open an issue.

Temporarily fixed issues
  • The PyInstaller spec file in the CrackMapExec repository is missing an hidden import for impacket.ldap. The spec file is automatically modified in the build scripts to add the hidden import.
    Issue opened CrackMapExec-side.

  • CrackMapExec requires the unmaintained pycrypto module as it is required by pywerview. pycrypto causes issues for standalone build on Windows due to incompatibility with recent Build Tools for Visual Studio). The requirement is automatically removed from pywerview and CrackMapExec in the build scripts.
    Issue opened pywerview-side.

  • CrackMapExec's lsassy module is non functional on Linux / Windows x64 (error message The 'lsassy' distribution was not found and is required by the application) using the repository spec file. A custom PyInstaller hook for lsassy is added through the build scripts and the spec file is automatically modified accordingly.
    Issue previously opened CrackMapExec-side.

Tools TODO