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mzeena edited this page Feb 16, 2012 · 12 revisions

SPEEXENC & **SPEEXDEC **w/ "x-speex-with-header-byte" MIME-type support


This project originated when we discovered the Google speech-to-text API supported speex but would not accept any of our files. After a little investigation, the Chromium sourcecode provided a hint about the unsupported MIME-type being used by google and we implemented the binary format in speexenc and speexdec for fellow pioneers and curious users out there.


% speexenc --headerbyte --vbr --w --quality 3 input_file_16bit.wav compressed_file.spxh

% speexdec --headerbyte compressed_file.spxh decompressed_file.wav

To test encoded speex against gapi:

% curl --data-binary @compressed_file.spxh --header 'Content-type: audio/x-speex-with-header-byte; rate=16000' ''


A link to the original QXIP wiki post: SIP-SIR

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