diff --git a/go/sdk/README.md b/go/sdk/README.md
index 7a63f0d..2788e0e 100644
--- a/go/sdk/README.md
+++ b/go/sdk/README.md
@@ -30,23 +30,24 @@ All URIs are relative to *http://localhost:12052*
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-*AnalyticsApi* | [**AnalyticsGetNetworkActivityPost**](docs/AnalyticsApi.md#analyticsgetnetworkactivitypost) | **Post** /analytics/get_network_activity | Get details on past blocks
+*AnalyticsApi* | [**AnalyticsGetNetworkActivityPost**](docs/AnalyticsApi.md#analyticsgetnetworkactivitypost) | **Post** /analytics/get_network_activity | Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
+*AnalyticsApi* | [**AnalyticsGetSyncStatusPost**](docs/AnalyticsApi.md#analyticsgetsyncstatuspost) | **Post** /analytics/get_sync_status | Get blockchain sync status information
*HealthApi* | [**HealthPost**](docs/HealthApi.md#healthpost) | **Post** /health | Perform a healthcheck of the node and its dependent services
-*NodeApi* | [**NodeDeleteWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodedeletewalletpost) | **Post** /node/delete_wallet | Delete a wallet
-*NodeApi* | [**NodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeexportauditoraccesswalletpost) | **Post** /node/export_auditor_access_wallet | Export a viewing key that allows an auditor to view all transactions to and from a wallet. The viewing key is encrypted for the auditor identified by recipient_payment_address. The viewing key does not enable the auditor to make transactions.
+*NodeApi* | [**NodeDeleteWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodedeletewalletpost) | **Post** /node/delete_wallet | Delete a Wallet
+*NodeApi* | [**NodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeexportauditoraccesswalletpost) | **Post** /node/export_auditor_access_wallet | Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
*NodeApi* | [**NodeExportWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeexportwalletpost) | **Post** /node/export_wallet | Export wallet secret key
-*NodeApi* | [**NodeGenerateWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodegeneratewalletpost) | **Post** /node/generate_wallet | Generate a new wallet
-*NodeApi* | [**NodeGetAllWalletsPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodegetallwalletspost) | **Post** /node/get_all_wallets | Get all wallet labels
-*NodeApi* | [**NodeGetRulesPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodegetrulespost) | **Post** /node/get_rules | Get network governance rules
+*NodeApi* | [**NodeGenerateWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodegeneratewalletpost) | **Post** /node/generate_wallet | Generate a new Wallet
+*NodeApi* | [**NodeGetAllWalletsPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodegetallwalletspost) | **Post** /node/get_all_wallets | Get all wallet IDs
+*NodeApi* | [**NodeGetRulesPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodegetrulespost) | **Post** /node/get_rules | Get network governance Rules
*NodeApi* | [**NodeGetTaskStatusPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodegettaskstatuspost) | **Post** /node/get_task_status | Get a specific task (by ID)
-*NodeApi* | [**NodeGetTasksPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodegettaskspost) | **Post** /node/get_tasks | Get a list of tasks by results/types
-*NodeApi* | [**NodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeimportauditoraccesswalletpost) | **Post** /node/import_auditor_access_wallet | Import a viewing key generated by export_auditor_access_wallet [async call]. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions.
-*NodeApi* | [**NodeImportWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeimportwalletpost) | **Post** /node/import_wallet | Import wallet from secret key [async call]
+*NodeApi* | [**NodeGetTasksPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodegettaskspost) | **Post** /node/get_tasks | Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
+*NodeApi* | [**NodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeimportauditoraccesswalletpost) | **Post** /node/import_auditor_access_wallet | Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
+*NodeApi* | [**NodeImportWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeimportwalletpost) | **Post** /node/import_wallet | Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
*NodeApi* | [**NodeUnlockWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeunlockwalletpost) | **Post** /node/unlock_wallet | Unlocks a wallet for a given amount of seconds [async call]
-*WalletApi* | [**WalletCreateRulePost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletcreaterulepost) | **Post** /wallet/create_rule | Create & broadcast add-config-rule [async call]
-*WalletApi* | [**WalletDeleteRulePost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletdeleterulepost) | **Post** /wallet/delete_rule | Create & broadcast delete-config-rule [async call]
+*WalletApi* | [**WalletCreateRulePost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletcreaterulepost) | **Post** /wallet/create_rule | Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
+*WalletApi* | [**WalletDeleteRulePost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletdeleterulepost) | **Post** /wallet/delete_rule | Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
*WalletApi* | [**WalletGetActivityPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletgetactivitypost) | **Post** /wallet/get_activity | Get wallet activity (transactions)
-*WalletApi* | [**WalletGetBalancesPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletgetbalancespost) | **Post** /wallet/get_balances | Get wallets balance
+*WalletApi* | [**WalletGetBalancesPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletgetbalancespost) | **Post** /wallet/get_balances | Get wallets balances
*WalletApi* | [**WalletGetNewAddressPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletgetnewaddresspost) | **Post** /wallet/get_new_address | Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly
*WalletApi* | [**WalletGetPublicKeyPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletgetpublickeypost) | **Post** /wallet/get_public_key | Get wallet public key
*WalletApi* | [**WalletIssueAssetPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletissueassetpost) | **Post** /wallet/issue_asset | Issue assets [async call]
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [AnalyticsSpendDescription](docs/AnalyticsSpendDescription.md)
- [AnalyticsTransferTx](docs/AnalyticsTransferTx.md)
- [AnalyticsTxMetadata](docs/AnalyticsTxMetadata.md)
+ - [AnalyticsTxType](docs/AnalyticsTxType.md)
- [AsyncTaskCreatedResponse](docs/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse.md)
- [BalanceForAsset](docs/BalanceForAsset.md)
- [CreateRuleRequest](docs/CreateRuleRequest.md)
@@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [GetPublicKeyRequest](docs/GetPublicKeyRequest.md)
- [GetPublicKeyResponse](docs/GetPublicKeyResponse.md)
- [GetRulesResponse](docs/GetRulesResponse.md)
+ - [GetSyncStatusResponse](docs/GetSyncStatusResponse.md)
- [GetTaskStatusRequest](docs/GetTaskStatusRequest.md)
- [GetTaskStatusResponse](docs/GetTaskStatusResponse.md)
- [GetTasksRequest](docs/GetTasksRequest.md)
@@ -107,8 +110,9 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest](docs/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md)
- [ImportWalletRequest](docs/ImportWalletRequest.md)
- [IssueAssetRequest](docs/IssueAssetRequest.md)
+ - [Result](docs/Result.md)
- [Rule](docs/Rule.md)
- - [TransactionsForWallet](docs/TransactionsForWallet.md)
+ - [TaskType](docs/TaskType.md)
- [TransferAssetRequest](docs/TransferAssetRequest.md)
- [UnlockWalletRequest](docs/UnlockWalletRequest.md)
diff --git a/go/sdk/api/openapi.yaml b/go/sdk/api/openapi.yaml
index fc0b82c..73f3a81 100644
--- a/go/sdk/api/openapi.yaml
+++ b/go/sdk/api/openapi.yaml
@@ -3,15 +3,18 @@ info:
title: QEDIT - Asset Transfers
version: 1.5.0
-- url: http://{server_url}:12052
+- url: http://{server_url}:{port}
default: localhost
+ port:
+ default: "12052"
- ApiKeyAuth: []
+ description: Get a list of the Asset Types held within a given Wallet and the amount of each type held.
@@ -43,11 +46,12 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Get wallets balance
+ summary: Get wallets balances
- Wallet
+ description: Issue Assets from a Wallet to a recipient Address; The issuing Wallet is required to have matching issuance rights (in the form of a matching Rule); Issuance can be done either confidentially or in public; In order to issue confidentially, the matching Rule must explicitly allow this.
@@ -84,6 +88,7 @@ paths:
- Wallet
+ description: Transfer a specified amount of a specified Asset Type from a specified Wallet to a specified Address; Transfers are always completely confidential.
@@ -120,6 +125,7 @@ paths:
- Wallet
+ description: Generate an Address for the Wallet; the address can be used by other Wallet owners to issue or transfer Assets into said Wallet; If a diversifier is provided, then the generated address is deterministically generated from the diversifier; If the diversifier is omitted, then a random diversifier is used and the resulting Address will be random; in both cases the Address cannot be linked to the Wallet by parties that do not have access to the Wallet. All generated Addresses of a Wallet are always valid and cannot be invalidated.
@@ -156,6 +162,7 @@ paths:
- Wallet
+ description: Get the unique public key of the Wallet; This key is unique across the entire network and is used to identify the Wallet.
@@ -192,6 +199,7 @@ paths:
- Wallet
+ description: Create new Rules that can either create a new admin, a new issuer, or both; The Rules are created by a Wallet that needs to have admin rights; The Rules grant rights to other Wallets through the Wallets' public keys.
@@ -223,11 +231,12 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Create & broadcast add-config-rule [async call]
+ summary: Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
- Wallet
+ description: Delete an existing Rule from the network; The Rule is deleted by a Wallet which needs to have admin rights.
@@ -259,11 +268,12 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Create & broadcast delete-config-rule [async call]
+ summary: Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
- Wallet
+ description: List transactions that were created by a specifed Wallet or that affected that Wallet; All known details of each such transaction will be returned.
@@ -300,6 +310,7 @@ paths:
- Wallet
+ description: List all verified Transactions from the network, even ones that do not have anything to do with any Wallet stored in the Node; For each such Transaction all of public information is returned in a structured format; However, no private information is returned even if some private information is known.
@@ -331,11 +342,43 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Get details on past blocks
+ summary: Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
+ tags:
+ - Analytics
+ /analytics/get_sync_status:
+ post:
+ description: Returns detailed information about the status of the sync between the QEDIT Node and the underlying Blockchain
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetSyncStatusResponse'
+ description: Success
+ 400:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ description: Bad request
+ 401:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ description: Unauthorized
+ 500:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ description: Internal error
+ summary: Get blockchain sync status information
- Analytics
+ description: Randomly generate a new Wallet under a specified ID; This only affects the Node and in particular nothing about this action is broadcast to the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
@@ -363,11 +406,12 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Generate a new wallet
+ summary: Generate a new Wallet
- Node
+ description: Deletes a Wallet from the Node; All private information about the Wallet will be deleted including transactional history, balances, and keys; If the secret key of the Wallet are not stored elsewhere then all Assets held in the Wallet will be forever lost! If the secret key of the Wallet is stored elsewhere, then all held Assets and the entire transactional history of the Wallet can be restored from the Blockchain at any time by importing the Wallet into a Node.
@@ -399,11 +443,12 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Delete a wallet
+ summary: Delete a Wallet
- Node
+ description: Export an encrypted form of the Wallet's secret key; The authorization password under which the secret key is encrypted is the same one under which it was originally created or imported; Knowledge of the secret key and the authorization password is required to import the Wallet into a Node in the future.
@@ -440,6 +485,7 @@ paths:
- Node
+ description: Import a Wallet into the Node under a specified ID; All the transactional history and outstanding balanced of the Wallet will be extracted from the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
@@ -471,11 +517,12 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Import wallet from secret key [async call]
+ summary: Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
- Node
+ description: Export a viewing key that allows viewing all transactions to and from a wallet, including past transactions. The viewing key is encrypted for a specific Address, and can only be recovered by someone in possession of either a secret key or a viewing key for the Wallet that Address belongs to. The viewing key does enable making any transactions (including rule changes, issuance, and transfers) on behalf of the exported Wallet.
@@ -507,11 +554,12 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Export a viewing key that allows an auditor to view all transactions to and from a wallet. The viewing key is encrypted for the auditor identified by recipient_payment_address. The viewing key does not enable the auditor to make transactions.
+ summary: Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
- Node
+ description: Import a viewing key generated by the export_auditor_access_wallet endpoint. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions. The Wallet whose Address was used as the recipient for the exported viewing key must already be imported within the Node in order for this process to succeed.
@@ -543,11 +591,12 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Import a viewing key generated by export_auditor_access_wallet [async call]. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions.
+ summary: Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
- Node
+ description: Causes a specified Wallet's secret key to be stored in-memory for a specified amount of time in order to increase transactional latency. Should only be used in cases where latency is highly sensitive.
@@ -584,6 +633,7 @@ paths:
- Node
+ description: Returns a full list of all the Rules that govern admin and issuance rights within the network.
@@ -603,11 +653,12 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Get network governance rules
+ summary: Get network governance Rules
- Node
+ description: Returns a list of the IDs of all Wallets currently stored on the Node. Both full-access and view-only Wallets are listed.
@@ -627,11 +678,12 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Get all wallet labels
+ summary: Get all wallet IDs
- Node
+ description: Returns the meta-data of a given Task and its current status. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned.
@@ -668,6 +720,7 @@ paths:
- Node
+ description: Returns a list of all Tasks along with their meta-data and statuses. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned. Tasks can be filtered using various parameters as specified in the request body.
@@ -699,11 +752,12 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
description: Internal error
- summary: Get a list of tasks by results/types
+ summary: Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
- Node
+ description: Reports the health of the various components of the system as well as an overall status for the Node. If the Node's status is good, then the Node is synced with the Blockchain and can successfully process requests.
@@ -728,14 +782,12 @@ paths:
- Health
- IntPointer:
- format: int32
- type: integer
wallet_id: source_wallet
+ description: The ID of the Wallet
type: string
- wallet_id
@@ -745,9 +797,11 @@ components:
wallet_id: source_wallet
+ description: The ID of the Asset Type
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: The outstanding balance for the Asset Type
format: int32
type: integer
@@ -760,10 +814,14 @@ components:
- asset_id: 1
amount: 8
+ - asset_id: 10
+ amount: 200
+ description: The ID of the Wallet
type: string
+ description: The balances of the various Asset Types held by the Wallet
$ref: '#/components/schemas/BalanceForAsset'
type: array
@@ -776,23 +834,29 @@ components:
wallet_id: source_wallet
authorization: PrivacyIsAwesome
recipient_address: q1dxlf6vap2566t8w3z8f5j5lxy9n036zfsaytjve7fedsw6w8c9q9ctrwfz6ryyjwkgvj6tjg70f
- amount: 4
asset_id: 1
+ amount: 4
memo: '{"recipient_name": "Dan"}'
+ description: The ID of the Wallet to transfer from
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet to transfer from
type: string
+ description: The Address of the recipient of the funds
type: string
- amount:
+ asset_id:
+ description: The ID for the Asset Type to transfer
format: int32
type: integer
- asset_id:
+ amount:
+ description: The amount of assets to transfer
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: An app-customizable field to store additional private data relating to the transfer; the memo is shared between the sender and the receiver, but is not divulged to other parties
type: string
- amount
@@ -809,11 +873,14 @@ components:
number_of_results: 10
+ description: The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve activity history
type: string
+ description: An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
format: int32
type: integer
@@ -821,30 +888,6 @@ components:
- start_index
- wallet_id
type: object
- TransactionsForWallet:
- properties:
- is_incoming:
- type: boolean
- asset_id:
- format: int32
- type: integer
- amount:
- format: int32
- type: integer
- recipient_address:
- type: string
- memo:
- type: string
- id:
- type: string
- required:
- - amount
- - asset_id
- - id
- - is_incoming
- - memo
- - recipient_address
- type: object
@@ -860,6 +903,7 @@ components:
is_admin: false
+ description: The Rules currently active in the network
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Rule'
type: array
@@ -872,6 +916,7 @@ components:
- Marty
+ description: The IDs of the Wallets currently active in this Node
type: string
type: array
@@ -881,6 +926,7 @@ components:
id: 5aaa4045-e949-4c44-a7ef-25fb55a1afa6
+ description: The ID of the Task
type: string
- id
@@ -898,33 +944,29 @@ components:
order: asc
+ description: An offset used to paginate through the Task list; indexing is 0-based
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: Types of Tasks to fetch; fetch all types if omitted
- enum:
- - unlock_wallet
- - transfer_asset
- - issue_asset
- - alter_rule
- type: string
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskType'
type: array
+ description: List of results (statuses) to filter by; fetch in_progress tasks if omitted
- default: in_progress
- enum:
- - pending
- - failure
- - in_progress
- - success
- type: string
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Result'
type: array
default: desc
- pattern: ^(asc|desc)$
+ description: Order of tasks to fetch (either ascending or descending); ordering is chronological where the time is set to when the task was created in this Node
+ enum:
+ - asc
+ - desc
type: string
- number_of_results
@@ -933,8 +975,8 @@ components:
id: 5aaa4045-e949-4c44-a7ef-25fb55a1afa6
- created_at: 2019-03-12T16:40:22
- updated_at: 2019-03-12T16:41:17
+ created_at: 2019-08-11T10:37:04Z
+ updated_at: 2019-08-12T11:12:59Z
result: in_progress
state: tx_submitted
tx_hash: 0xd379aa4e5e40552910c8ae456c65dcf51e9779fc9281ac2dc9e677ec810af6b1
@@ -942,42 +984,68 @@ components:
data: {}
+ description: Unique ID of the Task
type: string
+ description: UTC time of creation of the Task in RFC-3339 format
format: date
type: string
+ description: UTC last time the Task was updated in RFC-3339 format
format: date
type: string
- type: string
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Result'
+ description: More granular current state of the Task; list of supported states is not guaranteed to be stable
type: string
+ description: The Blockchain-generated hash of the Transaction; populated after the Blockchain Node accepted the Transaction
type: string
+ description: The QEDIT-generated hash of the Transaction; generated after proof generation, but prior to Broadcast by the QEDIT Node
type: string
- type: string
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskType'
+ description: Container for the Transaction data; each Transaction type has different fields
type: object
+ description: In case of failure this field reports the reason for the failure
type: string
type: object
+ Result:
+ description: The current result (status) of the Task
+ enum:
+ - pending
+ - in_progress
+ - success
+ - failure
+ type: string
+ TaskType:
+ description: Task type
+ enum:
+ - unlock_wallet
+ - transfer_asset
+ - issue_asset
+ - alter_rule
+ - import_wallet
+ - delete_wallet
+ type: string
- id: 5aaa4045-e949-4c44-a7ef-25fb55a1afa6
- created_at: 2019-03-12T16:40:22
- updated_at: 2019-03-12T16:41:17
+ created_at: 2019-08-11T10:37:04Z
+ updated_at: 2019-08-12T11:12:59Z
result: in_progress
state: tx_submitted
tx_hash: 0xd379aa4e5e40552910c8ae456c65dcf51e9779fc9281ac2dc9e677ec810af6b1
type: transfer_asset
data: {}
- id: 5aaa4045-e949-4c44-a7ef-25fb55a1afa6
- created_at: 2019-03-12T16:40:22
- updated_at: 2019-03-12T16:41:17
+ created_at: 2019-08-11T10:37:04Z
+ updated_at: 2019-08-12T11:12:59Z
result: in_progress
state: tx_submitted
tx_hash: 0xd379aa4e5e40552910c8ae456c65dcf51e9779fc9281ac2dc9e677ec810af6b1
@@ -985,6 +1053,7 @@ components:
data: {}
+ description: The returned Tasks array, sorted in the requested order
$ref: '#/components/schemas/GetTaskStatusResponse'
type: array
@@ -992,14 +1061,22 @@ components:
start_index: 0
- number_of_results: 10
+ number_of_results: 1
+ tx_hashes:
+ - 0xd379aa4e5e40552910c8ae456c65dcf51e9779fc9281ac2dc9e677ec810af6b1
+ description: An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
format: int32
type: integer
+ tx_hashes:
+ items:
+ type: string
+ type: array
- number_of_results
- start_index
@@ -1016,7 +1093,7 @@ components:
block_height: 100
- - is_confidntial: false,
+ - is_confidential: false,
amount: 12
asset_id: 5
@@ -1038,7 +1115,7 @@ components:
block_height: 100
- - is_confidntial: false,
+ - is_confidential: false,
amount: 12
asset_id: 5
@@ -1057,6 +1134,24 @@ components:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticTransaction'
type: array
type: object
+ GetSyncStatusResponse:
+ example:
+ blockchain_block_height: 0
+ in_sync: true
+ last_processed_block_height: 6
+ properties:
+ in_sync:
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the QEDIT Node is in sync with the Blockchain; false if the Node is not synced; sync is defined as having less than a preconfigured difference between the current Blockchain height and the last block processed by the Node; the allowed difference defaults to 5, but can be configured when setting up the Node
+ type: boolean
+ blockchain_block_height:
+ description: The current block height of the Blockchain
+ format: int32
+ type: integer
+ last_processed_block_height:
+ description: The height of the last block that was processed in the Node
+ format: int32
+ type: integer
+ type: object
wallet_id: source_wallet
@@ -1068,18 +1163,24 @@ components:
memo: '{"recipient_name": "Dan"}'
+ description: The ID of the Wallet that has the required Issuance privileges
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet that has the Issuance privileges
type: string
+ description: The Address of the recipient of the issued Assets
type: string
- amount:
+ asset_id:
+ description: The ID of the Asset Type to issue
format: int32
type: integer
- asset_id:
+ amount:
+ description: the amount of Assets to issue
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: Boolean which should be true if the issuance should be confidential, and false of the Issuance should be public
type: boolean
type: string
@@ -1097,8 +1198,10 @@ components:
wallet_id: source_wallet
+ description: The ID of the Wallet for which to generate an Address
type: string
+ description: An optional 11-byte (22 hexadecimal characters) input which is used to generate different Addresses. A unique Address will be generated for each different diversifier used. If omitted, the Node selects a random diversifier.
type: string
- wallet_id
@@ -1109,8 +1212,10 @@ components:
recipient_address: q1dxlf6vap2566t8w3z8f5j5lxy9n036zfsaytjve7fedsw6w8c9q9ctrwfz6ryyjwkgvj6tjg70f
+ description: The ID of the Wallet the Address belongs to
type: string
+ description: The generated Address of the Wallet
type: string
- recipient_address
@@ -1121,6 +1226,7 @@ components:
wallet_id: source_wallet
+ description: The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve the public key
type: string
- wallet_id
@@ -1131,8 +1237,10 @@ components:
public_key: bf45ab74bd4a46fe7a2432ba05e2f726bf4fe42a80052849e13e2541230d3204
+ description: The ID of the Wallet the pubic key belongs to
type: string
+ description: The public key of the Wallet
type: string
- public_key
@@ -1143,6 +1251,7 @@ components:
wallet_id: source_wallet
+ description: The ID of the Wallet to export
type: string
- wallet_id
@@ -1154,10 +1263,13 @@ components:
salt: 27ca2bf75fe4c1564398459bd2f39a89645bf98aeeb1f99a9c9efa6e5c39cbfe
+ description: The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported
type: string
+ description: The encrypted secret key of the Wallet
type: string
+ description: The salt used in the encryption of the secret key
type: string
- encrypted_sk
@@ -1172,12 +1284,16 @@ components:
salt: 27ca2bf75fe4c1564398459bd2f39a89645bf98aeeb1f99a9c9efa6e5c39cbfe
+ description: The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node
type: string
+ description: The encrypted secret key of the Wallet
type: string
+ description: The authorization password used during Wallet generation that allows to decrypt the encrypted secret key
type: string
+ description: The salt used in the encryption of the secret key
type: string
- authorization
@@ -1192,10 +1308,13 @@ components:
recipient_payment_address: q1dxlf6vap2566t8w3z8f5j5lxy9n036zfsaytjve7fedsw6w8c9q9ctrwfz6ryyjwkgvj6tjg70f
+ description: The ID of the Wallet to export a viewing key for
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet
type: string
+ description: The Address of the Wallet that belongs to the intended recipient of the exported viewing key; used to encrypt the key in such a way that only the intended recipient can decrypt it
type: string
- authorization
@@ -1209,10 +1328,13 @@ components:
access_key: 9c1616ccb51d4022c7b8654b1a69682654c5da6570b37d3cd2a2368a758f7922
+ description: The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported
type: string
+ description: The public key of the exported Wallet which uniquely identifies it across the network
type: string
+ description: The encrypted viewing key
type: string
- access_key
@@ -1226,10 +1348,13 @@ components:
access_key: 9c1616ccb51d4022c7b8654b1a69682654c5da6570b37d3cd2a2368a758f7922
+ description: The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node
type: string
+ description: The public key of the imported Wallet
type: string
+ description: the encrypted viewing key of the imported Wallet
type: string
- access_key
@@ -1242,8 +1367,10 @@ components:
authorization: PrivacyIsAwesome
+ description: The ID under which to create the Wallet; must be unique within the Node
type: string
+ description: The authorizarion password under which to encrypt the generated Wallet's secret key; will be required in order to perform actions using the Wallet
type: string
- authorization
@@ -1255,8 +1382,10 @@ components:
authorization: PrivacyIsAwesome
+ description: The ID of the Wallet to delete
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet
type: string
- wallet_id
@@ -1268,10 +1397,13 @@ components:
seconds: 600
+ description: The ID of the Wallet to unlock
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet
type: string
+ description: The number of seconds to keep the Wallet unlocked
format: int32
type: integer
@@ -1291,10 +1423,13 @@ components:
is_admin: false
+ description: The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules
type: string
+ description: The list of Rules to add to the network
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Rule'
type: array
@@ -1315,10 +1450,13 @@ components:
is_admin: false
+ description: The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules
type: string
+ description: The list of Rules to delete from the network
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Rule'
type: array
@@ -1336,16 +1474,21 @@ components:
is_admin: false
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
type: string
- can_issue_confidentially:
+ is_admin:
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
type: boolean
+ description: The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
format: int32
type: integer
- is_admin:
+ can_issue_confidentially:
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
type: boolean
- can_issue_asset_id_first
@@ -1357,12 +1500,14 @@ components:
error_code: 400
- message: error message
+ message: insufficient funds
+ description: The error code returned from the server
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: The error message returned from the server
type: string
- error_code
@@ -1372,6 +1517,7 @@ components:
id: 70a88558-2b8b-4b63-a5b6-2c54b24377f5
+ description: The unique ID of the Task that was created in the Node to process the asynchronous request
type: string
- id
@@ -1387,7 +1533,7 @@ components:
block_height: 100
- - is_confidntial: false,
+ - is_confidential: false,
amount: 12
asset_id: 5
@@ -1404,6 +1550,7 @@ components:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsTxMetadata'
+ description: The detailed content of the transaction; format differs depending on the transaction type
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsIssueTx'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx'
@@ -1412,125 +1559,171 @@ components:
- type: string
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsTxType'
+ description: the QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction
type: string
+ block_height:
+ description: The height of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of
+ format: int32
+ type: integer
+ description: the hash of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of
type: string
+ description: UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format
type: string
- format: int32
- type: integer
- block_height:
+ description: The serial number within the Block of the transaction relative to other QEDIT transactions; indexing is 0-based
format: int32
type: integer
type: object
+ AnalyticsTxType:
+ description: Type of transaction
+ enum:
+ - Issue
+ - Transfer
+ - Rule
+ type: string
+ description: The data of a particular Issuance transaction
+ description: The data of the Assets issued (multiple Assets may potentially be issued in a single Issuance transaction)
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsOutput'
type: array
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance
type: string
+ description: The signature on the transaction by the secret key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance
type: string
type: object
+ description: The data of a particular Transfer transaction; a single such transaction may contain multiple Transfers
+ description: The (potentially several) Transfers within the transaction
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsTransferTx'
type: array
type: object
+ description: The data of a single Transfer within a Transfer transaction
+ description: The Converter Proofs
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription'
type: array
+ description: The information and Proofs associated with the Assets spent in the Transfer
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsSpendDescription'
type: array
+ description: The information and Proofs associated with the Assets output from the Transfer
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsOutputDescription'
type: array
+ rk:
+ description: The re-randomized public key of the Wallet which created the Transfer
+ type: string
+ spend_auth_sig:
+ description: The signature authorizing the spend of the Assets spent in the Transfer
+ type: string
+ description: The signature binding the spent and output Assets and verifying the balance
type: string
- spend_auth_sigs:
- items:
- type: string
- type: array
type: object
+ description: The data of a particular Rule changing transaction
+ description: The public key of the Wallet used to create the Rule
type: string
+ description: The details of the Rules added in this transaction
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsRuleDefinition'
type: array
+ description: The details of the Rules deleted in this transaction
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsRuleDefinition'
type: array
+ description: The nonce used to make this Rule transaction unique
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: The signature authorizing the Rule changes, made by the Wallet that made the Rule changes
type: string
type: object
public_key: AAAAAAAAAA==
- can_issue_confidentially: true
is_admin: true
can_issue_asset_id_first: 11
can_issue_asset_id_last: 20
+ can_issue_confidentially: true
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
type: string
- can_issue_confidentially:
- type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
type: boolean
+ description: The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
format: int32
type: integer
+ can_issue_confidentially:
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
+ type: boolean
type: object
public_key: AAAAAAAAAA==
- can_issue_confidentially: true
is_admin: true
can_issue_asset_id_first: 11
can_issue_asset_id_last: 20
+ can_issue_confidentially: true
operation: CreateRule
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
type: string
- can_issue_confidentially:
- type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
type: boolean
+ description: The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
format: int32
type: integer
+ can_issue_confidentially:
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
+ type: boolean
+ description: Operation of the transaction, which can be rule creation or deletion
+ enum:
+ - CreateRule
+ - DeleteRule
type: string
type: object
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially; false if the Issuance was done publicly
type: boolean
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription'
@@ -1540,16 +1733,19 @@ components:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsOutputDescription'
type: object
+ description: Describes what Asset Type and amount were issued; null if the Issuance was confidential
asset_id: 10
amount: 3
nullable: true
+ description: The ID of the Asset Type issued
format: int32
minimum: 1
type: integer
+ description: The amount of Assets issued
format: int32
minimum: 0
type: integer
@@ -1565,12 +1761,16 @@ components:
zkproof: 000AAAAAAA=
+ description: The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
type: string
+ description: The commitment to the Asset amount
type: string
+ description: The commitment to the ID of the Asset Type
type: string
+ description: The Proof that the commitment contents match
type: string
type: object
@@ -1579,42 +1779,50 @@ components:
nullifier: AAAAAAAAAAA=
zkproof: 000AAAAAAA=
- rk_out: AAAAAAAAAAA=
+ description: The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
type: string
+ description: The anchor (root) of the Merkle tree used in the Proof
type: string
- type: string
- rk_out:
+ description: The Note's Nullifier
type: string
+ description: The Proof that the Note indeed exists in the Merkle tree and belongs to the spender
type: string
type: object
cm: 000AAAAAAA=
zkproof: 000AAAAAAA=
enc_note: AAAAAAAAAAA=
enc_sender: 000AAAAAAA=
+ description: The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
type: string
- type: string
- epk:
+ description: The commitment to the entire Note
type: string
+ description: The Proof that the commitments match
+ type: string
+ epk:
+ description: The ephemeral public key used to encrypt the Note contents for the receiver
type: string
+ description: The Note encryption for the receiver
type: string
+ description: The Note encryption for the sender
type: string
type: object
+ description: The details and Proof attached to a confidential Issuance; null if the Issuance was public
input_cv: AAAAAAAAAAA=
zkproof: 000AAAAAAA=
@@ -1624,21 +1832,26 @@ components:
nullable: true
- type: string
- zkproof:
+ description: Thecommitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the issued Note
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsRule'
+ zkproof:
+ description: The Proof that the issued Asset Type indeed matches the reported Rule
+ type: string
type: object
+ description: The Rule used in the Issuance
min_id: 11
max_id: 20
+ description: The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
format: int32
type: integer
@@ -1651,33 +1864,33 @@ components:
- metadata:
tx_hash: tx_hash
- type: type
timestamp: timestamp
content: ""
- metadata:
tx_hash: tx_hash
- type: type
timestamp: timestamp
content: ""
type: string
+ description: The list of retrieved transactions
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticWalletTx'
type: array
type: object
+ description: A single retrieved transaction
tx_hash: tx_hash
- type: type
timestamp: timestamp
content: ""
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticWalletMetadata'
+ description: The detailed information of the transaction; structure depends on the type of transaction
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticIssueWalletTx'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticTransferWalletTx'
@@ -1686,71 +1899,89 @@ components:
tx_hash: tx_hash
- type: type
timestamp: timestamp
- type: string
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsTxType'
+ description: The QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction
type: string
+ description: UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format
type: string
type: object
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Assets were issued to the Wallet in question
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Wallet used to issue the Assets is the Wallet in question
type: boolean
- type: string
- memo:
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that was used to issue the Assets
type: string
+ description: The Address the Assets were issued to
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Asset Type issued
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: The amount of Assets issued
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially
type: boolean
+ memo:
+ description: The private memo attached to the Issuance
+ type: string
type: object
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Assets were transferred to the Wallet in question; false of the Assets were transferred from the Wallet into another
type: boolean
- type: string
- memo:
+ description: The public key of the Wallet the Assets were transferred from
type: string
+ description: The address of the Wallet the Assets were transferred to
type: string
+ description: The Id of the Asset Type transferred
format: int32
type: integer
+ description: The amount of Assets transferred
format: int32
type: integer
+ memo:
+ description: The private memo attached to the Transfer
+ type: string
type: object
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule was created by the Wallet in question
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule granted permissions to the Wallet in question
type: boolean
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that was used to create the Rule
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition'
type: object
- version: 1.3.0
+ version: 1.5.0
- error: 'Post http://localhost:8082/connector/get_block: dial tcp
- connect: connection refused'
+ error: 'Post http://localhost:8082/connector/get_block: dial tcp
+ connection refused'
passing: false
error: ""
@@ -1761,6 +1992,7 @@ components:
passing: false
+ description: API version of the Node
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/HealthcheckResponseItem'
@@ -1769,13 +2001,16 @@ components:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/HealthcheckResponseItem'
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the endpoint is ready for calls
type: boolean
type: object
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the component is healthy
type: boolean
+ description: Error string describing the component's problem; empty if the component is healthy
type: string
type: object
diff --git a/go/sdk/api_analytics.go b/go/sdk/api_analytics.go
index a6dfc12..ff0ee16 100644
--- a/go/sdk/api_analytics.go
+++ b/go/sdk/api_analytics.go
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ var (
type AnalyticsApiService service
-AnalyticsApiService Get details on past blocks
+AnalyticsApiService Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
+List all verified Transactions from the network, even ones that do not have anything to do with any Wallet stored in the Node; For each such Transaction all of public information is returned in a structured format; However, no private information is returned even if some private information is known.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param getNetworkActivityRequest
@return GetNetworkActivityResponse
@@ -154,3 +155,132 @@ func (a *AnalyticsApiService) AnalyticsGetNetworkActivityPost(ctx context.Contex
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, nil
+AnalyticsApiService Get blockchain sync status information
+Returns detailed information about the status of the sync between the QEDIT Node and the underlying Blockchain
+ * @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
+@return GetSyncStatusResponse
+func (a *AnalyticsApiService) AnalyticsGetSyncStatusPost(ctx context.Context) (GetSyncStatusResponse, *http.Response, error) {
+ var (
+ localVarHttpMethod = strings.ToUpper("Post")
+ localVarPostBody interface{}
+ localVarFormFileName string
+ localVarFileName string
+ localVarFileBytes []byte
+ localVarReturnValue GetSyncStatusResponse
+ )
+ // create path and map variables
+ localVarPath := a.client.cfg.BasePath + "/analytics/get_sync_status"
+ localVarHeaderParams := make(map[string]string)
+ localVarQueryParams := url.Values{}
+ localVarFormParams := url.Values{}
+ // to determine the Content-Type header
+ localVarHttpContentTypes := []string{}
+ // set Content-Type header
+ localVarHttpContentType := selectHeaderContentType(localVarHttpContentTypes)
+ if localVarHttpContentType != "" {
+ localVarHeaderParams["Content-Type"] = localVarHttpContentType
+ }
+ // to determine the Accept header
+ localVarHttpHeaderAccepts := []string{"application/json"}
+ // set Accept header
+ localVarHttpHeaderAccept := selectHeaderAccept(localVarHttpHeaderAccepts)
+ if localVarHttpHeaderAccept != "" {
+ localVarHeaderParams["Accept"] = localVarHttpHeaderAccept
+ }
+ if ctx != nil {
+ // API Key Authentication
+ if auth, ok := ctx.Value(ContextAPIKey).(APIKey); ok {
+ var key string
+ if auth.Prefix != "" {
+ key = auth.Prefix + " " + auth.Key
+ } else {
+ key = auth.Key
+ }
+ localVarHeaderParams["x-auth-token"] = key
+ }
+ }
+ r, err := a.client.prepareRequest(ctx, localVarPath, localVarHttpMethod, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarQueryParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFormFileName, localVarFileName, localVarFileBytes)
+ if err != nil {
+ return localVarReturnValue, nil, err
+ }
+ localVarHttpResponse, err := a.client.callAPI(r)
+ if err != nil || localVarHttpResponse == nil {
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, err
+ }
+ localVarBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(localVarHttpResponse.Body)
+ localVarHttpResponse.Body.Close()
+ if err != nil {
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, err
+ }
+ if localVarHttpResponse.StatusCode >= 300 {
+ newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
+ body: localVarBody,
+ error: localVarHttpResponse.Status,
+ }
+ if localVarHttpResponse.StatusCode == 200 {
+ var v GetSyncStatusResponse
+ err = a.client.decode(&v, localVarBody, localVarHttpResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
+ if err != nil {
+ newErr.error = err.Error()
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, newErr
+ }
+ newErr.model = v
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, newErr
+ }
+ if localVarHttpResponse.StatusCode == 400 {
+ var v ErrorResponse
+ err = a.client.decode(&v, localVarBody, localVarHttpResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
+ if err != nil {
+ newErr.error = err.Error()
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, newErr
+ }
+ newErr.model = v
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, newErr
+ }
+ if localVarHttpResponse.StatusCode == 401 {
+ var v ErrorResponse
+ err = a.client.decode(&v, localVarBody, localVarHttpResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
+ if err != nil {
+ newErr.error = err.Error()
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, newErr
+ }
+ newErr.model = v
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, newErr
+ }
+ if localVarHttpResponse.StatusCode == 500 {
+ var v ErrorResponse
+ err = a.client.decode(&v, localVarBody, localVarHttpResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
+ if err != nil {
+ newErr.error = err.Error()
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, newErr
+ }
+ newErr.model = v
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, newErr
+ }
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, newErr
+ }
+ err = a.client.decode(&localVarReturnValue, localVarBody, localVarHttpResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
+ if err != nil {
+ newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
+ body: localVarBody,
+ error: err.Error(),
+ }
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, newErr
+ }
+ return localVarReturnValue, localVarHttpResponse, nil
diff --git a/go/sdk/api_health.go b/go/sdk/api_health.go
index 26ce324..355cae1 100644
--- a/go/sdk/api_health.go
+++ b/go/sdk/api_health.go
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ type HealthApiService service
HealthApiService Perform a healthcheck of the node and its dependent services
+Reports the health of the various components of the system as well as an overall status for the Node. If the Node's status is good, then the Node is synced with the Blockchain and can successfully process requests.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@return HealthcheckResponse
diff --git a/go/sdk/api_node.go b/go/sdk/api_node.go
index 60af2b3..0167bec 100644
--- a/go/sdk/api_node.go
+++ b/go/sdk/api_node.go
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ var (
type NodeApiService service
-NodeApiService Delete a wallet
+NodeApiService Delete a Wallet
+Deletes a Wallet from the Node; All private information about the Wallet will be deleted including transactional history, balances, and keys; If the secret key of the Wallet are not stored elsewhere then all Assets held in the Wallet will be forever lost! If the secret key of the Wallet is stored elsewhere, then all held Assets and the entire transactional history of the Wallet can be restored from the Blockchain at any time by importing the Wallet into a Node.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param deleteWalletRequest
@return AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
@@ -156,7 +157,8 @@ func (a *NodeApiService) NodeDeleteWalletPost(ctx context.Context, deleteWalletR
-NodeApiService Export a viewing key that allows an auditor to view all transactions to and from a wallet. The viewing key is encrypted for the auditor identified by recipient_payment_address. The viewing key does not enable the auditor to make transactions.
+NodeApiService Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
+Export a viewing key that allows viewing all transactions to and from a wallet, including past transactions. The viewing key is encrypted for a specific Address, and can only be recovered by someone in possession of either a secret key or a viewing key for the Wallet that Address belongs to. The viewing key does enable making any transactions (including rule changes, issuance, and transfers) on behalf of the exported Wallet.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param exportAuditorAccessWalletRequest
@return ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse
@@ -288,6 +290,7 @@ func (a *NodeApiService) NodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost(ctx context.Context,
NodeApiService Export wallet secret key
+Export an encrypted form of the Wallet's secret key; The authorization password under which the secret key is encrypted is the same one under which it was originally created or imported; Knowledge of the secret key and the authorization password is required to import the Wallet into a Node in the future.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param exportWalletRequest
@return ExportWalletResponse
@@ -418,7 +421,8 @@ func (a *NodeApiService) NodeExportWalletPost(ctx context.Context, exportWalletR
-NodeApiService Generate a new wallet
+NodeApiService Generate a new Wallet
+Randomly generate a new Wallet under a specified ID; This only affects the Node and in particular nothing about this action is broadcast to the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param generateWalletRequest
@@ -528,7 +532,8 @@ func (a *NodeApiService) NodeGenerateWalletPost(ctx context.Context, generateWal
-NodeApiService Get all wallet labels
+NodeApiService Get all wallet IDs
+Returns a list of the IDs of all Wallets currently stored on the Node. Both full-access and view-only Wallets are listed.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@return GetAllWalletsResponse
@@ -646,7 +651,8 @@ func (a *NodeApiService) NodeGetAllWalletsPost(ctx context.Context) (GetAllWalle
-NodeApiService Get network governance rules
+NodeApiService Get network governance Rules
+Returns a full list of all the Rules that govern admin and issuance rights within the network.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
@return GetRulesResponse
@@ -765,6 +771,7 @@ func (a *NodeApiService) NodeGetRulesPost(ctx context.Context) (GetRulesResponse
NodeApiService Get a specific task (by ID)
+Returns the meta-data of a given Task and its current status. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param getTaskStatusRequest
@return GetTaskStatusResponse
@@ -895,7 +902,8 @@ func (a *NodeApiService) NodeGetTaskStatusPost(ctx context.Context, getTaskStatu
-NodeApiService Get a list of tasks by results/types
+NodeApiService Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
+Returns a list of all Tasks along with their meta-data and statuses. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned. Tasks can be filtered using various parameters as specified in the request body.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param getTasksRequest
@return GetTasksResponse
@@ -1026,7 +1034,8 @@ func (a *NodeApiService) NodeGetTasksPost(ctx context.Context, getTasksRequest G
-NodeApiService Import a viewing key generated by export_auditor_access_wallet [async call]. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions.
+NodeApiService Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
+Import a viewing key generated by the export_auditor_access_wallet endpoint. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions. The Wallet whose Address was used as the recipient for the exported viewing key must already be imported within the Node in order for this process to succeed.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param importAuditorAccessWalletRequest
@return AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
@@ -1157,7 +1166,8 @@ func (a *NodeApiService) NodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost(ctx context.Context,
-NodeApiService Import wallet from secret key [async call]
+NodeApiService Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
+Import a Wallet into the Node under a specified ID; All the transactional history and outstanding balanced of the Wallet will be extracted from the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param importWalletRequest
@return AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
@@ -1289,6 +1299,7 @@ func (a *NodeApiService) NodeImportWalletPost(ctx context.Context, importWalletR
NodeApiService Unlocks a wallet for a given amount of seconds [async call]
+Causes a specified Wallet's secret key to be stored in-memory for a specified amount of time in order to increase transactional latency. Should only be used in cases where latency is highly sensitive.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param unlockWalletRequest
@return AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
diff --git a/go/sdk/api_wallet.go b/go/sdk/api_wallet.go
index e548fbd..1c1443d 100644
--- a/go/sdk/api_wallet.go
+++ b/go/sdk/api_wallet.go
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ var (
type WalletApiService service
-WalletApiService Create & broadcast add-config-rule [async call]
+WalletApiService Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
+Create new Rules that can either create a new admin, a new issuer, or both; The Rules are created by a Wallet that needs to have admin rights; The Rules grant rights to other Wallets through the Wallets' public keys.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param createRuleRequest
@return AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
@@ -156,7 +157,8 @@ func (a *WalletApiService) WalletCreateRulePost(ctx context.Context, createRuleR
-WalletApiService Create & broadcast delete-config-rule [async call]
+WalletApiService Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
+Delete an existing Rule from the network; The Rule is deleted by a Wallet which needs to have admin rights.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param deleteRuleRequest
@return AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
@@ -288,6 +290,7 @@ func (a *WalletApiService) WalletDeleteRulePost(ctx context.Context, deleteRuleR
WalletApiService Get wallet activity (transactions)
+List transactions that were created by a specifed Wallet or that affected that Wallet; All known details of each such transaction will be returned.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param getWalletActivityRequest
@return GetWalletActivityResponse
@@ -418,7 +421,8 @@ func (a *WalletApiService) WalletGetActivityPost(ctx context.Context, getWalletA
-WalletApiService Get wallets balance
+WalletApiService Get wallets balances
+Get a list of the Asset Types held within a given Wallet and the amount of each type held.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param getWalletBalanceRequest
@return GetWalletBalanceResponse
@@ -550,6 +554,7 @@ func (a *WalletApiService) WalletGetBalancesPost(ctx context.Context, getWalletB
WalletApiService Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly
+Generate an Address for the Wallet; the address can be used by other Wallet owners to issue or transfer Assets into said Wallet; If a diversifier is provided, then the generated address is deterministically generated from the diversifier; If the diversifier is omitted, then a random diversifier is used and the resulting Address will be random; in both cases the Address cannot be linked to the Wallet by parties that do not have access to the Wallet. All generated Addresses of a Wallet are always valid and cannot be invalidated.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param getNewAddressRequest
@return GetNewAddressResponse
@@ -681,6 +686,7 @@ func (a *WalletApiService) WalletGetNewAddressPost(ctx context.Context, getNewAd
WalletApiService Get wallet public key
+Get the unique public key of the Wallet; This key is unique across the entire network and is used to identify the Wallet.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param getPublicKeyRequest
@return GetPublicKeyResponse
@@ -812,6 +818,7 @@ func (a *WalletApiService) WalletGetPublicKeyPost(ctx context.Context, getPublic
WalletApiService Issue assets [async call]
+Issue Assets from a Wallet to a recipient Address; The issuing Wallet is required to have matching issuance rights (in the form of a matching Rule); Issuance can be done either confidentially or in public; In order to issue confidentially, the matching Rule must explicitly allow this.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param issueAssetRequest
@return AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
@@ -943,6 +950,7 @@ func (a *WalletApiService) WalletIssueAssetPost(ctx context.Context, issueAssetR
WalletApiService Transfer assets [async call]
+Transfer a specified amount of a specified Asset Type from a specified Wallet to a specified Address; Transfers are always completely confidential.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param transferAssetRequest
@return AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.md
index 465677f..20266d2 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.md
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**IsIncoming** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**IssuedBySelf** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**SenderId** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Memo** | **string** | | [optional]
-**RecipientAddress** | **string** | | [optional]
-**AssetId** | **int32** | | [optional]
-**Amount** | **int32** | | [optional]
-**IsConfidential** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**IsIncoming** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Assets were issued to the Wallet in question | [optional]
+**IssuedBySelf** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Wallet used to issue the Assets is the Wallet in question | [optional]
+**SenderId** | **string** | The public key of the Wallet that was used to issue the Assets | [optional]
+**RecipientAddress** | **string** | The Address the Assets were issued to | [optional]
+**AssetId** | **int32** | The ID of the Asset Type issued | [optional]
+**Amount** | **int32** | The amount of Assets issued | [optional]
+**IsConfidential** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially | [optional]
+**Memo** | **string** | The private memo attached to the Issuance | [optional]
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--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticRuleWalletTx.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticRuleWalletTx.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**SignedBySelf** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**RuleAffectSelf** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**TxSigner** | **string** | | [optional]
+**SignedBySelf** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule was created by the Wallet in question | [optional]
+**RuleAffectSelf** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule granted permissions to the Wallet in question | [optional]
+**TxSigner** | **string** | The public key of the Wallet that was used to create the Rule | [optional]
**Rule** | [**AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition**](AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransaction.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransaction.md
index 31f90ce..1bb74c6 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransaction.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransaction.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Metadata** | [**AnalyticsTxMetadata**](AnalyticsTxMetadata.md) | | [optional]
-**Content** | [**map[string]interface{}**](map[string]interface{}.md) | | [optional]
+**Content** | [**map[string]interface{}**](map[string]interface{}.md) | The detailed content of the transaction; format differs depending on the transaction type | [optional]
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--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.md
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**IsIncoming** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**SenderId** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Memo** | **string** | | [optional]
-**RecipientAddress** | **string** | | [optional]
-**AssetId** | **int32** | | [optional]
-**Amount** | **int32** | | [optional]
+**IsIncoming** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Assets were transferred to the Wallet in question; false of the Assets were transferred from the Wallet into another | [optional]
+**SenderId** | **string** | The public key of the Wallet the Assets were transferred from | [optional]
+**RecipientAddress** | **string** | The address of the Wallet the Assets were transferred to | [optional]
+**AssetId** | **int32** | The Id of the Asset Type transferred | [optional]
+**Amount** | **int32** | The amount of Assets transferred | [optional]
+**Memo** | **string** | The private memo attached to the Transfer | [optional]
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index 51affed..4319bc0 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletMetadata.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletMetadata.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Type** | **string** | | [optional]
-**TxHash** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Timestamp** | **string** | | [optional]
+**Type** | [**AnalyticsTxType**](AnalyticsTxType.md) | | [optional]
+**TxHash** | **string** | The QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction | [optional]
+**Timestamp** | **string** | UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format | [optional]
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--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletTx.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletTx.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Metadata** | [**AnalyticWalletMetadata**](AnalyticWalletMetadata.md) | | [optional]
-**Content** | [**map[string]interface{}**](map[string]interface{}.md) | | [optional]
+**Content** | [**map[string]interface{}**](map[string]interface{}.md) | The detailed information of the transaction; structure depends on the type of transaction | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsApi.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsApi.md
index e2a38aa..7f65db3 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsApi.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsApi.md
@@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ All URIs are relative to *http://localhost:12052*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
-[**AnalyticsGetNetworkActivityPost**](AnalyticsApi.md#AnalyticsGetNetworkActivityPost) | **Post** /analytics/get_network_activity | Get details on past blocks
+[**AnalyticsGetNetworkActivityPost**](AnalyticsApi.md#AnalyticsGetNetworkActivityPost) | **Post** /analytics/get_network_activity | Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
+[**AnalyticsGetSyncStatusPost**](AnalyticsApi.md#AnalyticsGetSyncStatusPost) | **Post** /analytics/get_sync_status | Get blockchain sync status information
# **AnalyticsGetNetworkActivityPost**
> GetNetworkActivityResponse AnalyticsGetNetworkActivityPost(ctx, getNetworkActivityRequest)
-Get details on past blocks
+Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
+List all verified Transactions from the network, even ones that do not have anything to do with any Wallet stored in the Node; For each such Transaction all of public information is returned in a structured format; However, no private information is returned even if some private information is known.
### Required Parameters
@@ -33,3 +36,27 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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+# **AnalyticsGetSyncStatusPost**
+> GetSyncStatusResponse AnalyticsGetSyncStatusPost(ctx, )
+Get blockchain sync status information
+Returns detailed information about the status of the sync between the QEDIT Node and the underlying Blockchain
+### Required Parameters
+This endpoint does not need any parameter.
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
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--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.md
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**InputCv** | **string** | | [optional]
-**AmountCv** | **string** | | [optional]
-**AssetCv** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Zkproof** | **string** | | [optional]
+**InputCv** | **string** | The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note | [optional]
+**AmountCv** | **string** | The commitment to the Asset amount | [optional]
+**AssetCv** | **string** | The commitment to the ID of the Asset Type | [optional]
+**Zkproof** | **string** | The Proof that the commitment contents match | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.md
index 7683d87..f1fd148 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**InputCv** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Zkproof** | **string** | | [optional]
+**InputCv** | **string** | Thecommitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the issued Note | [optional]
**Rule** | [**AnalyticsRule**](AnalyticsRule.md) | | [optional]
+**Zkproof** | **string** | The Proof that the issued Asset Type indeed matches the reported Rule | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsIssueTx.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsIssueTx.md
index 1f1d649..37b53a6 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsIssueTx.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsIssueTx.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Outputs** | [**[]AnalyticsOutput**](AnalyticsOutput.md) | | [optional]
-**PublicKey** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Signature** | **string** | | [optional]
+**Outputs** | [**[]AnalyticsOutput**](AnalyticsOutput.md) | The data of the Assets issued (multiple Assets may potentially be issued in a single Issuance transaction) | [optional]
+**PublicKey** | **string** | The public key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance | [optional]
+**Signature** | **string** | The signature on the transaction by the secret key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.md
index 4f384be..2b4f825 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Transfers** | [**[]AnalyticsTransferTx**](AnalyticsTransferTx.md) | | [optional]
+**Transfers** | [**[]AnalyticsTransferTx**](AnalyticsTransferTx.md) | The (potentially several) Transfers within the transaction | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutput.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutput.md
index 2c181e8..7622424 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutput.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutput.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**IsConfidential** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**IsConfidential** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially; false if the Issuance was done publicly | [optional]
**PublicIssuanceDescription** | [**AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription**](AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.md) | | [optional]
**ConfidentialIssuanceDescription** | [**AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription**](AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.md) | | [optional]
**OutputDescription** | [**AnalyticsOutputDescription**](AnalyticsOutputDescription.md) | | [optional]
diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutputDescription.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutputDescription.md
index 75b5a78..56d21b5 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutputDescription.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutputDescription.md
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Cv** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Cm** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Epk** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Zkproof** | **string** | | [optional]
-**EncNote** | **string** | | [optional]
-**EncSender** | **string** | | [optional]
+**Cv** | **string** | The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note | [optional]
+**Cm** | **string** | The commitment to the entire Note | [optional]
+**Zkproof** | **string** | The Proof that the commitments match | [optional]
+**Epk** | **string** | The ephemeral public key used to encrypt the Note contents for the receiver | [optional]
+**EncNote** | **string** | The Note encryption for the receiver | [optional]
+**EncSender** | **string** | The Note encryption for the sender | [optional]
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--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AssetId** | **int32** | |
-**Amount** | **int32** | |
+**AssetId** | **int32** | The ID of the Asset Type issued |
+**Amount** | **int32** | The amount of Assets issued |
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRule.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRule.md
index 9a0d8b7..2fb001c 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRule.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRule.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**MinId** | **int32** | |
-**MaxId** | **int32** | |
+**MinId** | **int32** | The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) |
+**MaxId** | **int32** | The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) |
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--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**PublicKey** | **string** | | [optional]
-**CanIssueConfidentially** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**IsAdmin** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**CanIssueAssetIdFirst** | **int32** | | [optional]
-**CanIssueAssetIdLast** | **int32** | | [optional]
+**PublicKey** | **string** | The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule | [optional]
+**IsAdmin** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights | [optional]
+**CanIssueAssetIdFirst** | **int32** | The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) | [optional]
+**CanIssueAssetIdLast** | **int32** | The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) | [optional]
+**CanIssueConfidentially** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted | [optional]
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--- a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleTx.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**SenderPublicKey** | **string** | | [optional]
-**RulesToAdd** | [**[]AnalyticsRuleDefinition**](AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md) | | [optional]
-**RulesToDelete** | [**[]AnalyticsRuleDefinition**](AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md) | | [optional]
-**Nonce** | **int32** | | [optional]
-**Signature** | **string** | | [optional]
+**SenderPublicKey** | **string** | The public key of the Wallet used to create the Rule | [optional]
+**RulesToAdd** | [**[]AnalyticsRuleDefinition**](AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md) | The details of the Rules added in this transaction | [optional]
+**RulesToDelete** | [**[]AnalyticsRuleDefinition**](AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md) | The details of the Rules deleted in this transaction | [optional]
+**Nonce** | **int32** | The nonce used to make this Rule transaction unique | [optional]
+**Signature** | **string** | The signature authorizing the Rule changes, made by the Wallet that made the Rule changes | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**PublicKey** | **string** | | [optional]
-**CanIssueConfidentially** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**IsAdmin** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**CanIssueAssetIdFirst** | **int32** | | [optional]
-**CanIssueAssetIdLast** | **int32** | | [optional]
-**Operation** | **string** | | [optional]
+**PublicKey** | **string** | The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule | [optional]
+**IsAdmin** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights | [optional]
+**CanIssueAssetIdFirst** | **int32** | The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) | [optional]
+**CanIssueAssetIdLast** | **int32** | The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) | [optional]
+**CanIssueConfidentially** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted | [optional]
+**Operation** | **string** | Operation of the transaction, which can be rule creation or deletion | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsSpendDescription.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsSpendDescription.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Cv** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Anchor** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Nullifier** | **string** | | [optional]
-**RkOut** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Zkproof** | **string** | | [optional]
+**Cv** | **string** | The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note | [optional]
+**Anchor** | **string** | The anchor (root) of the Merkle tree used in the Proof | [optional]
+**Nullifier** | **string** | The Note's Nullifier | [optional]
+**Zkproof** | **string** | The Proof that the Note indeed exists in the Merkle tree and belongs to the spender | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsTransferTx.md b/go/sdk/docs/AnalyticsTransferTx.md
index c025eb5..6fcda50 100644
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AssetConverterDescriptions** | [**[]AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription**](AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.md) | | [optional]
-**Spends** | [**[]AnalyticsSpendDescription**](AnalyticsSpendDescription.md) | | [optional]
-**Outputs** | [**[]AnalyticsOutputDescription**](AnalyticsOutputDescription.md) | | [optional]
-**BindingSig** | **string** | | [optional]
-**SpendAuthSigs** | **[]string** | | [optional]
+**AssetConverterDescriptions** | [**[]AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription**](AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.md) | The Converter Proofs | [optional]
+**Spends** | [**[]AnalyticsSpendDescription**](AnalyticsSpendDescription.md) | The information and Proofs associated with the Assets spent in the Transfer | [optional]
+**Outputs** | [**[]AnalyticsOutputDescription**](AnalyticsOutputDescription.md) | The information and Proofs associated with the Assets output from the Transfer | [optional]
+**Rk** | **string** | The re-randomized public key of the Wallet which created the Transfer | [optional]
+**SpendAuthSig** | **string** | The signature authorizing the spend of the Assets spent in the Transfer | [optional]
+**BindingSig** | **string** | The signature binding the spent and output Assets and verifying the balance | [optional]
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Type** | **string** | | [optional]
-**TxHash** | **string** | | [optional]
-**BlockHash** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Timestamp** | **string** | | [optional]
-**IndexInBlock** | **int32** | | [optional]
-**BlockHeight** | **int32** | | [optional]
+**Type** | [**AnalyticsTxType**](AnalyticsTxType.md) | | [optional]
+**TxHash** | **string** | the QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction | [optional]
+**BlockHeight** | **int32** | The height of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of | [optional]
+**BlockHash** | **string** | the hash of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of | [optional]
+**Timestamp** | **string** | UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format | [optional]
+**IndexInBlock** | **int32** | The serial number within the Block of the transaction relative to other QEDIT transactions; indexing is 0-based | [optional]
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+# AnalyticsTxType
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse.md b/go/sdk/docs/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Id** | **string** | |
+**Id** | **string** | The unique ID of the Task that was created in the Node to process the asynchronous request |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AssetId** | **int32** | |
-**Amount** | **int32** | |
+**AssetId** | **int32** | The ID of the Asset Type |
+**Amount** | **int32** | The outstanding balance for the Asset Type |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**Authorization** | **string** | |
-**RulesToAdd** | [**[]Rule**](Rule.md) | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules |
+**Authorization** | **string** | The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules |
+**RulesToAdd** | [**[]Rule**](Rule.md) | The list of Rules to add to the network |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**Authorization** | **string** | |
-**RulesToDelete** | [**[]Rule**](Rule.md) | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules |
+**Authorization** | **string** | The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules |
+**RulesToDelete** | [**[]Rule**](Rule.md) | The list of Rules to delete from the network |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**Authorization** | **string** | | [optional]
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet to delete |
+**Authorization** | **string** | The authorization password for the Wallet | [optional]
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ErrorCode** | **int32** | |
-**Message** | **string** | | [optional]
+**ErrorCode** | **int32** | The error code returned from the server |
+**Message** | **string** | The error message returned from the server | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**Authorization** | **string** | |
-**RecipientPaymentAddress** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet to export a viewing key for |
+**Authorization** | **string** | The authorization password for the Wallet |
+**RecipientPaymentAddress** | **string** | The Address of the Wallet that belongs to the intended recipient of the exported viewing key; used to encrypt the key in such a way that only the intended recipient can decrypt it |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**PublicKey** | **string** | |
-**AccessKey** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported |
+**PublicKey** | **string** | The public key of the exported Wallet which uniquely identifies it across the network |
+**AccessKey** | **string** | The encrypted viewing key |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet to export |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**EncryptedSk** | **string** | |
-**Salt** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported |
+**EncryptedSk** | **string** | The encrypted secret key of the Wallet |
+**Salt** | **string** | The salt used in the encryption of the secret key |
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/GenerateWalletRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/GenerateWalletRequest.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**Authorization** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID under which to create the Wallet; must be unique within the Node |
+**Authorization** | **string** | The authorizarion password under which to encrypt the generated Wallet's secret key; will be required in order to perform actions using the Wallet |
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--- a/go/sdk/docs/GetAllWalletsResponse.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletIds** | **[]string** | | [optional]
+**WalletIds** | **[]string** | The IDs of the Wallets currently active in this Node | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/GetNetworkActivityRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/GetNetworkActivityRequest.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**StartIndex** | **int32** | |
-**NumberOfResults** | **int32** | |
+**StartIndex** | **int32** | An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based |
+**NumberOfResults** | **int32** | Maximal number of results to fetch in this call |
+**TxHashes** | **[]string** | | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/GetNewAddressRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/GetNewAddressRequest.md
index 94d0163..9953a23 100644
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**Diversifier** | **string** | | [optional]
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet for which to generate an Address |
+**Diversifier** | **string** | An optional 11-byte (22 hexadecimal characters) input which is used to generate different Addresses. A unique Address will be generated for each different diversifier used. If omitted, the Node selects a random diversifier. | [optional]
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**RecipientAddress** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet the Address belongs to |
+**RecipientAddress** | **string** | The generated Address of the Wallet |
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index 12f3448..bb00b99 100644
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve the public key |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**PublicKey** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet the pubic key belongs to |
+**PublicKey** | **string** | The public key of the Wallet |
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--- a/go/sdk/docs/GetRulesResponse.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Rules** | [**[]Rule**](Rule.md) | | [optional]
+**Rules** | [**[]Rule**](Rule.md) | The Rules currently active in the network | [optional]
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+# GetSyncStatusResponse
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**InSync** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the QEDIT Node is in sync with the Blockchain; false if the Node is not synced; sync is defined as having less than a preconfigured difference between the current Blockchain height and the last block processed by the Node; the allowed difference defaults to 5, but can be configured when setting up the Node | [optional]
+**BlockchainBlockHeight** | **int32** | The current block height of the Blockchain | [optional]
+**LastProcessedBlockHeight** | **int32** | The height of the last block that was processed in the Node | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/GetTaskStatusRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/GetTaskStatusRequest.md
index 80953a8..668d30f 100644
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Id** | **string** | |
+**Id** | **string** | The ID of the Task |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Id** | **string** | | [optional]
-**CreatedAt** | **string** | | [optional]
-**UpdatedAt** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Result** | **string** | | [optional]
-**State** | **string** | | [optional]
-**TxHash** | **string** | | [optional]
-**QeditTxHash** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Data** | [**map[string]interface{}**](map[string]interface{}.md) | | [optional]
-**Error** | **string** | | [optional]
+**Id** | **string** | Unique ID of the Task | [optional]
+**CreatedAt** | **string** | UTC time of creation of the Task in RFC-3339 format | [optional]
+**UpdatedAt** | **string** | UTC last time the Task was updated in RFC-3339 format | [optional]
+**Result** | [**Result**](Result.md) | | [optional]
+**State** | **string** | More granular current state of the Task; list of supported states is not guaranteed to be stable | [optional]
+**TxHash** | **string** | The Blockchain-generated hash of the Transaction; populated after the Blockchain Node accepted the Transaction | [optional]
+**QeditTxHash** | **string** | The QEDIT-generated hash of the Transaction; generated after proof generation, but prior to Broadcast by the QEDIT Node | [optional]
+**Type** | [**TaskType**](TaskType.md) | | [optional]
+**Data** | [**map[string]interface{}**](map[string]interface{}.md) | Container for the Transaction data; each Transaction type has different fields | [optional]
+**Error** | **string** | In case of failure this field reports the reason for the failure | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/GetTasksRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/GetTasksRequest.md
index 5a86c15..a57919b 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/GetTasksRequest.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/GetTasksRequest.md
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**StartIndex** | **int32** | |
-**NumberOfResults** | **int32** | |
-**Types** | **[]string** | | [optional]
-**Results** | **[]string** | | [optional]
-**Order** | **string** | | [optional] [default to desc]
+**StartIndex** | **int32** | An offset used to paginate through the Task list; indexing is 0-based |
+**NumberOfResults** | **int32** | Maximal number of results to fetch in this call |
+**Types** | [**[]TaskType**](TaskType.md) | Types of Tasks to fetch; fetch all types if omitted | [optional]
+**Results** | [**[]Result**](Result.md) | List of results (statuses) to filter by; fetch in_progress tasks if omitted | [optional]
+**Order** | **string** | Order of tasks to fetch (either ascending or descending); ordering is chronological where the time is set to when the task was created in this Node | [optional] [default to ORDER_DESC]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/GetTasksResponse.md b/go/sdk/docs/GetTasksResponse.md
index 3282fe8..4b7384e 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/GetTasksResponse.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/GetTasksResponse.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Tasks** | [**[]GetTaskStatusResponse**](GetTaskStatusResponse.md) | | [optional]
+**Tasks** | [**[]GetTaskStatusResponse**](GetTaskStatusResponse.md) | The returned Tasks array, sorted in the requested order | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletActivityRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletActivityRequest.md
index 403c7a0..ce906aa 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletActivityRequest.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletActivityRequest.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**StartIndex** | **int32** | |
-**NumberOfResults** | **int32** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve activity history |
+**StartIndex** | **int32** | An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based |
+**NumberOfResults** | **int32** | Maximal number of results to fetch in this call |
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index 4ab3c8a..fe2b050 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletActivityResponse.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletActivityResponse.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**WalletId** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Transactions** | [**[]AnalyticWalletTx**](AnalyticWalletTx.md) | | [optional]
+**Transactions** | [**[]AnalyticWalletTx**](AnalyticWalletTx.md) | The list of retrieved transactions | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletBalanceRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletBalanceRequest.md
index 206dfe4..6ad7e59 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletBalanceRequest.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletBalanceRequest.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet |
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletBalanceResponse.md b/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletBalanceResponse.md
index 6b9f5ea..0c2e19e 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletBalanceResponse.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/GetWalletBalanceResponse.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**Assets** | [**[]BalanceForAsset**](BalanceForAsset.md) | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet |
+**Assets** | [**[]BalanceForAsset**](BalanceForAsset.md) | The balances of the various Asset Types held by the Wallet |
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/HealthApi.md b/go/sdk/docs/HealthApi.md
index 64d7b56..1c63056 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/HealthApi.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/HealthApi.md
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
> HealthcheckResponse HealthPost(ctx, )
Perform a healthcheck of the node and its dependent services
+Reports the health of the various components of the system as well as an overall status for the Node. If the Node's status is good, then the Node is synced with the Blockchain and can successfully process requests.
### Required Parameters
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponse.md b/go/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponse.md
index a1546b1..18200df 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponse.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponse.md
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Version** | **string** | | [optional]
+**Version** | **string** | API version of the Node | [optional]
**BlockchainConnector** | [**HealthcheckResponseItem**](HealthcheckResponseItem.md) | | [optional]
**MessageQueue** | [**HealthcheckResponseItem**](HealthcheckResponseItem.md) | | [optional]
**Database** | [**HealthcheckResponseItem**](HealthcheckResponseItem.md) | | [optional]
-**Passing** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**Passing** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the endpoint is ready for calls | [optional]
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index 7af4ed5..9597504 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponseItem.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponseItem.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Passing** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**Error** | **string** | | [optional]
+**Passing** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the component is healthy | [optional]
+**Error** | **string** | Error string describing the component's problem; empty if the component is healthy | [optional]
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md
index e8fdff8..c6c9c3e 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**PublicKey** | **string** | |
-**AccessKey** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node |
+**PublicKey** | **string** | The public key of the imported Wallet |
+**AccessKey** | **string** | the encrypted viewing key of the imported Wallet |
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/ImportWalletRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/ImportWalletRequest.md
index e78dca1..e40c8d7 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/ImportWalletRequest.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/ImportWalletRequest.md
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**EncryptedSk** | **string** | |
-**Authorization** | **string** | |
-**Salt** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node |
+**EncryptedSk** | **string** | The encrypted secret key of the Wallet |
+**Authorization** | **string** | The authorization password used during Wallet generation that allows to decrypt the encrypted secret key |
+**Salt** | **string** | The salt used in the encryption of the secret key |
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/IssueAssetRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/IssueAssetRequest.md
index a1201d7..305d1e0 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/IssueAssetRequest.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/IssueAssetRequest.md
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**Authorization** | **string** | |
-**RecipientAddress** | **string** | |
-**Amount** | **int32** | |
-**AssetId** | **int32** | |
-**Confidential** | **bool** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet that has the required Issuance privileges |
+**Authorization** | **string** | The authorization password for the Wallet that has the Issuance privileges |
+**RecipientAddress** | **string** | The Address of the recipient of the issued Assets |
+**AssetId** | **int32** | The ID of the Asset Type to issue |
+**Amount** | **int32** | the amount of Assets to issue |
+**Confidential** | **bool** | Boolean which should be true if the issuance should be confidential, and false of the Issuance should be public |
**Memo** | **string** | |
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/NodeApi.md b/go/sdk/docs/NodeApi.md
index c871a44..bde88c8 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/NodeApi.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/NodeApi.md
@@ -4,22 +4,24 @@ All URIs are relative to *http://localhost:12052*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
-[**NodeDeleteWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeDeleteWalletPost) | **Post** /node/delete_wallet | Delete a wallet
-[**NodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **Post** /node/export_auditor_access_wallet | Export a viewing key that allows an auditor to view all transactions to and from a wallet. The viewing key is encrypted for the auditor identified by recipient_payment_address. The viewing key does not enable the auditor to make transactions.
+[**NodeDeleteWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeDeleteWalletPost) | **Post** /node/delete_wallet | Delete a Wallet
+[**NodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **Post** /node/export_auditor_access_wallet | Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
[**NodeExportWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeExportWalletPost) | **Post** /node/export_wallet | Export wallet secret key
-[**NodeGenerateWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeGenerateWalletPost) | **Post** /node/generate_wallet | Generate a new wallet
-[**NodeGetAllWalletsPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeGetAllWalletsPost) | **Post** /node/get_all_wallets | Get all wallet labels
-[**NodeGetRulesPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeGetRulesPost) | **Post** /node/get_rules | Get network governance rules
+[**NodeGenerateWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeGenerateWalletPost) | **Post** /node/generate_wallet | Generate a new Wallet
+[**NodeGetAllWalletsPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeGetAllWalletsPost) | **Post** /node/get_all_wallets | Get all wallet IDs
+[**NodeGetRulesPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeGetRulesPost) | **Post** /node/get_rules | Get network governance Rules
[**NodeGetTaskStatusPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeGetTaskStatusPost) | **Post** /node/get_task_status | Get a specific task (by ID)
-[**NodeGetTasksPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeGetTasksPost) | **Post** /node/get_tasks | Get a list of tasks by results/types
-[**NodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **Post** /node/import_auditor_access_wallet | Import a viewing key generated by export_auditor_access_wallet [async call]. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions.
-[**NodeImportWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeImportWalletPost) | **Post** /node/import_wallet | Import wallet from secret key [async call]
+[**NodeGetTasksPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeGetTasksPost) | **Post** /node/get_tasks | Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
+[**NodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **Post** /node/import_auditor_access_wallet | Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
+[**NodeImportWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeImportWalletPost) | **Post** /node/import_wallet | Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
[**NodeUnlockWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#NodeUnlockWalletPost) | **Post** /node/unlock_wallet | Unlocks a wallet for a given amount of seconds [async call]
# **NodeDeleteWalletPost**
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse NodeDeleteWalletPost(ctx, deleteWalletRequest)
-Delete a wallet
+Delete a Wallet
+Deletes a Wallet from the Node; All private information about the Wallet will be deleted including transactional history, balances, and keys; If the secret key of the Wallet are not stored elsewhere then all Assets held in the Wallet will be forever lost! If the secret key of the Wallet is stored elsewhere, then all held Assets and the entire transactional history of the Wallet can be restored from the Blockchain at any time by importing the Wallet into a Node.
### Required Parameters
@@ -45,7 +47,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **NodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost**
> ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse NodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost(ctx, exportAuditorAccessWalletRequest)
-Export a viewing key that allows an auditor to view all transactions to and from a wallet. The viewing key is encrypted for the auditor identified by recipient_payment_address. The viewing key does not enable the auditor to make transactions.
+Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
+Export a viewing key that allows viewing all transactions to and from a wallet, including past transactions. The viewing key is encrypted for a specific Address, and can only be recovered by someone in possession of either a secret key or a viewing key for the Wallet that Address belongs to. The viewing key does enable making any transactions (including rule changes, issuance, and transfers) on behalf of the exported Wallet.
### Required Parameters
@@ -73,6 +77,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
> ExportWalletResponse NodeExportWalletPost(ctx, exportWalletRequest)
Export wallet secret key
+Export an encrypted form of the Wallet's secret key; The authorization password under which the secret key is encrypted is the same one under which it was originally created or imported; Knowledge of the secret key and the authorization password is required to import the Wallet into a Node in the future.
### Required Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
@@ -97,7 +103,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **NodeGenerateWalletPost**
> NodeGenerateWalletPost(ctx, generateWalletRequest)
-Generate a new wallet
+Generate a new Wallet
+Randomly generate a new Wallet under a specified ID; This only affects the Node and in particular nothing about this action is broadcast to the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
### Required Parameters
@@ -123,7 +131,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **NodeGetAllWalletsPost**
> GetAllWalletsResponse NodeGetAllWalletsPost(ctx, )
-Get all wallet labels
+Get all wallet IDs
+Returns a list of the IDs of all Wallets currently stored on the Node. Both full-access and view-only Wallets are listed.
### Required Parameters
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
@@ -145,7 +155,9 @@ This endpoint does not need any parameter.
# **NodeGetRulesPost**
> GetRulesResponse NodeGetRulesPost(ctx, )
-Get network governance rules
+Get network governance Rules
+Returns a full list of all the Rules that govern admin and issuance rights within the network.
### Required Parameters
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
@@ -169,6 +181,8 @@ This endpoint does not need any parameter.
> GetTaskStatusResponse NodeGetTaskStatusPost(ctx, getTaskStatusRequest)
Get a specific task (by ID)
+Returns the meta-data of a given Task and its current status. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned.
### Required Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
@@ -193,7 +207,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **NodeGetTasksPost**
> GetTasksResponse NodeGetTasksPost(ctx, getTasksRequest)
-Get a list of tasks by results/types
+Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
+Returns a list of all Tasks along with their meta-data and statuses. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned. Tasks can be filtered using various parameters as specified in the request body.
### Required Parameters
@@ -219,7 +235,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **NodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost**
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse NodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost(ctx, importAuditorAccessWalletRequest)
-Import a viewing key generated by export_auditor_access_wallet [async call]. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions.
+Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
+Import a viewing key generated by the export_auditor_access_wallet endpoint. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions. The Wallet whose Address was used as the recipient for the exported viewing key must already be imported within the Node in order for this process to succeed.
### Required Parameters
@@ -245,7 +263,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **NodeImportWalletPost**
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse NodeImportWalletPost(ctx, importWalletRequest)
-Import wallet from secret key [async call]
+Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
+Import a Wallet into the Node under a specified ID; All the transactional history and outstanding balanced of the Wallet will be extracted from the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
### Required Parameters
@@ -273,6 +293,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse NodeUnlockWalletPost(ctx, unlockWalletRequest)
Unlocks a wallet for a given amount of seconds [async call]
+Causes a specified Wallet's secret key to be stored in-memory for a specified amount of time in order to increase transactional latency. Should only be used in cases where latency is highly sensitive.
### Required Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6f795b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/Result.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Result
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/Rule.md b/go/sdk/docs/Rule.md
index a441f8f..7d356de 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/Rule.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/Rule.md
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**PublicKey** | **string** | |
-**CanIssueConfidentially** | **bool** | |
-**CanIssueAssetIdFirst** | **int32** | |
-**CanIssueAssetIdLast** | **int32** | |
-**IsAdmin** | **bool** | |
+**PublicKey** | **string** | The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule |
+**IsAdmin** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights |
+**CanIssueAssetIdFirst** | **int32** | The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) |
+**CanIssueAssetIdLast** | **int32** | The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) |
+**CanIssueConfidentially** | **bool** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted |
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f98e92e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/TaskType.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# TaskType
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/TransferAssetRequest.md b/go/sdk/docs/TransferAssetRequest.md
index 3f5ac5a..d970cb5 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/TransferAssetRequest.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/TransferAssetRequest.md
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**Authorization** | **string** | |
-**RecipientAddress** | **string** | |
-**Amount** | **int32** | |
-**AssetId** | **int32** | |
-**Memo** | **string** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet to transfer from |
+**Authorization** | **string** | The authorization password for the Wallet to transfer from |
+**RecipientAddress** | **string** | The Address of the recipient of the funds |
+**AssetId** | **int32** | The ID for the Asset Type to transfer |
+**Amount** | **int32** | The amount of assets to transfer |
+**Memo** | **string** | An app-customizable field to store additional private data relating to the transfer; the memo is shared between the sender and the receiver, but is not divulged to other parties |
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index 9aa32ea..79fbbe2 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/UnlockWalletRequest.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/UnlockWalletRequest.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WalletId** | **string** | |
-**Authorization** | **string** | |
-**Seconds** | **int32** | |
+**WalletId** | **string** | The ID of the Wallet to unlock |
+**Authorization** | **string** | The authorization password for the Wallet |
+**Seconds** | **int32** | The number of seconds to keep the Wallet unlocked |
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diff --git a/go/sdk/docs/WalletApi.md b/go/sdk/docs/WalletApi.md
index afe778b..8eeda8e 100644
--- a/go/sdk/docs/WalletApi.md
+++ b/go/sdk/docs/WalletApi.md
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ All URIs are relative to *http://localhost:12052*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
-[**WalletCreateRulePost**](WalletApi.md#WalletCreateRulePost) | **Post** /wallet/create_rule | Create & broadcast add-config-rule [async call]
-[**WalletDeleteRulePost**](WalletApi.md#WalletDeleteRulePost) | **Post** /wallet/delete_rule | Create & broadcast delete-config-rule [async call]
+[**WalletCreateRulePost**](WalletApi.md#WalletCreateRulePost) | **Post** /wallet/create_rule | Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
+[**WalletDeleteRulePost**](WalletApi.md#WalletDeleteRulePost) | **Post** /wallet/delete_rule | Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
[**WalletGetActivityPost**](WalletApi.md#WalletGetActivityPost) | **Post** /wallet/get_activity | Get wallet activity (transactions)
-[**WalletGetBalancesPost**](WalletApi.md#WalletGetBalancesPost) | **Post** /wallet/get_balances | Get wallets balance
+[**WalletGetBalancesPost**](WalletApi.md#WalletGetBalancesPost) | **Post** /wallet/get_balances | Get wallets balances
[**WalletGetNewAddressPost**](WalletApi.md#WalletGetNewAddressPost) | **Post** /wallet/get_new_address | Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly
[**WalletGetPublicKeyPost**](WalletApi.md#WalletGetPublicKeyPost) | **Post** /wallet/get_public_key | Get wallet public key
[**WalletIssueAssetPost**](WalletApi.md#WalletIssueAssetPost) | **Post** /wallet/issue_asset | Issue assets [async call]
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
# **WalletCreateRulePost**
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse WalletCreateRulePost(ctx, createRuleRequest)
-Create & broadcast add-config-rule [async call]
+Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
+Create new Rules that can either create a new admin, a new issuer, or both; The Rules are created by a Wallet that needs to have admin rights; The Rules grant rights to other Wallets through the Wallets' public keys.
### Required Parameters
@@ -42,7 +44,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **WalletDeleteRulePost**
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse WalletDeleteRulePost(ctx, deleteRuleRequest)
-Create & broadcast delete-config-rule [async call]
+Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
+Delete an existing Rule from the network; The Rule is deleted by a Wallet which needs to have admin rights.
### Required Parameters
@@ -70,6 +74,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
> GetWalletActivityResponse WalletGetActivityPost(ctx, getWalletActivityRequest)
Get wallet activity (transactions)
+List transactions that were created by a specifed Wallet or that affected that Wallet; All known details of each such transaction will be returned.
### Required Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
@@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **WalletGetBalancesPost**
> GetWalletBalanceResponse WalletGetBalancesPost(ctx, getWalletBalanceRequest)
-Get wallets balance
+Get wallets balances
+Get a list of the Asset Types held within a given Wallet and the amount of each type held.
### Required Parameters
@@ -122,6 +130,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
> GetNewAddressResponse WalletGetNewAddressPost(ctx, getNewAddressRequest)
Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly
+Generate an Address for the Wallet; the address can be used by other Wallet owners to issue or transfer Assets into said Wallet; If a diversifier is provided, then the generated address is deterministically generated from the diversifier; If the diversifier is omitted, then a random diversifier is used and the resulting Address will be random; in both cases the Address cannot be linked to the Wallet by parties that do not have access to the Wallet. All generated Addresses of a Wallet are always valid and cannot be invalidated.
### Required Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
@@ -148,6 +158,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
> GetPublicKeyResponse WalletGetPublicKeyPost(ctx, getPublicKeyRequest)
Get wallet public key
+Get the unique public key of the Wallet; This key is unique across the entire network and is used to identify the Wallet.
### Required Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
@@ -174,6 +186,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse WalletIssueAssetPost(ctx, issueAssetRequest)
Issue assets [async call]
+Issue Assets from a Wallet to a recipient Address; The issuing Wallet is required to have matching issuance rights (in the form of a matching Rule); Issuance can be done either confidentially or in public; In order to issue confidentially, the matching Rule must explicitly allow this.
### Required Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
@@ -200,6 +214,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse WalletTransferAssetPost(ctx, transferAssetRequest)
Transfer assets [async call]
+Transfer a specified amount of a specified Asset Type from a specified Wallet to a specified Address; Transfers are always completely confidential.
### Required Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytic_issue_wallet_tx.go b/go/sdk/model_analytic_issue_wallet_tx.go
index 08d71d1..abb9cb7 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytic_issue_wallet_tx.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytic_issue_wallet_tx.go
@@ -10,12 +10,20 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticIssueWalletTx struct {
- IsIncoming bool `json:"is_incoming,omitempty"`
- IssuedBySelf bool `json:"issued_by_self,omitempty"`
- SenderId string `json:"sender_id,omitempty"`
- Memo string `json:"memo,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Assets were issued to the Wallet in question
+ IsIncoming bool `json:"is_incoming,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Wallet used to issue the Assets is the Wallet in question
+ IssuedBySelf bool `json:"issued_by_self,omitempty"`
+ // The public key of the Wallet that was used to issue the Assets
+ SenderId string `json:"sender_id,omitempty"`
+ // The Address the Assets were issued to
RecipientAddress string `json:"recipient_address,omitempty"`
- AssetId int32 `json:"asset_id,omitempty"`
- Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"`
- IsConfidential bool `json:"is_confidential,omitempty"`
+ // The ID of the Asset Type issued
+ AssetId int32 `json:"asset_id,omitempty"`
+ // The amount of Assets issued
+ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially
+ IsConfidential bool `json:"is_confidential,omitempty"`
+ // The private memo attached to the Issuance
+ Memo string `json:"memo,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytic_rule_wallet_tx.go b/go/sdk/model_analytic_rule_wallet_tx.go
index d760325..53a968d 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytic_rule_wallet_tx.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytic_rule_wallet_tx.go
@@ -10,8 +10,11 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticRuleWalletTx struct {
- SignedBySelf bool `json:"signed_by_self,omitempty"`
- RuleAffectSelf bool `json:"rule_affect_self,omitempty"`
- TxSigner string `json:"tx_signer,omitempty"`
- Rule AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition `json:"rule,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Rule was created by the Wallet in question
+ SignedBySelf bool `json:"signed_by_self,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Rule granted permissions to the Wallet in question
+ RuleAffectSelf bool `json:"rule_affect_self,omitempty"`
+ // The public key of the Wallet that was used to create the Rule
+ TxSigner string `json:"tx_signer,omitempty"`
+ Rule AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition `json:"rule,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytic_transaction.go b/go/sdk/model_analytic_transaction.go
index 07c9487..4d7c200 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytic_transaction.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytic_transaction.go
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticTransaction struct {
- Metadata AnalyticsTxMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
- Content map[string]interface{} `json:"content,omitempty"`
+ Metadata AnalyticsTxMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
+ // The detailed content of the transaction; format differs depending on the transaction type
+ Content map[string]interface{} `json:"content,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytic_transfer_wallet_tx.go b/go/sdk/model_analytic_transfer_wallet_tx.go
index a806aff..2cce2b7 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytic_transfer_wallet_tx.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytic_transfer_wallet_tx.go
@@ -10,10 +10,16 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticTransferWalletTx struct {
- IsIncoming bool `json:"is_incoming,omitempty"`
- SenderId string `json:"sender_id,omitempty"`
- Memo string `json:"memo,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Assets were transferred to the Wallet in question; false of the Assets were transferred from the Wallet into another
+ IsIncoming bool `json:"is_incoming,omitempty"`
+ // The public key of the Wallet the Assets were transferred from
+ SenderId string `json:"sender_id,omitempty"`
+ // The address of the Wallet the Assets were transferred to
RecipientAddress string `json:"recipient_address,omitempty"`
- AssetId int32 `json:"asset_id,omitempty"`
- Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"`
+ // The Id of the Asset Type transferred
+ AssetId int32 `json:"asset_id,omitempty"`
+ // The amount of Assets transferred
+ Amount int32 `json:"amount,omitempty"`
+ // The private memo attached to the Transfer
+ Memo string `json:"memo,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytic_wallet_metadata.go b/go/sdk/model_analytic_wallet_metadata.go
index 64207dd..e555453 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytic_wallet_metadata.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytic_wallet_metadata.go
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticWalletMetadata struct {
- Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
- TxHash string `json:"tx_hash,omitempty"`
+ Type AnalyticsTxType `json:"type,omitempty"`
+ // The QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction
+ TxHash string `json:"tx_hash,omitempty"`
+ // UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format
Timestamp string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytic_wallet_tx.go b/go/sdk/model_analytic_wallet_tx.go
index 792cb33..4775f67 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytic_wallet_tx.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytic_wallet_tx.go
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
package sdk
+// A single retrieved transaction
type AnalyticWalletTx struct {
Metadata AnalyticWalletMetadata `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
- Content map[string]interface{} `json:"content,omitempty"`
+ // The detailed information of the transaction; structure depends on the type of transaction
+ Content map[string]interface{} `json:"content,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_asset_converter_proof_description.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_asset_converter_proof_description.go
index e366297..4f5c9da 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_asset_converter_proof_description.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_asset_converter_proof_description.go
@@ -10,8 +10,12 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription struct {
- InputCv string `json:"input_cv,omitempty"`
+ // The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
+ InputCv string `json:"input_cv,omitempty"`
+ // The commitment to the Asset amount
AmountCv string `json:"amount_cv,omitempty"`
- AssetCv string `json:"asset_cv,omitempty"`
- Zkproof string `json:"zkproof,omitempty"`
+ // The commitment to the ID of the Asset Type
+ AssetCv string `json:"asset_cv,omitempty"`
+ // The Proof that the commitment contents match
+ Zkproof string `json:"zkproof,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_confidential_issuance_description.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_confidential_issuance_description.go
index 427b904..e602e97 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_confidential_issuance_description.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_confidential_issuance_description.go
@@ -9,8 +9,11 @@
package sdk
+// The details and Proof attached to a confidential Issuance; null if the Issuance was public
type AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription struct {
+ // Thecommitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the issued Note
InputCv string `json:"input_cv,omitempty"`
- Zkproof string `json:"zkproof,omitempty"`
Rule AnalyticsRule `json:"rule,omitempty"`
+ // The Proof that the issued Asset Type indeed matches the reported Rule
+ Zkproof string `json:"zkproof,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_issue_tx.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_issue_tx.go
index d0ee8ce..b354e87 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_issue_tx.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_issue_tx.go
@@ -9,8 +9,12 @@
package sdk
+// The data of a particular Issuance transaction
type AnalyticsIssueTx struct {
- Outputs []AnalyticsOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"`
- PublicKey string `json:"public_key,omitempty"`
- Signature string `json:"signature,omitempty"`
+ // The data of the Assets issued (multiple Assets may potentially be issued in a single Issuance transaction)
+ Outputs []AnalyticsOutput `json:"outputs,omitempty"`
+ // The public key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance
+ PublicKey string `json:"public_key,omitempty"`
+ // The signature on the transaction by the secret key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance
+ Signature string `json:"signature,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_multi_transfer_tx.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_multi_transfer_tx.go
index 7ff6180..2483dba 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_multi_transfer_tx.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_multi_transfer_tx.go
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
package sdk
+// The data of a particular Transfer transaction; a single such transaction may contain multiple Transfers
type AnalyticsMultiTransferTx struct {
+ // The (potentially several) Transfers within the transaction
Transfers []AnalyticsTransferTx `json:"transfers,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_output.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_output.go
index ed22de4..143201c 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_output.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_output.go
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticsOutput struct {
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially; false if the Issuance was done publicly
IsConfidential bool `json:"is_confidential,omitempty"`
PublicIssuanceDescription AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription `json:"public_issuance_description,omitempty"`
ConfidentialIssuanceDescription AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription `json:"confidential_issuance_description,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_output_description.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_output_description.go
index 20b715f..e97fa5d 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_output_description.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_output_description.go
@@ -10,10 +10,16 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticsOutputDescription struct {
- Cv string `json:"cv,omitempty"`
- Cm string `json:"cm,omitempty"`
- Epk string `json:"epk,omitempty"`
- Zkproof string `json:"zkproof,omitempty"`
- EncNote string `json:"enc_note,omitempty"`
+ // The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
+ Cv string `json:"cv,omitempty"`
+ // The commitment to the entire Note
+ Cm string `json:"cm,omitempty"`
+ // The Proof that the commitments match
+ Zkproof string `json:"zkproof,omitempty"`
+ // The ephemeral public key used to encrypt the Note contents for the receiver
+ Epk string `json:"epk,omitempty"`
+ // The Note encryption for the receiver
+ EncNote string `json:"enc_note,omitempty"`
+ // The Note encryption for the sender
EncSender string `json:"enc_sender,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_public_issuance_description.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_public_issuance_description.go
index fb193b0..b224bd5 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_public_issuance_description.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_public_issuance_description.go
@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@
package sdk
+// Describes what Asset Type and amount were issued; null if the Issuance was confidential
type AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription struct {
+ // The ID of the Asset Type issued
AssetId int32 `json:"asset_id"`
- Amount int32 `json:"amount"`
+ // The amount of Assets issued
+ Amount int32 `json:"amount"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule.go
index 8f9c026..6e5ca71 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule.go
@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@
package sdk
+// The Rule used in the Issuance
type AnalyticsRule struct {
+ // The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
MinId int32 `json:"min_id"`
+ // The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
MaxId int32 `json:"max_id"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_definition.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_definition.go
index 7b8b255..1218254 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_definition.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_definition.go
@@ -10,9 +10,14 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticsRuleDefinition struct {
- PublicKey string `json:"public_key,omitempty"`
- CanIssueConfidentially bool `json:"can_issue_confidentially,omitempty"`
- IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin,omitempty"`
- CanIssueAssetIdFirst int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_first,omitempty"`
- CanIssueAssetIdLast int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_last,omitempty"`
+ // The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
+ PublicKey string `json:"public_key,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
+ IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin,omitempty"`
+ // The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ CanIssueAssetIdFirst int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_first,omitempty"`
+ // The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ CanIssueAssetIdLast int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_last,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
+ CanIssueConfidentially bool `json:"can_issue_confidentially,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_tx.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_tx.go
index 1b0c6e0..57e8acc 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_tx.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_tx.go
@@ -9,10 +9,16 @@
package sdk
+// The data of a particular Rule changing transaction
type AnalyticsRuleTx struct {
- SenderPublicKey string `json:"sender_public_key,omitempty"`
- RulesToAdd []AnalyticsRuleDefinition `json:"rules_to_add,omitempty"`
- RulesToDelete []AnalyticsRuleDefinition `json:"rules_to_delete,omitempty"`
- Nonce int32 `json:"nonce,omitempty"`
- Signature string `json:"signature,omitempty"`
+ // The public key of the Wallet used to create the Rule
+ SenderPublicKey string `json:"sender_public_key,omitempty"`
+ // The details of the Rules added in this transaction
+ RulesToAdd []AnalyticsRuleDefinition `json:"rules_to_add,omitempty"`
+ // The details of the Rules deleted in this transaction
+ RulesToDelete []AnalyticsRuleDefinition `json:"rules_to_delete,omitempty"`
+ // The nonce used to make this Rule transaction unique
+ Nonce int32 `json:"nonce,omitempty"`
+ // The signature authorizing the Rule changes, made by the Wallet that made the Rule changes
+ Signature string `json:"signature,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_wallet_definition.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_wallet_definition.go
index d12a786..dbef034 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_wallet_definition.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_rule_wallet_definition.go
@@ -10,10 +10,16 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition struct {
- PublicKey string `json:"public_key,omitempty"`
- CanIssueConfidentially bool `json:"can_issue_confidentially,omitempty"`
- IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin,omitempty"`
- CanIssueAssetIdFirst int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_first,omitempty"`
- CanIssueAssetIdLast int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_last,omitempty"`
- Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"`
+ // The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
+ PublicKey string `json:"public_key,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
+ IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin,omitempty"`
+ // The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ CanIssueAssetIdFirst int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_first,omitempty"`
+ // The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ CanIssueAssetIdLast int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_last,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
+ CanIssueConfidentially bool `json:"can_issue_confidentially,omitempty"`
+ // Operation of the transaction, which can be rule creation or deletion
+ Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_spend_description.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_spend_description.go
index 33142b4..320fb3c 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_spend_description.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_spend_description.go
@@ -10,9 +10,12 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticsSpendDescription struct {
- Cv string `json:"cv,omitempty"`
- Anchor string `json:"anchor,omitempty"`
+ // The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
+ Cv string `json:"cv,omitempty"`
+ // The anchor (root) of the Merkle tree used in the Proof
+ Anchor string `json:"anchor,omitempty"`
+ // The Note's Nullifier
Nullifier string `json:"nullifier,omitempty"`
- RkOut string `json:"rk_out,omitempty"`
- Zkproof string `json:"zkproof,omitempty"`
+ // The Proof that the Note indeed exists in the Merkle tree and belongs to the spender
+ Zkproof string `json:"zkproof,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_transfer_tx.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_transfer_tx.go
index a4e540c..8cd5f8b 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_transfer_tx.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_transfer_tx.go
@@ -9,10 +9,18 @@
package sdk
+// The data of a single Transfer within a Transfer transaction
type AnalyticsTransferTx struct {
+ // The Converter Proofs
AssetConverterDescriptions []AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription `json:"asset_converter_descriptions,omitempty"`
- Spends []AnalyticsSpendDescription `json:"spends,omitempty"`
- Outputs []AnalyticsOutputDescription `json:"outputs,omitempty"`
- BindingSig string `json:"binding_sig,omitempty"`
- SpendAuthSigs []string `json:"spend_auth_sigs,omitempty"`
+ // The information and Proofs associated with the Assets spent in the Transfer
+ Spends []AnalyticsSpendDescription `json:"spends,omitempty"`
+ // The information and Proofs associated with the Assets output from the Transfer
+ Outputs []AnalyticsOutputDescription `json:"outputs,omitempty"`
+ // The re-randomized public key of the Wallet which created the Transfer
+ Rk string `json:"rk,omitempty"`
+ // The signature authorizing the spend of the Assets spent in the Transfer
+ SpendAuthSig string `json:"spend_auth_sig,omitempty"`
+ // The signature binding the spent and output Assets and verifying the balance
+ BindingSig string `json:"binding_sig,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_tx_metadata.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_tx_metadata.go
index 8f94324..5b14168 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_analytics_tx_metadata.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_tx_metadata.go
@@ -10,10 +10,15 @@
package sdk
type AnalyticsTxMetadata struct {
- Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
- TxHash string `json:"tx_hash,omitempty"`
- BlockHash string `json:"block_hash,omitempty"`
- Timestamp string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
- IndexInBlock int32 `json:"index_in_block,omitempty"`
- BlockHeight int32 `json:"block_height,omitempty"`
+ Type AnalyticsTxType `json:"type,omitempty"`
+ // the QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction
+ TxHash string `json:"tx_hash,omitempty"`
+ // The height of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of
+ BlockHeight int32 `json:"block_height,omitempty"`
+ // the hash of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of
+ BlockHash string `json:"block_hash,omitempty"`
+ // UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format
+ Timestamp string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
+ // The serial number within the Block of the transaction relative to other QEDIT transactions; indexing is 0-based
+ IndexInBlock int32 `json:"index_in_block,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_analytics_tx_type.go b/go/sdk/model_analytics_tx_type.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71fdca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/sdk/model_analytics_tx_type.go
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ *
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * API version: 1.5.0
+ * Generated by: OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ */
+package sdk
+// AnalyticsTxType : Type of transaction
+type AnalyticsTxType string
+// List of AnalyticsTxType
+const (
+ ISSUE AnalyticsTxType = "Issue"
+ TRANSFER AnalyticsTxType = "Transfer"
+ RULE AnalyticsTxType = "Rule"
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_async_task_created_response.go b/go/sdk/model_async_task_created_response.go
index b03d0f3..57b1f3f 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_async_task_created_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_async_task_created_response.go
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
package sdk
type AsyncTaskCreatedResponse struct {
+ // The unique ID of the Task that was created in the Node to process the asynchronous request
Id string `json:"id"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_balance_for_asset.go b/go/sdk/model_balance_for_asset.go
index 20af77e..b5ea09f 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_balance_for_asset.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_balance_for_asset.go
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
package sdk
type BalanceForAsset struct {
+ // The ID of the Asset Type
AssetId int32 `json:"asset_id"`
- Amount int32 `json:"amount"`
+ // The outstanding balance for the Asset Type
+ Amount int32 `json:"amount"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_create_rule_request.go b/go/sdk/model_create_rule_request.go
index 8c6e3e9..fb4eab8 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_create_rule_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_create_rule_request.go
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
package sdk
type CreateRuleRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules
Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
- RulesToAdd []Rule `json:"rules_to_add"`
+ // The list of Rules to add to the network
+ RulesToAdd []Rule `json:"rules_to_add"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_delete_rule_request.go b/go/sdk/model_delete_rule_request.go
index 7d4fa2b..00c85ae 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_delete_rule_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_delete_rule_request.go
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
package sdk
type DeleteRuleRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules
Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
+ // The list of Rules to delete from the network
RulesToDelete []Rule `json:"rules_to_delete"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_delete_wallet_request.go b/go/sdk/model_delete_wallet_request.go
index 32c120d..ac215fb 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_delete_wallet_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_delete_wallet_request.go
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
package sdk
type DeleteWalletRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet to delete
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The authorization password for the Wallet
Authorization string `json:"authorization,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_error_response.go b/go/sdk/model_error_response.go
index cae1af4..dd59ab2 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_error_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_error_response.go
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
package sdk
type ErrorResponse struct {
- ErrorCode int32 `json:"error_code"`
- Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
+ // The error code returned from the server
+ ErrorCode int32 `json:"error_code"`
+ // The error message returned from the server
+ Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_export_auditor_access_wallet_request.go b/go/sdk/model_export_auditor_access_wallet_request.go
index 51f7ab2..ee738a4 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_export_auditor_access_wallet_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_export_auditor_access_wallet_request.go
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
package sdk
type ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
- Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet to export a viewing key for
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The authorization password for the Wallet
+ Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
+ // The Address of the Wallet that belongs to the intended recipient of the exported viewing key; used to encrypt the key in such a way that only the intended recipient can decrypt it
RecipientPaymentAddress string `json:"recipient_payment_address"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_export_auditor_access_wallet_response.go b/go/sdk/model_export_auditor_access_wallet_response.go
index 917e0a1..ded3049 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_export_auditor_access_wallet_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_export_auditor_access_wallet_response.go
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
package sdk
type ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The public key of the exported Wallet which uniquely identifies it across the network
PublicKey string `json:"public_key"`
+ // The encrypted viewing key
AccessKey string `json:"access_key"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_export_wallet_request.go b/go/sdk/model_export_wallet_request.go
index 869faa7..3d182dd 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_export_wallet_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_export_wallet_request.go
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
package sdk
type ExportWalletRequest struct {
+ // The ID of the Wallet to export
WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_export_wallet_response.go b/go/sdk/model_export_wallet_response.go
index 5c32a3c..a258dc9 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_export_wallet_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_export_wallet_response.go
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
package sdk
type ExportWalletResponse struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The encrypted secret key of the Wallet
EncryptedSk string `json:"encrypted_sk"`
- Salt string `json:"salt"`
+ // The salt used in the encryption of the secret key
+ Salt string `json:"salt"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_generate_wallet_request.go b/go/sdk/model_generate_wallet_request.go
index 39095fc..69726e4 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_generate_wallet_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_generate_wallet_request.go
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
package sdk
type GenerateWalletRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The ID under which to create the Wallet; must be unique within the Node
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The authorizarion password under which to encrypt the generated Wallet's secret key; will be required in order to perform actions using the Wallet
Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_all_wallets_response.go b/go/sdk/model_get_all_wallets_response.go
index c5f5531..2428ff0 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_all_wallets_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_all_wallets_response.go
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
package sdk
type GetAllWalletsResponse struct {
+ // The IDs of the Wallets currently active in this Node
WalletIds []string `json:"wallet_ids,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_network_activity_request.go b/go/sdk/model_get_network_activity_request.go
index 5eab490..c14d0b4 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_network_activity_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_network_activity_request.go
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
package sdk
type GetNetworkActivityRequest struct {
- StartIndex int32 `json:"start_index"`
- NumberOfResults int32 `json:"number_of_results"`
+ // An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based
+ StartIndex int32 `json:"start_index"`
+ // Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
+ NumberOfResults int32 `json:"number_of_results"`
+ TxHashes []string `json:"tx_hashes,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_new_address_request.go b/go/sdk/model_get_new_address_request.go
index 9a8c6da..4040a90 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_new_address_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_new_address_request.go
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
package sdk
type GetNewAddressRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet for which to generate an Address
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // An optional 11-byte (22 hexadecimal characters) input which is used to generate different Addresses. A unique Address will be generated for each different diversifier used. If omitted, the Node selects a random diversifier.
Diversifier string `json:"diversifier,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_new_address_response.go b/go/sdk/model_get_new_address_response.go
index ca738e4..d3914a4 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_new_address_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_new_address_response.go
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
package sdk
type GetNewAddressResponse struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet the Address belongs to
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The generated Address of the Wallet
RecipientAddress string `json:"recipient_address"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_public_key_request.go b/go/sdk/model_get_public_key_request.go
index 21af318..c1b571e 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_public_key_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_public_key_request.go
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
package sdk
type GetPublicKeyRequest struct {
+ // The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve the public key
WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_public_key_response.go b/go/sdk/model_get_public_key_response.go
index 76e29bc..225ef40 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_public_key_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_public_key_response.go
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
package sdk
type GetPublicKeyResponse struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet the pubic key belongs to
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The public key of the Wallet
PublicKey string `json:"public_key"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_rules_response.go b/go/sdk/model_get_rules_response.go
index d7b82fe..33857e1 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_rules_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_rules_response.go
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
package sdk
type GetRulesResponse struct {
+ // The Rules currently active in the network
Rules []Rule `json:"rules,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_sync_status_response.go b/go/sdk/model_get_sync_status_response.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8460aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_sync_status_response.go
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ *
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * API version: 1.5.0
+ * Generated by: OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ */
+package sdk
+type GetSyncStatusResponse struct {
+ // Boolean signifying whether the QEDIT Node is in sync with the Blockchain; false if the Node is not synced; sync is defined as having less than a preconfigured difference between the current Blockchain height and the last block processed by the Node; the allowed difference defaults to 5, but can be configured when setting up the Node
+ InSync bool `json:"in_sync,omitempty"`
+ // The current block height of the Blockchain
+ BlockchainBlockHeight int32 `json:"blockchain_block_height,omitempty"`
+ // The height of the last block that was processed in the Node
+ LastProcessedBlockHeight int32 `json:"last_processed_block_height,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_task_status_request.go b/go/sdk/model_get_task_status_request.go
index 83e769e..a3e3df4 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_task_status_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_task_status_request.go
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
package sdk
type GetTaskStatusRequest struct {
+ // The ID of the Task
Id string `json:"id"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_task_status_response.go b/go/sdk/model_get_task_status_response.go
index dac49cd..43fabe1 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_task_status_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_task_status_response.go
@@ -10,14 +10,22 @@
package sdk
type GetTaskStatusResponse struct {
- Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
- CreatedAt string `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
- UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"`
- Result string `json:"result,omitempty"`
- State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
- TxHash string `json:"tx_hash,omitempty"`
- QeditTxHash string `json:"qedit_tx_hash,omitempty"`
- Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
- Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
- Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
+ // Unique ID of the Task
+ Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
+ // UTC time of creation of the Task in RFC-3339 format
+ CreatedAt string `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
+ // UTC last time the Task was updated in RFC-3339 format
+ UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"`
+ Result Result `json:"result,omitempty"`
+ // More granular current state of the Task; list of supported states is not guaranteed to be stable
+ State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
+ // The Blockchain-generated hash of the Transaction; populated after the Blockchain Node accepted the Transaction
+ TxHash string `json:"tx_hash,omitempty"`
+ // The QEDIT-generated hash of the Transaction; generated after proof generation, but prior to Broadcast by the QEDIT Node
+ QeditTxHash string `json:"qedit_tx_hash,omitempty"`
+ Type TaskType `json:"type,omitempty"`
+ // Container for the Transaction data; each Transaction type has different fields
+ Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
+ // In case of failure this field reports the reason for the failure
+ Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_tasks_request.go b/go/sdk/model_get_tasks_request.go
index 9624c72..20c6d2a 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_tasks_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_tasks_request.go
@@ -10,9 +10,14 @@
package sdk
type GetTasksRequest struct {
- StartIndex int32 `json:"start_index"`
- NumberOfResults int32 `json:"number_of_results"`
- Types []string `json:"types,omitempty"`
- Results []string `json:"results,omitempty"`
- Order string `json:"order,omitempty"`
+ // An offset used to paginate through the Task list; indexing is 0-based
+ StartIndex int32 `json:"start_index"`
+ // Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
+ NumberOfResults int32 `json:"number_of_results"`
+ // Types of Tasks to fetch; fetch all types if omitted
+ Types []TaskType `json:"types,omitempty"`
+ // List of results (statuses) to filter by; fetch in_progress tasks if omitted
+ Results []Result `json:"results,omitempty"`
+ // Order of tasks to fetch (either ascending or descending); ordering is chronological where the time is set to when the task was created in this Node
+ Order string `json:"order,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_tasks_response.go b/go/sdk/model_get_tasks_response.go
index 6444d75..e2738b4 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_tasks_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_tasks_response.go
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
package sdk
type GetTasksResponse struct {
+ // The returned Tasks array, sorted in the requested order
Tasks []GetTaskStatusResponse `json:"tasks,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_activity_request.go b/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_activity_request.go
index f9522e1..e05b858 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_activity_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_activity_request.go
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
package sdk
type GetWalletActivityRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
- StartIndex int32 `json:"start_index"`
- NumberOfResults int32 `json:"number_of_results"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve activity history
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based
+ StartIndex int32 `json:"start_index"`
+ // Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
+ NumberOfResults int32 `json:"number_of_results"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_activity_response.go b/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_activity_response.go
index 9542130..484ec87 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_activity_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_activity_response.go
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
package sdk
type GetWalletActivityResponse struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id,omitempty"`
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id,omitempty"`
+ // The list of retrieved transactions
Transactions []AnalyticWalletTx `json:"transactions,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_balance_request.go b/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_balance_request.go
index 1ef9b65..6cafad4 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_balance_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_balance_request.go
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
package sdk
type GetWalletBalanceRequest struct {
+ // The ID of the Wallet
WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_balance_response.go b/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_balance_response.go
index 19a3caf..d6d6dc2 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_balance_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_get_wallet_balance_response.go
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
package sdk
type GetWalletBalanceResponse struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
- Assets []BalanceForAsset `json:"assets"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The balances of the various Asset Types held by the Wallet
+ Assets []BalanceForAsset `json:"assets"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_healthcheck_response.go b/go/sdk/model_healthcheck_response.go
index e16e5c9..043e47b 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_healthcheck_response.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_healthcheck_response.go
@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@
package sdk
type HealthcheckResponse struct {
+ // API version of the Node
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
BlockchainConnector HealthcheckResponseItem `json:"blockchain_connector,omitempty"`
MessageQueue HealthcheckResponseItem `json:"message_queue,omitempty"`
Database HealthcheckResponseItem `json:"database,omitempty"`
- Passing bool `json:"passing,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the endpoint is ready for calls
+ Passing bool `json:"passing,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_healthcheck_response_item.go b/go/sdk/model_healthcheck_response_item.go
index 95cddd2..f07dca4 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_healthcheck_response_item.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_healthcheck_response_item.go
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
package sdk
type HealthcheckResponseItem struct {
- Passing bool `json:"passing,omitempty"`
- Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the component is healthy
+ Passing bool `json:"passing,omitempty"`
+ // Error string describing the component's problem; empty if the component is healthy
+ Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_import_auditor_access_wallet_request.go b/go/sdk/model_import_auditor_access_wallet_request.go
index 89eb9a7..2243a61 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_import_auditor_access_wallet_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_import_auditor_access_wallet_request.go
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
package sdk
type ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The public key of the imported Wallet
PublicKey string `json:"public_key"`
+ // the encrypted viewing key of the imported Wallet
AccessKey string `json:"access_key"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_import_wallet_request.go b/go/sdk/model_import_wallet_request.go
index 252b290..2e6d71d 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_import_wallet_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_import_wallet_request.go
@@ -10,8 +10,12 @@
package sdk
type ImportWalletRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
- EncryptedSk string `json:"encrypted_sk"`
+ // The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The encrypted secret key of the Wallet
+ EncryptedSk string `json:"encrypted_sk"`
+ // The authorization password used during Wallet generation that allows to decrypt the encrypted secret key
Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
- Salt string `json:"salt"`
+ // The salt used in the encryption of the secret key
+ Salt string `json:"salt"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_issue_asset_request.go b/go/sdk/model_issue_asset_request.go
index 456b43b..f2069ef 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_issue_asset_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_issue_asset_request.go
@@ -10,11 +10,17 @@
package sdk
type IssueAssetRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
- Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet that has the required Issuance privileges
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The authorization password for the Wallet that has the Issuance privileges
+ Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
+ // The Address of the recipient of the issued Assets
RecipientAddress string `json:"recipient_address"`
- Amount int32 `json:"amount"`
- AssetId int32 `json:"asset_id"`
- Confidential bool `json:"confidential"`
- Memo string `json:"memo"`
+ // The ID of the Asset Type to issue
+ AssetId int32 `json:"asset_id"`
+ // the amount of Assets to issue
+ Amount int32 `json:"amount"`
+ // Boolean which should be true if the issuance should be confidential, and false of the Issuance should be public
+ Confidential bool `json:"confidential"`
+ Memo string `json:"memo"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_result.go b/go/sdk/model_result.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8539f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/sdk/model_result.go
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ *
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * API version: 1.5.0
+ * Generated by: OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ */
+package sdk
+// Result : The current result (status) of the Task
+type Result string
+// List of Result
+const (
+ PENDING Result = "pending"
+ IN_PROGRESS Result = "in_progress"
+ SUCCESS Result = "success"
+ FAILURE Result = "failure"
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_rule.go b/go/sdk/model_rule.go
index 78d6a96..bfa7bdd 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_rule.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_rule.go
@@ -10,9 +10,14 @@
package sdk
type Rule struct {
- PublicKey string `json:"public_key"`
- CanIssueConfidentially bool `json:"can_issue_confidentially"`
- CanIssueAssetIdFirst int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_first"`
- CanIssueAssetIdLast int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_last"`
- IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin"`
+ // The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
+ PublicKey string `json:"public_key"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
+ IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin"`
+ // The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ CanIssueAssetIdFirst int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_first"`
+ // The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ CanIssueAssetIdLast int32 `json:"can_issue_asset_id_last"`
+ // Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
+ CanIssueConfidentially bool `json:"can_issue_confidentially"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_task_type.go b/go/sdk/model_task_type.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14c7799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go/sdk/model_task_type.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ *
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * API version: 1.5.0
+ * Generated by: OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ */
+package sdk
+// TaskType : Task type
+type TaskType string
+// List of TaskType
+const (
+ UNLOCK_WALLET TaskType = "unlock_wallet"
+ TRANSFER_ASSET TaskType = "transfer_asset"
+ ISSUE_ASSET TaskType = "issue_asset"
+ ALTER_RULE TaskType = "alter_rule"
+ IMPORT_WALLET TaskType = "import_wallet"
+ DELETE_WALLET TaskType = "delete_wallet"
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_transfer_asset_request.go b/go/sdk/model_transfer_asset_request.go
index fa5bee0..9d2a772 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_transfer_asset_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_transfer_asset_request.go
@@ -10,10 +10,16 @@
package sdk
type TransferAssetRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
- Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet to transfer from
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The authorization password for the Wallet to transfer from
+ Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
+ // The Address of the recipient of the funds
RecipientAddress string `json:"recipient_address"`
- Amount int32 `json:"amount"`
- AssetId int32 `json:"asset_id"`
- Memo string `json:"memo"`
+ // The ID for the Asset Type to transfer
+ AssetId int32 `json:"asset_id"`
+ // The amount of assets to transfer
+ Amount int32 `json:"amount"`
+ // An app-customizable field to store additional private data relating to the transfer; the memo is shared between the sender and the receiver, but is not divulged to other parties
+ Memo string `json:"memo"`
diff --git a/go/sdk/model_unlock_wallet_request.go b/go/sdk/model_unlock_wallet_request.go
index 5bcd54f..8f6c7e2 100644
--- a/go/sdk/model_unlock_wallet_request.go
+++ b/go/sdk/model_unlock_wallet_request.go
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
package sdk
type UnlockWalletRequest struct {
- WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The ID of the Wallet to unlock
+ WalletId string `json:"wallet_id"`
+ // The authorization password for the Wallet
Authorization string `json:"authorization"`
- Seconds int32 `json:"seconds"`
+ // The number of seconds to keep the Wallet unlocked
+ Seconds int32 `json:"seconds"`
diff --git a/js/sdk/README.md b/js/sdk/README.md
index 5423ac9..75f240b 100644
--- a/js/sdk/README.md
+++ b/js/sdk/README.md
@@ -120,23 +120,24 @@ All URIs are relative to *http://localhost:12052*
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-*QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsApi* | [**analyticsGetNetworkActivityPost**](docs/AnalyticsApi.md#analyticsGetNetworkActivityPost) | **POST** /analytics/get_network_activity | Get details on past blocks
+*QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsApi* | [**analyticsGetNetworkActivityPost**](docs/AnalyticsApi.md#analyticsGetNetworkActivityPost) | **POST** /analytics/get_network_activity | Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
+*QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsApi* | [**analyticsGetSyncStatusPost**](docs/AnalyticsApi.md#analyticsGetSyncStatusPost) | **POST** /analytics/get_sync_status | Get blockchain sync status information
*QedItAssetTransfers.HealthApi* | [**healthPost**](docs/HealthApi.md#healthPost) | **POST** /health | Perform a healthcheck of the node and its dependent services
-*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeDeleteWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeDeleteWalletPost) | **POST** /node/delete_wallet | Delete a wallet
-*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **POST** /node/export_auditor_access_wallet | Export a viewing key that allows an auditor to view all transactions to and from a wallet. The viewing key is encrypted for the auditor identified by recipient_payment_address. The viewing key does not enable the auditor to make transactions.
+*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeDeleteWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeDeleteWalletPost) | **POST** /node/delete_wallet | Delete a Wallet
+*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **POST** /node/export_auditor_access_wallet | Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeExportWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeExportWalletPost) | **POST** /node/export_wallet | Export wallet secret key
-*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeGenerateWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeGenerateWalletPost) | **POST** /node/generate_wallet | Generate a new wallet
-*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeGetAllWalletsPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeGetAllWalletsPost) | **POST** /node/get_all_wallets | Get all wallet labels
-*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeGetRulesPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeGetRulesPost) | **POST** /node/get_rules | Get network governance rules
+*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeGenerateWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeGenerateWalletPost) | **POST** /node/generate_wallet | Generate a new Wallet
+*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeGetAllWalletsPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeGetAllWalletsPost) | **POST** /node/get_all_wallets | Get all wallet IDs
+*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeGetRulesPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeGetRulesPost) | **POST** /node/get_rules | Get network governance Rules
*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeGetTaskStatusPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeGetTaskStatusPost) | **POST** /node/get_task_status | Get a specific task (by ID)
-*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeGetTasksPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeGetTasksPost) | **POST** /node/get_tasks | Get a list of tasks by results/types
-*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **POST** /node/import_auditor_access_wallet | Import a viewing key generated by export_auditor_access_wallet [async call]. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions.
-*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeImportWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeImportWalletPost) | **POST** /node/import_wallet | Import wallet from secret key [async call]
+*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeGetTasksPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeGetTasksPost) | **POST** /node/get_tasks | Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
+*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **POST** /node/import_auditor_access_wallet | Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
+*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeImportWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeImportWalletPost) | **POST** /node/import_wallet | Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
*QedItAssetTransfers.NodeApi* | [**nodeUnlockWalletPost**](docs/NodeApi.md#nodeUnlockWalletPost) | **POST** /node/unlock_wallet | Unlocks a wallet for a given amount of seconds [async call]
-*QedItAssetTransfers.WalletApi* | [**walletCreateRulePost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletCreateRulePost) | **POST** /wallet/create_rule | Create & broadcast add-config-rule [async call]
-*QedItAssetTransfers.WalletApi* | [**walletDeleteRulePost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletDeleteRulePost) | **POST** /wallet/delete_rule | Create & broadcast delete-config-rule [async call]
+*QedItAssetTransfers.WalletApi* | [**walletCreateRulePost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletCreateRulePost) | **POST** /wallet/create_rule | Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
+*QedItAssetTransfers.WalletApi* | [**walletDeleteRulePost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletDeleteRulePost) | **POST** /wallet/delete_rule | Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
*QedItAssetTransfers.WalletApi* | [**walletGetActivityPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletGetActivityPost) | **POST** /wallet/get_activity | Get wallet activity (transactions)
-*QedItAssetTransfers.WalletApi* | [**walletGetBalancesPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletGetBalancesPost) | **POST** /wallet/get_balances | Get wallets balance
+*QedItAssetTransfers.WalletApi* | [**walletGetBalancesPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletGetBalancesPost) | **POST** /wallet/get_balances | Get wallets balances
*QedItAssetTransfers.WalletApi* | [**walletGetNewAddressPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletGetNewAddressPost) | **POST** /wallet/get_new_address | Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly
*QedItAssetTransfers.WalletApi* | [**walletGetPublicKeyPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletGetPublicKeyPost) | **POST** /wallet/get_public_key | Get wallet public key
*QedItAssetTransfers.WalletApi* | [**walletIssueAssetPost**](docs/WalletApi.md#walletIssueAssetPost) | **POST** /wallet/issue_asset | Issue assets [async call]
@@ -165,6 +166,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsSpendDescription](docs/AnalyticsSpendDescription.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTransferTx](docs/AnalyticsTransferTx.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxMetadata](docs/AnalyticsTxMetadata.md)
+ - [QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxType](docs/AnalyticsTxType.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.AsyncTaskCreatedResponse](docs/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.BalanceForAsset](docs/BalanceForAsset.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.CreateRuleRequest](docs/CreateRuleRequest.md)
@@ -184,6 +186,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [QedItAssetTransfers.GetPublicKeyRequest](docs/GetPublicKeyRequest.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.GetPublicKeyResponse](docs/GetPublicKeyResponse.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.GetRulesResponse](docs/GetRulesResponse.md)
+ - [QedItAssetTransfers.GetSyncStatusResponse](docs/GetSyncStatusResponse.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.GetTaskStatusRequest](docs/GetTaskStatusRequest.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.GetTaskStatusResponse](docs/GetTaskStatusResponse.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.GetTasksRequest](docs/GetTasksRequest.md)
@@ -197,8 +200,9 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [QedItAssetTransfers.ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest](docs/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.ImportWalletRequest](docs/ImportWalletRequest.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.IssueAssetRequest](docs/IssueAssetRequest.md)
+ - [QedItAssetTransfers.Result](docs/Result.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.Rule](docs/Rule.md)
- - [QedItAssetTransfers.TransactionsForWallet](docs/TransactionsForWallet.md)
+ - [QedItAssetTransfers.TaskType](docs/TaskType.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.TransferAssetRequest](docs/TransferAssetRequest.md)
- [QedItAssetTransfers.UnlockWalletRequest](docs/UnlockWalletRequest.md)
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.md
index 3091d4b..fd49820 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.md
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**isIncoming** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
-**issuedBySelf** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
-**senderId** | **String** | | [optional]
-**memo** | **String** | | [optional]
-**recipientAddress** | **String** | | [optional]
-**assetId** | **Number** | | [optional]
-**amount** | **Number** | | [optional]
-**isConfidential** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
+**isIncoming** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Assets were issued to the Wallet in question | [optional]
+**issuedBySelf** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Wallet used to issue the Assets is the Wallet in question | [optional]
+**senderId** | **String** | The public key of the Wallet that was used to issue the Assets | [optional]
+**recipientAddress** | **String** | The Address the Assets were issued to | [optional]
+**assetId** | **Number** | The ID of the Asset Type issued | [optional]
+**amount** | **Number** | The amount of Assets issued | [optional]
+**isConfidential** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially | [optional]
+**memo** | **String** | The private memo attached to the Issuance | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticRuleWalletTx.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticRuleWalletTx.md
index 7ab0c10..eb48d32 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticRuleWalletTx.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticRuleWalletTx.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**signedBySelf** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
-**ruleAffectSelf** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
-**txSigner** | **String** | | [optional]
+**signedBySelf** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule was created by the Wallet in question | [optional]
+**ruleAffectSelf** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule granted permissions to the Wallet in question | [optional]
+**txSigner** | **String** | The public key of the Wallet that was used to create the Rule | [optional]
**rule** | [**AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition**](AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.md) | | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransaction.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransaction.md
index d9d1a51..2812cb4 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransaction.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransaction.md
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**metadata** | [**AnalyticsTxMetadata**](AnalyticsTxMetadata.md) | | [optional]
-**content** | **Object** | | [optional]
+**content** | **Object** | The detailed content of the transaction; format differs depending on the transaction type | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.md
index 1cc5844..9b9ac78 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.md
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**isIncoming** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
-**senderId** | **String** | | [optional]
-**memo** | **String** | | [optional]
-**recipientAddress** | **String** | | [optional]
-**assetId** | **Number** | | [optional]
-**amount** | **Number** | | [optional]
+**isIncoming** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Assets were transferred to the Wallet in question; false of the Assets were transferred from the Wallet into another | [optional]
+**senderId** | **String** | The public key of the Wallet the Assets were transferred from | [optional]
+**recipientAddress** | **String** | The address of the Wallet the Assets were transferred to | [optional]
+**assetId** | **Number** | The Id of the Asset Type transferred | [optional]
+**amount** | **Number** | The amount of Assets transferred | [optional]
+**memo** | **String** | The private memo attached to the Transfer | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletMetadata.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletMetadata.md
index b937f71..994f783 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletMetadata.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletMetadata.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**type** | **String** | | [optional]
-**txHash** | **String** | | [optional]
-**timestamp** | **String** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**AnalyticsTxType**](AnalyticsTxType.md) | | [optional]
+**txHash** | **String** | The QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction | [optional]
+**timestamp** | **String** | UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletTx.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletTx.md
index 02ddc16..81aa844 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletTx.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticWalletTx.md
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**metadata** | [**AnalyticWalletMetadata**](AnalyticWalletMetadata.md) | | [optional]
-**content** | **Object** | | [optional]
+**content** | **Object** | The detailed information of the transaction; structure depends on the type of transaction | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsApi.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsApi.md
index 91329aa..4557cc3 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsApi.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsApi.md
@@ -4,14 +4,17 @@ All URIs are relative to *http://localhost:12052*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
-[**analyticsGetNetworkActivityPost**](AnalyticsApi.md#analyticsGetNetworkActivityPost) | **POST** /analytics/get_network_activity | Get details on past blocks
+[**analyticsGetNetworkActivityPost**](AnalyticsApi.md#analyticsGetNetworkActivityPost) | **POST** /analytics/get_network_activity | Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
+[**analyticsGetSyncStatusPost**](AnalyticsApi.md#analyticsGetSyncStatusPost) | **POST** /analytics/get_sync_status | Get blockchain sync status information
# **analyticsGetNetworkActivityPost**
> GetNetworkActivityResponse analyticsGetNetworkActivityPost(getNetworkActivityRequest)
-Get details on past blocks
+Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
+List all verified Transactions from the network, even ones that do not have anything to do with any Wallet stored in the Node; For each such Transaction all of public information is returned in a structured format; However, no private information is returned even if some private information is known.
### Example
@@ -52,3 +55,46 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
+# **analyticsGetSyncStatusPost**
+> GetSyncStatusResponse analyticsGetSyncStatusPost()
+Get blockchain sync status information
+Returns detailed information about the status of the sync between the QEDIT Node and the underlying Blockchain
+### Example
+var QedItAssetTransfers = require('qed-it-asset-transfers');
+var defaultClient = QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient.instance;
+// Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
+var ApiKeyAuth = defaultClient.authentications['ApiKeyAuth'];
+ApiKeyAuth.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
+// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
+//ApiKeyAuth.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';
+var apiInstance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsApi();
+apiInstance.analyticsGetSyncStatusPost().then(function(data) {
+ console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
+}, function(error) {
+ console.error(error);
+### Parameters
+This endpoint does not need any parameter.
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.md
index 35a6a74..6665d82 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**inputCv** | **String** | | [optional]
-**amountCv** | **String** | | [optional]
-**assetCv** | **String** | | [optional]
-**zkproof** | **String** | | [optional]
+**inputCv** | **String** | The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note | [optional]
+**amountCv** | **String** | The commitment to the Asset amount | [optional]
+**assetCv** | **String** | The commitment to the ID of the Asset Type | [optional]
+**zkproof** | **String** | The Proof that the commitment contents match | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.md
index 0eccaae..5512eb7 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**inputCv** | **String** | | [optional]
-**zkproof** | **String** | | [optional]
+**inputCv** | **String** | Thecommitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the issued Note | [optional]
**rule** | [**AnalyticsRule**](AnalyticsRule.md) | | [optional]
+**zkproof** | **String** | The Proof that the issued Asset Type indeed matches the reported Rule | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsIssueTx.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsIssueTx.md
index 900d011..c4a92c0 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsIssueTx.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsIssueTx.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**outputs** | [**[AnalyticsOutput]**](AnalyticsOutput.md) | | [optional]
-**publicKey** | **String** | | [optional]
-**signature** | **String** | | [optional]
+**outputs** | [**[AnalyticsOutput]**](AnalyticsOutput.md) | The data of the Assets issued (multiple Assets may potentially be issued in a single Issuance transaction) | [optional]
+**publicKey** | **String** | The public key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance | [optional]
+**signature** | **String** | The signature on the transaction by the secret key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.md
index fe4359c..d1fa782 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.md
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**transfers** | [**[AnalyticsTransferTx]**](AnalyticsTransferTx.md) | | [optional]
+**transfers** | [**[AnalyticsTransferTx]**](AnalyticsTransferTx.md) | The (potentially several) Transfers within the transaction | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutput.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutput.md
index 4afccb2..92290b4 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutput.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutput.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**isConfidential** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
+**isConfidential** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially; false if the Issuance was done publicly | [optional]
**publicIssuanceDescription** | [**AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription**](AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.md) | | [optional]
**confidentialIssuanceDescription** | [**AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription**](AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.md) | | [optional]
**outputDescription** | [**AnalyticsOutputDescription**](AnalyticsOutputDescription.md) | | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutputDescription.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutputDescription.md
index e60f773..dabcb79 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutputDescription.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsOutputDescription.md
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**cv** | **String** | | [optional]
-**cm** | **String** | | [optional]
-**epk** | **String** | | [optional]
-**zkproof** | **String** | | [optional]
-**encNote** | **String** | | [optional]
-**encSender** | **String** | | [optional]
+**cv** | **String** | The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note | [optional]
+**cm** | **String** | The commitment to the entire Note | [optional]
+**zkproof** | **String** | The Proof that the commitments match | [optional]
+**epk** | **String** | The ephemeral public key used to encrypt the Note contents for the receiver | [optional]
+**encNote** | **String** | The Note encryption for the receiver | [optional]
+**encSender** | **String** | The Note encryption for the sender | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.md
index 6374187..78cfc07 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**assetId** | **Number** | |
-**amount** | **Number** | |
+**assetId** | **Number** | The ID of the Asset Type issued |
+**amount** | **Number** | The amount of Assets issued |
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRule.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRule.md
index 20f95a8..d77896c 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRule.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRule.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**minId** | **Number** | |
-**maxId** | **Number** | |
+**minId** | **Number** | The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) |
+**maxId** | **Number** | The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) |
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md
index d33f39e..be0f9cf 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**publicKey** | **String** | | [optional]
-**canIssueConfidentially** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
-**isAdmin** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
-**canIssueAssetIdFirst** | **Number** | | [optional]
-**canIssueAssetIdLast** | **Number** | | [optional]
+**publicKey** | **String** | The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule | [optional]
+**isAdmin** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights | [optional]
+**canIssueAssetIdFirst** | **Number** | The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) | [optional]
+**canIssueAssetIdLast** | **Number** | The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) | [optional]
+**canIssueConfidentially** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleTx.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleTx.md
index 7251454..4ccc6b4 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleTx.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleTx.md
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**senderPublicKey** | **String** | | [optional]
-**rulesToAdd** | [**[AnalyticsRuleDefinition]**](AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md) | | [optional]
-**rulesToDelete** | [**[AnalyticsRuleDefinition]**](AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md) | | [optional]
-**nonce** | **Number** | | [optional]
-**signature** | **String** | | [optional]
+**senderPublicKey** | **String** | The public key of the Wallet used to create the Rule | [optional]
+**rulesToAdd** | [**[AnalyticsRuleDefinition]**](AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md) | The details of the Rules added in this transaction | [optional]
+**rulesToDelete** | [**[AnalyticsRuleDefinition]**](AnalyticsRuleDefinition.md) | The details of the Rules deleted in this transaction | [optional]
+**nonce** | **Number** | The nonce used to make this Rule transaction unique | [optional]
+**signature** | **String** | The signature authorizing the Rule changes, made by the Wallet that made the Rule changes | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.md
index 5c11f6b..24df214 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**publicKey** | **String** | | [optional]
-**canIssueConfidentially** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
-**isAdmin** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
-**canIssueAssetIdFirst** | **Number** | | [optional]
-**canIssueAssetIdLast** | **Number** | | [optional]
-**operation** | **String** | | [optional]
+**publicKey** | **String** | The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule | [optional]
+**isAdmin** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights | [optional]
+**canIssueAssetIdFirst** | **Number** | The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) | [optional]
+**canIssueAssetIdLast** | **Number** | The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) | [optional]
+**canIssueConfidentially** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted | [optional]
+**operation** | **String** | Operation of the transaction, which can be rule creation or deletion | [optional]
+## Enum: OperationEnum
+* `CreateRule` (value: `"CreateRule"`)
+* `DeleteRule` (value: `"DeleteRule"`)
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**cv** | **String** | | [optional]
-**anchor** | **String** | | [optional]
-**nullifier** | **String** | | [optional]
-**rkOut** | **String** | | [optional]
-**zkproof** | **String** | | [optional]
+**cv** | **String** | The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note | [optional]
+**anchor** | **String** | The anchor (root) of the Merkle tree used in the Proof | [optional]
+**nullifier** | **String** | The Note's Nullifier | [optional]
+**zkproof** | **String** | The Proof that the Note indeed exists in the Merkle tree and belongs to the spender | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsTransferTx.md b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsTransferTx.md
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--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsTransferTx.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**assetConverterDescriptions** | [**[AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription]**](AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.md) | | [optional]
-**spends** | [**[AnalyticsSpendDescription]**](AnalyticsSpendDescription.md) | | [optional]
-**outputs** | [**[AnalyticsOutputDescription]**](AnalyticsOutputDescription.md) | | [optional]
-**bindingSig** | **String** | | [optional]
-**spendAuthSigs** | **[String]** | | [optional]
+**assetConverterDescriptions** | [**[AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription]**](AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.md) | The Converter Proofs | [optional]
+**spends** | [**[AnalyticsSpendDescription]**](AnalyticsSpendDescription.md) | The information and Proofs associated with the Assets spent in the Transfer | [optional]
+**outputs** | [**[AnalyticsOutputDescription]**](AnalyticsOutputDescription.md) | The information and Proofs associated with the Assets output from the Transfer | [optional]
+**rk** | **String** | The re-randomized public key of the Wallet which created the Transfer | [optional]
+**spendAuthSig** | **String** | The signature authorizing the spend of the Assets spent in the Transfer | [optional]
+**bindingSig** | **String** | The signature binding the spent and output Assets and verifying the balance | [optional]
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--- a/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsTxMetadata.md
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@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**type** | **String** | | [optional]
-**txHash** | **String** | | [optional]
-**blockHash** | **String** | | [optional]
-**timestamp** | **String** | | [optional]
-**indexInBlock** | **Number** | | [optional]
-**blockHeight** | **Number** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**AnalyticsTxType**](AnalyticsTxType.md) | | [optional]
+**txHash** | **String** | the QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction | [optional]
+**blockHeight** | **Number** | The height of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of | [optional]
+**blockHash** | **String** | the hash of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of | [optional]
+**timestamp** | **String** | UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format | [optional]
+**indexInBlock** | **Number** | The serial number within the Block of the transaction relative to other QEDIT transactions; indexing is 0-based | [optional]
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/AnalyticsTxType.md
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+# QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxType
+## Enum
+* `Issue` (value: `"Issue"`)
+* `Transfer` (value: `"Transfer"`)
+* `Rule` (value: `"Rule"`)
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**id** | **String** | |
+**id** | **String** | The unique ID of the Task that was created in the Node to process the asynchronous request |
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--- a/js/sdk/docs/BalanceForAsset.md
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@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**assetId** | **Number** | |
-**amount** | **Number** | |
+**assetId** | **Number** | The ID of the Asset Type |
+**amount** | **Number** | The outstanding balance for the Asset Type |
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--- a/js/sdk/docs/CreateRuleRequest.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**authorization** | **String** | |
-**rulesToAdd** | [**[Rule]**](Rule.md) | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules |
+**authorization** | **String** | The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules |
+**rulesToAdd** | [**[Rule]**](Rule.md) | The list of Rules to add to the network |
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--- a/js/sdk/docs/DeleteRuleRequest.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/DeleteRuleRequest.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**authorization** | **String** | |
-**rulesToDelete** | [**[Rule]**](Rule.md) | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules |
+**authorization** | **String** | The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules |
+**rulesToDelete** | [**[Rule]**](Rule.md) | The list of Rules to delete from the network |
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--- a/js/sdk/docs/DeleteWalletRequest.md
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@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**authorization** | **String** | | [optional]
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet to delete |
+**authorization** | **String** | The authorization password for the Wallet | [optional]
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**errorCode** | **Number** | |
-**message** | **String** | | [optional]
+**errorCode** | **Number** | The error code returned from the server |
+**message** | **String** | The error message returned from the server | [optional]
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**authorization** | **String** | |
-**recipientPaymentAddress** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet to export a viewing key for |
+**authorization** | **String** | The authorization password for the Wallet |
+**recipientPaymentAddress** | **String** | The Address of the Wallet that belongs to the intended recipient of the exported viewing key; used to encrypt the key in such a way that only the intended recipient can decrypt it |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**publicKey** | **String** | |
-**accessKey** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported |
+**publicKey** | **String** | The public key of the exported Wallet which uniquely identifies it across the network |
+**accessKey** | **String** | The encrypted viewing key |
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--- a/js/sdk/docs/ExportWalletRequest.md
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@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet to export |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**encryptedSk** | **String** | |
-**salt** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported |
+**encryptedSk** | **String** | The encrypted secret key of the Wallet |
+**salt** | **String** | The salt used in the encryption of the secret key |
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index 983628f..6fe28d1 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/GenerateWalletRequest.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**authorization** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID under which to create the Wallet; must be unique within the Node |
+**authorization** | **String** | The authorizarion password under which to encrypt the generated Wallet's secret key; will be required in order to perform actions using the Wallet |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletIds** | **[String]** | | [optional]
+**walletIds** | **[String]** | The IDs of the Wallets currently active in this Node | [optional]
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--- a/js/sdk/docs/GetNetworkActivityRequest.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**startIndex** | **Number** | |
-**numberOfResults** | **Number** | |
+**startIndex** | **Number** | An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based |
+**numberOfResults** | **Number** | Maximal number of results to fetch in this call |
+**txHashes** | **[String]** | | [optional]
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**diversifier** | **String** | | [optional]
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet for which to generate an Address |
+**diversifier** | **String** | An optional 11-byte (22 hexadecimal characters) input which is used to generate different Addresses. A unique Address will be generated for each different diversifier used. If omitted, the Node selects a random diversifier. | [optional]
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**recipientAddress** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet the Address belongs to |
+**recipientAddress** | **String** | The generated Address of the Wallet |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve the public key |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**publicKey** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet the pubic key belongs to |
+**publicKey** | **String** | The public key of the Wallet |
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--- a/js/sdk/docs/GetRulesResponse.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**rules** | [**[Rule]**](Rule.md) | | [optional]
+**rules** | [**[Rule]**](Rule.md) | The Rules currently active in the network | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/GetSyncStatusResponse.md b/js/sdk/docs/GetSyncStatusResponse.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# QedItAssetTransfers.GetSyncStatusResponse
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**inSync** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the QEDIT Node is in sync with the Blockchain; false if the Node is not synced; sync is defined as having less than a preconfigured difference between the current Blockchain height and the last block processed by the Node; the allowed difference defaults to 5, but can be configured when setting up the Node | [optional]
+**blockchainBlockHeight** | **Number** | The current block height of the Blockchain | [optional]
+**lastProcessedBlockHeight** | **Number** | The height of the last block that was processed in the Node | [optional]
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**id** | **String** | |
+**id** | **String** | The ID of the Task |
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@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**id** | **String** | | [optional]
-**createdAt** | **Date** | | [optional]
-**updatedAt** | **Date** | | [optional]
-**result** | **String** | | [optional]
-**state** | **String** | | [optional]
-**txHash** | **String** | | [optional]
-**qeditTxHash** | **String** | | [optional]
-**type** | **String** | | [optional]
-**data** | **Object** | | [optional]
-**error** | **String** | | [optional]
+**id** | **String** | Unique ID of the Task | [optional]
+**createdAt** | **Date** | UTC time of creation of the Task in RFC-3339 format | [optional]
+**updatedAt** | **Date** | UTC last time the Task was updated in RFC-3339 format | [optional]
+**result** | [**Result**](Result.md) | | [optional]
+**state** | **String** | More granular current state of the Task; list of supported states is not guaranteed to be stable | [optional]
+**txHash** | **String** | The Blockchain-generated hash of the Transaction; populated after the Blockchain Node accepted the Transaction | [optional]
+**qeditTxHash** | **String** | The QEDIT-generated hash of the Transaction; generated after proof generation, but prior to Broadcast by the QEDIT Node | [optional]
+**type** | [**TaskType**](TaskType.md) | | [optional]
+**data** | **Object** | Container for the Transaction data; each Transaction type has different fields | [optional]
+**error** | **String** | In case of failure this field reports the reason for the failure | [optional]
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--- a/js/sdk/docs/GetTasksRequest.md
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@@ -3,39 +3,20 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**startIndex** | **Number** | |
-**numberOfResults** | **Number** | |
-**types** | **[String]** | | [optional]
-**results** | **[String]** | | [optional]
-**order** | **String** | | [optional] [default to 'desc']
+**startIndex** | **Number** | An offset used to paginate through the Task list; indexing is 0-based |
+**numberOfResults** | **Number** | Maximal number of results to fetch in this call |
+**types** | [**[TaskType]**](TaskType.md) | Types of Tasks to fetch; fetch all types if omitted | [optional]
+**results** | [**[Result]**](Result.md) | List of results (statuses) to filter by; fetch in_progress tasks if omitted | [optional]
+**order** | **String** | Order of tasks to fetch (either ascending or descending); ordering is chronological where the time is set to when the task was created in this Node | [optional] [default to 'desc']
-## Enum: [TypesEnum]
+## Enum: OrderEnum
-* `unlock_wallet` (value: `"unlock_wallet"`)
+* `asc` (value: `"asc"`)
-* `transfer_asset` (value: `"transfer_asset"`)
-* `issue_asset` (value: `"issue_asset"`)
-* `alter_rule` (value: `"alter_rule"`)
-## Enum: [ResultsEnum]
-* `pending` (value: `"pending"`)
-* `failure` (value: `"failure"`)
-* `in_progress` (value: `"in_progress"`)
-* `success` (value: `"success"`)
+* `desc` (value: `"desc"`)
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/GetTasksResponse.md b/js/sdk/docs/GetTasksResponse.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**tasks** | [**[GetTaskStatusResponse]**](GetTaskStatusResponse.md) | | [optional]
+**tasks** | [**[GetTaskStatusResponse]**](GetTaskStatusResponse.md) | The returned Tasks array, sorted in the requested order | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/GetWalletActivityRequest.md b/js/sdk/docs/GetWalletActivityRequest.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**startIndex** | **Number** | |
-**numberOfResults** | **Number** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve activity history |
+**startIndex** | **Number** | An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based |
+**numberOfResults** | **Number** | Maximal number of results to fetch in this call |
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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**walletId** | **String** | | [optional]
-**transactions** | [**[AnalyticWalletTx]**](AnalyticWalletTx.md) | | [optional]
+**transactions** | [**[AnalyticWalletTx]**](AnalyticWalletTx.md) | The list of retrieved transactions | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/GetWalletBalanceRequest.md b/js/sdk/docs/GetWalletBalanceRequest.md
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--- a/js/sdk/docs/GetWalletBalanceRequest.md
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet |
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## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**assets** | [**[BalanceForAsset]**](BalanceForAsset.md) | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet |
+**assets** | [**[BalanceForAsset]**](BalanceForAsset.md) | The balances of the various Asset Types held by the Wallet |
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index 636e5e4..fe4507e 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/HealthApi.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/HealthApi.md
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
Perform a healthcheck of the node and its dependent services
+Reports the health of the various components of the system as well as an overall status for the Node. If the Node's status is good, then the Node is synced with the Blockchain and can successfully process requests.
### Example
var QedItAssetTransfers = require('qed-it-asset-transfers');
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index 9735704..a09375c 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponse.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponse.md
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**version** | **String** | | [optional]
+**version** | **String** | API version of the Node | [optional]
**blockchainConnector** | [**HealthcheckResponseItem**](HealthcheckResponseItem.md) | | [optional]
**messageQueue** | [**HealthcheckResponseItem**](HealthcheckResponseItem.md) | | [optional]
**database** | [**HealthcheckResponseItem**](HealthcheckResponseItem.md) | | [optional]
-**passing** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
+**passing** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the endpoint is ready for calls | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponseItem.md b/js/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponseItem.md
index e53e5e7..c12a1c7 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponseItem.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/HealthcheckResponseItem.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**passing** | **Boolean** | | [optional]
-**error** | **String** | | [optional]
+**passing** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the component is healthy | [optional]
+**error** | **String** | Error string describing the component's problem; empty if the component is healthy | [optional]
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md b/js/sdk/docs/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md
index 67b28c4..e8be122 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**publicKey** | **String** | |
-**accessKey** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node |
+**publicKey** | **String** | The public key of the imported Wallet |
+**accessKey** | **String** | the encrypted viewing key of the imported Wallet |
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/ImportWalletRequest.md b/js/sdk/docs/ImportWalletRequest.md
index e373532..0767930 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/ImportWalletRequest.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/ImportWalletRequest.md
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**encryptedSk** | **String** | |
-**authorization** | **String** | |
-**salt** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node |
+**encryptedSk** | **String** | The encrypted secret key of the Wallet |
+**authorization** | **String** | The authorization password used during Wallet generation that allows to decrypt the encrypted secret key |
+**salt** | **String** | The salt used in the encryption of the secret key |
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/IssueAssetRequest.md b/js/sdk/docs/IssueAssetRequest.md
index 5b635ec..907a98b 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/IssueAssetRequest.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/IssueAssetRequest.md
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**authorization** | **String** | |
-**recipientAddress** | **String** | |
-**amount** | **Number** | |
-**assetId** | **Number** | |
-**confidential** | **Boolean** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet that has the required Issuance privileges |
+**authorization** | **String** | The authorization password for the Wallet that has the Issuance privileges |
+**recipientAddress** | **String** | The Address of the recipient of the issued Assets |
+**assetId** | **Number** | The ID of the Asset Type to issue |
+**amount** | **Number** | the amount of Assets to issue |
+**confidential** | **Boolean** | Boolean which should be true if the issuance should be confidential, and false of the Issuance should be public |
**memo** | **String** | |
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/NodeApi.md b/js/sdk/docs/NodeApi.md
index c026122..c51cb33 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/NodeApi.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/NodeApi.md
@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ All URIs are relative to *http://localhost:12052*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
-[**nodeDeleteWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeDeleteWalletPost) | **POST** /node/delete_wallet | Delete a wallet
-[**nodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **POST** /node/export_auditor_access_wallet | Export a viewing key that allows an auditor to view all transactions to and from a wallet. The viewing key is encrypted for the auditor identified by recipient_payment_address. The viewing key does not enable the auditor to make transactions.
+[**nodeDeleteWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeDeleteWalletPost) | **POST** /node/delete_wallet | Delete a Wallet
+[**nodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **POST** /node/export_auditor_access_wallet | Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
[**nodeExportWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeExportWalletPost) | **POST** /node/export_wallet | Export wallet secret key
-[**nodeGenerateWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeGenerateWalletPost) | **POST** /node/generate_wallet | Generate a new wallet
-[**nodeGetAllWalletsPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeGetAllWalletsPost) | **POST** /node/get_all_wallets | Get all wallet labels
-[**nodeGetRulesPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeGetRulesPost) | **POST** /node/get_rules | Get network governance rules
+[**nodeGenerateWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeGenerateWalletPost) | **POST** /node/generate_wallet | Generate a new Wallet
+[**nodeGetAllWalletsPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeGetAllWalletsPost) | **POST** /node/get_all_wallets | Get all wallet IDs
+[**nodeGetRulesPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeGetRulesPost) | **POST** /node/get_rules | Get network governance Rules
[**nodeGetTaskStatusPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeGetTaskStatusPost) | **POST** /node/get_task_status | Get a specific task (by ID)
-[**nodeGetTasksPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeGetTasksPost) | **POST** /node/get_tasks | Get a list of tasks by results/types
-[**nodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **POST** /node/import_auditor_access_wallet | Import a viewing key generated by export_auditor_access_wallet [async call]. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions.
-[**nodeImportWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeImportWalletPost) | **POST** /node/import_wallet | Import wallet from secret key [async call]
+[**nodeGetTasksPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeGetTasksPost) | **POST** /node/get_tasks | Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
+[**nodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost) | **POST** /node/import_auditor_access_wallet | Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
+[**nodeImportWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeImportWalletPost) | **POST** /node/import_wallet | Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
[**nodeUnlockWalletPost**](NodeApi.md#nodeUnlockWalletPost) | **POST** /node/unlock_wallet | Unlocks a wallet for a given amount of seconds [async call]
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
# **nodeDeleteWalletPost**
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse nodeDeleteWalletPost(deleteWalletRequest)
-Delete a wallet
+Delete a Wallet
+Deletes a Wallet from the Node; All private information about the Wallet will be deleted including transactional history, balances, and keys; If the secret key of the Wallet are not stored elsewhere then all Assets held in the Wallet will be forever lost! If the secret key of the Wallet is stored elsewhere, then all held Assets and the entire transactional history of the Wallet can be restored from the Blockchain at any time by importing the Wallet into a Node.
### Example
@@ -66,7 +68,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **nodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost**
> ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse nodeExportAuditorAccessWalletPost(exportAuditorAccessWalletRequest)
-Export a viewing key that allows an auditor to view all transactions to and from a wallet. The viewing key is encrypted for the auditor identified by recipient_payment_address. The viewing key does not enable the auditor to make transactions.
+Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
+Export a viewing key that allows viewing all transactions to and from a wallet, including past transactions. The viewing key is encrypted for a specific Address, and can only be recovered by someone in possession of either a secret key or a viewing key for the Wallet that Address belongs to. The viewing key does enable making any transactions (including rule changes, issuance, and transfers) on behalf of the exported Wallet.
### Example
@@ -113,6 +117,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Export wallet secret key
+Export an encrypted form of the Wallet's secret key; The authorization password under which the secret key is encrypted is the same one under which it was originally created or imported; Knowledge of the secret key and the authorization password is required to import the Wallet into a Node in the future.
### Example
var QedItAssetTransfers = require('qed-it-asset-transfers');
@@ -156,7 +162,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **nodeGenerateWalletPost**
> nodeGenerateWalletPost(generateWalletRequest)
-Generate a new wallet
+Generate a new Wallet
+Randomly generate a new Wallet under a specified ID; This only affects the Node and in particular nothing about this action is broadcast to the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
### Example
@@ -201,7 +209,9 @@ null (empty response body)
# **nodeGetAllWalletsPost**
> GetAllWalletsResponse nodeGetAllWalletsPost()
-Get all wallet labels
+Get all wallet IDs
+Returns a list of the IDs of all Wallets currently stored on the Node. Both full-access and view-only Wallets are listed.
### Example
@@ -242,7 +252,9 @@ This endpoint does not need any parameter.
# **nodeGetRulesPost**
> GetRulesResponse nodeGetRulesPost()
-Get network governance rules
+Get network governance Rules
+Returns a full list of all the Rules that govern admin and issuance rights within the network.
### Example
@@ -285,6 +297,8 @@ This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Get a specific task (by ID)
+Returns the meta-data of a given Task and its current status. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned.
### Example
var QedItAssetTransfers = require('qed-it-asset-transfers');
@@ -328,7 +342,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **nodeGetTasksPost**
> GetTasksResponse nodeGetTasksPost(getTasksRequest)
-Get a list of tasks by results/types
+Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
+Returns a list of all Tasks along with their meta-data and statuses. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned. Tasks can be filtered using various parameters as specified in the request body.
### Example
@@ -373,7 +389,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **nodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost**
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse nodeImportAuditorAccessWalletPost(importAuditorAccessWalletRequest)
-Import a viewing key generated by export_auditor_access_wallet [async call]. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions.
+Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
+Import a viewing key generated by the export_auditor_access_wallet endpoint. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions. The Wallet whose Address was used as the recipient for the exported viewing key must already be imported within the Node in order for this process to succeed.
### Example
@@ -418,7 +436,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **nodeImportWalletPost**
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse nodeImportWalletPost(importWalletRequest)
-Import wallet from secret key [async call]
+Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
+Import a Wallet into the Node under a specified ID; All the transactional history and outstanding balanced of the Wallet will be extracted from the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
### Example
@@ -465,6 +485,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Unlocks a wallet for a given amount of seconds [async call]
+Causes a specified Wallet's secret key to be stored in-memory for a specified amount of time in order to increase transactional latency. Should only be used in cases where latency is highly sensitive.
### Example
var QedItAssetTransfers = require('qed-it-asset-transfers');
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/Result.md b/js/sdk/docs/Result.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1eedd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/Result.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# QedItAssetTransfers.Result
+## Enum
+* `pending` (value: `"pending"`)
+* `in_progress` (value: `"in_progress"`)
+* `success` (value: `"success"`)
+* `failure` (value: `"failure"`)
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/Rule.md b/js/sdk/docs/Rule.md
index 863b66e..0616c01 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/Rule.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/Rule.md
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**publicKey** | **String** | |
-**canIssueConfidentially** | **Boolean** | |
-**canIssueAssetIdFirst** | **Number** | |
-**canIssueAssetIdLast** | **Number** | |
-**isAdmin** | **Boolean** | |
+**publicKey** | **String** | The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule |
+**isAdmin** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights |
+**canIssueAssetIdFirst** | **Number** | The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) |
+**canIssueAssetIdLast** | **Number** | The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive) |
+**canIssueConfidentially** | **Boolean** | Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted |
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/TaskType.md b/js/sdk/docs/TaskType.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be7489a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/TaskType.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# QedItAssetTransfers.TaskType
+## Enum
+* `unlock_wallet` (value: `"unlock_wallet"`)
+* `transfer_asset` (value: `"transfer_asset"`)
+* `issue_asset` (value: `"issue_asset"`)
+* `alter_rule` (value: `"alter_rule"`)
+* `import_wallet` (value: `"import_wallet"`)
+* `delete_wallet` (value: `"delete_wallet"`)
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/TransferAssetRequest.md b/js/sdk/docs/TransferAssetRequest.md
index 3d1c85a..c911360 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/TransferAssetRequest.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/TransferAssetRequest.md
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**authorization** | **String** | |
-**recipientAddress** | **String** | |
-**amount** | **Number** | |
-**assetId** | **Number** | |
-**memo** | **String** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet to transfer from |
+**authorization** | **String** | The authorization password for the Wallet to transfer from |
+**recipientAddress** | **String** | The Address of the recipient of the funds |
+**assetId** | **Number** | The ID for the Asset Type to transfer |
+**amount** | **Number** | The amount of assets to transfer |
+**memo** | **String** | An app-customizable field to store additional private data relating to the transfer; the memo is shared between the sender and the receiver, but is not divulged to other parties |
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/UnlockWalletRequest.md b/js/sdk/docs/UnlockWalletRequest.md
index 65b48a7..d31f026 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/UnlockWalletRequest.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/UnlockWalletRequest.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**walletId** | **String** | |
-**authorization** | **String** | |
-**seconds** | **Number** | |
+**walletId** | **String** | The ID of the Wallet to unlock |
+**authorization** | **String** | The authorization password for the Wallet |
+**seconds** | **Number** | The number of seconds to keep the Wallet unlocked |
diff --git a/js/sdk/docs/WalletApi.md b/js/sdk/docs/WalletApi.md
index dbf0eaf..8860cc2 100644
--- a/js/sdk/docs/WalletApi.md
+++ b/js/sdk/docs/WalletApi.md
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ All URIs are relative to *http://localhost:12052*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
-[**walletCreateRulePost**](WalletApi.md#walletCreateRulePost) | **POST** /wallet/create_rule | Create & broadcast add-config-rule [async call]
-[**walletDeleteRulePost**](WalletApi.md#walletDeleteRulePost) | **POST** /wallet/delete_rule | Create & broadcast delete-config-rule [async call]
+[**walletCreateRulePost**](WalletApi.md#walletCreateRulePost) | **POST** /wallet/create_rule | Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
+[**walletDeleteRulePost**](WalletApi.md#walletDeleteRulePost) | **POST** /wallet/delete_rule | Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
[**walletGetActivityPost**](WalletApi.md#walletGetActivityPost) | **POST** /wallet/get_activity | Get wallet activity (transactions)
-[**walletGetBalancesPost**](WalletApi.md#walletGetBalancesPost) | **POST** /wallet/get_balances | Get wallets balance
+[**walletGetBalancesPost**](WalletApi.md#walletGetBalancesPost) | **POST** /wallet/get_balances | Get wallets balances
[**walletGetNewAddressPost**](WalletApi.md#walletGetNewAddressPost) | **POST** /wallet/get_new_address | Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly
[**walletGetPublicKeyPost**](WalletApi.md#walletGetPublicKeyPost) | **POST** /wallet/get_public_key | Get wallet public key
[**walletIssueAssetPost**](WalletApi.md#walletIssueAssetPost) | **POST** /wallet/issue_asset | Issue assets [async call]
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
# **walletCreateRulePost**
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse walletCreateRulePost(createRuleRequest)
-Create & broadcast add-config-rule [async call]
+Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
+Create new Rules that can either create a new admin, a new issuer, or both; The Rules are created by a Wallet that needs to have admin rights; The Rules grant rights to other Wallets through the Wallets' public keys.
### Example
@@ -63,7 +65,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **walletDeleteRulePost**
> AsyncTaskCreatedResponse walletDeleteRulePost(deleteRuleRequest)
-Create & broadcast delete-config-rule [async call]
+Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
+Delete an existing Rule from the network; The Rule is deleted by a Wallet which needs to have admin rights.
### Example
@@ -110,6 +114,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Get wallet activity (transactions)
+List transactions that were created by a specifed Wallet or that affected that Wallet; All known details of each such transaction will be returned.
### Example
var QedItAssetTransfers = require('qed-it-asset-transfers');
@@ -153,7 +159,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **walletGetBalancesPost**
> GetWalletBalanceResponse walletGetBalancesPost(getWalletBalanceRequest)
-Get wallets balance
+Get wallets balances
+Get a list of the Asset Types held within a given Wallet and the amount of each type held.
### Example
@@ -200,6 +208,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly
+Generate an Address for the Wallet; the address can be used by other Wallet owners to issue or transfer Assets into said Wallet; If a diversifier is provided, then the generated address is deterministically generated from the diversifier; If the diversifier is omitted, then a random diversifier is used and the resulting Address will be random; in both cases the Address cannot be linked to the Wallet by parties that do not have access to the Wallet. All generated Addresses of a Wallet are always valid and cannot be invalidated.
### Example
var QedItAssetTransfers = require('qed-it-asset-transfers');
@@ -245,6 +255,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Get wallet public key
+Get the unique public key of the Wallet; This key is unique across the entire network and is used to identify the Wallet.
### Example
var QedItAssetTransfers = require('qed-it-asset-transfers');
@@ -290,6 +302,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Issue assets [async call]
+Issue Assets from a Wallet to a recipient Address; The issuing Wallet is required to have matching issuance rights (in the form of a matching Rule); Issuance can be done either confidentially or in public; In order to issue confidentially, the matching Rule must explicitly allow this.
### Example
var QedItAssetTransfers = require('qed-it-asset-transfers');
@@ -335,6 +349,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Transfer assets [async call]
+Transfer a specified amount of a specified Asset Type from a specified Wallet to a specified Address; Transfers are always completely confidential.
### Example
var QedItAssetTransfers = require('qed-it-asset-transfers');
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/api/AnalyticsApi.js b/js/sdk/src/api/AnalyticsApi.js
index 248fa09..164ceac 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/api/AnalyticsApi.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/api/AnalyticsApi.js
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define(['ApiClient', 'model/ErrorResponse', 'model/GetNetworkActivityRequest', 'model/GetNetworkActivityResponse'], factory);
+ define(['ApiClient', 'model/ErrorResponse', 'model/GetNetworkActivityRequest', 'model/GetNetworkActivityResponse', 'model/GetSyncStatusResponse'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
- module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'), require('../model/ErrorResponse'), require('../model/GetNetworkActivityRequest'), require('../model/GetNetworkActivityResponse'));
+ module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'), require('../model/ErrorResponse'), require('../model/GetNetworkActivityRequest'), require('../model/GetNetworkActivityResponse'), require('../model/GetSyncStatusResponse'));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
if (!root.QedItAssetTransfers) {
root.QedItAssetTransfers = {};
- root.QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsApi = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient, root.QedItAssetTransfers.ErrorResponse, root.QedItAssetTransfers.GetNetworkActivityRequest, root.QedItAssetTransfers.GetNetworkActivityResponse);
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsApi = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient, root.QedItAssetTransfers.ErrorResponse, root.QedItAssetTransfers.GetNetworkActivityRequest, root.QedItAssetTransfers.GetNetworkActivityResponse, root.QedItAssetTransfers.GetSyncStatusResponse);
-}(this, function(ApiClient, ErrorResponse, GetNetworkActivityRequest, GetNetworkActivityResponse) {
+}(this, function(ApiClient, ErrorResponse, GetNetworkActivityRequest, GetNetworkActivityResponse, GetSyncStatusResponse) {
'use strict';
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
- * Get details on past blocks
+ * Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
+ * List all verified Transactions from the network, even ones that do not have anything to do with any Wallet stored in the Node; For each such Transaction all of public information is returned in a structured format; However, no private information is returned even if some private information is known.
* @param {module:model/GetNetworkActivityRequest} getNetworkActivityRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/GetNetworkActivityResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -86,7 +87,8 @@
- * Get details on past blocks
+ * Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
+ * List all verified Transactions from the network, even ones that do not have anything to do with any Wallet stored in the Node; For each such Transaction all of public information is returned in a structured format; However, no private information is returned even if some private information is known.
* @param {module:model/GetNetworkActivityRequest} getNetworkActivityRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/GetNetworkActivityResponse}
@@ -96,6 +98,51 @@
return response_and_data.data;
+ /**
+ * Get blockchain sync status information
+ * Returns detailed information about the status of the sync between the QEDIT Node and the underlying Blockchain
+ * @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/GetSyncStatusResponse} and HTTP response
+ */
+ this.analyticsGetSyncStatusPostWithHttpInfo = function() {
+ var postBody = null;
+ var pathParams = {
+ };
+ var queryParams = {
+ };
+ var collectionQueryParams = {
+ };
+ var headerParams = {
+ };
+ var formParams = {
+ };
+ var authNames = ['ApiKeyAuth'];
+ var contentTypes = [];
+ var accepts = ['application/json'];
+ var returnType = GetSyncStatusResponse;
+ return this.apiClient.callApi(
+ '/analytics/get_sync_status', 'POST',
+ pathParams, queryParams, collectionQueryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
+ authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get blockchain sync status information
+ * Returns detailed information about the status of the sync between the QEDIT Node and the underlying Blockchain
+ * @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/GetSyncStatusResponse}
+ */
+ this.analyticsGetSyncStatusPost = function() {
+ return this.analyticsGetSyncStatusPostWithHttpInfo()
+ .then(function(response_and_data) {
+ return response_and_data.data;
+ });
+ }
return exports;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/api/HealthApi.js b/js/sdk/src/api/HealthApi.js
index d070606..79efdda 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/api/HealthApi.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/api/HealthApi.js
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
* Perform a healthcheck of the node and its dependent services
+ * Reports the health of the various components of the system as well as an overall status for the Node. If the Node's status is good, then the Node is synced with the Blockchain and can successfully process requests.
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/HealthcheckResponse} and HTTP response
this.healthPostWithHttpInfo = function() {
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@
* Perform a healthcheck of the node and its dependent services
+ * Reports the health of the various components of the system as well as an overall status for the Node. If the Node's status is good, then the Node is synced with the Blockchain and can successfully process requests.
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/HealthcheckResponse}
this.healthPost = function() {
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/api/NodeApi.js b/js/sdk/src/api/NodeApi.js
index 28a5edb..12e8826 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/api/NodeApi.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/api/NodeApi.js
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
- * Delete a wallet
+ * Delete a Wallet
+ * Deletes a Wallet from the Node; All private information about the Wallet will be deleted including transactional history, balances, and keys; If the secret key of the Wallet are not stored elsewhere then all Assets held in the Wallet will be forever lost! If the secret key of the Wallet is stored elsewhere, then all held Assets and the entire transactional history of the Wallet can be restored from the Blockchain at any time by importing the Wallet into a Node.
* @param {module:model/DeleteWalletRequest} deleteWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -86,7 +87,8 @@
- * Delete a wallet
+ * Delete a Wallet
+ * Deletes a Wallet from the Node; All private information about the Wallet will be deleted including transactional history, balances, and keys; If the secret key of the Wallet are not stored elsewhere then all Assets held in the Wallet will be forever lost! If the secret key of the Wallet is stored elsewhere, then all held Assets and the entire transactional history of the Wallet can be restored from the Blockchain at any time by importing the Wallet into a Node.
* @param {module:model/DeleteWalletRequest} deleteWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse}
@@ -99,7 +101,8 @@
- * Export a viewing key that allows an auditor to view all transactions to and from a wallet. The viewing key is encrypted for the auditor identified by recipient_payment_address. The viewing key does not enable the auditor to make transactions.
+ * Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
+ * Export a viewing key that allows viewing all transactions to and from a wallet, including past transactions. The viewing key is encrypted for a specific Address, and can only be recovered by someone in possession of either a secret key or a viewing key for the Wallet that Address belongs to. The viewing key does enable making any transactions (including rule changes, issuance, and transfers) on behalf of the exported Wallet.
* @param {module:model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest} exportAuditorAccessWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -136,7 +139,8 @@
- * Export a viewing key that allows an auditor to view all transactions to and from a wallet. The viewing key is encrypted for the auditor identified by recipient_payment_address. The viewing key does not enable the auditor to make transactions.
+ * Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
+ * Export a viewing key that allows viewing all transactions to and from a wallet, including past transactions. The viewing key is encrypted for a specific Address, and can only be recovered by someone in possession of either a secret key or a viewing key for the Wallet that Address belongs to. The viewing key does enable making any transactions (including rule changes, issuance, and transfers) on behalf of the exported Wallet.
* @param {module:model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest} exportAuditorAccessWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse}
@@ -150,6 +154,7 @@
* Export wallet secret key
+ * Export an encrypted form of the Wallet's secret key; The authorization password under which the secret key is encrypted is the same one under which it was originally created or imported; Knowledge of the secret key and the authorization password is required to import the Wallet into a Node in the future.
* @param {module:model/ExportWalletRequest} exportWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/ExportWalletResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -187,6 +192,7 @@
* Export wallet secret key
+ * Export an encrypted form of the Wallet's secret key; The authorization password under which the secret key is encrypted is the same one under which it was originally created or imported; Knowledge of the secret key and the authorization password is required to import the Wallet into a Node in the future.
* @param {module:model/ExportWalletRequest} exportWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/ExportWalletResponse}
@@ -199,7 +205,8 @@
- * Generate a new wallet
+ * Generate a new Wallet
+ * Randomly generate a new Wallet under a specified ID; This only affects the Node and in particular nothing about this action is broadcast to the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
* @param {module:model/GenerateWalletRequest} generateWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing HTTP response
@@ -236,7 +243,8 @@
- * Generate a new wallet
+ * Generate a new Wallet
+ * Randomly generate a new Wallet under a specified ID; This only affects the Node and in particular nothing about this action is broadcast to the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
* @param {module:model/GenerateWalletRequest} generateWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}
@@ -249,7 +257,8 @@
- * Get all wallet labels
+ * Get all wallet IDs
+ * Returns a list of the IDs of all Wallets currently stored on the Node. Both full-access and view-only Wallets are listed.
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/GetAllWalletsResponse} and HTTP response
this.nodeGetAllWalletsPostWithHttpInfo = function() {
@@ -280,7 +289,8 @@
- * Get all wallet labels
+ * Get all wallet IDs
+ * Returns a list of the IDs of all Wallets currently stored on the Node. Both full-access and view-only Wallets are listed.
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/GetAllWalletsResponse}
this.nodeGetAllWalletsPost = function() {
@@ -292,7 +302,8 @@
- * Get network governance rules
+ * Get network governance Rules
+ * Returns a full list of all the Rules that govern admin and issuance rights within the network.
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/GetRulesResponse} and HTTP response
this.nodeGetRulesPostWithHttpInfo = function() {
@@ -323,7 +334,8 @@
- * Get network governance rules
+ * Get network governance Rules
+ * Returns a full list of all the Rules that govern admin and issuance rights within the network.
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/GetRulesResponse}
this.nodeGetRulesPost = function() {
@@ -336,6 +348,7 @@
* Get a specific task (by ID)
+ * Returns the meta-data of a given Task and its current status. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned.
* @param {module:model/GetTaskStatusRequest} getTaskStatusRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/GetTaskStatusResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -373,6 +386,7 @@
* Get a specific task (by ID)
+ * Returns the meta-data of a given Task and its current status. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned.
* @param {module:model/GetTaskStatusRequest} getTaskStatusRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/GetTaskStatusResponse}
@@ -385,7 +399,8 @@
- * Get a list of tasks by results/types
+ * Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
+ * Returns a list of all Tasks along with their meta-data and statuses. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned. Tasks can be filtered using various parameters as specified in the request body.
* @param {module:model/GetTasksRequest} getTasksRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/GetTasksResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -422,7 +437,8 @@
- * Get a list of tasks by results/types
+ * Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
+ * Returns a list of all Tasks along with their meta-data and statuses. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned. Tasks can be filtered using various parameters as specified in the request body.
* @param {module:model/GetTasksRequest} getTasksRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/GetTasksResponse}
@@ -435,7 +451,8 @@
- * Import a viewing key generated by export_auditor_access_wallet [async call]. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions.
+ * Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
+ * Import a viewing key generated by the export_auditor_access_wallet endpoint. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions. The Wallet whose Address was used as the recipient for the exported viewing key must already be imported within the Node in order for this process to succeed.
* @param {module:model/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest} importAuditorAccessWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -472,7 +489,8 @@
- * Import a viewing key generated by export_auditor_access_wallet [async call]. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions.
+ * Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
+ * Import a viewing key generated by the export_auditor_access_wallet endpoint. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions. The Wallet whose Address was used as the recipient for the exported viewing key must already be imported within the Node in order for this process to succeed.
* @param {module:model/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest} importAuditorAccessWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse}
@@ -485,7 +503,8 @@
- * Import wallet from secret key [async call]
+ * Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
+ * Import a Wallet into the Node under a specified ID; All the transactional history and outstanding balanced of the Wallet will be extracted from the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
* @param {module:model/ImportWalletRequest} importWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -522,7 +541,8 @@
- * Import wallet from secret key [async call]
+ * Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
+ * Import a Wallet into the Node under a specified ID; All the transactional history and outstanding balanced of the Wallet will be extracted from the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
* @param {module:model/ImportWalletRequest} importWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse}
@@ -536,6 +556,7 @@
* Unlocks a wallet for a given amount of seconds [async call]
+ * Causes a specified Wallet's secret key to be stored in-memory for a specified amount of time in order to increase transactional latency. Should only be used in cases where latency is highly sensitive.
* @param {module:model/UnlockWalletRequest} unlockWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -573,6 +594,7 @@
* Unlocks a wallet for a given amount of seconds [async call]
+ * Causes a specified Wallet's secret key to be stored in-memory for a specified amount of time in order to increase transactional latency. Should only be used in cases where latency is highly sensitive.
* @param {module:model/UnlockWalletRequest} unlockWalletRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse}
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/api/WalletApi.js b/js/sdk/src/api/WalletApi.js
index 41b4704..ca7dc7e 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/api/WalletApi.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/api/WalletApi.js
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@
- * Create & broadcast add-config-rule [async call]
+ * Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
+ * Create new Rules that can either create a new admin, a new issuer, or both; The Rules are created by a Wallet that needs to have admin rights; The Rules grant rights to other Wallets through the Wallets' public keys.
* @param {module:model/CreateRuleRequest} createRuleRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -86,7 +87,8 @@
- * Create & broadcast add-config-rule [async call]
+ * Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
+ * Create new Rules that can either create a new admin, a new issuer, or both; The Rules are created by a Wallet that needs to have admin rights; The Rules grant rights to other Wallets through the Wallets' public keys.
* @param {module:model/CreateRuleRequest} createRuleRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse}
@@ -99,7 +101,8 @@
- * Create & broadcast delete-config-rule [async call]
+ * Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
+ * Delete an existing Rule from the network; The Rule is deleted by a Wallet which needs to have admin rights.
* @param {module:model/DeleteRuleRequest} deleteRuleRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -136,7 +139,8 @@
- * Create & broadcast delete-config-rule [async call]
+ * Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
+ * Delete an existing Rule from the network; The Rule is deleted by a Wallet which needs to have admin rights.
* @param {module:model/DeleteRuleRequest} deleteRuleRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse}
@@ -150,6 +154,7 @@
* Get wallet activity (transactions)
+ * List transactions that were created by a specifed Wallet or that affected that Wallet; All known details of each such transaction will be returned.
* @param {module:model/GetWalletActivityRequest} getWalletActivityRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/GetWalletActivityResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -187,6 +192,7 @@
* Get wallet activity (transactions)
+ * List transactions that were created by a specifed Wallet or that affected that Wallet; All known details of each such transaction will be returned.
* @param {module:model/GetWalletActivityRequest} getWalletActivityRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/GetWalletActivityResponse}
@@ -199,7 +205,8 @@
- * Get wallets balance
+ * Get wallets balances
+ * Get a list of the Asset Types held within a given Wallet and the amount of each type held.
* @param {module:model/GetWalletBalanceRequest} getWalletBalanceRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/GetWalletBalanceResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -236,7 +243,8 @@
- * Get wallets balance
+ * Get wallets balances
+ * Get a list of the Asset Types held within a given Wallet and the amount of each type held.
* @param {module:model/GetWalletBalanceRequest} getWalletBalanceRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/GetWalletBalanceResponse}
@@ -250,6 +258,7 @@
* Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly
+ * Generate an Address for the Wallet; the address can be used by other Wallet owners to issue or transfer Assets into said Wallet; If a diversifier is provided, then the generated address is deterministically generated from the diversifier; If the diversifier is omitted, then a random diversifier is used and the resulting Address will be random; in both cases the Address cannot be linked to the Wallet by parties that do not have access to the Wallet. All generated Addresses of a Wallet are always valid and cannot be invalidated.
* @param {module:model/GetNewAddressRequest} getNewAddressRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/GetNewAddressResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -287,6 +296,7 @@
* Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly
+ * Generate an Address for the Wallet; the address can be used by other Wallet owners to issue or transfer Assets into said Wallet; If a diversifier is provided, then the generated address is deterministically generated from the diversifier; If the diversifier is omitted, then a random diversifier is used and the resulting Address will be random; in both cases the Address cannot be linked to the Wallet by parties that do not have access to the Wallet. All generated Addresses of a Wallet are always valid and cannot be invalidated.
* @param {module:model/GetNewAddressRequest} getNewAddressRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/GetNewAddressResponse}
@@ -300,6 +310,7 @@
* Get wallet public key
+ * Get the unique public key of the Wallet; This key is unique across the entire network and is used to identify the Wallet.
* @param {module:model/GetPublicKeyRequest} getPublicKeyRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/GetPublicKeyResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -337,6 +348,7 @@
* Get wallet public key
+ * Get the unique public key of the Wallet; This key is unique across the entire network and is used to identify the Wallet.
* @param {module:model/GetPublicKeyRequest} getPublicKeyRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/GetPublicKeyResponse}
@@ -350,6 +362,7 @@
* Issue assets [async call]
+ * Issue Assets from a Wallet to a recipient Address; The issuing Wallet is required to have matching issuance rights (in the form of a matching Rule); Issuance can be done either confidentially or in public; In order to issue confidentially, the matching Rule must explicitly allow this.
* @param {module:model/IssueAssetRequest} issueAssetRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -387,6 +400,7 @@
* Issue assets [async call]
+ * Issue Assets from a Wallet to a recipient Address; The issuing Wallet is required to have matching issuance rights (in the form of a matching Rule); Issuance can be done either confidentially or in public; In order to issue confidentially, the matching Rule must explicitly allow this.
* @param {module:model/IssueAssetRequest} issueAssetRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse}
@@ -400,6 +414,7 @@
* Transfer assets [async call]
+ * Transfer a specified amount of a specified Asset Type from a specified Wallet to a specified Address; Transfers are always completely confidential.
* @param {module:model/TransferAssetRequest} transferAssetRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse} and HTTP response
@@ -437,6 +452,7 @@
* Transfer assets [async call]
+ * Transfer a specified amount of a specified Asset Type from a specified Wallet to a specified Address; Transfers are always completely confidential.
* @param {module:model/TransferAssetRequest} transferAssetRequest
* @return {Promise} a {@link https://www.promisejs.org/|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse}
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/index.js b/js/sdk/src/index.js
index ba98166..18223f9 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/index.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/index.js
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
(function(factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define(['ApiClient', 'model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx', 'model/AnalyticRuleWalletTx', 'model/AnalyticTransaction', 'model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx', 'model/AnalyticWalletMetadata', 'model/AnalyticWalletTx', 'model/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription', 'model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription', 'model/AnalyticsIssueTx', 'model/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx', 'model/AnalyticsOutput', 'model/AnalyticsOutputDescription', 'model/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription', 'model/AnalyticsRule', 'model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition', 'model/AnalyticsRuleTx', 'model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition', 'model/AnalyticsSpendDescription', 'model/AnalyticsTransferTx', 'model/AnalyticsTxMetadata', 'model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse', 'model/BalanceForAsset', 'model/CreateRuleRequest', 'model/DeleteRuleRequest', 'model/DeleteWalletRequest', 'model/ErrorResponse', 'model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest', 'model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse', 'model/ExportWalletRequest', 'model/ExportWalletResponse', 'model/GenerateWalletRequest', 'model/GetAllWalletsResponse', 'model/GetNetworkActivityRequest', 'model/GetNetworkActivityResponse', 'model/GetNewAddressRequest', 'model/GetNewAddressResponse', 'model/GetPublicKeyRequest', 'model/GetPublicKeyResponse', 'model/GetRulesResponse', 'model/GetTaskStatusRequest', 'model/GetTaskStatusResponse', 'model/GetTasksRequest', 'model/GetTasksResponse', 'model/GetWalletActivityRequest', 'model/GetWalletActivityResponse', 'model/GetWalletBalanceRequest', 'model/GetWalletBalanceResponse', 'model/HealthcheckResponse', 'model/HealthcheckResponseItem', 'model/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest', 'model/ImportWalletRequest', 'model/IssueAssetRequest', 'model/Rule', 'model/TransactionsForWallet', 'model/TransferAssetRequest', 'model/UnlockWalletRequest', 'api/AnalyticsApi', 'api/HealthApi', 'api/NodeApi', 'api/WalletApi'], factory);
+ define(['ApiClient', 'model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx', 'model/AnalyticRuleWalletTx', 'model/AnalyticTransaction', 'model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx', 'model/AnalyticWalletMetadata', 'model/AnalyticWalletTx', 'model/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription', 'model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription', 'model/AnalyticsIssueTx', 'model/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx', 'model/AnalyticsOutput', 'model/AnalyticsOutputDescription', 'model/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription', 'model/AnalyticsRule', 'model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition', 'model/AnalyticsRuleTx', 'model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition', 'model/AnalyticsSpendDescription', 'model/AnalyticsTransferTx', 'model/AnalyticsTxMetadata', 'model/AnalyticsTxType', 'model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse', 'model/BalanceForAsset', 'model/CreateRuleRequest', 'model/DeleteRuleRequest', 'model/DeleteWalletRequest', 'model/ErrorResponse', 'model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest', 'model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse', 'model/ExportWalletRequest', 'model/ExportWalletResponse', 'model/GenerateWalletRequest', 'model/GetAllWalletsResponse', 'model/GetNetworkActivityRequest', 'model/GetNetworkActivityResponse', 'model/GetNewAddressRequest', 'model/GetNewAddressResponse', 'model/GetPublicKeyRequest', 'model/GetPublicKeyResponse', 'model/GetRulesResponse', 'model/GetSyncStatusResponse', 'model/GetTaskStatusRequest', 'model/GetTaskStatusResponse', 'model/GetTasksRequest', 'model/GetTasksResponse', 'model/GetWalletActivityRequest', 'model/GetWalletActivityResponse', 'model/GetWalletBalanceRequest', 'model/GetWalletBalanceResponse', 'model/HealthcheckResponse', 'model/HealthcheckResponseItem', 'model/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest', 'model/ImportWalletRequest', 'model/IssueAssetRequest', 'model/Result', 'model/Rule', 'model/TaskType', 'model/TransferAssetRequest', 'model/UnlockWalletRequest', 'api/AnalyticsApi', 'api/HealthApi', 'api/NodeApi', 'api/WalletApi'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
- module.exports = factory(require('./ApiClient'), require('./model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx'), require('./model/AnalyticRuleWalletTx'), require('./model/AnalyticTransaction'), require('./model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx'), require('./model/AnalyticWalletMetadata'), require('./model/AnalyticWalletTx'), require('./model/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription'), require('./model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription'), require('./model/AnalyticsIssueTx'), require('./model/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx'), require('./model/AnalyticsOutput'), require('./model/AnalyticsOutputDescription'), require('./model/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription'), require('./model/AnalyticsRule'), require('./model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition'), require('./model/AnalyticsRuleTx'), require('./model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition'), require('./model/AnalyticsSpendDescription'), require('./model/AnalyticsTransferTx'), require('./model/AnalyticsTxMetadata'), require('./model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse'), require('./model/BalanceForAsset'), require('./model/CreateRuleRequest'), require('./model/DeleteRuleRequest'), require('./model/DeleteWalletRequest'), require('./model/ErrorResponse'), require('./model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest'), require('./model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse'), require('./model/ExportWalletRequest'), require('./model/ExportWalletResponse'), require('./model/GenerateWalletRequest'), require('./model/GetAllWalletsResponse'), require('./model/GetNetworkActivityRequest'), require('./model/GetNetworkActivityResponse'), require('./model/GetNewAddressRequest'), require('./model/GetNewAddressResponse'), require('./model/GetPublicKeyRequest'), require('./model/GetPublicKeyResponse'), require('./model/GetRulesResponse'), require('./model/GetTaskStatusRequest'), require('./model/GetTaskStatusResponse'), require('./model/GetTasksRequest'), require('./model/GetTasksResponse'), require('./model/GetWalletActivityRequest'), require('./model/GetWalletActivityResponse'), require('./model/GetWalletBalanceRequest'), require('./model/GetWalletBalanceResponse'), require('./model/HealthcheckResponse'), require('./model/HealthcheckResponseItem'), require('./model/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest'), require('./model/ImportWalletRequest'), require('./model/IssueAssetRequest'), require('./model/Rule'), require('./model/TransactionsForWallet'), require('./model/TransferAssetRequest'), require('./model/UnlockWalletRequest'), require('./api/AnalyticsApi'), require('./api/HealthApi'), require('./api/NodeApi'), require('./api/WalletApi'));
+ module.exports = factory(require('./ApiClient'), require('./model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx'), require('./model/AnalyticRuleWalletTx'), require('./model/AnalyticTransaction'), require('./model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx'), require('./model/AnalyticWalletMetadata'), require('./model/AnalyticWalletTx'), require('./model/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription'), require('./model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription'), require('./model/AnalyticsIssueTx'), require('./model/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx'), require('./model/AnalyticsOutput'), require('./model/AnalyticsOutputDescription'), require('./model/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription'), require('./model/AnalyticsRule'), require('./model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition'), require('./model/AnalyticsRuleTx'), require('./model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition'), require('./model/AnalyticsSpendDescription'), require('./model/AnalyticsTransferTx'), require('./model/AnalyticsTxMetadata'), require('./model/AnalyticsTxType'), require('./model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse'), require('./model/BalanceForAsset'), require('./model/CreateRuleRequest'), require('./model/DeleteRuleRequest'), require('./model/DeleteWalletRequest'), require('./model/ErrorResponse'), require('./model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest'), require('./model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse'), require('./model/ExportWalletRequest'), require('./model/ExportWalletResponse'), require('./model/GenerateWalletRequest'), require('./model/GetAllWalletsResponse'), require('./model/GetNetworkActivityRequest'), require('./model/GetNetworkActivityResponse'), require('./model/GetNewAddressRequest'), require('./model/GetNewAddressResponse'), require('./model/GetPublicKeyRequest'), require('./model/GetPublicKeyResponse'), require('./model/GetRulesResponse'), require('./model/GetSyncStatusResponse'), require('./model/GetTaskStatusRequest'), require('./model/GetTaskStatusResponse'), require('./model/GetTasksRequest'), require('./model/GetTasksResponse'), require('./model/GetWalletActivityRequest'), require('./model/GetWalletActivityResponse'), require('./model/GetWalletBalanceRequest'), require('./model/GetWalletBalanceResponse'), require('./model/HealthcheckResponse'), require('./model/HealthcheckResponseItem'), require('./model/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest'), require('./model/ImportWalletRequest'), require('./model/IssueAssetRequest'), require('./model/Result'), require('./model/Rule'), require('./model/TaskType'), require('./model/TransferAssetRequest'), require('./model/UnlockWalletRequest'), require('./api/AnalyticsApi'), require('./api/HealthApi'), require('./api/NodeApi'), require('./api/WalletApi'));
-}(function(ApiClient, AnalyticIssueWalletTx, AnalyticRuleWalletTx, AnalyticTransaction, AnalyticTransferWalletTx, AnalyticWalletMetadata, AnalyticWalletTx, AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription, AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription, AnalyticsIssueTx, AnalyticsMultiTransferTx, AnalyticsOutput, AnalyticsOutputDescription, AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription, AnalyticsRule, AnalyticsRuleDefinition, AnalyticsRuleTx, AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition, AnalyticsSpendDescription, AnalyticsTransferTx, AnalyticsTxMetadata, AsyncTaskCreatedResponse, BalanceForAsset, CreateRuleRequest, DeleteRuleRequest, DeleteWalletRequest, ErrorResponse, ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest, ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse, ExportWalletRequest, ExportWalletResponse, GenerateWalletRequest, GetAllWalletsResponse, GetNetworkActivityRequest, GetNetworkActivityResponse, GetNewAddressRequest, GetNewAddressResponse, GetPublicKeyRequest, GetPublicKeyResponse, GetRulesResponse, GetTaskStatusRequest, GetTaskStatusResponse, GetTasksRequest, GetTasksResponse, GetWalletActivityRequest, GetWalletActivityResponse, GetWalletBalanceRequest, GetWalletBalanceResponse, HealthcheckResponse, HealthcheckResponseItem, ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest, ImportWalletRequest, IssueAssetRequest, Rule, TransactionsForWallet, TransferAssetRequest, UnlockWalletRequest, AnalyticsApi, HealthApi, NodeApi, WalletApi) {
+}(function(ApiClient, AnalyticIssueWalletTx, AnalyticRuleWalletTx, AnalyticTransaction, AnalyticTransferWalletTx, AnalyticWalletMetadata, AnalyticWalletTx, AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription, AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription, AnalyticsIssueTx, AnalyticsMultiTransferTx, AnalyticsOutput, AnalyticsOutputDescription, AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription, AnalyticsRule, AnalyticsRuleDefinition, AnalyticsRuleTx, AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition, AnalyticsSpendDescription, AnalyticsTransferTx, AnalyticsTxMetadata, AnalyticsTxType, AsyncTaskCreatedResponse, BalanceForAsset, CreateRuleRequest, DeleteRuleRequest, DeleteWalletRequest, ErrorResponse, ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest, ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse, ExportWalletRequest, ExportWalletResponse, GenerateWalletRequest, GetAllWalletsResponse, GetNetworkActivityRequest, GetNetworkActivityResponse, GetNewAddressRequest, GetNewAddressResponse, GetPublicKeyRequest, GetPublicKeyResponse, GetRulesResponse, GetSyncStatusResponse, GetTaskStatusRequest, GetTaskStatusResponse, GetTasksRequest, GetTasksResponse, GetWalletActivityRequest, GetWalletActivityResponse, GetWalletBalanceRequest, GetWalletBalanceResponse, HealthcheckResponse, HealthcheckResponseItem, ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest, ImportWalletRequest, IssueAssetRequest, Result, Rule, TaskType, TransferAssetRequest, UnlockWalletRequest, AnalyticsApi, HealthApi, NodeApi, WalletApi) {
'use strict';
@@ -161,6 +161,11 @@
* @property {module:model/AnalyticsTxMetadata}
AnalyticsTxMetadata: AnalyticsTxMetadata,
+ /**
+ * The AnalyticsTxType model constructor.
+ * @property {module:model/AnalyticsTxType}
+ */
+ AnalyticsTxType: AnalyticsTxType,
* The AsyncTaskCreatedResponse model constructor.
* @property {module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse}
@@ -256,6 +261,11 @@
* @property {module:model/GetRulesResponse}
GetRulesResponse: GetRulesResponse,
+ /**
+ * The GetSyncStatusResponse model constructor.
+ * @property {module:model/GetSyncStatusResponse}
+ */
+ GetSyncStatusResponse: GetSyncStatusResponse,
* The GetTaskStatusRequest model constructor.
* @property {module:model/GetTaskStatusRequest}
@@ -321,16 +331,21 @@
* @property {module:model/IssueAssetRequest}
IssueAssetRequest: IssueAssetRequest,
+ /**
+ * The Result model constructor.
+ * @property {module:model/Result}
+ */
+ Result: Result,
* The Rule model constructor.
* @property {module:model/Rule}
Rule: Rule,
- * The TransactionsForWallet model constructor.
- * @property {module:model/TransactionsForWallet}
+ * The TaskType model constructor.
+ * @property {module:model/TaskType}
- TransactionsForWallet: TransactionsForWallet,
+ TaskType: TaskType,
* The TransferAssetRequest model constructor.
* @property {module:model/TransferAssetRequest}
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.js
index db37f39..b7f4a05 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.js
@@ -67,9 +67,6 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('sender_id')) {
obj['sender_id'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['sender_id'], 'String');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('memo')) {
- obj['memo'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['memo'], 'String');
- }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('recipient_address')) {
obj['recipient_address'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['recipient_address'], 'String');
@@ -82,42 +79,53 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('is_confidential')) {
obj['is_confidential'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['is_confidential'], 'Boolean');
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('memo')) {
+ obj['memo'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['memo'], 'String');
+ }
return obj;
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Assets were issued to the Wallet in question
* @member {Boolean} is_incoming
exports.prototype['is_incoming'] = undefined;
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Wallet used to issue the Assets is the Wallet in question
* @member {Boolean} issued_by_self
exports.prototype['issued_by_self'] = undefined;
+ * The public key of the Wallet that was used to issue the Assets
* @member {String} sender_id
exports.prototype['sender_id'] = undefined;
- * @member {String} memo
- */
- exports.prototype['memo'] = undefined;
- /**
+ * The Address the Assets were issued to
* @member {String} recipient_address
exports.prototype['recipient_address'] = undefined;
+ * The ID of the Asset Type issued
* @member {Number} asset_id
exports.prototype['asset_id'] = undefined;
+ * The amount of Assets issued
* @member {Number} amount
exports.prototype['amount'] = undefined;
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially
* @member {Boolean} is_confidential
exports.prototype['is_confidential'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * The private memo attached to the Issuance
+ * @member {String} memo
+ */
+ exports.prototype['memo'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticRuleWalletTx.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticRuleWalletTx.js
index 82b3743..67b6535 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticRuleWalletTx.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticRuleWalletTx.js
@@ -75,14 +75,17 @@
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Rule was created by the Wallet in question
* @member {Boolean} signed_by_self
exports.prototype['signed_by_self'] = undefined;
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Rule granted permissions to the Wallet in question
* @member {Boolean} rule_affect_self
exports.prototype['rule_affect_self'] = undefined;
+ * The public key of the Wallet that was used to create the Rule
* @member {String} tx_signer
exports.prototype['tx_signer'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticTransaction.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticTransaction.js
index 9fd4f70..a40830b 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticTransaction.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticTransaction.js
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
exports.prototype['metadata'] = undefined;
+ * The detailed content of the transaction; format differs depending on the transaction type
* @member {Object} content
exports.prototype['content'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.js
index 20f3fa3..73d80e5 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.js
@@ -64,9 +64,6 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('sender_id')) {
obj['sender_id'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['sender_id'], 'String');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('memo')) {
- obj['memo'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['memo'], 'String');
- }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('recipient_address')) {
obj['recipient_address'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['recipient_address'], 'String');
@@ -76,34 +73,43 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('amount')) {
obj['amount'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['amount'], 'Number');
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('memo')) {
+ obj['memo'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['memo'], 'String');
+ }
return obj;
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Assets were transferred to the Wallet in question; false of the Assets were transferred from the Wallet into another
* @member {Boolean} is_incoming
exports.prototype['is_incoming'] = undefined;
+ * The public key of the Wallet the Assets were transferred from
* @member {String} sender_id
exports.prototype['sender_id'] = undefined;
- * @member {String} memo
- */
- exports.prototype['memo'] = undefined;
- /**
+ * The address of the Wallet the Assets were transferred to
* @member {String} recipient_address
exports.prototype['recipient_address'] = undefined;
+ * The Id of the Asset Type transferred
* @member {Number} asset_id
exports.prototype['asset_id'] = undefined;
+ * The amount of Assets transferred
* @member {Number} amount
exports.prototype['amount'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * The private memo attached to the Transfer
+ * @member {String} memo
+ */
+ exports.prototype['memo'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticWalletMetadata.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticWalletMetadata.js
index 79ee16a..f0125b4 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticWalletMetadata.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticWalletMetadata.js
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define(['ApiClient'], factory);
+ define(['ApiClient', 'model/AnalyticsTxType'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
- module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'));
+ module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'), require('./AnalyticsTxType'));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
if (!root.QedItAssetTransfers) {
root.QedItAssetTransfers = {};
- root.QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticWalletMetadata = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient);
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticWalletMetadata = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient, root.QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxType);
-}(this, function(ApiClient) {
+}(this, function(ApiClient, AnalyticsTxType) {
'use strict';
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
if (data) {
obj = obj || new exports();
if (data.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
- obj['type'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['type'], 'String');
+ obj['type'] = AnalyticsTxType.constructFromObject(data['type']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('tx_hash')) {
obj['tx_hash'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['tx_hash'], 'String');
@@ -72,14 +72,16 @@
- * @member {String} type
+ * @member {module:model/AnalyticsTxType} type
exports.prototype['type'] = undefined;
+ * The QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction
* @member {String} tx_hash
exports.prototype['tx_hash'] = undefined;
+ * UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format
* @member {String} timestamp
exports.prototype['timestamp'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticWalletTx.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticWalletTx.js
index 04bc345..ffee544 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticWalletTx.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticWalletTx.js
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
* Constructs a new AnalyticWalletTx
+ * A single retrieved transaction
* @alias module:model/AnalyticWalletTx
* @class
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
exports.prototype['metadata'] = undefined;
+ * The detailed information of the transaction; structure depends on the type of transaction
* @member {Object} content
exports.prototype['content'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.js
index bde0470..6d62409 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription.js
@@ -75,18 +75,22 @@
+ * The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
* @member {String} input_cv
exports.prototype['input_cv'] = undefined;
+ * The commitment to the Asset amount
* @member {String} amount_cv
exports.prototype['amount_cv'] = undefined;
+ * The commitment to the ID of the Asset Type
* @member {String} asset_cv
exports.prototype['asset_cv'] = undefined;
+ * The Proof that the commitment contents match
* @member {String} zkproof
exports.prototype['zkproof'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.js
index a1787c0..7b2dd8e 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.js
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
* Constructs a new AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription
+ * The details and Proof attached to a confidential Issuance; null if the Issuance was public
* @alias module:model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription
* @class
@@ -61,28 +62,30 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('input_cv')) {
obj['input_cv'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['input_cv'], 'String');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('zkproof')) {
- obj['zkproof'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['zkproof'], 'String');
- }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('rule')) {
obj['rule'] = AnalyticsRule.constructFromObject(data['rule']);
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('zkproof')) {
+ obj['zkproof'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['zkproof'], 'String');
+ }
return obj;
+ * Thecommitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the issued Note
* @member {String} input_cv
exports.prototype['input_cv'] = undefined;
- /**
- * @member {String} zkproof
- */
- exports.prototype['zkproof'] = undefined;
* @member {module:model/AnalyticsRule} rule
exports.prototype['rule'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * The Proof that the issued Asset Type indeed matches the reported Rule
+ * @member {String} zkproof
+ */
+ exports.prototype['zkproof'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsIssueTx.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsIssueTx.js
index f33dac3..ad884b3 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsIssueTx.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsIssueTx.js
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
* Constructs a new AnalyticsIssueTx
+ * The data of a particular Issuance transaction
* @alias module:model/AnalyticsIssueTx
* @class
@@ -72,14 +73,17 @@
+ * The data of the Assets issued (multiple Assets may potentially be issued in a single Issuance transaction)
* @member {Array.} outputs
exports.prototype['outputs'] = undefined;
+ * The public key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance
* @member {String} public_key
exports.prototype['public_key'] = undefined;
+ * The signature on the transaction by the secret key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance
* @member {String} signature
exports.prototype['signature'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.js
index 4fc8221..fda7073 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx.js
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
* Constructs a new AnalyticsMultiTransferTx
+ * The data of a particular Transfer transaction; a single such transaction may contain multiple Transfers
* @alias module:model/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx
* @class
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@
+ * The (potentially several) Transfers within the transaction
* @member {Array.} transfers
exports.prototype['transfers'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsOutput.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsOutput.js
index 74991ec..a5f0c92 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsOutput.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsOutput.js
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially; false if the Issuance was done publicly
* @member {Boolean} is_confidential
exports.prototype['is_confidential'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsOutputDescription.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsOutputDescription.js
index 57aa950..07fd2bf 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsOutputDescription.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsOutputDescription.js
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('cm')) {
obj['cm'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['cm'], 'String');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('epk')) {
- obj['epk'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['epk'], 'String');
- }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('zkproof')) {
obj['zkproof'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['zkproof'], 'String');
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('epk')) {
+ obj['epk'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['epk'], 'String');
+ }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('enc_note')) {
obj['enc_note'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['enc_note'], 'String');
@@ -81,26 +81,32 @@
+ * The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
* @member {String} cv
exports.prototype['cv'] = undefined;
+ * The commitment to the entire Note
* @member {String} cm
exports.prototype['cm'] = undefined;
- * @member {String} epk
- */
- exports.prototype['epk'] = undefined;
- /**
+ * The Proof that the commitments match
* @member {String} zkproof
exports.prototype['zkproof'] = undefined;
+ * The ephemeral public key used to encrypt the Note contents for the receiver
+ * @member {String} epk
+ */
+ exports.prototype['epk'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * The Note encryption for the receiver
* @member {String} enc_note
exports.prototype['enc_note'] = undefined;
+ * The Note encryption for the sender
* @member {String} enc_sender
exports.prototype['enc_sender'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.js
index 1a3b7e4..80986d8 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription.js
@@ -40,10 +40,11 @@
* Constructs a new AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription
+ * Describes what Asset Type and amount were issued; null if the Issuance was confidential
* @alias module:model/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription
* @class
- * @param assetId {Number}
- * @param amount {Number}
+ * @param assetId {Number} The ID of the Asset Type issued
+ * @param amount {Number} The amount of Assets issued
var exports = function(assetId, amount) {
var _this = this;
@@ -73,10 +74,12 @@
+ * The ID of the Asset Type issued
* @member {Number} asset_id
exports.prototype['asset_id'] = undefined;
+ * The amount of Assets issued
* @member {Number} amount
exports.prototype['amount'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRule.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRule.js
index 45e695d..517bed7 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRule.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRule.js
@@ -40,10 +40,11 @@
* Constructs a new AnalyticsRule
+ * The Rule used in the Issuance
* @alias module:model/AnalyticsRule
* @class
- * @param minId {Number}
- * @param maxId {Number}
+ * @param minId {Number} The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ * @param maxId {Number} The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
var exports = function(minId, maxId) {
var _this = this;
@@ -73,10 +74,12 @@
+ * The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
* @member {Number} min_id
exports.prototype['min_id'] = undefined;
+ * The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
* @member {Number} max_id
exports.prototype['max_id'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.js
index c2e5dcb..7e058e0 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.js
@@ -61,9 +61,6 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('public_key')) {
obj['public_key'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['public_key'], 'String');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('can_issue_confidentially')) {
- obj['can_issue_confidentially'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['can_issue_confidentially'], 'Boolean');
- }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('is_admin')) {
obj['is_admin'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['is_admin'], 'Boolean');
@@ -73,30 +70,38 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('can_issue_asset_id_last')) {
obj['can_issue_asset_id_last'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['can_issue_asset_id_last'], 'Number');
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('can_issue_confidentially')) {
+ obj['can_issue_confidentially'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['can_issue_confidentially'], 'Boolean');
+ }
return obj;
+ * The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
* @member {String} public_key
exports.prototype['public_key'] = undefined;
- * @member {Boolean} can_issue_confidentially
- */
- exports.prototype['can_issue_confidentially'] = undefined;
- /**
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
* @member {Boolean} is_admin
exports.prototype['is_admin'] = undefined;
+ * The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
* @member {Number} can_issue_asset_id_first
exports.prototype['can_issue_asset_id_first'] = undefined;
+ * The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
* @member {Number} can_issue_asset_id_last
exports.prototype['can_issue_asset_id_last'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
+ * @member {Boolean} can_issue_confidentially
+ */
+ exports.prototype['can_issue_confidentially'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleTx.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleTx.js
index 6c89ee2..eba76a5 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleTx.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleTx.js
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
* Constructs a new AnalyticsRuleTx
+ * The data of a particular Rule changing transaction
* @alias module:model/AnalyticsRuleTx
* @class
@@ -78,22 +79,27 @@
+ * The public key of the Wallet used to create the Rule
* @member {String} sender_public_key
exports.prototype['sender_public_key'] = undefined;
+ * The details of the Rules added in this transaction
* @member {Array.} rules_to_add
exports.prototype['rules_to_add'] = undefined;
+ * The details of the Rules deleted in this transaction
* @member {Array.} rules_to_delete
exports.prototype['rules_to_delete'] = undefined;
+ * The nonce used to make this Rule transaction unique
* @member {Number} nonce
exports.prototype['nonce'] = undefined;
+ * The signature authorizing the Rule changes, made by the Wallet that made the Rule changes
* @member {String} signature
exports.prototype['signature'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.js
index e927e26..67bc257 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.js
@@ -61,9 +61,6 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('public_key')) {
obj['public_key'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['public_key'], 'String');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('can_issue_confidentially')) {
- obj['can_issue_confidentially'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['can_issue_confidentially'], 'Boolean');
- }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('is_admin')) {
obj['is_admin'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['is_admin'], 'Boolean');
@@ -73,6 +70,9 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('can_issue_asset_id_last')) {
obj['can_issue_asset_id_last'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['can_issue_asset_id_last'], 'Number');
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('can_issue_confidentially')) {
+ obj['can_issue_confidentially'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['can_issue_confidentially'], 'Boolean');
+ }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('operation')) {
obj['operation'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['operation'], 'String');
@@ -81,31 +81,54 @@
+ * The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
* @member {String} public_key
exports.prototype['public_key'] = undefined;
- * @member {Boolean} can_issue_confidentially
- */
- exports.prototype['can_issue_confidentially'] = undefined;
- /**
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
* @member {Boolean} is_admin
exports.prototype['is_admin'] = undefined;
+ * The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
* @member {Number} can_issue_asset_id_first
exports.prototype['can_issue_asset_id_first'] = undefined;
+ * The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
* @member {Number} can_issue_asset_id_last
exports.prototype['can_issue_asset_id_last'] = undefined;
- * @member {String} operation
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
+ * @member {Boolean} can_issue_confidentially
+ */
+ exports.prototype['can_issue_confidentially'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * Operation of the transaction, which can be rule creation or deletion
+ * @member {module:model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.OperationEnum} operation
exports.prototype['operation'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * Allowed values for the operation
+ * @enum {String}
+ * @readonly
+ */
+ exports.OperationEnum = {
+ /**
+ * value: "CreateRule"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "CreateRule": "CreateRule",
+ /**
+ * value: "DeleteRule"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "DeleteRule": "DeleteRule" };
return exports;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsSpendDescription.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsSpendDescription.js
index ebfef22..4252261 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsSpendDescription.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsSpendDescription.js
@@ -67,9 +67,6 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('nullifier')) {
obj['nullifier'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['nullifier'], 'String');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('rk_out')) {
- obj['rk_out'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['rk_out'], 'String');
- }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('zkproof')) {
obj['zkproof'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['zkproof'], 'String');
@@ -78,22 +75,22 @@
+ * The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
* @member {String} cv
exports.prototype['cv'] = undefined;
+ * The anchor (root) of the Merkle tree used in the Proof
* @member {String} anchor
exports.prototype['anchor'] = undefined;
+ * The Note's Nullifier
* @member {String} nullifier
exports.prototype['nullifier'] = undefined;
- * @member {String} rk_out
- */
- exports.prototype['rk_out'] = undefined;
- /**
+ * The Proof that the Note indeed exists in the Merkle tree and belongs to the spender
* @member {String} zkproof
exports.prototype['zkproof'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsTransferTx.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsTransferTx.js
index a38856b..321c8f4 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsTransferTx.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsTransferTx.js
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
* Constructs a new AnalyticsTransferTx
+ * The data of a single Transfer within a Transfer transaction
* @alias module:model/AnalyticsTransferTx
* @class
@@ -67,36 +68,49 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('outputs')) {
obj['outputs'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['outputs'], [AnalyticsOutputDescription]);
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('rk')) {
+ obj['rk'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['rk'], 'String');
+ }
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('spend_auth_sig')) {
+ obj['spend_auth_sig'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['spend_auth_sig'], 'String');
+ }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('binding_sig')) {
obj['binding_sig'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['binding_sig'], 'String');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('spend_auth_sigs')) {
- obj['spend_auth_sigs'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['spend_auth_sigs'], ['String']);
- }
return obj;
+ * The Converter Proofs
* @member {Array.} asset_converter_descriptions
exports.prototype['asset_converter_descriptions'] = undefined;
+ * The information and Proofs associated with the Assets spent in the Transfer
* @member {Array.} spends
exports.prototype['spends'] = undefined;
+ * The information and Proofs associated with the Assets output from the Transfer
* @member {Array.} outputs
exports.prototype['outputs'] = undefined;
- * @member {String} binding_sig
+ * The re-randomized public key of the Wallet which created the Transfer
+ * @member {String} rk
- exports.prototype['binding_sig'] = undefined;
+ exports.prototype['rk'] = undefined;
- * @member {Array.} spend_auth_sigs
+ * The signature authorizing the spend of the Assets spent in the Transfer
+ * @member {String} spend_auth_sig
- exports.prototype['spend_auth_sigs'] = undefined;
+ exports.prototype['spend_auth_sig'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * The signature binding the spent and output Assets and verifying the balance
+ * @member {String} binding_sig
+ */
+ exports.prototype['binding_sig'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsTxMetadata.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsTxMetadata.js
index 13ed360..1934f66 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsTxMetadata.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsTxMetadata.js
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define(['ApiClient'], factory);
+ define(['ApiClient', 'model/AnalyticsTxType'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
- module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'));
+ module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'), require('./AnalyticsTxType'));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
if (!root.QedItAssetTransfers) {
root.QedItAssetTransfers = {};
- root.QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxMetadata = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient);
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxMetadata = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient, root.QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxType);
-}(this, function(ApiClient) {
+}(this, function(ApiClient, AnalyticsTxType) {
'use strict';
@@ -59,11 +59,14 @@
if (data) {
obj = obj || new exports();
if (data.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
- obj['type'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['type'], 'String');
+ obj['type'] = AnalyticsTxType.constructFromObject(data['type']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('tx_hash')) {
obj['tx_hash'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['tx_hash'], 'String');
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('block_height')) {
+ obj['block_height'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['block_height'], 'Number');
+ }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('block_hash')) {
obj['block_hash'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['block_hash'], 'String');
@@ -73,37 +76,39 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('index_in_block')) {
obj['index_in_block'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['index_in_block'], 'Number');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('block_height')) {
- obj['block_height'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['block_height'], 'Number');
- }
return obj;
- * @member {String} type
+ * @member {module:model/AnalyticsTxType} type
exports.prototype['type'] = undefined;
+ * the QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction
* @member {String} tx_hash
exports.prototype['tx_hash'] = undefined;
+ * The height of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of
+ * @member {Number} block_height
+ */
+ exports.prototype['block_height'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * the hash of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of
* @member {String} block_hash
exports.prototype['block_hash'] = undefined;
+ * UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format
* @member {String} timestamp
exports.prototype['timestamp'] = undefined;
+ * The serial number within the Block of the transaction relative to other QEDIT transactions; indexing is 0-based
* @member {Number} index_in_block
exports.prototype['index_in_block'] = undefined;
- /**
- * @member {Number} block_height
- */
- exports.prototype['block_height'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsTxType.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsTxType.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51dba41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AnalyticsTxType.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * OpenAPI spec version: 1.5.0
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ *
+ * OpenAPI Generator version: 3.3.3
+ *
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ *
+ */
+(function(root, factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define(['ApiClient'], factory);
+ } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
+ // CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
+ module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'));
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals (root is window)
+ if (!root.QedItAssetTransfers) {
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers = {};
+ }
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxType = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient);
+ }
+}(this, function(ApiClient) {
+ 'use strict';
+ /**
+ * Enum class AnalyticsTxType.
+ * @enum {}
+ * @readonly
+ */
+ var exports = {
+ /**
+ * value: "Issue"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "Issue": "Issue",
+ /**
+ * value: "Transfer"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "Transfer": "Transfer",
+ /**
+ * value: "Rule"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "Rule": "Rule" };
+ /**
+ * Returns a AnalyticsTxType
enum value from a Javascript object name.
+ * @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object containing the name of the enum value.
+ * @return {module:model/AnalyticsTxType} The enum AnalyticsTxType
+ */
+ exports.constructFromObject = function(object) {
+ return object;
+ }
+ return exports;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse.js
index e8b4fde..477d278 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
* Constructs a new AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
* @alias module:model/AsyncTaskCreatedResponse
* @class
- * @param id {String}
+ * @param id {String} The unique ID of the Task that was created in the Node to process the asynchronous request
var exports = function(id) {
var _this = this;
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
+ * The unique ID of the Task that was created in the Node to process the asynchronous request
* @member {String} id
exports.prototype['id'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/BalanceForAsset.js b/js/sdk/src/model/BalanceForAsset.js
index 052172c..452a3d6 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/BalanceForAsset.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/BalanceForAsset.js
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
* Constructs a new BalanceForAsset
* @alias module:model/BalanceForAsset
* @class
- * @param assetId {Number}
- * @param amount {Number}
+ * @param assetId {Number} The ID of the Asset Type
+ * @param amount {Number} The outstanding balance for the Asset Type
var exports = function(assetId, amount) {
var _this = this;
@@ -73,10 +73,12 @@
+ * The ID of the Asset Type
* @member {Number} asset_id
exports.prototype['asset_id'] = undefined;
+ * The outstanding balance for the Asset Type
* @member {Number} amount
exports.prototype['amount'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/CreateRuleRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/CreateRuleRequest.js
index 6d29abc..35bb8b7 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/CreateRuleRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/CreateRuleRequest.js
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
* Constructs a new CreateRuleRequest
* @alias module:model/CreateRuleRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param authorization {String}
- * @param rulesToAdd {Array.}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules
+ * @param authorization {String} The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules
+ * @param rulesToAdd {Array.} The list of Rules to add to the network
var exports = function(walletId, authorization, rulesToAdd) {
var _this = this;
@@ -78,14 +78,17 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules
* @member {String} authorization
exports.prototype['authorization'] = undefined;
+ * The list of Rules to add to the network
* @member {Array.} rules_to_add
exports.prototype['rules_to_add'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/DeleteRuleRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/DeleteRuleRequest.js
index 2f29804..bf4abfd 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/DeleteRuleRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/DeleteRuleRequest.js
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
* Constructs a new DeleteRuleRequest
* @alias module:model/DeleteRuleRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param authorization {String}
- * @param rulesToDelete {Array.}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules
+ * @param authorization {String} The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules
+ * @param rulesToDelete {Array.} The list of Rules to delete from the network
var exports = function(walletId, authorization, rulesToDelete) {
var _this = this;
@@ -78,14 +78,17 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules
* @member {String} authorization
exports.prototype['authorization'] = undefined;
+ * The list of Rules to delete from the network
* @member {Array.} rules_to_delete
exports.prototype['rules_to_delete'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/DeleteWalletRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/DeleteWalletRequest.js
index 6276a31..07148a5 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/DeleteWalletRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/DeleteWalletRequest.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
* Constructs a new DeleteWalletRequest
* @alias module:model/DeleteWalletRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet to delete
var exports = function(walletId) {
var _this = this;
@@ -71,10 +71,12 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet to delete
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The authorization password for the Wallet
* @member {String} authorization
exports.prototype['authorization'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/ErrorResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/ErrorResponse.js
index 2f479b2..e8d0720 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/ErrorResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/ErrorResponse.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
* Constructs a new ErrorResponse
* @alias module:model/ErrorResponse
* @class
- * @param errorCode {Number}
+ * @param errorCode {Number} The error code returned from the server
var exports = function(errorCode) {
var _this = this;
@@ -71,10 +71,12 @@
+ * The error code returned from the server
* @member {Number} error_code
exports.prototype['error_code'] = undefined;
+ * The error message returned from the server
* @member {String} message
exports.prototype['message'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.js
index 3f05406..66e0865 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.js
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
* Constructs a new ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest
* @alias module:model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param authorization {String}
- * @param recipientPaymentAddress {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet to export a viewing key for
+ * @param authorization {String} The authorization password for the Wallet
+ * @param recipientPaymentAddress {String} The Address of the Wallet that belongs to the intended recipient of the exported viewing key; used to encrypt the key in such a way that only the intended recipient can decrypt it
var exports = function(walletId, authorization, recipientPaymentAddress) {
var _this = this;
@@ -78,14 +78,17 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet to export a viewing key for
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The authorization password for the Wallet
* @member {String} authorization
exports.prototype['authorization'] = undefined;
+ * The Address of the Wallet that belongs to the intended recipient of the exported viewing key; used to encrypt the key in such a way that only the intended recipient can decrypt it
* @member {String} recipient_payment_address
exports.prototype['recipient_payment_address'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse.js
index 955c4b2..5f4dd54 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse.js
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
* Constructs a new ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse
* @alias module:model/ExportAuditorAccessWalletResponse
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param publicKey {String}
- * @param accessKey {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported
+ * @param publicKey {String} The public key of the exported Wallet which uniquely identifies it across the network
+ * @param accessKey {String} The encrypted viewing key
var exports = function(walletId, publicKey, accessKey) {
var _this = this;
@@ -78,14 +78,17 @@
+ * The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The public key of the exported Wallet which uniquely identifies it across the network
* @member {String} public_key
exports.prototype['public_key'] = undefined;
+ * The encrypted viewing key
* @member {String} access_key
exports.prototype['access_key'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/ExportWalletRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/ExportWalletRequest.js
index c9d3cfe..96b8f87 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/ExportWalletRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/ExportWalletRequest.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
* Constructs a new ExportWalletRequest
* @alias module:model/ExportWalletRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet to export
var exports = function(walletId) {
var _this = this;
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet to export
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/ExportWalletResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/ExportWalletResponse.js
index 6b209bb..8055aeb 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/ExportWalletResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/ExportWalletResponse.js
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
* Constructs a new ExportWalletResponse
* @alias module:model/ExportWalletResponse
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param encryptedSk {String}
- * @param salt {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported
+ * @param encryptedSk {String} The encrypted secret key of the Wallet
+ * @param salt {String} The salt used in the encryption of the secret key
var exports = function(walletId, encryptedSk, salt) {
var _this = this;
@@ -78,14 +78,17 @@
+ * The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The encrypted secret key of the Wallet
* @member {String} encrypted_sk
exports.prototype['encrypted_sk'] = undefined;
+ * The salt used in the encryption of the secret key
* @member {String} salt
exports.prototype['salt'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GenerateWalletRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GenerateWalletRequest.js
index 6b3dcea..9d98922 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GenerateWalletRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GenerateWalletRequest.js
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
* Constructs a new GenerateWalletRequest
* @alias module:model/GenerateWalletRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param authorization {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID under which to create the Wallet; must be unique within the Node
+ * @param authorization {String} The authorizarion password under which to encrypt the generated Wallet's secret key; will be required in order to perform actions using the Wallet
var exports = function(walletId, authorization) {
var _this = this;
@@ -73,10 +73,12 @@
+ * The ID under which to create the Wallet; must be unique within the Node
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The authorizarion password under which to encrypt the generated Wallet's secret key; will be required in order to perform actions using the Wallet
* @member {String} authorization
exports.prototype['authorization'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetAllWalletsResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetAllWalletsResponse.js
index 3c10ac6..d9cf9c9 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetAllWalletsResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetAllWalletsResponse.js
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
+ * The IDs of the Wallets currently active in this Node
* @member {Array.} wallet_ids
exports.prototype['wallet_ids'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetNetworkActivityRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetNetworkActivityRequest.js
index 3ddc209..0609e2e 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetNetworkActivityRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetNetworkActivityRequest.js
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
* Constructs a new GetNetworkActivityRequest
* @alias module:model/GetNetworkActivityRequest
* @class
- * @param startIndex {Number}
- * @param numberOfResults {Number}
+ * @param startIndex {Number} An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based
+ * @param numberOfResults {Number} Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
var exports = function(startIndex, numberOfResults) {
var _this = this;
@@ -68,18 +68,27 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('number_of_results')) {
obj['number_of_results'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['number_of_results'], 'Number');
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('tx_hashes')) {
+ obj['tx_hashes'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['tx_hashes'], ['String']);
+ }
return obj;
+ * An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based
* @member {Number} start_index
exports.prototype['start_index'] = undefined;
+ * Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
* @member {Number} number_of_results
exports.prototype['number_of_results'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * @member {Array.} tx_hashes
+ */
+ exports.prototype['tx_hashes'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetNewAddressRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetNewAddressRequest.js
index 4017a1f..58d6241 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetNewAddressRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetNewAddressRequest.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
* Constructs a new GetNewAddressRequest
* @alias module:model/GetNewAddressRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet for which to generate an Address
var exports = function(walletId) {
var _this = this;
@@ -71,10 +71,12 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet for which to generate an Address
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * An optional 11-byte (22 hexadecimal characters) input which is used to generate different Addresses. A unique Address will be generated for each different diversifier used. If omitted, the Node selects a random diversifier.
* @member {String} diversifier
exports.prototype['diversifier'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetNewAddressResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetNewAddressResponse.js
index 0825d99..b086326 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetNewAddressResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetNewAddressResponse.js
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
* Constructs a new GetNewAddressResponse
* @alias module:model/GetNewAddressResponse
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param recipientAddress {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet the Address belongs to
+ * @param recipientAddress {String} The generated Address of the Wallet
var exports = function(walletId, recipientAddress) {
var _this = this;
@@ -73,10 +73,12 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet the Address belongs to
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The generated Address of the Wallet
* @member {String} recipient_address
exports.prototype['recipient_address'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetPublicKeyRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetPublicKeyRequest.js
index 26f3908..e4d46ab 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetPublicKeyRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetPublicKeyRequest.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
* Constructs a new GetPublicKeyRequest
* @alias module:model/GetPublicKeyRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve the public key
var exports = function(walletId) {
var _this = this;
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve the public key
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetPublicKeyResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetPublicKeyResponse.js
index 5f567a7..cf1c527 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetPublicKeyResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetPublicKeyResponse.js
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
* Constructs a new GetPublicKeyResponse
* @alias module:model/GetPublicKeyResponse
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param publicKey {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet the pubic key belongs to
+ * @param publicKey {String} The public key of the Wallet
var exports = function(walletId, publicKey) {
var _this = this;
@@ -73,10 +73,12 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet the pubic key belongs to
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The public key of the Wallet
* @member {String} public_key
exports.prototype['public_key'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetRulesResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetRulesResponse.js
index bd0a6e6..a7b4065 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetRulesResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetRulesResponse.js
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
+ * The Rules currently active in the network
* @member {Array.} rules
exports.prototype['rules'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetSyncStatusResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetSyncStatusResponse.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c4c1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetSyncStatusResponse.js
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * OpenAPI spec version: 1.5.0
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ *
+ * OpenAPI Generator version: 3.3.3
+ *
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ *
+ */
+(function(root, factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define(['ApiClient'], factory);
+ } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
+ // CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
+ module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'));
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals (root is window)
+ if (!root.QedItAssetTransfers) {
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers = {};
+ }
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers.GetSyncStatusResponse = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient);
+ }
+}(this, function(ApiClient) {
+ 'use strict';
+ /**
+ * The GetSyncStatusResponse model module.
+ * @module model/GetSyncStatusResponse
+ * @version 1.5.0
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new GetSyncStatusResponse
+ * @alias module:model/GetSyncStatusResponse
+ * @class
+ */
+ var exports = function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Constructs a GetSyncStatusResponse
from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance.
+ * Copies all relevant properties from data
to obj
if supplied or a new instance if not.
+ * @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.
+ * @param {module:model/GetSyncStatusResponse} obj Optional instance to populate.
+ * @return {module:model/GetSyncStatusResponse} The populated GetSyncStatusResponse
+ */
+ exports.constructFromObject = function(data, obj) {
+ if (data) {
+ obj = obj || new exports();
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('in_sync')) {
+ obj['in_sync'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['in_sync'], 'Boolean');
+ }
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('blockchain_block_height')) {
+ obj['blockchain_block_height'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['blockchain_block_height'], 'Number');
+ }
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('last_processed_block_height')) {
+ obj['last_processed_block_height'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['last_processed_block_height'], 'Number');
+ }
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Boolean signifying whether the QEDIT Node is in sync with the Blockchain; false if the Node is not synced; sync is defined as having less than a preconfigured difference between the current Blockchain height and the last block processed by the Node; the allowed difference defaults to 5, but can be configured when setting up the Node
+ * @member {Boolean} in_sync
+ */
+ exports.prototype['in_sync'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * The current block height of the Blockchain
+ * @member {Number} blockchain_block_height
+ */
+ exports.prototype['blockchain_block_height'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * The height of the last block that was processed in the Node
+ * @member {Number} last_processed_block_height
+ */
+ exports.prototype['last_processed_block_height'] = undefined;
+ return exports;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetTaskStatusRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetTaskStatusRequest.js
index 0d32cf8..976aa5e 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetTaskStatusRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetTaskStatusRequest.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
* Constructs a new GetTaskStatusRequest
* @alias module:model/GetTaskStatusRequest
* @class
- * @param id {String}
+ * @param id {String} The ID of the Task
var exports = function(id) {
var _this = this;
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
+ * The ID of the Task
* @member {String} id
exports.prototype['id'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetTaskStatusResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetTaskStatusResponse.js
index b5f50b9..3b57408 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetTaskStatusResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetTaskStatusResponse.js
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define(['ApiClient'], factory);
+ define(['ApiClient', 'model/Result', 'model/TaskType'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
- module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'));
+ module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'), require('./Result'), require('./TaskType'));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
if (!root.QedItAssetTransfers) {
root.QedItAssetTransfers = {};
- root.QedItAssetTransfers.GetTaskStatusResponse = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient);
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers.GetTaskStatusResponse = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient, root.QedItAssetTransfers.Result, root.QedItAssetTransfers.TaskType);
-}(this, function(ApiClient) {
+}(this, function(ApiClient, Result, TaskType) {
'use strict';
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
obj['updated_at'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['updated_at'], 'Date');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('result')) {
- obj['result'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['result'], 'String');
+ obj['result'] = Result.constructFromObject(data['result']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('state')) {
obj['state'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['state'], 'String');
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
obj['qedit_tx_hash'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['qedit_tx_hash'], 'String');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
- obj['type'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['type'], 'String');
+ obj['type'] = TaskType.constructFromObject(data['type']);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
obj['data'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['data'], Object);
@@ -93,42 +93,50 @@
+ * Unique ID of the Task
* @member {String} id
exports.prototype['id'] = undefined;
+ * UTC time of creation of the Task in RFC-3339 format
* @member {Date} created_at
exports.prototype['created_at'] = undefined;
+ * UTC last time the Task was updated in RFC-3339 format
* @member {Date} updated_at
exports.prototype['updated_at'] = undefined;
- * @member {String} result
+ * @member {module:model/Result} result
exports.prototype['result'] = undefined;
+ * More granular current state of the Task; list of supported states is not guaranteed to be stable
* @member {String} state
exports.prototype['state'] = undefined;
+ * The Blockchain-generated hash of the Transaction; populated after the Blockchain Node accepted the Transaction
* @member {String} tx_hash
exports.prototype['tx_hash'] = undefined;
+ * The QEDIT-generated hash of the Transaction; generated after proof generation, but prior to Broadcast by the QEDIT Node
* @member {String} qedit_tx_hash
exports.prototype['qedit_tx_hash'] = undefined;
- * @member {String} type
+ * @member {module:model/TaskType} type
exports.prototype['type'] = undefined;
+ * Container for the Transaction data; each Transaction type has different fields
* @member {Object} data
exports.prototype['data'] = undefined;
+ * In case of failure this field reports the reason for the failure
* @member {String} error
exports.prototype['error'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetTasksRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetTasksRequest.js
index 32ec051..b6910d9 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetTasksRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetTasksRequest.js
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@
(function(root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define(['ApiClient'], factory);
+ define(['ApiClient', 'model/Result', 'model/TaskType'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
- module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'));
+ module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'), require('./Result'), require('./TaskType'));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
if (!root.QedItAssetTransfers) {
root.QedItAssetTransfers = {};
- root.QedItAssetTransfers.GetTasksRequest = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient);
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers.GetTasksRequest = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient, root.QedItAssetTransfers.Result, root.QedItAssetTransfers.TaskType);
-}(this, function(ApiClient) {
+}(this, function(ApiClient, Result, TaskType) {
'use strict';
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
* Constructs a new GetTasksRequest
* @alias module:model/GetTasksRequest
* @class
- * @param startIndex {Number}
- * @param numberOfResults {Number}
+ * @param startIndex {Number} An offset used to paginate through the Task list; indexing is 0-based
+ * @param numberOfResults {Number} Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
var exports = function(startIndex, numberOfResults) {
var _this = this;
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@
obj['number_of_results'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['number_of_results'], 'Number');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('types')) {
- obj['types'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['types'], ['String']);
+ obj['types'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['types'], [TaskType]);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('results')) {
- obj['results'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['results'], ['String']);
+ obj['results'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['results'], [Result]);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('order')) {
obj['order'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['order'], 'String');
@@ -82,81 +82,49 @@
+ * An offset used to paginate through the Task list; indexing is 0-based
* @member {Number} start_index
exports.prototype['start_index'] = undefined;
+ * Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
* @member {Number} number_of_results
exports.prototype['number_of_results'] = undefined;
- * @member {Array.} types
+ * Types of Tasks to fetch; fetch all types if omitted
+ * @member {Array.} types
exports.prototype['types'] = undefined;
- * @member {Array.} results
+ * List of results (statuses) to filter by; fetch in_progress tasks if omitted
+ * @member {Array.} results
exports.prototype['results'] = undefined;
- * @member {String} order
+ * Order of tasks to fetch (either ascending or descending); ordering is chronological where the time is set to when the task was created in this Node
+ * @member {module:model/GetTasksRequest.OrderEnum} order
* @default 'desc'
exports.prototype['order'] = 'desc';
- * Allowed values for the types
+ * Allowed values for the order
* @enum {String}
* @readonly
- exports.TypesEnum = {
+ exports.OrderEnum = {
- * value: "unlock_wallet"
+ * value: "asc"
* @const
- "unlock_wallet": "unlock_wallet",
+ "asc": "asc",
- * value: "transfer_asset"
+ * value: "desc"
* @const
- "transfer_asset": "transfer_asset",
- /**
- * value: "issue_asset"
- * @const
- */
- "issue_asset": "issue_asset",
- /**
- * value: "alter_rule"
- * @const
- */
- "alter_rule": "alter_rule" };
- /**
- * Allowed values for the results
- * @enum {String}
- * @readonly
- */
- exports.ResultsEnum = {
- /**
- * value: "pending"
- * @const
- */
- "pending": "pending",
- /**
- * value: "failure"
- * @const
- */
- "failure": "failure",
- /**
- * value: "in_progress"
- * @const
- */
- "in_progress": "in_progress",
- /**
- * value: "success"
- * @const
- */
- "success": "success" };
+ "desc": "desc" };
return exports;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetTasksResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetTasksResponse.js
index 00cf731..58b3083 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetTasksResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetTasksResponse.js
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
+ * The returned Tasks array, sorted in the requested order
* @member {Array.} tasks
exports.prototype['tasks'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletActivityRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletActivityRequest.js
index 1a69761..353f248 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletActivityRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletActivityRequest.js
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
* Constructs a new GetWalletActivityRequest
* @alias module:model/GetWalletActivityRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param startIndex {Number}
- * @param numberOfResults {Number}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve activity history
+ * @param startIndex {Number} An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based
+ * @param numberOfResults {Number} Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
var exports = function(walletId, startIndex, numberOfResults) {
var _this = this;
@@ -78,14 +78,17 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve activity history
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based
* @member {Number} start_index
exports.prototype['start_index'] = undefined;
+ * Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
* @member {Number} number_of_results
exports.prototype['number_of_results'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletActivityResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletActivityResponse.js
index 5444602..6b10286 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletActivityResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletActivityResponse.js
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The list of retrieved transactions
* @member {Array.} transactions
exports.prototype['transactions'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletBalanceRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletBalanceRequest.js
index 517a4e0..f3313fa 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletBalanceRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletBalanceRequest.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
* Constructs a new GetWalletBalanceRequest
* @alias module:model/GetWalletBalanceRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet
var exports = function(walletId) {
var _this = this;
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletBalanceResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletBalanceResponse.js
index 8262dc1..34f940c 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletBalanceResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/GetWalletBalanceResponse.js
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
* Constructs a new GetWalletBalanceResponse
* @alias module:model/GetWalletBalanceResponse
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param assets {Array.}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet
+ * @param assets {Array.} The balances of the various Asset Types held by the Wallet
var exports = function(walletId, assets) {
var _this = this;
@@ -73,10 +73,12 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The balances of the various Asset Types held by the Wallet
* @member {Array.} assets
exports.prototype['assets'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/HealthcheckResponse.js b/js/sdk/src/model/HealthcheckResponse.js
index ac26d00..de8a937 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/HealthcheckResponse.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/HealthcheckResponse.js
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
+ * API version of the Node
* @member {String} version
exports.prototype['version'] = undefined;
@@ -94,6 +95,7 @@
exports.prototype['database'] = undefined;
+ * Boolean signifying whether the endpoint is ready for calls
* @member {Boolean} passing
exports.prototype['passing'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/HealthcheckResponseItem.js b/js/sdk/src/model/HealthcheckResponseItem.js
index 5b87c2d..876230e 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/HealthcheckResponseItem.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/HealthcheckResponseItem.js
@@ -69,10 +69,12 @@
+ * Boolean signifying whether the component is healthy
* @member {Boolean} passing
exports.prototype['passing'] = undefined;
+ * Error string describing the component's problem; empty if the component is healthy
* @member {String} error
exports.prototype['error'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.js
index 1bcaddf..7ac69bf 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest.js
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
* Constructs a new ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest
* @alias module:model/ImportAuditorAccessWalletRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param publicKey {String}
- * @param accessKey {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node
+ * @param publicKey {String} The public key of the imported Wallet
+ * @param accessKey {String} the encrypted viewing key of the imported Wallet
var exports = function(walletId, publicKey, accessKey) {
var _this = this;
@@ -78,14 +78,17 @@
+ * The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The public key of the imported Wallet
* @member {String} public_key
exports.prototype['public_key'] = undefined;
+ * the encrypted viewing key of the imported Wallet
* @member {String} access_key
exports.prototype['access_key'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/ImportWalletRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/ImportWalletRequest.js
index 829c1dd..9d9a7a3 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/ImportWalletRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/ImportWalletRequest.js
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
* Constructs a new ImportWalletRequest
* @alias module:model/ImportWalletRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param encryptedSk {String}
- * @param authorization {String}
- * @param salt {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node
+ * @param encryptedSk {String} The encrypted secret key of the Wallet
+ * @param authorization {String} The authorization password used during Wallet generation that allows to decrypt the encrypted secret key
+ * @param salt {String} The salt used in the encryption of the secret key
var exports = function(walletId, encryptedSk, authorization, salt) {
var _this = this;
@@ -83,18 +83,22 @@
+ * The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The encrypted secret key of the Wallet
* @member {String} encrypted_sk
exports.prototype['encrypted_sk'] = undefined;
+ * The authorization password used during Wallet generation that allows to decrypt the encrypted secret key
* @member {String} authorization
exports.prototype['authorization'] = undefined;
+ * The salt used in the encryption of the secret key
* @member {String} salt
exports.prototype['salt'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/IssueAssetRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/IssueAssetRequest.js
index 1384e37..c0a7f68 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/IssueAssetRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/IssueAssetRequest.js
@@ -42,22 +42,22 @@
* Constructs a new IssueAssetRequest
* @alias module:model/IssueAssetRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param authorization {String}
- * @param recipientAddress {String}
- * @param amount {Number}
- * @param assetId {Number}
- * @param confidential {Boolean}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet that has the required Issuance privileges
+ * @param authorization {String} The authorization password for the Wallet that has the Issuance privileges
+ * @param recipientAddress {String} The Address of the recipient of the issued Assets
+ * @param assetId {Number} The ID of the Asset Type to issue
+ * @param amount {Number} the amount of Assets to issue
+ * @param confidential {Boolean} Boolean which should be true if the issuance should be confidential, and false of the Issuance should be public
* @param memo {String}
- var exports = function(walletId, authorization, recipientAddress, amount, assetId, confidential, memo) {
+ var exports = function(walletId, authorization, recipientAddress, assetId, amount, confidential, memo) {
var _this = this;
_this['wallet_id'] = walletId;
_this['authorization'] = authorization;
_this['recipient_address'] = recipientAddress;
- _this['amount'] = amount;
_this['asset_id'] = assetId;
+ _this['amount'] = amount;
_this['confidential'] = confidential;
_this['memo'] = memo;
@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('recipient_address')) {
obj['recipient_address'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['recipient_address'], 'String');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('amount')) {
- obj['amount'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['amount'], 'Number');
- }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('asset_id')) {
obj['asset_id'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['asset_id'], 'Number');
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('amount')) {
+ obj['amount'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['amount'], 'Number');
+ }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('confidential')) {
obj['confidential'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['confidential'], 'Boolean');
@@ -98,26 +98,32 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet that has the required Issuance privileges
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The authorization password for the Wallet that has the Issuance privileges
* @member {String} authorization
exports.prototype['authorization'] = undefined;
+ * The Address of the recipient of the issued Assets
* @member {String} recipient_address
exports.prototype['recipient_address'] = undefined;
- * @member {Number} amount
- */
- exports.prototype['amount'] = undefined;
- /**
+ * The ID of the Asset Type to issue
* @member {Number} asset_id
exports.prototype['asset_id'] = undefined;
+ * the amount of Assets to issue
+ * @member {Number} amount
+ */
+ exports.prototype['amount'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * Boolean which should be true if the issuance should be confidential, and false of the Issuance should be public
* @member {Boolean} confidential
exports.prototype['confidential'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/Result.js b/js/sdk/src/model/Result.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f0edb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/Result.js
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * OpenAPI spec version: 1.5.0
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ *
+ * OpenAPI Generator version: 3.3.3
+ *
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ *
+ */
+(function(root, factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define(['ApiClient'], factory);
+ } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
+ // CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
+ module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'));
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals (root is window)
+ if (!root.QedItAssetTransfers) {
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers = {};
+ }
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers.Result = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient);
+ }
+}(this, function(ApiClient) {
+ 'use strict';
+ /**
+ * Enum class Result.
+ * @enum {}
+ * @readonly
+ */
+ var exports = {
+ /**
+ * value: "pending"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "pending": "pending",
+ /**
+ * value: "in_progress"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "in_progress": "in_progress",
+ /**
+ * value: "success"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "success": "success",
+ /**
+ * value: "failure"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "failure": "failure" };
+ /**
+ * Returns a Result
enum value from a Javascript object name.
+ * @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object containing the name of the enum value.
+ * @return {module:model/Result} The enum Result
+ */
+ exports.constructFromObject = function(object) {
+ return object;
+ }
+ return exports;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/Rule.js b/js/sdk/src/model/Rule.js
index 60e3518..8e54e62 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/Rule.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/Rule.js
@@ -42,20 +42,20 @@
* Constructs a new Rule
* @alias module:model/Rule
* @class
- * @param publicKey {String}
- * @param canIssueConfidentially {Boolean}
- * @param canIssueAssetIdFirst {Number}
- * @param canIssueAssetIdLast {Number}
- * @param isAdmin {Boolean}
+ * @param publicKey {String} The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
+ * @param isAdmin {Boolean} Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
+ * @param canIssueAssetIdFirst {Number} The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ * @param canIssueAssetIdLast {Number} The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ * @param canIssueConfidentially {Boolean} Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
- var exports = function(publicKey, canIssueConfidentially, canIssueAssetIdFirst, canIssueAssetIdLast, isAdmin) {
+ var exports = function(publicKey, isAdmin, canIssueAssetIdFirst, canIssueAssetIdLast, canIssueConfidentially) {
var _this = this;
_this['public_key'] = publicKey;
- _this['can_issue_confidentially'] = canIssueConfidentially;
+ _this['is_admin'] = isAdmin;
_this['can_issue_asset_id_first'] = canIssueAssetIdFirst;
_this['can_issue_asset_id_last'] = canIssueAssetIdLast;
- _this['is_admin'] = isAdmin;
+ _this['can_issue_confidentially'] = canIssueConfidentially;
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('public_key')) {
obj['public_key'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['public_key'], 'String');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('can_issue_confidentially')) {
- obj['can_issue_confidentially'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['can_issue_confidentially'], 'Boolean');
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('is_admin')) {
+ obj['is_admin'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['is_admin'], 'Boolean');
if (data.hasOwnProperty('can_issue_asset_id_first')) {
obj['can_issue_asset_id_first'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['can_issue_asset_id_first'], 'Number');
@@ -80,33 +80,38 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('can_issue_asset_id_last')) {
obj['can_issue_asset_id_last'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['can_issue_asset_id_last'], 'Number');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('is_admin')) {
- obj['is_admin'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['is_admin'], 'Boolean');
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('can_issue_confidentially')) {
+ obj['can_issue_confidentially'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['can_issue_confidentially'], 'Boolean');
return obj;
+ * The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
* @member {String} public_key
exports.prototype['public_key'] = undefined;
- * @member {Boolean} can_issue_confidentially
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
+ * @member {Boolean} is_admin
- exports.prototype['can_issue_confidentially'] = undefined;
+ exports.prototype['is_admin'] = undefined;
+ * The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
* @member {Number} can_issue_asset_id_first
exports.prototype['can_issue_asset_id_first'] = undefined;
+ * The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
* @member {Number} can_issue_asset_id_last
exports.prototype['can_issue_asset_id_last'] = undefined;
- * @member {Boolean} is_admin
+ * Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
+ * @member {Boolean} can_issue_confidentially
- exports.prototype['is_admin'] = undefined;
+ exports.prototype['can_issue_confidentially'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/TaskType.js b/js/sdk/src/model/TaskType.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9071a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/TaskType.js
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * OpenAPI spec version: 1.5.0
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ *
+ * OpenAPI Generator version: 3.3.3
+ *
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ *
+ */
+(function(root, factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define(['ApiClient'], factory);
+ } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
+ // CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
+ module.exports = factory(require('../ApiClient'));
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals (root is window)
+ if (!root.QedItAssetTransfers) {
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers = {};
+ }
+ root.QedItAssetTransfers.TaskType = factory(root.QedItAssetTransfers.ApiClient);
+ }
+}(this, function(ApiClient) {
+ 'use strict';
+ /**
+ * Enum class TaskType.
+ * @enum {}
+ * @readonly
+ */
+ var exports = {
+ /**
+ * value: "unlock_wallet"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "unlock_wallet": "unlock_wallet",
+ /**
+ * value: "transfer_asset"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "transfer_asset": "transfer_asset",
+ /**
+ * value: "issue_asset"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "issue_asset": "issue_asset",
+ /**
+ * value: "alter_rule"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "alter_rule": "alter_rule",
+ /**
+ * value: "import_wallet"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "import_wallet": "import_wallet",
+ /**
+ * value: "delete_wallet"
+ * @const
+ */
+ "delete_wallet": "delete_wallet" };
+ /**
+ * Returns a TaskType
enum value from a Javascript object name.
+ * @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object containing the name of the enum value.
+ * @return {module:model/TaskType} The enum TaskType
+ */
+ exports.constructFromObject = function(object) {
+ return object;
+ }
+ return exports;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/TransferAssetRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/TransferAssetRequest.js
index d44c056..18077a5 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/TransferAssetRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/TransferAssetRequest.js
@@ -42,21 +42,21 @@
* Constructs a new TransferAssetRequest
* @alias module:model/TransferAssetRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param authorization {String}
- * @param recipientAddress {String}
- * @param amount {Number}
- * @param assetId {Number}
- * @param memo {String}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet to transfer from
+ * @param authorization {String} The authorization password for the Wallet to transfer from
+ * @param recipientAddress {String} The Address of the recipient of the funds
+ * @param assetId {Number} The ID for the Asset Type to transfer
+ * @param amount {Number} The amount of assets to transfer
+ * @param memo {String} An app-customizable field to store additional private data relating to the transfer; the memo is shared between the sender and the receiver, but is not divulged to other parties
- var exports = function(walletId, authorization, recipientAddress, amount, assetId, memo) {
+ var exports = function(walletId, authorization, recipientAddress, assetId, amount, memo) {
var _this = this;
_this['wallet_id'] = walletId;
_this['authorization'] = authorization;
_this['recipient_address'] = recipientAddress;
- _this['amount'] = amount;
_this['asset_id'] = assetId;
+ _this['amount'] = amount;
_this['memo'] = memo;
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@
if (data.hasOwnProperty('recipient_address')) {
obj['recipient_address'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['recipient_address'], 'String');
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('amount')) {
- obj['amount'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['amount'], 'Number');
- }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('asset_id')) {
obj['asset_id'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['asset_id'], 'Number');
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('amount')) {
+ obj['amount'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['amount'], 'Number');
+ }
if (data.hasOwnProperty('memo')) {
obj['memo'] = ApiClient.convertToType(data['memo'], 'String');
@@ -93,26 +93,32 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet to transfer from
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The authorization password for the Wallet to transfer from
* @member {String} authorization
exports.prototype['authorization'] = undefined;
+ * The Address of the recipient of the funds
* @member {String} recipient_address
exports.prototype['recipient_address'] = undefined;
- * @member {Number} amount
- */
- exports.prototype['amount'] = undefined;
- /**
+ * The ID for the Asset Type to transfer
* @member {Number} asset_id
exports.prototype['asset_id'] = undefined;
+ * The amount of assets to transfer
+ * @member {Number} amount
+ */
+ exports.prototype['amount'] = undefined;
+ /**
+ * An app-customizable field to store additional private data relating to the transfer; the memo is shared between the sender and the receiver, but is not divulged to other parties
* @member {String} memo
exports.prototype['memo'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/src/model/UnlockWalletRequest.js b/js/sdk/src/model/UnlockWalletRequest.js
index b89cb6a..6b2c32d 100644
--- a/js/sdk/src/model/UnlockWalletRequest.js
+++ b/js/sdk/src/model/UnlockWalletRequest.js
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
* Constructs a new UnlockWalletRequest
* @alias module:model/UnlockWalletRequest
* @class
- * @param walletId {String}
- * @param authorization {String}
- * @param seconds {Number}
+ * @param walletId {String} The ID of the Wallet to unlock
+ * @param authorization {String} The authorization password for the Wallet
+ * @param seconds {Number} The number of seconds to keep the Wallet unlocked
var exports = function(walletId, authorization, seconds) {
var _this = this;
@@ -78,14 +78,17 @@
+ * The ID of the Wallet to unlock
* @member {String} wallet_id
exports.prototype['wallet_id'] = undefined;
+ * The authorization password for the Wallet
* @member {String} authorization
exports.prototype['authorization'] = undefined;
+ * The number of seconds to keep the Wallet unlocked
* @member {Number} seconds
exports.prototype['seconds'] = undefined;
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/api/AnalyticsApi.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/api/AnalyticsApi.spec.js
index 1d16a0a..16cad51 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/api/AnalyticsApi.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/api/AnalyticsApi.spec.js
@@ -60,6 +60,16 @@
+ describe('analyticsGetSyncStatusPost', function() {
+ it('should call analyticsGetSyncStatusPost successfully', function(done) {
+ //uncomment below and update the code to test analyticsGetSyncStatusPost
+ //instance.analyticsGetSyncStatusPost(function(error) {
+ // if (error) throw error;
+ //expect().to.be();
+ //});
+ done();
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.spec.js
index c54eb56..4b7f47b 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticIssueWalletTx.spec.js
@@ -74,12 +74,6 @@
- it('should have the property memo (base name: "memo")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property memo
- //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticIssueWalletTx();
- //expect(instance).to.be();
- });
it('should have the property recipientAddress (base name: "recipient_address")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property recipientAddress
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticIssueWalletTx();
@@ -104,6 +98,12 @@
+ it('should have the property memo (base name: "memo")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property memo
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticIssueWalletTx();
+ //expect(instance).to.be();
+ });
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.spec.js
index 8ef5cb1..959ba32 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticTransferWalletTx.spec.js
@@ -68,12 +68,6 @@
- it('should have the property memo (base name: "memo")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property memo
- //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticTransferWalletTx();
- //expect(instance).to.be();
- });
it('should have the property recipientAddress (base name: "recipient_address")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property recipientAddress
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticTransferWalletTx();
@@ -92,6 +86,12 @@
+ it('should have the property memo (base name: "memo")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property memo
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticTransferWalletTx();
+ //expect(instance).to.be();
+ });
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.spec.js
index 1c49170..9b8e7a0 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription.spec.js
@@ -62,14 +62,14 @@
- it('should have the property zkproof (base name: "zkproof")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property zkproof
+ it('should have the property rule (base name: "rule")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property rule
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription();
- it('should have the property rule (base name: "rule")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property rule
+ it('should have the property zkproof (base name: "zkproof")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property zkproof
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsConfidentialIssuanceDescription();
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsOutputDescription.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsOutputDescription.spec.js
index 5793c82..4f26b80 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsOutputDescription.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsOutputDescription.spec.js
@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@
- it('should have the property epk (base name: "epk")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property epk
+ it('should have the property zkproof (base name: "zkproof")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property zkproof
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsOutputDescription();
- it('should have the property zkproof (base name: "zkproof")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property zkproof
+ it('should have the property epk (base name: "epk")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property epk
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsOutputDescription();
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.spec.js
index 8280b87..0f6bdab 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsRuleDefinition.spec.js
@@ -62,12 +62,6 @@
- it('should have the property canIssueConfidentially (base name: "can_issue_confidentially")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property canIssueConfidentially
- //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsRuleDefinition();
- //expect(instance).to.be();
- });
it('should have the property isAdmin (base name: "is_admin")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property isAdmin
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsRuleDefinition();
@@ -86,6 +80,12 @@
+ it('should have the property canIssueConfidentially (base name: "can_issue_confidentially")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property canIssueConfidentially
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsRuleDefinition();
+ //expect(instance).to.be();
+ });
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.spec.js
index 07792bf..2cddf23 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition.spec.js
@@ -62,12 +62,6 @@
- it('should have the property canIssueConfidentially (base name: "can_issue_confidentially")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property canIssueConfidentially
- //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition();
- //expect(instance).to.be();
- });
it('should have the property isAdmin (base name: "is_admin")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property isAdmin
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition();
@@ -86,6 +80,12 @@
+ it('should have the property canIssueConfidentially (base name: "can_issue_confidentially")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property canIssueConfidentially
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition();
+ //expect(instance).to.be();
+ });
it('should have the property operation (base name: "operation")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property operation
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition();
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsSpendDescription.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsSpendDescription.spec.js
index d2ba377..17d67c1 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsSpendDescription.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsSpendDescription.spec.js
@@ -74,12 +74,6 @@
- it('should have the property rkOut (base name: "rk_out")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property rkOut
- //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsSpendDescription();
- //expect(instance).to.be();
- });
it('should have the property zkproof (base name: "zkproof")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property zkproof
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsSpendDescription();
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsTransferTx.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsTransferTx.spec.js
index cec087a..1a5b399 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsTransferTx.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsTransferTx.spec.js
@@ -74,14 +74,20 @@
- it('should have the property bindingSig (base name: "binding_sig")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property bindingSig
+ it('should have the property rk (base name: "rk")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property rk
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTransferTx();
+ //expect(instance).to.be();
+ });
+ it('should have the property spendAuthSig (base name: "spend_auth_sig")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property spendAuthSig
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTransferTx();
- it('should have the property spendAuthSigs (base name: "spend_auth_sigs")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property spendAuthSigs
+ it('should have the property bindingSig (base name: "binding_sig")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property bindingSig
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTransferTx();
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsTxMetadata.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsTxMetadata.spec.js
index 687b8a0..66715bf 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsTxMetadata.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsTxMetadata.spec.js
@@ -68,6 +68,12 @@
+ it('should have the property blockHeight (base name: "block_height")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property blockHeight
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxMetadata();
+ //expect(instance).to.be();
+ });
it('should have the property blockHash (base name: "block_hash")', function() {
// uncomment below and update the code to test the property blockHash
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxMetadata();
@@ -86,12 +92,6 @@
- it('should have the property blockHeight (base name: "block_height")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property blockHeight
- //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxMetadata();
- //expect(instance).to.be();
- });
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsTxType.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsTxType.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8503800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/AnalyticsTxType.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * OpenAPI spec version: 1.5.0
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ *
+ * OpenAPI Generator version: 3.3.3
+ *
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ *
+ */
+(function(root, factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ // AMD.
+ define(['expect.js', '../../src/index'], factory);
+ } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
+ // CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
+ factory(require('expect.js'), require('../../src/index'));
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals (root is window)
+ factory(root.expect, root.QedItAssetTransfers);
+ }
+}(this, function(expect, QedItAssetTransfers) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var instance;
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ });
+ var getProperty = function(object, getter, property) {
+ // Use getter method if present; otherwise, get the property directly.
+ if (typeof object[getter] === 'function')
+ return object[getter]();
+ else
+ return object[property];
+ }
+ var setProperty = function(object, setter, property, value) {
+ // Use setter method if present; otherwise, set the property directly.
+ if (typeof object[setter] === 'function')
+ object[setter](value);
+ else
+ object[property] = value;
+ }
+ describe('AnalyticsTxType', function() {
+ it('should create an instance of AnalyticsTxType', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test AnalyticsTxType
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxType();
+ //expect(instance).to.be.a(QedItAssetTransfers.AnalyticsTxType);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/GetNetworkActivityRequest.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/GetNetworkActivityRequest.spec.js
index 535f90e..f809d1c 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/GetNetworkActivityRequest.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/GetNetworkActivityRequest.spec.js
@@ -68,6 +68,12 @@
+ it('should have the property txHashes (base name: "tx_hashes")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property txHashes
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.GetNetworkActivityRequest();
+ //expect(instance).to.be();
+ });
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/GetSyncStatusResponse.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/GetSyncStatusResponse.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..978be4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/GetSyncStatusResponse.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * OpenAPI spec version: 1.5.0
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ *
+ * OpenAPI Generator version: 3.3.3
+ *
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ *
+ */
+(function(root, factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ // AMD.
+ define(['expect.js', '../../src/index'], factory);
+ } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
+ // CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
+ factory(require('expect.js'), require('../../src/index'));
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals (root is window)
+ factory(root.expect, root.QedItAssetTransfers);
+ }
+}(this, function(expect, QedItAssetTransfers) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var instance;
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.GetSyncStatusResponse();
+ });
+ var getProperty = function(object, getter, property) {
+ // Use getter method if present; otherwise, get the property directly.
+ if (typeof object[getter] === 'function')
+ return object[getter]();
+ else
+ return object[property];
+ }
+ var setProperty = function(object, setter, property, value) {
+ // Use setter method if present; otherwise, set the property directly.
+ if (typeof object[setter] === 'function')
+ object[setter](value);
+ else
+ object[property] = value;
+ }
+ describe('GetSyncStatusResponse', function() {
+ it('should create an instance of GetSyncStatusResponse', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test GetSyncStatusResponse
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.GetSyncStatusResponse();
+ //expect(instance).to.be.a(QedItAssetTransfers.GetSyncStatusResponse);
+ });
+ it('should have the property inSync (base name: "in_sync")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property inSync
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.GetSyncStatusResponse();
+ //expect(instance).to.be();
+ });
+ it('should have the property blockchainBlockHeight (base name: "blockchain_block_height")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property blockchainBlockHeight
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.GetSyncStatusResponse();
+ //expect(instance).to.be();
+ });
+ it('should have the property lastProcessedBlockHeight (base name: "last_processed_block_height")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property lastProcessedBlockHeight
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.GetSyncStatusResponse();
+ //expect(instance).to.be();
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/IssueAssetRequest.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/IssueAssetRequest.spec.js
index a75fcd1..cfcdc57 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/IssueAssetRequest.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/IssueAssetRequest.spec.js
@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@
- it('should have the property amount (base name: "amount")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property amount
+ it('should have the property assetId (base name: "asset_id")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property assetId
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.IssueAssetRequest();
- it('should have the property assetId (base name: "asset_id")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property assetId
+ it('should have the property amount (base name: "amount")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property amount
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.IssueAssetRequest();
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/Result.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/Result.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..232d882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/Result.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * OpenAPI spec version: 1.5.0
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ *
+ * OpenAPI Generator version: 3.3.3
+ *
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ *
+ */
+(function(root, factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ // AMD.
+ define(['expect.js', '../../src/index'], factory);
+ } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
+ // CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
+ factory(require('expect.js'), require('../../src/index'));
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals (root is window)
+ factory(root.expect, root.QedItAssetTransfers);
+ }
+}(this, function(expect, QedItAssetTransfers) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var instance;
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ });
+ var getProperty = function(object, getter, property) {
+ // Use getter method if present; otherwise, get the property directly.
+ if (typeof object[getter] === 'function')
+ return object[getter]();
+ else
+ return object[property];
+ }
+ var setProperty = function(object, setter, property, value) {
+ // Use setter method if present; otherwise, set the property directly.
+ if (typeof object[setter] === 'function')
+ object[setter](value);
+ else
+ object[property] = value;
+ }
+ describe('Result', function() {
+ it('should create an instance of Result', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test Result
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.Result();
+ //expect(instance).to.be.a(QedItAssetTransfers.Result);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/Rule.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/Rule.spec.js
index 88161e7..ff61a44 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/Rule.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/Rule.spec.js
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
- it('should have the property canIssueConfidentially (base name: "can_issue_confidentially")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property canIssueConfidentially
+ it('should have the property isAdmin (base name: "is_admin")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property isAdmin
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.Rule();
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@
- it('should have the property isAdmin (base name: "is_admin")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property isAdmin
+ it('should have the property canIssueConfidentially (base name: "can_issue_confidentially")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property canIssueConfidentially
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.Rule();
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/TaskType.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/TaskType.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a160836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/TaskType.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * QEDIT - Asset Transfers
+ * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
+ *
+ * OpenAPI spec version: 1.5.0
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ * https://openapi-generator.tech
+ *
+ * OpenAPI Generator version: 3.3.3
+ *
+ * Do not edit the class manually.
+ *
+ */
+(function(root, factory) {
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ // AMD.
+ define(['expect.js', '../../src/index'], factory);
+ } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
+ // CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
+ factory(require('expect.js'), require('../../src/index'));
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals (root is window)
+ factory(root.expect, root.QedItAssetTransfers);
+ }
+}(this, function(expect, QedItAssetTransfers) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var instance;
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ });
+ var getProperty = function(object, getter, property) {
+ // Use getter method if present; otherwise, get the property directly.
+ if (typeof object[getter] === 'function')
+ return object[getter]();
+ else
+ return object[property];
+ }
+ var setProperty = function(object, setter, property, value) {
+ // Use setter method if present; otherwise, set the property directly.
+ if (typeof object[setter] === 'function')
+ object[setter](value);
+ else
+ object[property] = value;
+ }
+ describe('TaskType', function() {
+ it('should create an instance of TaskType', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test TaskType
+ //var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.TaskType();
+ //expect(instance).to.be.a(QedItAssetTransfers.TaskType);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/js/sdk/test/model/TransferAssetRequest.spec.js b/js/sdk/test/model/TransferAssetRequest.spec.js
index a5852a0..027960e 100644
--- a/js/sdk/test/model/TransferAssetRequest.spec.js
+++ b/js/sdk/test/model/TransferAssetRequest.spec.js
@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@
- it('should have the property amount (base name: "amount")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property amount
+ it('should have the property assetId (base name: "asset_id")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property assetId
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.TransferAssetRequest();
- it('should have the property assetId (base name: "asset_id")', function() {
- // uncomment below and update the code to test the property assetId
+ it('should have the property amount (base name: "amount")', function() {
+ // uncomment below and update the code to test the property amount
//var instance = new QedItAssetTransfers.TransferAssetRequest();
diff --git a/spec/asset-swagger.yaml b/spec/asset-swagger.yaml
index 2b360fc..5c466a3 100644
--- a/spec/asset-swagger.yaml
+++ b/spec/asset-swagger.yaml
@@ -5,16 +5,19 @@ info:
- ApiKeyAuth: []
- - url: http://{server_url}:12052
+ - url: http://{server_url}:{port}
default: localhost
+ port:
+ default: '12052'
- Wallet
- summary: Get wallets balance
+ summary: Get wallets balances
+ description: Get a list of the Asset Types held within a given Wallet and the amount of each type held.
required: true
@@ -51,6 +54,7 @@ paths:
- Wallet
summary: Issue assets [async call]
+ description: Issue Assets from a Wallet to a recipient Address; The issuing Wallet is required to have matching issuance rights (in the form of a matching Rule); Issuance can be done either confidentially or in public; In order to issue confidentially, the matching Rule must explicitly allow this.
required: true
@@ -87,6 +91,7 @@ paths:
- Wallet
summary: Transfer assets [async call]
+ description: Transfer a specified amount of a specified Asset Type from a specified Wallet to a specified Address; Transfers are always completely confidential.
required: true
@@ -123,6 +128,7 @@ paths:
- Wallet
summary: Get a new address from a given diversifier or generate randomly
+ description: Generate an Address for the Wallet; the address can be used by other Wallet owners to issue or transfer Assets into said Wallet; If a diversifier is provided, then the generated address is deterministically generated from the diversifier; If the diversifier is omitted, then a random diversifier is used and the resulting Address will be random; in both cases the Address cannot be linked to the Wallet by parties that do not have access to the Wallet. All generated Addresses of a Wallet are always valid and cannot be invalidated.
required: true
@@ -159,6 +165,7 @@ paths:
- Wallet
summary: Get wallet public key
+ description: Get the unique public key of the Wallet; This key is unique across the entire network and is used to identify the Wallet.
required: true
@@ -194,7 +201,8 @@ paths:
- Wallet
- summary: Create & broadcast add-config-rule [async call]
+ summary: Create a new Rule in the network [async call]
+ description: Create new Rules that can either create a new admin, a new issuer, or both; The Rules are created by a Wallet that needs to have admin rights; The Rules grant rights to other Wallets through the Wallets' public keys.
required: true
@@ -230,7 +238,8 @@ paths:
- Wallet
- summary: Create & broadcast delete-config-rule [async call]
+ summary: Delete an existing Rule from the network [async call]
+ description: Delete an existing Rule from the network; The Rule is deleted by a Wallet which needs to have admin rights.
required: true
@@ -267,6 +276,7 @@ paths:
- Wallet
summary: Get wallet activity (transactions)
+ description: List transactions that were created by a specifed Wallet or that affected that Wallet; All known details of each such transaction will be returned.
required: true
@@ -302,7 +312,8 @@ paths:
- Analytics
- summary: Get details on past blocks
+ summary: Get details on past blocks either by order using start_index and number_of_results or by the tx_hashes of the transactions
+ description: List all verified Transactions from the network, even ones that do not have anything to do with any Wallet stored in the Node; For each such Transaction all of public information is returned in a structured format; However, no private information is returned even if some private information is known.
required: true
@@ -334,11 +345,43 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ /analytics/get_sync_status:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Analytics
+ summary: Get blockchain sync status information
+ description: Returns detailed information about the status of the sync between the QEDIT Node and the underlying Blockchain
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Success
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GetSyncStatusResponse'
+ '400':
+ description: Bad request
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ '401':
+ description: Unauthorized
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ '500':
+ description: Internal error
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
- Node
- summary: Generate a new wallet
+ summary: Generate a new Wallet
+ description: Randomly generate a new Wallet under a specified ID; This only affects the Node and in particular nothing about this action is broadcast to the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
required: true
@@ -370,7 +413,8 @@ paths:
- Node
- summary: Delete a wallet
+ summary: Delete a Wallet
+ description: Deletes a Wallet from the Node; All private information about the Wallet will be deleted including transactional history, balances, and keys; If the secret key of the Wallet are not stored elsewhere then all Assets held in the Wallet will be forever lost! If the secret key of the Wallet is stored elsewhere, then all held Assets and the entire transactional history of the Wallet can be restored from the Blockchain at any time by importing the Wallet into a Node.
required: true
@@ -407,6 +451,7 @@ paths:
- Node
summary: Export wallet secret key
+ description: Export an encrypted form of the Wallet's secret key; The authorization password under which the secret key is encrypted is the same one under which it was originally created or imported; Knowledge of the secret key and the authorization password is required to import the Wallet into a Node in the future.
required: true
@@ -442,7 +487,8 @@ paths:
- Node
- summary: Import wallet from secret key [async call]
+ summary: Import Wallet from a known secret key and authorization [async call]
+ description: Import a Wallet into the Node under a specified ID; All the transactional history and outstanding balanced of the Wallet will be extracted from the Blockchain; The Wallet ID is required to be unique within the Node, but can otherwise be user-defined.
required: true
@@ -478,7 +524,8 @@ paths:
- Node
- summary: Export a viewing key that allows an auditor to view all transactions to and from a wallet. The viewing key is encrypted for the auditor identified by recipient_payment_address. The viewing key does not enable the auditor to make transactions.
+ summary: Export viewing credentials for a Wallet
+ description: Export a viewing key that allows viewing all transactions to and from a wallet, including past transactions. The viewing key is encrypted for a specific Address, and can only be recovered by someone in possession of either a secret key or a viewing key for the Wallet that Address belongs to. The viewing key does enable making any transactions (including rule changes, issuance, and transfers) on behalf of the exported Wallet.
required: true
@@ -514,7 +561,8 @@ paths:
- Node
- summary: Import a viewing key generated by export_auditor_access_wallet [async call]. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions.
+ summary: Import viewing credentials for a Wallet [async call]
+ description: Import a viewing key generated by the export_auditor_access_wallet endpoint. This will create a read-only wallet which can be queried with endpoints such as get_activity and get_balances, but cannot be used to perform transactions. The Wallet whose Address was used as the recipient for the exported viewing key must already be imported within the Node in order for this process to succeed.
required: true
@@ -551,6 +599,7 @@ paths:
- Node
summary: Unlocks a wallet for a given amount of seconds [async call]
+ description: Causes a specified Wallet's secret key to be stored in-memory for a specified amount of time in order to increase transactional latency. Should only be used in cases where latency is highly sensitive.
required: true
@@ -586,7 +635,8 @@ paths:
- Node
- summary: Get network governance rules
+ summary: Get network governance Rules
+ description: Returns a full list of all the Rules that govern admin and issuance rights within the network.
description: Success
@@ -610,7 +660,8 @@ paths:
- Node
- summary: Get all wallet labels
+ summary: Get all wallet IDs
+ description: Returns a list of the IDs of all Wallets currently stored on the Node. Both full-access and view-only Wallets are listed.
description: Success
@@ -641,6 +692,7 @@ paths:
- Node
summary: Get a specific task (by ID)
+ description: Returns the meta-data of a given Task and its current status. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned.
description: Success
@@ -676,7 +728,8 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/GetTasksRequest'
- Node
- summary: Get a list of tasks by results/types
+ summary: Get a (potentially) filtered list of all Tasks
+ description: Returns a list of all Tasks along with their meta-data and statuses. The particular, private details of the Task such as an Asset ID or amount in a Transfer are not returned. Tasks can be filtered using various parameters as specified in the request body.
description: Success
@@ -707,6 +760,7 @@ paths:
- Health
summary: Perform a healthcheck of the node and its dependent services
+ description: Reports the health of the various components of the system as well as an overall status for the Node. If the Node's status is good, then the Node is synced with the Blockchain and can successfully process requests.
description: Success
@@ -733,13 +787,12 @@ components:
name: x-auth-token
in: header
- IntPointer:
- type: integer
type: object
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet
- wallet_id
@@ -749,8 +802,10 @@ components:
type: integer
+ description: The ID of the Asset Type
type: integer
+ description: The outstanding balance for the Asset Type
- asset_id
- amount
@@ -761,10 +816,12 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/BalanceForAsset'
+ description: The balances of the various Asset Types held by the Wallet
- wallet_id
- assets
@@ -773,21 +830,29 @@ components:
- asset_id: 1
amount: 8
+ - asset_id: 10
+ amount: 200
type: object
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet to transfer from
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet to transfer from
type: string
- amount:
- type: integer
+ description: The Address of the recipient of the funds
type: integer
+ description: The ID for the Asset Type to transfer
+ amount:
+ type: integer
+ description: The amount of assets to transfer
type: string
+ description: An app-customizable field to store additional private data relating to the transfer; the memo is shared between the sender and the receiver, but is not divulged to other parties
- wallet_id
- authorization
@@ -799,18 +864,21 @@ components:
wallet_id: source_wallet
authorization: PrivacyIsAwesome
recipient_address: q1dxlf6vap2566t8w3z8f5j5lxy9n036zfsaytjve7fedsw6w8c9q9ctrwfz6ryyjwkgvj6tjg70f
- amount: 4
asset_id: 1
+ amount: 4
memo: '{"recipient_name": "Dan"}'
type: object
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve activity history
type: integer
+ description: An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based
type: integer
+ description: Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
- wallet_id
- start_index
@@ -819,28 +887,6 @@ components:
wallet_id: source_wallet
start_index: 0
number_of_results: 10
- TransactionsForWallet:
- type: object
- properties:
- is_incoming:
- type: boolean
- asset_id:
- type: integer
- amount:
- type: integer
- recipient_address:
- type: string
- memo:
- type: string
- id:
- type: string
- required:
- - is_incoming
- - asset_id
- - amount
- - recipient_address
- - memo
- - id
type: object
@@ -848,6 +894,7 @@ components:
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Rule'
+ description: The Rules currently active in the network
type: object
@@ -855,6 +902,7 @@ components:
type: array
type: string
+ description: The IDs of the Wallets currently active in this Node
- Jane
@@ -865,6 +913,7 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Task
- id
@@ -874,31 +923,28 @@ components:
type: integer
+ description: An offset used to paginate through the Task list; indexing is 0-based
type: integer
+ description: Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
type: array
- type: string
- enum:
- - unlock_wallet
- - transfer_asset
- - issue_asset
- - alter_rule
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskType'
+ description: Types of Tasks to fetch; fetch all types if omitted
type: array
- type: string
- default: in_progress
- enum:
- - pending
- - failure
- - in_progress
- - success
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Result'
+ description: List of results (statuses) to filter by; fetch in_progress tasks if omitted
+ # default: [in_progress]
type: string
default: desc
- pattern: '^(asc|desc)$'
+ enum:
+ - asc
+ - desc
+ description: Order of tasks to fetch (either ascending or descending); ordering is chronological where the time is set to when the task was created in this Node
- start_index
- number_of_results
@@ -913,35 +959,61 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: Unique ID of the Task
type: string
format: date
+ description: UTC time of creation of the Task in RFC-3339 format
type: string
format: date
+ description: UTC last time the Task was updated in RFC-3339 format
- type: string
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/Result'
type: string
+ description: More granular current state of the Task; list of supported states is not guaranteed to be stable
type: string
+ description: The Blockchain-generated hash of the Transaction; populated after the Blockchain Node accepted the Transaction
type: string
+ description: The QEDIT-generated hash of the Transaction; generated after proof generation, but prior to Broadcast by the QEDIT Node
- type: string
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskType'
type: object
+ description: Container for the Transaction data; each Transaction type has different fields
type: string
+ description: In case of failure this field reports the reason for the failure
id: "5aaa4045-e949-4c44-a7ef-25fb55a1afa6"
- created_at: "2019-03-12T16:40:22"
- updated_at: "2019-03-12T16:41:17"
+ created_at: "2019-08-11T10:37:04Z"
+ updated_at: "2019-08-12T11:12:59Z"
result: "in_progress"
state: "tx_submitted"
tx_hash: "0xd379aa4e5e40552910c8ae456c65dcf51e9779fc9281ac2dc9e677ec810af6b1"
type: "transfer_asset"
data: {}
+ Result:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - pending
+ - in_progress
+ - success
+ - failure
+ description: The current result (status) of the Task
+ TaskType:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - unlock_wallet
+ - transfer_asset
+ - issue_asset
+ - alter_rule
+ - import_wallet
+ - delete_wallet
+ description: Task type
type: object
@@ -949,19 +1021,27 @@ components:
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/GetTaskStatusResponse'
+ description: The returned Tasks array, sorted in the requested order
type: object
type: integer
+ description: An offset used to paginate through the activity history; indexing is 0-based
type: integer
+ description: Maximal number of results to fetch in this call
+ tx_hashes:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
- start_index
- number_of_results
start_index: 0
- number_of_results: 10
+ number_of_results: 1
+ tx_hashes: ["0xd379aa4e5e40552910c8ae456c65dcf51e9779fc9281ac2dc9e677ec810af6b1"]
type: object
@@ -969,21 +1049,40 @@ components:
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticTransaction'
+ GetSyncStatusResponse:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ in_sync:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the QEDIT Node is in sync with the Blockchain;
+ false if the Node is not synced; sync is defined as having less than a preconfigured difference between the current Blockchain height and the last block processed by the Node; the allowed difference defaults to 5, but can be configured when setting up the Node
+ blockchain_block_height:
+ type: integer
+ description: The current block height of the Blockchain
+ last_processed_block_height:
+ type: integer
+ description: The height of the last block that was processed in the Node
type: object
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet that has the required Issuance privileges
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet that has the Issuance privileges
type: string
- amount:
- type: integer
+ description: The Address of the recipient of the issued Assets
type: integer
+ description: The ID of the Asset Type to issue
+ amount:
+ type: integer
+ description: the amount of Assets to issue
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean which should be true if the issuance should be confidential, and false of the Issuance should be public
type: string
@@ -1007,8 +1106,10 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet for which to generate an Address
type: string
+ description: An optional 11-byte (22 hexadecimal characters) input which is used to generate different Addresses. A unique Address will be generated for each different diversifier used. If omitted, the Node selects a random diversifier.
- wallet_id
@@ -1018,8 +1119,10 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet the Address belongs to
type: string
+ description: The generated Address of the Wallet
- wallet_id
- recipient_address
@@ -1031,6 +1134,7 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet for which to retrieve the public key
- wallet_id
@@ -1040,8 +1144,10 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet the pubic key belongs to
type: string
+ description: The public key of the Wallet
- wallet_id
- public_key
@@ -1053,6 +1159,7 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet to export
- wallet_id
@@ -1062,10 +1169,13 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported
type: string
+ description: The encrypted secret key of the Wallet
type: string
+ description: The salt used in the encryption of the secret key
- wallet_id
- encrypted_sk
@@ -1079,12 +1189,16 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node
type: string
+ description: The encrypted secret key of the Wallet
type: string
+ description: The authorization password used during Wallet generation that allows to decrypt the encrypted secret key
type: string
+ description: The salt used in the encryption of the secret key
- wallet_id
- encrypted_sk
@@ -1100,10 +1214,13 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet to export a viewing key for
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet
type: string
+ description: The Address of the Wallet that belongs to the intended recipient of the exported viewing key; used to encrypt the key in such a way that only the intended recipient can decrypt it
- wallet_id
- authorization
@@ -1117,10 +1234,13 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the exported Wallet in the Node from which it was exported
type: string
+ description: The public key of the exported Wallet which uniquely identifies it across the network
type: string
+ description: The encrypted viewing key
- wallet_id
- public_key
@@ -1134,10 +1254,13 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID under which to import the Wallet; can be different from the ID the Wallet was stored under in the exporting Node
type: string
+ description: The public key of the imported Wallet
type: string
+ description: the encrypted viewing key of the imported Wallet
- wallet_id
- public_key
@@ -1151,8 +1274,10 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID under which to create the Wallet; must be unique within the Node
type: string
+ description: The authorizarion password under which to encrypt the generated Wallet's secret key; will be required in order to perform actions using the Wallet
- wallet_id
- authorization
@@ -1164,8 +1289,10 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet to delete
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet
- wallet_id
@@ -1176,10 +1303,13 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet to unlock
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet
type: integer
+ description: The number of seconds to keep the Wallet unlocked
- wallet_id
- authorization
@@ -1193,12 +1323,15 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to create the new Rules
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Rule'
+ description: The list of Rules to add to the network
- wallet_id
- authorization
@@ -1217,12 +1350,15 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The ID of the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules
type: string
+ description: The authorization password for the Wallet whose admin credentials should be used to delete the Rules
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Rule'
+ description: The list of Rules to delete from the network
- wallet_id
- authorization
@@ -1241,14 +1377,19 @@ components:
type: string
- can_issue_confidentially:
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
+ is_admin:
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
type: integer
+ description: The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
type: integer
- is_admin:
+ description: The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ can_issue_confidentially:
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
- public_key
- can_issue_confidentially
@@ -1266,24 +1407,25 @@ components:
type: integer
+ description: The error code returned from the server
type: string
+ description: The error message returned from the server
- error_code
error_code: 400
- message: "error message"
+ message: "insufficient funds"
type: object
type: string
+ description: The unique ID of the Task that was created in the Node to process the asynchronous request
- id
id: "70a88558-2b8b-4b63-a5b6-2c54b24377f5"
type: object
@@ -1294,6 +1436,7 @@ components:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsIssueTx'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsMultiTransferTx'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsRuleTx'
+ description: The detailed content of the transaction; format differs depending on the transaction type
type: 'Issue'
@@ -1304,7 +1447,7 @@ components:
block_height: 100
- - is_confidntial: false,
+ - is_confidential: false,
amount: 12
asset_id: 5
@@ -1322,119 +1465,165 @@ components:
type: object
- type: string
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsTxType'
type: string
+ description: the QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction
+ block_height:
+ type: integer
+ description: The height of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of
type: string
+ description: the hash of the Block (inside the Blockchain) that the transaction is a part of
type: string
+ description: UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format
type: integer
- block_height:
- type: integer
+ description: The serial number within the Block of the transaction relative to other QEDIT transactions; indexing is 0-based
+ AnalyticsTxType:
+ type: string
+ description: Type of transaction
+ enum:
+ - Issue
+ - Transfer
+ - Rule
type: object
+ description: The data of a particular Issuance transaction
type: array
+ description: The data of the Assets issued (multiple Assets may potentially be issued in a single Issuance transaction)
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsOutput'
type: string
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance
type: string
+ description: The signature on the transaction by the secret key of the Wallet that performed the Issuance
type: object
+ description: The data of a particular Transfer transaction; a single such transaction may contain multiple Transfers
type: array
+ description: The (potentially several) Transfers within the transaction
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsTransferTx'
type: object
+ description: The data of a single Transfer within a Transfer transaction
type: array
+ description: The Converter Proofs
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsAssetConverterProofDescription'
type: array
+ description: The information and Proofs associated with the Assets spent in the Transfer
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsSpendDescription'
type: array
+ description: The information and Proofs associated with the Assets output from the Transfer
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsOutputDescription'
+ rk:
+ type: string
+ description: The re-randomized public key of the Wallet which created the Transfer
+ spend_auth_sig:
+ type: string
+ description: The signature authorizing the spend of the Assets spent in the Transfer
type: string
- spend_auth_sigs:
- type: array
- items:
- type: string
+ description: The signature binding the spent and output Assets and verifying the balance
type: object
+ description: The data of a particular Rule changing transaction
type: string
+ description: The public key of the Wallet used to create the Rule
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsRuleDefinition'
+ description: The details of the Rules added in this transaction
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsRuleDefinition'
+ description: The details of the Rules deleted in this transaction
type: integer
+ description: The nonce used to make this Rule transaction unique
type: string
+ description: The signature authorizing the Rule changes, made by the Wallet that made the Rule changes
type: object
type: string
- can_issue_confidentially:
- type: boolean
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
type: integer
+ description: The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
type: integer
+ description: The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ can_issue_confidentially:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
public_key: "AAAAAAAAAA=="
- can_issue_confidentially: true
is_admin: true
can_issue_asset_id_first: 11
can_issue_asset_id_last: 20
+ can_issue_confidentially: true
type: object
type: string
- can_issue_confidentially:
- type: boolean
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that is being granted rights in this Rule
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants admin rights
type: integer
+ description: The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
type: integer
+ description: The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
+ can_issue_confidentially:
+ type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule grants confidentialy issuance rights; if true, then both public and confidential issuance right are granted; if false, then only public issuance rights are granted
type: string
+ enum:
+ - CreateRule
+ - DeleteRule
+ description: Operation of the transaction, which can be rule creation or deletion
public_key: "AAAAAAAAAA=="
- can_issue_confidentially: true
is_admin: true
can_issue_asset_id_first: 11
can_issue_asset_id_last: 20
+ can_issue_confidentially: true
operation: "CreateRule"
@@ -1442,6 +1631,7 @@ components:
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially; false if the Issuance was done publicly
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsPublicIssuanceDescription'
@@ -1451,6 +1641,7 @@ components:
type: object
+ description: Describes what Asset Type and amount were issued; null if the Issuance was confidential
nullable: true
- asset_id
@@ -1459,9 +1650,11 @@ components:
type: integer
minimum: 1
+ description: The ID of the Asset Type issued
type: integer
minimum: 0
+ description: The amount of Assets issued
asset_id: 10
amount: 3
@@ -1471,12 +1664,16 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
type: string
+ description: The commitment to the Asset amount
type: string
+ description: The commitment to the ID of the Asset Type
type: string
+ description: The Proof that the commitment contents match
asset_cv: "AAAAAAAAAAA="
amount_cv: "AAAAAAAAAAA="
@@ -1488,54 +1685,64 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
type: string
+ description: The anchor (root) of the Merkle tree used in the Proof
type: string
- rk_out:
- type: string
+ description: The Note's Nullifier
type: string
+ description: The Proof that the Note indeed exists in the Merkle tree and belongs to the spender
anchor: "AAAAAAAAAAA="
nullifier: "AAAAAAAAAAA="
zkproof: "000AAAAAAA="
- rk_out: "AAAAAAAAAAA="
type: object
type: string
+ description: The commitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the Note
type: string
- epk:
- type: string
+ description: The commitment to the entire Note
type: string
+ description: The Proof that the commitments match
+ epk:
+ type: string
+ description: The ephemeral public key used to encrypt the Note contents for the receiver
type: string
+ description: The Note encryption for the receiver
type: string
+ description: The Note encryption for the sender
cm: "000AAAAAAA="
zkproof: "000AAAAAAA="
enc_note: "AAAAAAAAAAA="
enc_sender: "000AAAAAAA="
type: object
+ description: The details and Proof attached to a confidential Issuance; null if the Issuance was public
nullable: true
type: string
- zkproof:
- type: string
+ description: Thecommitment to both the Asset Type and amount of the issued Note
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsRule'
+ zkproof:
+ type: string
+ description: The Proof that the issued Asset Type indeed matches the reported Rule
input_cv: "AAAAAAAAAAA="
zkproof: "000AAAAAAA="
@@ -1545,11 +1752,14 @@ components:
type: object
+ description: The Rule used in the Issuance
type: integer
+ description: The lower Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
type: integer
+ description: The upper Asset ID in the range of IDs the Rule grants issuance rights for (range is inclusive)
- min_id
- max_id
@@ -1566,9 +1776,11 @@ components:
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticWalletTx'
+ description: The list of retrieved transactions
type: object
+ description: A single retrieved transaction
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticWalletMetadata'
@@ -1577,62 +1789,82 @@ components:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticIssueWalletTx'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticTransferWalletTx'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticRuleWalletTx'
+ description: The detailed information of the transaction; structure depends on the type of transaction
type: object
- type: string
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsTxType'
type: string
+ description: The QEDIT-generated hash of the transaction
type: string
+ description: UTC time of creation of the time the Block containing the transaction was created in RFC-3339 format
type: object
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Assets were issued to the Wallet in question
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Wallet used to issue the Assets is the Wallet in question
type: string
- memo:
- type: string
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that was used to issue the Assets
type: string
+ description: The Address the Assets were issued to
type: integer
+ description: The ID of the Asset Type issued
type: integer
+ description: The amount of Assets issued
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Issuance was done confidentially
+ memo:
+ type: string
+ description: The private memo attached to the Issuance
type: object
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Assets were transferred to the Wallet in question; false of the Assets were transferred from the Wallet into another
type: string
- memo:
- type: string
+ description: The public key of the Wallet the Assets were transferred from
type: string
+ description: The address of the Wallet the Assets were transferred to
type: integer
+ description: The Id of the Asset Type transferred
type: integer
+ description: The amount of Assets transferred
+ memo:
+ type: string
+ description: The private memo attached to the Transfer
type: object
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule was created by the Wallet in question
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the Rule granted permissions to the Wallet in question
type: string
+ description: The public key of the Wallet that was used to create the Rule
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnalyticsRuleWalletDefinition'
@@ -1641,6 +1873,7 @@ components:
type: string
+ description: API version of the Node
$ref: '#/components/schemas/HealthcheckResponseItem'
@@ -1649,11 +1882,11 @@ components:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/HealthcheckResponseItem'
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the endpoint is ready for calls
- version: '1.3.0'
+ version: '1.5.0'
- error: 'Post http://localhost:8082/connector/get_block: dial tcp
- connect: connection refused'
+ error: 'Post http://localhost:8082/connector/get_block: dial tcp connection refused'
passing: false
error: ''
@@ -1668,5 +1901,7 @@ components:
type: boolean
+ description: Boolean signifying whether the component is healthy
type: string
+ description: Error string describing the component's problem; empty if the component is healthy