Prison Documents - Table of Contents
Greetings! I'm delighted that you are interested in the build logs for the Prison plugin. I'm wanting to provide a more formal documentation as to what is going on in each build so you have a better idea if it may be something that you need.
Now works in 1.14.4!! Added in the missing library to get it to work with 1.14.4.
Fixed issue with pull request 132 Fixes the #132 pull request. It causes prison to fail on a clean server and throws a class not found exception. The new library needs compile instead of compileOnly and it must also be shadowed.
Update to org.inventivetalent.spiget-update Updated to version 1.4.2-SNAPSHOT since the old version 1.4.0 was no longer available.
Updates to bStats The Maven repository was updated and so was the version of bStats that is being included on the project. It is now using the current 1.5 version, was using 1.3 which is no longer available in the repository and was causing a build failure for gradle.
New Feature - Decimals in Block chances now supported! Added support to display and use two decimal positions on block chances.
Fix - TP of Players out of the Mines upon Rest This is one part of a multi-step process to help ensure players are TP'd out of mines upon a reset. In an effort to help start to address the known bug [] Rewrote the player teleport function to help address the issue.
New Feature - Block search!! You can now search for blocks to add to the mines! It uses the BlockTypes and is able to search on the ID and the enumeration name. It displays up to 10 at a times and provides Next Page and Previous Page controls to page through the results. If you click on a BlockType, it will suggest the command for adding blocks: ** /mines block add %** All the user needs to do is fill in the percent and change the "" to a valid mine name.
Create Test plans To better ensure all test servers are tested consistently, some basic test plans have been created to use during online testing. They are important for consistency when testing all of the supported versions, especially to ensure nothing is skipped. These will evolve over time as needed. Test server versions used in testing:
- Minecraft 1.8.8
- Minecraft 1.9.4
- Minecraft 1.10.2
- Minecraft 1.11
- Minecraft 1.12.2
- Minecraft 1.13.2
- Minecraft 1.14.4
Major refactoring of the prison-mines package Took some time to refactori parts of the prison-mines package. Eliminated duplication of source code, and repetitive calculations. Found a few possible bugs and reworked the code improve performance and stability.
Found another possible cause for suffocation after a mine reset Identified what could have been yet another cause of some of the suffocation issues during a mine reset. It was not related so much to a bug or code, so it wouldn't be something that could be detected with debugging. What it appears to have been is related to the speed in which the mines reset, or more exactly, the server lag or load. If the player is TP'd and then the mines are slow at being reset, then the player may fall back in to the mine where they would be suffocated. To address this issue, after the mine is fully reset, it checks to see if anyone has fallen back in to the mine and will TP them back out to safety.
Update gson library from v1.7 to v1.8.6 Updated library.
Removed the unused library com.fasterxml.jackson This library was not used anywhere so it was removed from the gradle configs.
Removed the unused library json-simple v1.1.1 This is also an obsolete and archived project. Removed to reduce compile time and bloat of the build.
TP Player if feet are one block below mine Technically they would not be standing within the mine, but since their head is within the mine they could suffocate when the mine resets. So include the layer below the mine to determine if the player needs to be TP'd out.
Created a unit test for player being one block below the mine This is to ensure the player will be properly identified as being within the mine, although they are standing one layer below the mine.
TP Player up one block higher The player needs to be TP'd one block higher if a spawn does not exist. The former vertical target needed to be one block higher. This got lost within the prior refactoring.
Prevent adding new blocks that have a chance of zero The user cannot add blocks to a mine if they provide a zero chance.
Found a bug - Mines would not generate new random pattern Refactoring the mine generation code made obsolete a pre existing check for block regeneration which prevented new fill patterns from being generated for the mines. Removed the check and it resolved the issue.
New feature - Created RowComponent to group multiple FancyMessages on Same Line This now allows easy generation of more complex content where there can be more than one FancyMessage (has hover text, suggests, and run capabilities when mousing) per row. This allows putting the two buttons for block search on the same chat row to reduce lines consumed.
Upgraded Gradle - Was at v4.4.1 - Upgraded to v4.10.3 This project was using Gradle v4.4.1 and should be updated to v5.6.4 or even v6.0.1 which is the current latest release of Gradle. But to do that it must be incrementally updated to each minor version to identify the future changes to gradle, such as deprecated features. As features are deprecated, they provide details on how to adjust your build scripts, but those hints are removed in future releases.
- Versions Upgraded To:: v4.4.1, v4.5.1, v4.6, v4.7, v4.8.1, v4.9, v4.10.3,
- Versions to be Upgraded To: v5.0, v5.1.1, v5.2.1, v5.3.1, v5.4.1, v5.5.1, v5.6.4, v6.0, v6.0.1
gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 4.5.1
:: Sets the new wrapper versiongradlew --version
:: Will actually install the new versiongradlew build
:: Will build project with the new version to ensure all is good. If build is good, then you can try to upgrade to the next version.- Gradle v4.10.3 version of the project's build scripts has a few v5.0 issues that need to be addressed before upgrading any farther. Future upgrades will be performed after these issues are addressed. ETA unknown.
Removed Guava Caching There were a number of reasons (about 18) for the removal of Guava caching. Primarily it really wasn't being used and the use case of the data does not warrant caching. Removal of caching also helped to reduce memory consumption and reduce the overhead associated with the caching library.
Update the FileStorage Class Provided Java docs and also the logging of warnings. Altered the behavior so it actually does not delete a FileDatabase but instead it virtually deletes it.
This provides the user with a way to undelete something if they realize later they should not have deleted it To undelete it, they would have to manually rename the underlying directory and then restart the server (but the data is not lost!). Also cleaned up the nature of some of the code so the functions have one exit point. Updated Storage so the functions are declared as public and so createDatabase and deleteDatabase returns a boolean value to indicate if it was successful so the code using these functions know if it should generate warnings. -
Refactored the Virtual Delete I created an abstract class that has the virtual delete code in it so now anything that needs to use that functionality can extend from that class. I updated FileStorage so it now extends from FileVirtualDelete.
Refactored FileStorage, FileCollection, and FileDatabase that were in the src/test packages I deleted these three source files from the prison-spigot module. Not sure why they were there, but simple refactoring made these obsolete.
Found and fixed a fatal bug in PrisonMines.enable() Within PrisonMines.enable() the errorManager was being instantiated AFTER initConfig but if there was a failure with initConfig, then it would have hit a Null Pointer Exception since that was what the value of errorManager was, a null since it was not initialized yet.
Created FileIO, JsonFileIO, and FileIOData Created a couple of classes and an interface to deal better with saving and loading of the data and to also better encapsulate the generation of the JSON files. The MinesConfig class was the first class to get this hooked up with, which simplified a great deal of the code that deals with files.
Minor updates to PrisonMines class asyncGen is not being used right now, so commented it out to eliminate warnings. Performance improvements may have made this obsolete. May revisit in the future with actual mine resets instead of just precomputing. Also clear the precomputed new blocks for the mines to free up memory between resets of the mines.
Major changes for the FileCollection and Document related classes This was a major change that encompasses the removal of Guava, the caching library. Everything works the same as before, but with the exception of saving the individual files as change occur; that will be added in next. This touched basically every module including the prison-ranks.
Update FileStorage and FileDatabase These changes are fairly similar in nature and the two classes are so very similar. Maybe in the future they can be merged so there is the same code base handling both of them.
Various clean up items Like removal of useless comments that are in the wrong places. Fixing includes that are including packages that are not being used. Removal of warnings. Etc... just mostly items that will result is easier to read code without any functional changes (and no program changes in most places).
Simple refactorings There were a few items that were refactored back in to their controlling class. For example ranks and ladders add on an id to generate their file names. Created a filename function for those classes so externally all users of those classes do not have to know what the business rules are for constructing the filenames. This also can help to eliminate errors in the future; only one location for constructing filenames instead of a few different locations.
New Feature: Add a text component to RowComponent Expanded the ability of RowComponent to accept parameterized text now.
New Feature: Add volume to the mines info Provide a little more information for mines by now showing the mine's volume.
Bug fix - Mine blocks updating wrong values and problems deleting blocks Fixed a few bugs with adding, setting, and deleting by the wrong value. By default it was trying to delete by id, but multiple blocks have the same id, so it was corrupting the block lists for a mine. It now uses the block name instead of block id. This eliminated problems.
New Feature - Identify all BlockTypes that are blocks as blocks Trying to define each BlockType as a BLOCK or not. This will be used to filter the results on /mines block search to ensure only blocks that are placeable can be set in the mines. Tried to programatically identify what a block is within all supported minecraft versions, but it did not work due to conflicts with the blocks names within Materials and within the Prison plugin's BlockType enum. Manually marked each BlockType since programatic attempts were running in to numerous issues. There may be a few that do not make sense or are incorrect, but can update later when found. Created a new enum by the name of MaterialType that is used to mark the BlockTypes as BLOCKs. Can also use that enum to label the other items with something more meaningful such as ITEMs, or even ARMOR or WEAPON. Can have a great deal of flexibility moving forward with that.
New Feature - Block search new only includes blocks that are actually placable in the mines Hooked up the BlockType.getMaterialType() == MaterialType.BLOCK to the block search and the block add.
New Feature - Added confirm on Mine Delete Added a new feature to provide a confirmation when deleting a mine. The user can click on the notification message to have the command reentered for them, then they only need to change cancel to confirm.
This will help prevent accidental deletion of mines. Yes mines can be manually undeleted, but this can prevent mistakes. -
New Feature - Using /mines set block will add new blocks If you click on a block from under /mines list and you change the mine's name on that /mines block set command, it will be treated like an add instead of an error. This is beneficial if you want to copy a block from one mine to another and you forget to change "set" to "add".
New Feature - Added a center Location to Bounds Added a center location for Bounds which will be used for a few things for mines. Currently it was added as a fall back location for if a spawn point does not exist for teleporting in to a mine. But it will also be used to identify all players within a given radius from that location to selectively target broadcast messages pertaining to that mine.
New Feature - Clone existing Locations Makes it easier to create clones of Locations.
New Feature - Track last Mine name used and substitute it for the generic place holder Track what the last value for mine was, and put it on a timer. If it was last referenced within 30 minutes, then use that reference by default in the block search function. In the future, when auto suggest is enabled, this value will also be used for the targeted mine names instead of just a generic place holder.
New Feature: TP to each mine Added a new feature so an admin could TP directly to each mine. If the mine's spawn location is not set, then it will tp them to the center of the mine, but on top of the surface. Also, if there is an air block at the player's feet, it will auto spawn in a glass block so they would not take fall damage if there is a significant void below them.
Enhanced /mines list now includes more details Enhanced the /mines list to show more details about the mines, plus provide a clickable way to TP to each mine.
Fix - Removed color codes from commands Color codes do not work well with 1.14.4. Removed them.
Fixed some issues with deleting a mine Changed the way the delete mine command works with the user messages. Its clear as to what's going on and what the user has to do with the confirmations. The time to confirm is limited, and reissues the start of the command if the user misses the window to confirm.
- Mine TP of Players who logout or set a home in the mines If a player logs out of the server when they are in the mines, or if they set a home within the mines, there currently isn't an event handler that will TP them to safety when they log back in, or tp to that home location. This feature is planned for the future, but no ETA has been set.