Effortlessly access your SQL servers and procedures, plus some other utilities.
$ pip install loaf
from loaf import Loaf
# Setup your credentials with a single line.
loaf = Loaf(port=6969, db="pizzeria")
# Or load your credentials from a file.
loaf = Loaf(file="creds.ini")
# Or use a local SQLite file instead.
loaf = Loaf(file="pizzeria.db")
# Make queries easily.
toppings = loaf.query("SELECT * from toppings")
# Load your quieries directly from files.
clients = loaf.query(file="getHappyClients.sql")
# Prevent disasters by executing multiple queries.
pepperoni_id, client_name = loaf.multi([
"SELECT id FROM toppings WHERE name='Pepperoni'",
"SELECT name FROM clients WHERE id=6"
# Display info using built-in tables!
┃ id ┃
│ 1 │
┃ name ┃
│ 'Alfonso' │
┃ id ┃ name ┃ price ┃
│ 1 │ 'Pepperoni' │ 1.49 │
│ 2 │ 'Mushrooms' │ 1.99 │
│ 3 │ 'Onions' │ 0.99 │
# Manipulate your data with dictionaries, as God intended.
for topping in toppings:
# Not lazy enough? Try some of the pre-built queires.
# Equivalent of: SELECT name FROM client WHERE name='Marco' LIMIT 1
result = loaf.select("name", "clients", "name='Marco'", limit=1)
# Get all values from a table.
result = loaf.all("toppings")
# Got stored procedures? No problemo!
result = loaf.call("ProcedureFindClient", 1)
$ pip install loaf==0.1.30