diff --git a/classes/output/renderer.php b/classes/output/renderer.php
index 456370e3..89fb5b37 100755
--- a/classes/output/renderer.php
+++ b/classes/output/renderer.php
@@ -564,4 +564,23 @@ public function download_dataformat_selector($label, $base, $name = 'dataformat'
return $this->render_from_template('mod_questionnaire/dataformat_selector', $data);
+ /**
+ * @param $urlroot
+ * @param $options
+ * @param $userview
+ * @return string
+ * @throws \coding_exception
+ * @throws \moodle_exception
+ */
+ public function viewresponse_print_menu($urlroot, $options, $userview) {
+ if (!$urlroot instanceof \moodle_url) {
+ $urlroot = new \moodle_url($urlroot);
+ }
+ $select = new \single_select($urlroot, 'responsestats', $options, $userview, null);
+ $select->label = get_string('view');
+ $select->class = 'm-1';
+ $output = $this->render($select);
+ return $output;
+ }
diff --git a/classes/responsetype/date.php b/classes/responsetype/date.php
index befc5cba..6fbd2188 100644
--- a/classes/responsetype/date.php
+++ b/classes/responsetype/date.php
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public function get_results_tags($weights, $participants, $respondents, $showtot
if ($showtotals == 1) {
$pagetags->total = new \stdClass();
- $pagetags->total->total = "$numresps/$participants";
+ $pagetags->total->total = "($respondents)";
diff --git a/classes/responsetype/rank.php b/classes/responsetype/rank.php
index 3d5552bc..c2c47287 100644
--- a/classes/responsetype/rank.php
+++ b/classes/responsetype/rank.php
@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ private function mkrescount($rids, $rows, $sort) {
$nbna = $this->counts[$content]->nbna;
// TOTAL number of responses for this possible answer.
$total = $this->counts[$content]->num;
- $nbresp = ''.$total.'';
+ $nbresp = '('.$total.')';
if ($osgood) {
// Ensure there are two bits of content.
list($content, $contentright) = array_merge(preg_split('/[|]/', $content), array(' '));
diff --git a/classes/responsetype/responsetype.php b/classes/responsetype/responsetype.php
index 59e3715d..aa9c5dd2 100644
--- a/classes/responsetype/responsetype.php
+++ b/classes/responsetype/responsetype.php
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ public function get_results_tags($weights, $participants, $respondents, $showtot
$pagetags->total->width2 = $percent * 1.4;
$pagetags->total->image2 = $imageurl . 'thbar.gif';
$pagetags->total->percent = sprintf(' %.'.$precision.'f%%', $percent);
- $pagetags->total->total = "$respondents/$participants";
+ $pagetags->total->total = "($respondents)";
$pagetags->total->evencolor = $evencolor;
diff --git a/classes/responsetype/single.php b/classes/responsetype/single.php
index d8dc2f7c..17bde4af 100644
--- a/classes/responsetype/single.php
+++ b/classes/responsetype/single.php
@@ -237,10 +237,18 @@ public function display_results($rids=false, $sort='', $anonymous=false) {
$numresps = count($rids);
+ $rsql = '';
+ if (!empty($rids)) {
+ list($rsql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($rids);
+ $rsql = ' AND response_id ' . $rsql;
+ }
$responsecountsql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT r.response_id) ' .
- 'FROM {' . $this->response_table() . '} r ' .
- 'WHERE r.question_id = ? ';
- $numrespondents = $DB->count_records_sql($responsecountsql, [$this->question->id]);
+ 'FROM {' . $this->response_table() . '} r, ' .
+ '{questionnaire_response} qr ' .
+ 'WHERE question_id = ' . $this->question->id . $rsql .
+ ' AND r.response_id = qr.id ';
+ $numrespondents = $DB->count_records_sql($responsecountsql, $params);
if ($rows) {
$counts = [];
diff --git a/classes/responsetype/text.php b/classes/responsetype/text.php
index b03b7d47..e10ba715 100644
--- a/classes/responsetype/text.php
+++ b/classes/responsetype/text.php
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public function get_results_tags($weights, $participants, $respondents, $showtot
if ($showtotals == 1) {
$pagetags->total = new \stdClass();
- $pagetags->total->total = "$respondents/$participants";
+ $pagetags->total->total = "($respondents)";
} else {
$nbresponses = 0;
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ public function get_results_tags($weights, $participants, $respondents, $showtot
if ($showtotals == 1) {
$pagetags->total = new \stdClass();
- $pagetags->total->total = "$respondents/$participants";
+ $pagetags->total->total = "($respondents)";
$pagetags->total->evencolor = $evencolor;
diff --git a/lang/en/questionnaire.php b/lang/en/questionnaire.php
index 77a5ed65..6866f917 100644
--- a/lang/en/questionnaire.php
+++ b/lang/en/questionnaire.php
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
$string['allnameddegrees'] = 'Named degrees';
$string['allnameddegrees_help'] = 'Specify text to display for rate values instead of the number. Leave a value blank to not use.';
$string['alreadyfilled'] = 'You have already filled out this questionnaire for us{$a}. Thank you.';
+$string['allresponses'] = 'All responses';
$string['andaveragevalues'] = 'and average values';
$string['anonymous'] = 'Anonymous';
$string['answergiven'] = 'This answer given';
@@ -250,6 +251,7 @@
$string['firstrespondent'] = 'First Respondent';
$string['formateditor'] = 'HTML editor';
$string['formatplain'] = 'Plain text';
+$string['fullsubmissions'] = 'Full submissions';
$string['grade'] = 'Submission grade';
$string['gradesdeleted'] = 'Questionnaire grades deleted';
$string['headingtext'] = 'Heading text';
@@ -528,6 +530,7 @@
$string['remove'] = 'Delete';
$string['removenotinuse'] = 'This questionnaire used to depend on a Public questionnaire which has been deleted.
It can no longer be used and should be deleted.';
+$string['responsesnotsubmitted'] = 'Responses not submitted';
$string['required'] = 'Response is required';
$string['required_help'] = 'If you select ***Yes***, response to this question will be required, i.e.
the respondent will not be able to submit the questionnaire
@@ -609,6 +612,7 @@
$string['submitpreview'] = 'Submit preview';
$string['submitpreviewcorrect'] = 'This submission would be accepted as correctly filled in.';
$string['submitsurvey'] = 'Submit questionnaire';
+$string['submissions'] = 'Submissions';
$string['submitted'] = 'Submitted on:';
$string['subtitle'] = 'Subtitle';
$string['subtitle_help'] = 'Subtitle of this questionnaire. Appears below the title on the first page only.';
diff --git a/questionnaire.class.php b/questionnaire.class.php
index 9c735364..d4b8614f 100644
--- a/questionnaire.class.php
+++ b/questionnaire.class.php
@@ -709,10 +709,12 @@ public function can_view_response($rid) {
* True if the user can view the responses to this questionnaire, and there are valid responses.
+ *
* @param null|int $usernumresp
+ * @param bool $isviewreport
* @return bool
- public function can_view_all_responses($usernumresp = null) {
+ public function can_view_all_responses($usernumresp = null, $isviewreport = false) {
global $USER, $SESSION;
$owner = $this->is_survey_owner();
@@ -738,7 +740,7 @@ public function can_view_all_responses($usernumresp = null) {
$grouplogic = $canviewgroups || $canviewallgroups;
- $respslogic = ($numresp > 0) && ($numselectedresps > 0);
+ $respslogic = ($numresp > 0) && ($numselectedresps > 0) || $isviewreport;
return $this->can_view_all_responses_anytime($grouplogic, $respslogic) ||
$this->can_view_all_responses_with_restrictions($usernumresp, $grouplogic, $respslogic);
@@ -851,15 +853,20 @@ public function get_responses($userid=false, $groupid=0) {
$sql = 'SELECT r.* ' .
'FROM {questionnaire_response} r ' .
$groupsql .
- 'WHERE r.questionnaireid = :questionnaireid AND r.complete = :status' . $groupcnd;
+ 'WHERE r.questionnaireid = :questionnaireid' . $groupcnd;
$params['questionnaireid'] = $this->id;
- $params['status'] = 'y';
if ($userid) {
$sql .= ' AND r.userid = :userid';
$params['userid'] = $userid;
+ $status = optional_param('responsestats', '0', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
+ if ($status) {
+ $status = ($status === 'n') ? 'n' : 'y';
+ $sql .= ' AND r.complete = :status';
+ $params['status'] = $status;
+ }
$sql .= ' ORDER BY r.id';
return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params) ?? [];
@@ -2859,6 +2866,7 @@ public function survey_results($rid = '', $uid=false, $pdf = false, $currentgrou
$numresps = 1;
} else {
$navbar = false;
+ $userview = optional_param('responsestats', 0, PARAM_ALPHA);
if ($uid !== false) { // One participant only.
$rows = $this->get_responses($uid);
// All participants or all members of a group.
@@ -2875,8 +2883,12 @@ public function survey_results($rid = '', $uid=false, $pdf = false, $currentgrou
$numresps = count($rows);
+ $respondentstring = get_string('responses', 'questionnaire');
+ if ($userview === 'y') {
+ $respondentstring = get_string('submissions', 'questionnaire');
+ }
- ' '.get_string('responses', 'questionnaire').': '.$numresps.'');
+ ' ' . $respondentstring . ': ' . $numresps . '');
if (empty($rows)) {
$errmsg = get_string('erroropening', 'questionnaire') .' '. get_string('noresponsedata', 'questionnaire');
diff --git a/report.php b/report.php
index d8d129e1..4f477758 100755
--- a/report.php
+++ b/report.php
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
$currentgroupid = optional_param('group', 0, PARAM_INT); // Groupid.
$user = optional_param('user', '', PARAM_INT);
$outputtarget = optional_param('target', 'html', PARAM_ALPHA); // Default 'html'. Could be 'pdf'.
+$userview = optional_param('responsestats', '0', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
$userid = $USER->id;
switch ($action) {
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@
// If you can't view the questionnaire, or can't view a specified response, error out.
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
-if (!$questionnaire->can_view_all_responses() && !$individualresponse) {
+if (!$questionnaire->can_view_all_responses(null, true) && !$individualresponse) {
// Should never happen, unless called directly by a snoop...
throw new \moodle_exception('nopermissions', 'mod_questionnaire');
@@ -205,6 +206,14 @@
+$responsestatus = [
+ 'y' => get_string('fullsubmissions', 'questionnaire'),
+ '0' => get_string('allresponses', 'questionnaire'),
+ 'n' => get_string('responsesnotsubmitted', 'questionnaire'),
+// Set default userview to all responses.
+$userview = array_key_exists($userview, $responsestatus) ? $userview : '0';
switch ($action) {
case 'dresp': // Delete individual response? Ask for confirmation.
@@ -582,7 +591,7 @@
if ($currentgroupid > 0) {
$groupname = get_string('group').': '.groups_get_group_name($currentgroupid).'';
} else {
- $groupname = ''.get_string('allparticipants').'';
+ $groupname = ''.$responsestatus[$userview].'';
// Available group modes (0 = no groups; 1 = separate groups; 2 = visible groups).
@@ -627,9 +636,9 @@
if ($currentgroupid > 0) {
$groupname = get_string('group') . ': ' . groups_get_group_name($currentgroupid) . '';
} else {
- $groupname = '' . get_string('allparticipants') . '';
+ $groupname = '' . $responsestatus[$userview] . '';
- $respinfo = get_string('viewallresponses', 'questionnaire') . '. ' . $groupname . '. ';
+ $respinfo = get_string('view') . ' ' . $groupname;
$strsort = get_string('order_' . $sort, 'questionnaire');
$respinfo .= $strsort;
$questionnaire->page->add_to_page('respondentinfo', $respinfo);
@@ -650,13 +659,15 @@
if ($outputtarget != 'print') {
$linkname = get_string('downloadpdf', 'mod_questionnaire');
$link = new moodle_url('/mod/questionnaire/report.php',
- ['action' => 'vall', 'instance' => $instance, 'group' => $currentgroupid, 'target' => 'pdf']);
+ ['action' => 'vall', 'instance' => $instance, 'group' => $currentgroupid, 'target' => 'pdf',
+ 'responsestats' => $userview]);
$downpdficon = new pix_icon('f/pdf', $linkname);
$respinfo .= $questionnaire->renderer->action_link($link, null, null, null, $downpdficon);
$linkname = get_string('print', 'mod_questionnaire');
$link = new \moodle_url('/mod/questionnaire/report.php',
- ['action' => 'vall', 'instance' => $instance, 'group' => $currentgroupid, 'target' => 'print']);
+ ['action' => 'vall', 'instance' => $instance, 'group' => $currentgroupid, 'target' => 'print',
+ 'responsestats' => $userview]);
$htmlicon = new pix_icon('t/print', $linkname);
$options = ['menubar' => true, 'location' => false, 'scrollbars' => true, 'resizable' => true,
'height' => 600, 'width' => 800, 'title' => $linkname];
@@ -666,7 +677,7 @@
$respinfo .= $questionnaire->renderer->action_link($link, null, $action,
['class' => $class, 'title' => $linkname], $htmlicon) . ' ';
- $respinfo .= get_string('viewallresponses', 'questionnaire') . '. ' . $groupname . '. ';
+ $respinfo .= $questionnaire->renderer->viewresponse_print_menu($url->out(), $responsestatus, $userview);
$strsort = get_string('order_' . $sort, 'questionnaire');
$respinfo .= $strsort;
$respinfo .= $questionnaire->renderer->help_icon('orderresponses', 'questionnaire');
@@ -763,7 +774,7 @@
if ($currentgroupid > 0) {
$groupname = get_string('group') . ': ' . groups_get_group_name($currentgroupid) . '';
} else {
- $groupname = '' . get_string('allparticipants') . '';
+ $groupname = '' . $responsestatus[$userview] . '';
if (!$byresponse) { // Show respondents individual responses.
$questionnaire->view_response($rid, '', $resps, true, true, false, $currentgroupid, $outputtarget);
@@ -797,7 +808,7 @@
$groupname = get_string('group').': '.groups_get_group_name($currentgroupid).'';
if ($currentgroupid == 0 ) {
- $groupname = get_string('allparticipants');
+ $groupname = $responsestatus[$userview];
if ($byresponse) {
$respinfo = '';
diff --git a/tests/behat/check_responses.feature b/tests/behat/check_responses.feature
index dc606668..df296d09 100644
--- a/tests/behat/check_responses.feature
+++ b/tests/behat/check_responses.feature
@@ -34,47 +34,43 @@ Feature: Review responses
And I follow "Test questionnaire"
Then I should see "View all responses"
And I navigate to "View all responses" in current page administration
- Then I should see "View all responses."
- And I should see "All participants."
And I should see "View Default order"
- And I should see "Responses: 6"
+ And I should see "Responses: 7"
+ And I set the field "View" to "Full submissions"
+ And I should see "Submissions: 6"
+ And I set the field "View" to "Responses not submitted"
+ And I should see "Responses: 1"
And I follow "Ascending order"
- Then I should see "View all responses."
- And I should see "All participants."
And I should see "Ascending order"
- And I should see "Responses: 6"
+ And I should see "Responses: 7"
And I follow "Descending order"
- Then I should see "View all responses."
- And I should see "All participants."
And I should see "Descending order"
- And I should see "Responses: 6"
+ And I should see "Responses: 7"
And I follow "List of responses"
- Then I should see "Individual responses : All participants"
+ Then I should see "Individual responses : All responses"
And I follow "Admin User"
- Then I should see "1 / 6"
+ Then I should see "1 / 7"
And I should see "Respondent:"
And I should see "Admin User"
And I should see "Submitted on:"
# And I should see "Thursday, 14 January 2016, 9:22 pm"
And I should see "Test questionnaire"
And I follow "Next"
- Then I should see "2 / 6"
+ Then I should see "2 / 7"
# And I should see "Thursday, 14 January 2016, 8:53 pm"
And I follow "Last Respondent"
- Then I should see "6 / 6"
+ Then I should see "7 / 7"
# And I should see "Friday, 19 December 2014, 5:58 pm"
And I follow "Delete this Response"
Then I should see "Are you sure you want to delete the response"
# And I should see "Friday, 19 December 2014, 5:58 pm"
And I press "Delete"
- Then I should see "Individual responses : All participants"
+ Then I should see "Individual responses : All responses"
And I follow "Admin User"
- Then I should see "1 / 5"
+ Then I should see "1 / 6"
And I follow "Summary"
- Then I should see "View all responses."
- And I should see "All participants."
And I should see "View Default order"
- And I should see "Responses: 5"
+ And I should see "Responses: 6"
And I follow "Delete ALL Responses"
Then I should see "Are you sure you want to delete ALL the responses in this questionnaire?"
And I press "Delete"
diff --git a/tests/behat/check_responses_capabilities.feature b/tests/behat/check_responses_capabilities.feature
index 821ed6d7..1593013a 100644
--- a/tests/behat/check_responses_capabilities.feature
+++ b/tests/behat/check_responses_capabilities.feature
@@ -31,10 +31,9 @@ Feature: Review responses with different capabilities
And I follow "Test questionnaire"
Then I should see "View all responses"
And I navigate to "View all responses" in current page administration
- Then I should see "View all responses."
- And I should see "All participants."
+ Then I should see "All responses"
And I should see "View Default order"
- And I should see "Responses: 6"
+ And I should see "Responses: 7"
And I log out