Releases: Plenyx/PlenBotLogUploader
Releases · Plenyx/PlenBotLogUploader
Release 88
New stuff
- Added legendary CM recognition
- Modified Cerus phase % to always show Cerus as a target even when below 1%
- Added toggles for normal mode logs, challenge mode logs and legendary challenge mode logs when using Discord Webhooks
- Added the option to close the application to the system icon tray
- Modified the Firebrand abbreviation from "Fir" to "FB"
- Fixed issues with Discord Webhook embeds
- Added spacing emoji to force Discord to use wider embed boxes
- Adjusted embed sizes appropriately
Contributors on this release:
Release 87
New stuff
- Added better Linux compatibility for scanning logs (thanks to @SaculRennorb)
- arcdps plugin manager
- Added a new chainloading option for Nexus
- Added more optimised checks for new plugin versions
- Added a toggle for sending a log to Twitch chat if streaming software is running
- Moved variable out of experimental
- Discord webhooks
- Added phase information for PvE logs
- "Recorded by" information shows the account name instead of the character name
- Show internal description in the boss list while editing webhooks
- In player character lists, profession abbreviations have been changed to those used by the community
- Added healing and barrier information to WvW logs if the Healing stats arcpds plugin is used
- Added the ability to disable WvW logs from displaying in Log sessions
Bug fixes
- Fixed errors with HsBuildCode generation
Other stuff
- Updated to .NET 8
- Updated many dependencies
Contributors on this release:
Release 86
Release 85
New stuff
- Changes to bosses' list - In order to apply these updates, use "Reset all bosses" in the "Edit boss data" window
- Added support for Silent Surf fractal
- Added support for Secrets of the Obscure strike missions
Bug fixes
- Fixed Discord webhook icon for Icebrood Construct (thanks to faker0815)
Contributors on this release:
Release 84
New stuff
- Added a new subcondition type for Teams called "NOT", removed "Except any"
- Added handling of rate limiting of
- Added a simple failed log reuploader
- If a log fails to upload due to any error it will try to reupload within the next 15 minutes
Bug fixes
- Fixed Webhooks and Aleeva Integration not working if extra json was not obtained
- Fixed GW2Bot failed logs being posted despite it should be success only
Other changes
- Changed tooltips to be more reflecting on what checkboxes do
- Mildly changed layout of the main window
- Removed DX9 support since it is no longer supported by the game
- Removed .NET 6 download option, use standalone from now on
- Updated dependencies to latest versions
- Moved GitHub repository from @HardstuckGuild to @Plenyx
Contributors on this release:
Release 83
New stuff
- Add proper error processing for Discord Webhooks
- Remove default wipe counter for successful escort
- Change the texts on the Aleeva integration windows
Bug fixes
- Fixed the Teams functionality in Aleeva integration
- Discord Webhooks should now be all executed even there is an error
Contributors on this release:
Release 82
Release 81
New stuff
- Boss information
- Added support for Escort logs
- Updated Discord webhook icons for multiple bosses
- Please reset your bosses to include the latest changes
- Multiple Aleeva integrations
- Added the ability to store multiple Aleeva integrations
- This change resets the currently used integration
- Added the ability to use Teams for each Aleeva integration
- Added the ability to store multiple Aleeva integrations
- Hs Build codes v2
- Allow to specify compression settings for Hs Build codes (#27)
- Updated Build codes to latest version
- Added a new check for Discord webhooks to (dis)allow a post of unknown bosses
- Updated Sessions to include "CM" tag for Strike CMs
- Added smart !build recognition
Bug fixes
- Fixed possible crashes while processing logs
- Fixed many bugs and errors with Hs Build codes v2
Other stuff
- There will be text based version and explaination of every feature currently in the release. This explaination will be provided at the end of the month.
Contributors on this release:
Release 80
Bug fixes
- Fixed multiple errors with Hs Build codes v2 generation
Contributors on this release:
Release 79
New stuff
- Old Lion's Court
- Added support for OLC CM
- Added Discord webhook icon
- Please reset your bosses to include OLC and OLC CM triggers
- Added support for Hs Build codes v2 (by @SaculRennorb) #23
- Added "Know Thy Enemy" by @typedeck0 to arcdps plugin manager
- Automatic update check will no longer write a message in the main window
Bug fixes
- Fixed Aleeva channels not displaying properly