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We do not receive marching orders from DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership, rather we work to democratically decide as a local what our work should be and DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership works to poll locals to create national priorities.</p><p>DSA holds a\\\\u00a0<strong>national convention</strong>\\\\u00a0every two years that is open to all members where we join together to vote on priorities and to elect the National Political Committee (NPC), the board of members who steer the organization in between conventions.</p><p><strong>Philly DSA also holds a convention every two years</strong>, usually just before the national convention, where we also vote on priorities, elect delegates to the national convention, and elect our local\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>, the board that runs the local.</p><p>We have a monthly General Membership Meeting where committees report back on their work and committees may meet more frequently in between monthly meetings.\\\\u00a0</p></p></p></p></p>\\\"}]\"}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 37, "fields": {"page": 8, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-04-09T15:31:24.658Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 8, \"path\": \"000100010003\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Frequently Asked Questions\", \"slug\": \"faq\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/faq/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-08T14:11:59.002Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-04-09T15:26:04.221Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"text\\\": \\\"What is Philly DSA\\\\u2019s Organizational Structure?\\\"}}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Because DSA nationally is what we call a broad-tent<strong>\\\\u201cmultitendency\\\\u201d\\\\u00a0</strong>organization, we have no holy books or martyrs.\\\\u00a0There is no one essay or strategy article you must read and agree with to be a DSA member. 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If you would like to get involved with one of the committees, please reach out to the Chair of the committee for information.</p><ul><li><strong>Political Education</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Diane Isser [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Organizing</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Sean Jin [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Outreach</strong>\\\\u00a0Commitee (Chair, David Backer [email protected])</li></ul></p></p></p></p>\\\"}]\"}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 38, "fields": {"page": 8, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-04-09T15:35:10.897Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 8, \"path\": \"000100010003\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Frequently Asked Questions\", \"slug\": \"faq\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/faq/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-08T14:11:59.002Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-04-09T15:31:24.658Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What is Philly DSA\\\\u2019s Organizational Structure?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Because DSA nationally is what we call a broad-tent<strong>\\\\u201cmultitendency\\\\u201d\\\\u00a0</strong>organization, we have no holy books or martyrs.\\\\u00a0There is no one essay or strategy article you must read and agree with to be a DSA member. 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We do not receive marching orders from DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership, rather we work to democratically decide as a local what our work should be and DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership works to poll locals to create national priorities.</p><p>DSA holds a\\\\u00a0<strong>national convention</strong>\\\\u00a0every two years that is open to all members where we join together to vote on priorities and to elect the National Political Committee (NPC), the board of members who steer the organization in between conventions.</p><p><strong>Philly DSA also holds a convention every two years</strong>, usually just before the national convention, where we also vote on priorities, elect delegates to the national convention, and elect our local\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>, the board that runs the local.</p><p>We have a monthly General Membership Meeting where committees report back on their work and committees may meet more frequently in between monthly meetings.\\\\u00a0</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What are Philly DSA's committees?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Philly DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>\\\\u00a0is the democratically elected body that steers the organization in between Conventions and General Meetings. Currently, our Steering Committee includes two (2) Co-Chairs and six (6) At-Large members.</p><p>In addition to the Steering Committe, Philly DSA also has 3 other committees and may grow to develop more. If you would like to get involved with one of the committees, please reach out to the Chair of the committee for information.</p><ul><li><strong>Political Education</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Diane Isser [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Organizing</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Sean Jin [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Outreach</strong>\\\\u00a0Commitee (Chair, David Backer [email protected])</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}]\"}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 39, "fields": {"page": 8, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-04-09T15:36:32.087Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 8, \"path\": \"000100010003\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Frequently Asked Questions\", \"slug\": \"faq\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/faq/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-08T14:11:59.002Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-04-09T15:35:10.897Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What is Philly DSA\\\\u2019s Organizational Structure?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Because DSA nationally is what we call a broad-tent<strong>\\\\u201cmultitendency\\\\u201d\\\\u00a0</strong>organization, we have no holy books or martyrs.\\\\u00a0There is no one essay or strategy article you must read and agree with to be a DSA member. In fact,\\\\u00a0<strong>we draw our strength from the diversity of our ideas and our rigorous commitment to democratic practice.</strong></p><p>Stemming from this, our local has full autonomy to decide on projects and campaigns based upon our assessment of the local political climate, our community partners, and membership\\\\u2019s interests and needs. We do not receive marching orders from DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership, rather we work to democratically decide as a local what our work should be and DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership works to poll locals to create national priorities.</p><p>DSA holds a\\\\u00a0<strong>national convention</strong>\\\\u00a0every two years that is open to all members where we join together to vote on priorities and to elect the National Political Committee (NPC), the board of members who steer the organization in between conventions.</p><p><strong>Philly DSA also holds a convention every two years</strong>, usually just before the national convention, where we also vote on priorities, elect delegates to the national convention, and elect our local\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>, the board that runs the local.</p><p>We have a monthly General Membership Meeting where committees report back on their work and committees may meet more frequently in between monthly meetings.\\\\u00a0</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What are Philly DSA's committees?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Philly DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>\\\\u00a0is the democratically elected body that steers the organization in between Conventions and General Meetings. Currently, our Steering Committee includes two (2) Co-Chairs and six (6) At-Large members.</p><p>In addition to the Steering Committe, Philly DSA also has 3 other committees and may grow to develop more. If you would like to get involved with one of the committees, please reach out to the Chair of the committee for information.</p><ul><li><strong>Political Education</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Diane Isser [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Organizing</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Sean Jin [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Outreach</strong>\\\\u00a0Commitee (Chair, David Backer [email protected])</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}]\"}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 40, "fields": {"page": 8, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-04-09T15:39:10.243Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 8, \"path\": \"000100010003\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Frequently Asked Questions\", \"slug\": \"faq\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/faq/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-08T14:11:59.002Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-04-09T15:36:32.087Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What is Philly DSA\\\\u2019s Organizational Structure?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Because DSA nationally is what we call a broad-tent<strong>\\\\u201cmultitendency\\\\u201d\\\\u00a0</strong>organization, we have no holy books or martyrs.\\\\u00a0There is no one essay or strategy article you must read and agree with to be a DSA member. In fact,\\\\u00a0<strong>we draw our strength from the diversity of our ideas and our rigorous commitment to democratic practice.</strong></p><p>Stemming from this, our local has full autonomy to decide on projects and campaigns based upon our assessment of the local political climate, our community partners, and membership\\\\u2019s interests and needs. We do not receive marching orders from DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership, rather we work to democratically decide as a local what our work should be and DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership works to poll locals to create national priorities.</p><p>DSA holds a\\\\u00a0<strong>national convention</strong>\\\\u00a0every two years that is open to all members where we join together to vote on priorities and to elect the National Political Committee (NPC), the board of members who steer the organization in between conventions.</p><p><strong>Philly DSA also holds a convention every two years</strong>, usually just before the national convention, where we also vote on priorities, elect delegates to the national convention, and elect our local\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>, the board that runs the local.</p><p>We have a monthly General Membership Meeting where committees report back on their work and committees may meet more frequently in between monthly meetings.\\\\u00a0</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What are Philly DSA's committees?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Philly DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>\\\\u00a0is the democratically elected body that steers the organization in between Conventions and General Meetings. Currently, our Steering Committee includes two (2) Co-Chairs and six (6) At-Large members.</p><p>In addition to the Steering Committe, Philly DSA also has 3 other committees and may grow to develop more. If you would like to get involved with one of the committees, please reach out to the Chair of the committee for information.</p><ul><li><strong>Political Education</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Diane Isser [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Organizing</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Sean Jin [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Outreach</strong>\\\\u00a0Commitee (Chair, David Backer [email protected])</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"I have an idea for a project I\\\\u2019d like Philly DSA to work on. Where should I start?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>That depends.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that might fall under the umbrella of one of our existing committees it would be best to email the chair of the committee or attend one of the committee meetings to propose your idea.</p><p>For example, you\\\\u2019d like to start a reading group on Das Kapital or the History of the Russian Revolution? Great! Talk to the political education committee.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that doesn\\\\u2019t already have a team working in that area, please email the Steering Committee (<a href=\\\\\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\\\\\">[email protected]</a>) so that they can help you draft a proposal to bring the idea before the local or help connect you with other members who may be interested in the work too.</p><p>If you would like to propose a campaign for the local, please fill out this\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By2_xYBzRZunTlgzMlFZckRSWDg/view?usp=sharing\\\\\\\">Campaign Proposal Form</a>\\\\u00a0and return it to the Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}]\"}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 41, "fields": {"page": 8, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-04-09T15:40:30.128Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 8, \"path\": \"000100010003\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Frequently Asked Questions\", \"slug\": \"faq\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/faq/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-08T14:11:59.002Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-04-09T15:39:10.243Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What is Philly DSA\\\\u2019s Organizational Structure?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Because DSA nationally is what we call a broad-tent\\\\u00a0<strong>\\\\u201cmultitendency\\\\u201d\\\\u00a0</strong>organization, we have no holy books or martyrs.\\\\u00a0There is no one essay or strategy article you must read and agree with to be a DSA member. In fact,\\\\u00a0<strong>we draw our strength from the diversity of our ideas and our rigorous commitment to democratic practice.</strong></p><p>Stemming from this, our local has full autonomy to decide on projects and campaigns based upon our assessment of the local political climate, our community partners, and membership\\\\u2019s interests and needs. We do not receive marching orders from DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership, rather we work to democratically decide as a local what our work should be and DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership works to poll locals to create national priorities.</p><p>DSA holds a\\\\u00a0<strong>national convention</strong>\\\\u00a0every two years that is open to all members where we join together to vote on priorities and to elect the National Political Committee (NPC), the board of members who steer the organization in between conventions.</p><p><strong>Philly DSA also holds a convention every two years</strong>, usually just before the national convention, where we also vote on priorities, elect delegates to the national convention, and elect our local\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>, the board that runs the local.</p><p>We have a monthly General Membership Meeting where committees report back on their work and committees may meet more frequently in between monthly meetings.\\\\u00a0</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What are Philly DSA's committees?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Philly DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>\\\\u00a0is the democratically elected body that steers the organization in between Conventions and General Meetings. Currently, our Steering Committee includes two (2) Co-Chairs and six (6) At-Large members.</p><p>In addition to the Steering Committe, Philly DSA also has 3 other committees and may grow to develop more. If you would like to get involved with one of the committees, please reach out to the Chair of the committee for information.</p><ul><li><strong>Political Education</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Diane Isser [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Organizing</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Sean Jin [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Outreach</strong>\\\\u00a0Commitee (Chair, David Backer [email protected])</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"I have an idea for a project I\\\\u2019d like Philly DSA to work on. Where should I start?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>That depends.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that might fall under the umbrella of one of our existing committees it would be best to email the chair of the committee or attend one of the committee meetings to propose your idea.</p><p>For example, you\\\\u2019d like to start a reading group on Das Kapital or the History of the Russian Revolution? Great! Talk to the political education committee.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that doesn\\\\u2019t already have a team working in that area, please email the Steering Committee (<a href=\\\\\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\\\\\">[email protected]</a>) so that they can help you draft a proposal to bring the idea before the local or help connect you with other members who may be interested in the work too.</p><p>If you would like to propose a campaign for the local, please fill out this\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By2_xYBzRZunTlgzMlFZckRSWDg/view?usp=sharing\\\\\\\">Campaign Proposal Form</a>\\\\u00a0and return it to the Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}]\"}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 42, "fields": {"page": 8, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-04-09T15:41:32.840Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 8, \"path\": \"000100010003\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Frequently Asked Questions\", \"slug\": \"faq\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/faq/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-08T14:11:59.002Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-04-09T15:40:30.128Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What is Philly DSA\\\\u2019s Organizational Structure?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Because DSA nationally is what we call a broad-tent\\\\u00a0<strong>\\\\u201cmultitendency\\\\u201d\\\\u00a0</strong>organization, we have no holy books or martyrs.\\\\u00a0There is no one essay or strategy article you must read and agree with to be a DSA member. In fact,\\\\u00a0<strong>we draw our strength from the diversity of our ideas and our rigorous commitment to democratic practice.</strong></p><p>Stemming from this, our local has full autonomy to decide on projects and campaigns based upon our assessment of the local political climate, our community partners, and membership\\\\u2019s interests and needs. We do not receive marching orders from DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership, rather we work to democratically decide as a local what our work should be and DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership works to poll locals to create national priorities.</p><p>DSA holds a\\\\u00a0<strong>national convention</strong>\\\\u00a0every two years that is open to all members where we join together to vote on priorities and to elect the National Political Committee (NPC), the board of members who steer the organization in between conventions.</p><p><strong>Philly DSA also holds a convention every two years</strong>, usually just before the national convention, where we also vote on priorities, elect delegates to the national convention, and elect our local\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>, the board that runs the local.</p><p>We have a monthly General Membership Meeting where committees report back on their work and committees may meet more frequently in between monthly meetings.\\\\u00a0</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"How do members of the local keep in touch with each other? How can I communicate with the whole group?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p><p><p>The Philly DSA Activist Listserv ([email protected]) is the main way to keep in touch with our active members. This is the list we use to coordinate local work, share articles, and pass on info about upcoming events.</p><p>If you don\\\\u2019t mind getting a few Philly DSA emails every day,\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc50pz_bIx080WAiiol0Vx7hJNLlV4blph3s0FT2Oghx3wgcw/viewform\\\\\\\">you can sign up here to join the listserv</a>\\\\u00a0but don\\\\u2019t worry, even if you don\\\\u2019t we\\\\u2019ll make sure we reach out to you with information on official Philly DSA events.</p></p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What are Philly DSA's committees?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Philly DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>\\\\u00a0is the democratically elected body that steers the organization in between Conventions and General Meetings. Currently, our Steering Committee includes two (2) Co-Chairs and six (6) At-Large members.</p><p>In addition to the Steering Committe, Philly DSA also has 3 other committees and may grow to develop more. If you would like to get involved with one of the committees, please reach out to the Chair of the committee for information.</p><ul><li><strong>Political Education</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Diane Isser [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Organizing</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Sean Jin [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Outreach</strong>\\\\u00a0Commitee (Chair, David Backer [email protected])</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"I have an idea for a project I\\\\u2019d like Philly DSA to work on. Where should I start?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>That depends.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that might fall under the umbrella of one of our existing committees it would be best to email the chair of the committee or attend one of the committee meetings to propose your idea.</p><p>For example, you\\\\u2019d like to start a reading group on Das Kapital or the History of the Russian Revolution? Great! Talk to the political education committee.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that doesn\\\\u2019t already have a team working in that area, please email the Steering Committee (<a href=\\\\\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\\\\\">[email protected]</a>) so that they can help you draft a proposal to bring the idea before the local or help connect you with other members who may be interested in the work too.</p><p>If you would like to propose a campaign for the local, please fill out this\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By2_xYBzRZunTlgzMlFZckRSWDg/view?usp=sharing\\\\\\\">Campaign Proposal Form</a>\\\\u00a0and return it to the Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}]\"}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 43, "fields": {"page": 8, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-04-09T15:42:34.535Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 8, \"path\": \"000100010003\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Frequently Asked Questions\", \"slug\": \"faq\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/faq/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-08T14:11:59.002Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-04-09T15:41:32.840Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What is Philly DSA\\\\u2019s Organizational Structure?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Because DSA nationally is what we call a broad-tent\\\\u00a0<strong>\\\\u201cmultitendency\\\\u201d\\\\u00a0</strong>organization, we have no holy books or martyrs.\\\\u00a0There is no one essay or strategy article you must read and agree with to be a DSA member. In fact,\\\\u00a0<strong>we draw our strength from the diversity of our ideas and our rigorous commitment to democratic practice.</strong></p><p>Stemming from this, our local has full autonomy to decide on projects and campaigns based upon our assessment of the local political climate, our community partners, and membership\\\\u2019s interests and needs. We do not receive marching orders from DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership, rather we work to democratically decide as a local what our work should be and DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership works to poll locals to create national priorities.</p><p>DSA holds a\\\\u00a0<strong>national convention</strong>\\\\u00a0every two years that is open to all members where we join together to vote on priorities and to elect the National Political Committee (NPC), the board of members who steer the organization in between conventions.</p><p><strong>Philly DSA also holds a convention every two years</strong>, usually just before the national convention, where we also vote on priorities, elect delegates to the national convention, and elect our local\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>, the board that runs the local.</p><p>We have a monthly General Membership Meeting where committees report back on their work and committees may meet more frequently in between monthly meetings.\\\\u00a0</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"How do members of the local keep in touch with each other? How can I communicate with the whole group?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p>The Philly DSA Activist Listserv ([email protected]) is the main way to keep in touch with our active members. This is the list we use to coordinate local work, share articles, and pass on info about upcoming events.</p><p>If you don\\\\u2019t mind getting a few Philly DSA emails every day,\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc50pz_bIx080WAiiol0Vx7hJNLlV4blph3s0FT2Oghx3wgcw/viewform\\\\\\\">you can sign up here to join the listserv</a>\\\\u00a0but don\\\\u2019t worry, even if you don\\\\u2019t we\\\\u2019ll make sure we reach out to you with information on official Philly DSA events.</p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What are Philly DSA's committees?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Philly DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>\\\\u00a0is the democratically elected body that steers the organization in between Conventions and General Meetings. Currently, our Steering Committee includes two (2) Co-Chairs and six (6) At-Large members.</p><p>In addition to the Steering Committe, Philly DSA also has 3 other committees and may grow to develop more. If you would like to get involved with one of the committees, please reach out to the Chair of the committee for information.</p><ul><li><strong>Political Education</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Diane Isser [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Organizing</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Sean Jin [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Outreach</strong>\\\\u00a0Commitee (Chair, David Backer [email protected])</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"I have an idea for a project I\\\\u2019d like Philly DSA to work on. Where should I start?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>That depends.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that might fall under the umbrella of one of our existing committees it would be best to email the chair of the committee or attend one of the committee meetings to propose your idea.</p><p>For example, you\\\\u2019d like to start a reading group on Das Kapital or the History of the Russian Revolution? Great! Talk to the political education committee.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that doesn\\\\u2019t already have a team working in that area, please email the Steering Committee (<a href=\\\\\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\\\\\">[email protected]</a>) so that they can help you draft a proposal to bring the idea before the local or help connect you with other members who may be interested in the work too.</p><p>If you would like to propose a campaign for the local, please fill out this\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By2_xYBzRZunTlgzMlFZckRSWDg/view?usp=sharing\\\\\\\">Campaign Proposal Form</a>\\\\u00a0and return it to the Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Does Philly DSA have a process for responding to discrimination, harassment, predatory behavior or other misconduct within the local?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p><p><p><p><p><p><p>In the event of misconduct within the local, please reach out directly to one of the chairs, \\\\u00a0Adam or Natalie.</p><p>The issue will be reviewed by the Steering Committee and the committee will take steps to protect the privacy of the members involved and rectify the situation to the best of our abilities, which may include:</p><ul><li>Mediating a conversation between members \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li>Developing a written action plan outlining prohibited behaviors and reviewing it privately with members</li><li><p>Suspending or terminating membership</p></li></ul><p>Any person whose membership has been suspended or terminated may appeal the decision before the general membership at a meeting of the full local.</p></p></p></p></p></p></p><p><p><a href=\\\\\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\\\\\"><p></p></a></p><p><p><p><p><p></p></p></p></p></p></p>\\\"}]\"}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 44, "fields": {"page": 8, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-04-09T15:43:31.588Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 8, \"path\": \"000100010003\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Frequently Asked Questions\", \"slug\": \"faq\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/faq/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-08T14:11:59.002Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-04-09T15:42:34.535Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What is Philly DSA\\\\u2019s Organizational Structure?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Because DSA nationally is what we call a broad-tent\\\\u00a0<strong>\\\\u201cmultitendency\\\\u201d\\\\u00a0</strong>organization, we have no holy books or martyrs.\\\\u00a0There is no one essay or strategy article you must read and agree with to be a DSA member. In fact,\\\\u00a0<strong>we draw our strength from the diversity of our ideas and our rigorous commitment to democratic practice.</strong></p><p>Stemming from this, our local has full autonomy to decide on projects and campaigns based upon our assessment of the local political climate, our community partners, and membership\\\\u2019s interests and needs. We do not receive marching orders from DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership, rather we work to democratically decide as a local what our work should be and DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership works to poll locals to create national priorities.</p><p>DSA holds a\\\\u00a0<strong>national convention</strong>\\\\u00a0every two years that is open to all members where we join together to vote on priorities and to elect the National Political Committee (NPC), the board of members who steer the organization in between conventions.</p><p><strong>Philly DSA also holds a convention every two years</strong>, usually just before the national convention, where we also vote on priorities, elect delegates to the national convention, and elect our local\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>, the board that runs the local.</p><p>We have a monthly General Membership Meeting where committees report back on their work and committees may meet more frequently in between monthly meetings.\\\\u00a0</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"How do members of the local keep in touch with each other? How can I communicate with the whole group?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p>The Philly DSA Activist Listserv ([email protected]) is the main way to keep in touch with our active members. This is the list we use to coordinate local work, share articles, and pass on info about upcoming events.</p><p>If you don\\\\u2019t mind getting a few Philly DSA emails every day,\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc50pz_bIx080WAiiol0Vx7hJNLlV4blph3s0FT2Oghx3wgcw/viewform\\\\\\\">you can sign up here to join the listserv</a>\\\\u00a0but don\\\\u2019t worry, even if you don\\\\u2019t we\\\\u2019ll make sure we reach out to you with information on official Philly DSA events.</p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What are Philly DSA's committees?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Philly DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>\\\\u00a0is the democratically elected body that steers the organization in between Conventions and General Meetings. Currently, our Steering Committee includes two (2) Co-Chairs and six (6) At-Large members.</p><p>In addition to the Steering Committe, Philly DSA also has 3 other committees and may grow to develop more. If you would like to get involved with one of the committees, please reach out to the Chair of the committee for information.</p><ul><li><strong>Political Education</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Diane Isser [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Organizing</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Sean Jin [email protected])\\\\u00a0\\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0 \\\\u00a0</li><li><strong>Outreach</strong>\\\\u00a0Commitee (Chair, David Backer [email protected])</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"I have an idea for a project I\\\\u2019d like Philly DSA to work on. Where should I start?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>That depends.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that might fall under the umbrella of one of our existing committees it would be best to email the chair of the committee or attend one of the committee meetings to propose your idea.</p><p>For example, you\\\\u2019d like to start a reading group on Das Kapital or the History of the Russian Revolution? Great! Talk to the political education committee.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that doesn\\\\u2019t already have a team working in that area, please email the Steering Committee (<a href=\\\\\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\\\\\">[email protected]</a>) so that they can help you draft a proposal to bring the idea before the local or help connect you with other members who may be interested in the work too.</p><p>If you would like to propose a campaign for the local, please fill out this\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By2_xYBzRZunTlgzMlFZckRSWDg/view?usp=sharing\\\\\\\">Campaign Proposal Form</a>\\\\u00a0and return it to the Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Does Philly DSA have a process for responding to discrimination, harassment, predatory behavior or other misconduct within the local?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>In the event of misconduct within the local, please reach out directly to one of the chairs, \\\\u00a0Adam or Natalie.</p><p>The issue will be reviewed by the Steering Committee and the committee will take steps to protect the privacy of the members involved and rectify the situation to the best of our abilities, which may include:</p><ul><li>Mediating a conversation between members</li><li>Developing a written action plan outlining prohibited behaviors and reviewing it privately with members</li><li>Suspending or terminating membership</li></ul><p>Any person whose membership has been suspended or terminated may appeal the decision before the general membership at a meeting of the full local.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p><a href=\\\\\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\\\\\"></a></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}]\"}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 45, "fields": {"page": 8, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-04-09T15:44:05.098Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 8, \"path\": \"000100010003\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Frequently Asked Questions\", \"slug\": \"faq\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/faq/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-08T14:11:59.002Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-04-09T15:43:31.588Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What is Philly DSA\\\\u2019s Organizational Structure?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Because DSA nationally is what we call a broad-tent\\\\u00a0<strong>\\\\u201cmultitendency\\\\u201d\\\\u00a0</strong>organization, we have no holy books or martyrs.\\\\u00a0There is no one essay or strategy article you must read and agree with to be a DSA member. In fact,\\\\u00a0<strong>we draw our strength from the diversity of our ideas and our rigorous commitment to democratic practice.</strong></p><p>Stemming from this, our local has full autonomy to decide on projects and campaigns based upon our assessment of the local political climate, our community partners, and membership\\\\u2019s interests and needs. We do not receive marching orders from DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership, rather we work to democratically decide as a local what our work should be and DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership works to poll locals to create national priorities.</p><p>DSA holds a\\\\u00a0<strong>national convention</strong>\\\\u00a0every two years that is open to all members where we join together to vote on priorities and to elect the National Political Committee (NPC), the board of members who steer the organization in between conventions.</p><p><strong>Philly DSA also holds a convention every two years</strong>, usually just before the national convention, where we also vote on priorities, elect delegates to the national convention, and elect our local\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>, the board that runs the local.</p><p>We have a monthly General Membership Meeting where committees report back on their work and committees may meet more frequently in between monthly meetings.\\\\u00a0</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"How do members of the local keep in touch with each other? How can I communicate with the whole group?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p>The Philly DSA Activist Listserv ([email protected]) is the main way to keep in touch with our active members. This is the list we use to coordinate local work, share articles, and pass on info about upcoming events.</p><p>If you don\\\\u2019t mind getting a few Philly DSA emails every day,\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc50pz_bIx080WAiiol0Vx7hJNLlV4blph3s0FT2Oghx3wgcw/viewform\\\\\\\">you can sign up here to join the listserv</a>\\\\u00a0but don\\\\u2019t worry, even if you don\\\\u2019t we\\\\u2019ll make sure we reach out to you with information on official Philly DSA events.</p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What are Philly DSA's committees?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Philly DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>\\\\u00a0is the democratically elected body that steers the organization in between Conventions and General Meetings. Currently, our Steering Committee includes two (2) Co-Chairs and six (6) At-Large members.</p><p>In addition to the Steering Committe, Philly DSA also has 3 other committees and may grow to develop more. If you would like to get involved with one of the committees, please reach out to the Chair of the committee for information.</p><ul><li><strong>Political Education</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Diane Isser [email protected])</li><li><strong>Organizing</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Sean Jin [email protected])</li><li><strong>Outreach</strong>\\\\u00a0Commitee (Chair, David Backer [email protected])</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"I have an idea for a project I\\\\u2019d like Philly DSA to work on. Where should I start?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>That depends.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that might fall under the umbrella of one of our existing committees it would be best to email the chair of the committee or attend one of the committee meetings to propose your idea.</p><p>For example, you\\\\u2019d like to start a reading group on Das Kapital or the History of the Russian Revolution? Great! Talk to the political education committee.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that doesn\\\\u2019t already have a team working in that area, please email the Steering Committee (<a href=\\\\\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\\\\\">[email protected]</a>) so that they can help you draft a proposal to bring the idea before the local or help connect you with other members who may be interested in the work too.</p><p>If you would like to propose a campaign for the local, please fill out this\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By2_xYBzRZunTlgzMlFZckRSWDg/view?usp=sharing\\\\\\\">Campaign Proposal Form</a>\\\\u00a0and return it to the Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Does Philly DSA have a process for responding to discrimination, harassment, predatory behavior or other misconduct within the local?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>In the event of misconduct within the local, please reach out directly to one of the chairs, \\\\u00a0Adam or Natalie.</p><p>The issue will be reviewed by the Steering Committee and the committee will take steps to protect the privacy of the members involved and rectify the situation to the best of our abilities, which may include:</p><ul><li>Mediating a conversation between members</li><li>Developing a written action plan outlining prohibited behaviors and reviewing it privately with members</li><li>Suspending or terminating membership</li></ul><p>Any person whose membership has been suspended or terminated may appeal the decision before the general membership at a meeting of the full local.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p><a href=\\\\\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\\\\\"></a></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}]\"}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 46, "fields": {"page": 9, 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href=\\\\\\\"http://dsausa.org\\\\\\\"> Democratic Socialists of America</a>,\\\\n the largest socialist organization in the US. We are a group of dues \\\\npaying members who organize together for progressive change in \\\\nPhiladelphia to weaken the hold large corporations have on our \\\\ngovernment and build power for working class Americans.</p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"block_quote\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"quote\\\": \\\"As democratic socialists, we believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically \\\\u2014 to meet public needs, not to make profits for an elite few.\\\"}}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>To achieve this goal, we believe that many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can have a say in how are lives are structured in the work-place, our schools, and neighborhoods.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"block_quote\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"quote\\\": \\\"In Philadelphia, we believe that our vision for a more just society begins with raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, fully funding our public schools, and creating independent police review boards.\\\"}}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>For more information about DSA, our democratic socialist vision, or to sign-up to become a member of DSA,\\\\u00a0visit our national website\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"http://www.dsausa.org/\\\\\\\">dsausa.org</a>\\\\u00a0<br/></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Join the Philly DSA!\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Sign Up to Join the Movement and Get Updates from our Activist List!\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Join now!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": 9}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 49, "fields": {"page": 8, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-15T17:07:24.631Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 8, \"path\": \"000100010003\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Frequently Asked Questions\", \"slug\": \"faq\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/faq/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-08T14:11:59.002Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-04-09T15:44:05.098Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What is Philly DSA\\\\u2019s Organizational Structure?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Because DSA nationally is what we call a broad-tent\\\\u00a0<strong>\\\\u201cmultitendency\\\\u201d\\\\u00a0</strong>organization, we have no holy books or martyrs.\\\\u00a0There is no one essay or strategy article you must read and agree with to be a DSA member. In fact,\\\\u00a0<strong>we draw our strength from the diversity of our ideas and our rigorous commitment to democratic practice.</strong></p><p>Stemming from this, our local has full autonomy to decide on projects and campaigns based upon our assessment of the local political climate, our community partners, and membership\\\\u2019s interests and needs. We do not receive marching orders from DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership, rather we work to democratically decide as a local what our work should be and DSA\\\\u2019s national leadership works to poll locals to create national priorities.</p><p>DSA holds a\\\\u00a0<strong>national convention</strong>\\\\u00a0every two years that is open to all members where we join together to vote on priorities and to elect the National Political Committee (NPC), the board of members who steer the organization in between conventions.</p><p><strong>Philly DSA also holds a convention every two years</strong>, usually just before the national convention, where we also vote on priorities, elect delegates to the national convention, and elect our local\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>, the board that runs the local.</p><p>We have a monthly General Membership Meeting where committees report back on their work and committees may meet more frequently in between monthly meetings.\\\\u00a0</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"How do members of the local keep in touch with each other? How can I communicate with the whole group?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p>The Philly DSA Activist Listserv ([email protected]) is the main way to keep in touch with our active members. This is the list we use to coordinate local work, share articles, and pass on info about upcoming events.</p><p>If you don\\\\u2019t mind getting a few Philly DSA emails every day,\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc50pz_bIx080WAiiol0Vx7hJNLlV4blph3s0FT2Oghx3wgcw/viewform\\\\\\\">you can sign up here to join the listserv</a>\\\\u00a0but don\\\\u2019t worry, even if you don\\\\u2019t we\\\\u2019ll make sure we reach out to you with information on official Philly DSA events.</p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What are Philly DSA's committees?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Philly DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>\\\\u00a0is the democratically elected body that steers the organization in between Conventions and General Meetings. Currently, our Steering Committee includes two (2) Co-Chairs and six (6) At-Large members.</p><p>In addition to the Steering Committe, Philly DSA also has 3 other committees and may grow to develop more. If you would like to get involved with one of the committees, please reach out to the Chair of the committee for information.</p><ul><li><strong>Political Education</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Diane Isser [email protected])</li><li><strong>Organizing</strong>\\\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Sean Jin [email protected])</li><li><strong>Outreach</strong>\\\\u00a0Commitee (Chair, David Backer [email protected])</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"I have an idea for a project I\\\\u2019d like Philly DSA to work on. Where should I start?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>That depends.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that might fall under the umbrella of one of our existing committees it would be best to email the chair of the committee or attend one of the committee meetings to propose your idea.</p><p>For example, you\\\\u2019d like to start a reading group on Das Kapital or the History of the Russian Revolution? Great! Talk to the political education committee.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that doesn\\\\u2019t already have a team working in that area, please email the Steering Committee (<a href=\\\\\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\\\\\">[email protected]</a>) so that they can help you draft a proposal to bring the idea before the local or help connect you with other members who may be interested in the work too.</p><p>If you would like to propose a campaign for the local, please fill out this\\\\u00a0<a href=\\\\\\\"https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By2_xYBzRZunTlgzMlFZckRSWDg/view?usp=sharing\\\\\\\">Campaign Proposal Form</a>\\\\u00a0and return it to the Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Does Philly DSA have a process for responding to discrimination, harassment, predatory behavior or other misconduct within the local?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>In the event of misconduct within the local, please reach out directly to one of the chairs, \\\\u00a0Adam or Natalie.</p><p>The issue will be reviewed by the Steering Committee and the committee will take steps to protect the privacy of the members involved and rectify the situation to the best of our abilities, which may include:</p><ul><li>Mediating a conversation between members</li><li>Developing a written action plan outlining prohibited behaviors and reviewing it privately with members</li><li>Suspending or terminating membership</li></ul><p>Any person whose membership has been suspended or terminated may appeal the decision before the general membership at a meeting of the full local.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p><a href=\\\\\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\\\\\"></a></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 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In addition we encourage all members to read and become \\\\nfamiliar with Philly DSA's Local Bylaws.\\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"image\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"photo\\\": 3, \\\"photo_alignment\\\": \\\"center\\\", \\\"caption\\\": \\\"The DSA's Organizational Chart\\\", \\\"caption_alignment\\\": \\\"tl\\\"}}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Whatever\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Here's a CTA\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Join or don't\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": 8}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 57, "fields": {"page": 9, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-15T17:37:03.327Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 9, \"path\": \"000100010004\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Structure\", \"slug\": \"structure\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/structure/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-09T20:30:17.049Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-15T17:35:37.447Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Organizational Chart\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Philadelphia DSA is volunteer-run and member-funded. 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In addition we encourage all members to read and become \\\\nfamiliar with Philly DSA's Local Bylaws.\\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"image\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"photo\\\": 3, \\\"photo_alignment\\\": \\\"center\\\", \\\"caption\\\": \\\"The DSA's Organizational Chart\\\", \\\"caption_alignment\\\": \\\"tl\\\"}}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The Steering Committee is made up of:</p><ul><li>Natalie Midiri (co-chair),</li><li>Adam \\\\nGoldman (co-chair),</li><li>Diane Isser,</li><li>Seth Kulick,</li><li>Paul Prescod,</li><li>Andrew Knox,</li><li>Joseph Schwartz, and<br/></li><li>Dustin Guastella.</li></ul>\\\\n\\\\n<p>Organizing Chairs: Sandra Lane, Sean Jin <br/>\\\\nOutreach Chair: David Backer<br/>\\\\nPolitical Education Chairs: Andrew Knox, Scott Jenkins<br/>\\\\nChildcare chair: Kat Edwards<br/>\\\\nSocial Chair: Jedidiah Sloboda</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Whatever\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Here's a CTA\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Join or don't\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": 8}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 58, "fields": {"page": 9, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-15T17:37:52.230Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 9, \"path\": \"000100010004\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Structure\", \"slug\": \"structure\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/structure/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-09T20:30:17.049Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-15T17:37:03.327Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Organizational Chart\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Philadelphia DSA is volunteer-run and member-funded. 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In addition we encourage all members to read and become \\\\nfamiliar with Philly DSA's Local Bylaws.\\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"image\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"photo\\\": 3, \\\"photo_alignment\\\": \\\"center\\\", \\\"caption\\\": \\\"The DSA's Organizational Chart\\\", \\\"caption_alignment\\\": \\\"tl\\\"}}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The Steering Committee is made up of:</p><ul><li>Natalie Midiri (co-chair),</li><li>Adam \\\\nGoldman (co-chair),</li><li>Diane Isser,</li><li>Seth Kulick,</li><li>Paul Prescod,</li><li>Andrew Knox,</li><li>Joseph Schwartz, and<br/></li><li>Dustin Guastella.</li></ul>\\\\n\\\\n<p>Organizing Chairs: Sandra Lane, Sean Jin <br/>\\\\nOutreach Chair: David Backer<br/>\\\\nPolitical Education Chairs: Andrew Knox, Scott Jenkins<br/>\\\\nChildcare chair: Kat Edwards<br/>\\\\nSocial Chair: Jedidiah Sloboda</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Whatever\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Here's a CTA\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Join or don't\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": 8}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 59, "fields": {"page": 9, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-15T17:38:57.475Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 9, \"path\": \"000100010004\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Structure\", \"slug\": \"structure\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/structure/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-09T20:30:17.049Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-15T17:37:52.230Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Organizational Chart\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Philadelphia DSA is volunteer-run and member-funded. 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In addition we encourage all members to read and become \\\\nfamiliar with <a id=\\\\\\\"1\\\\\\\" linktype=\\\\\\\"document\\\\\\\">Philly DSA's Local Bylaws</a>.\\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"image\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"photo\\\": 3, \\\"photo_alignment\\\": \\\"center\\\", \\\"caption\\\": \\\"The DSA's Organizational Chart\\\", \\\"caption_alignment\\\": \\\"tl\\\"}}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The Steering Committee is made up of:</p><ul><li>Natalie Midiri (co-chair),</li><li>Adam \\\\nGoldman (co-chair),</li><li>Diane Isser,</li><li>Seth Kulick,</li><li>Paul Prescod,</li><li>Andrew Knox,</li><li>Joseph Schwartz, and<br/></li><li>Dustin Guastella.</li></ul>\\\\n\\\\n<p>Organizing Chairs: Sandra Lane, Sean Jin <br/>\\\\nOutreach Chair: David Backer<br/>\\\\nPolitical Education Chairs: Andrew Knox, Scott Jenkins<br/>\\\\nChildcare chair: Kat Edwards<br/>\\\\nSocial Chair: Jedidiah Sloboda</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Whatever\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Here's a CTA\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Join or don't\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": 8}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 60, "fields": {"page": 11, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-15T17:50:10.815Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 11, \"path\": \"000100010006\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Join\", \"slug\": \"join\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/join/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": null, \"latest_revision_created_at\": null, \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Class struggle is more expensive than you\\\\u2019d think. 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This is to pay straight into the coffers of the local for \\\\ncosts related to the operation of the chapter. 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In addition we encourage all members to read and become \\\\nfamiliar with <a id=\\\\\\\"1\\\\\\\" linktype=\\\\\\\"document\\\\\\\">Philly DSA's Local Bylaws</a>.\\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"image\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"photo\\\": 3, \\\"photo_alignment\\\": \\\"center\\\", \\\"caption\\\": \\\"The DSA's Organizational Chart\\\", \\\"caption_alignment\\\": \\\"tl\\\"}}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The Steering Committee is made up of:</p><ul><li>Natalie Midiri (co-chair),</li><li>Adam \\\\nGoldman (co-chair),</li><li>Diane Isser,</li><li>Seth Kulick,</li><li>Paul Prescod,</li><li>Andrew Knox,</li><li>Joseph Schwartz, and<br/></li><li>Dustin Guastella.</li></ul>\\\\n\\\\n<p>Organizing Chairs: Sandra Lane, Sean Jin <br/>\\\\nOutreach Chair: David Backer<br/>\\\\nPolitical Education Chairs: Andrew Knox, Scott Jenkins<br/>\\\\nChildcare chair: Kat Edwards<br/>\\\\nSocial Chair: Jedidiah Sloboda</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Join the Philly DSA\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Sign Up to Join the Movement and Get Updates from our Activist List!\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Join the movement!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": 11, \\\"button_external_link\\\": \\\"\\\"}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 68, "fields": {"page": 9, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:34:54.921Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 9, \"path\": \"000100010004\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Structure & Organization\", \"slug\": \"about\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/structure/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-09T20:30:17.049Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:34:37.199Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Organizational Chart\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Philadelphia DSA is volunteer-run and member-funded. Our \\\\norganization relies on the commitment and consistent work of our \\\\nmembers. Our Local structure consists of an elected Steering Committee, \\\\ntwo Co-Chairs and several project based and task based committees. The following organizational chart\\\\n demonstrates how these committees, the members and co-chairs relate to \\\\neach other. In addition we encourage all members to read and become \\\\nfamiliar with <a id=\\\\\\\"1\\\\\\\" linktype=\\\\\\\"document\\\\\\\">Philly DSA's Local Bylaws</a>.\\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"image\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"photo\\\": 3, \\\"photo_alignment\\\": \\\"center\\\", \\\"caption\\\": \\\"The DSA's Organizational Chart\\\", \\\"caption_alignment\\\": \\\"tl\\\"}}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The Steering Committee is made up of:</p><ul><li>Natalie Midiri (co-chair),</li><li>Adam \\\\nGoldman (co-chair),</li><li>Diane Isser,</li><li>Seth Kulick,</li><li>Paul Prescod,</li><li>Andrew Knox,</li><li>Joseph Schwartz, and<br/></li><li>Dustin Guastella.</li></ul>\\\\n\\\\n<p>Organizing Chairs: Sandra Lane, Sean Jin <br/>\\\\nOutreach Chair: David Backer<br/>\\\\nPolitical Education Chairs: Andrew Knox, Scott Jenkins<br/>\\\\nChildcare chair: Kat Edwards<br/>\\\\nSocial Chair: Jedidiah Sloboda</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Join the Philly DSA\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Sign Up to Join the Movement and Get Updates from our Activist List!\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Join the movement!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": 11, \\\"button_external_link\\\": \\\"\\\"}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 69, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:40:08.063Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": null, \"latest_revision_created_at\": null, \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I.\\\\tName.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n\\\\tThe\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II. 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It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 70, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:41:21.614Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.063Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I.\\\\tName.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n\\\\tThe\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II. Purpose.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III. Membership.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n1. Membership</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n <i>Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n3. Dues.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 71, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:45:04.449Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:41:21.614Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I.\\\\tName.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II. Purpose.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III. Membership.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Membership\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\n Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Dues</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IV. Local Meetings\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section 1.\\\\u00a0 Local Convention</h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\\\u00a0 General Meetings.</h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings.</h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\\\u00a0 Quorum.</h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE V. Local Officers: Powers and Duties\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n1. Officers and Terms</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n2. Vacancies.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIn\\\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\\\nthe term. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n3. Co-Chairs.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\\\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\\\npolicies as the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb)\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tc)\\\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n5. Treasurer.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n6. At-Large Members.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nAt-Large\\\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 72, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:46:06.548Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:45:04.449Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I.\\\\tName.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II. Purpose.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III. Membership.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Membership\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\n Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Dues</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IV. Local Meetings\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section 1.\\\\u00a0 Local Convention</h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\\\u00a0 General Meetings.</h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings.</h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\\\u00a0 Quorum.</h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE V. Local Officers: Powers and Duties\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Officers and Terms\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Vacancies.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIn\\\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\\\nthe term. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Co-Chairs.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\\\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\\\npolicies as the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tc.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n5. Treasurer.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n6. At-Large Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nAt-Large\\\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 73, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:47:00.557Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:46:06.548Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I.\\\\tName.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II. Purpose.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III. Membership.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Membership\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\n Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Dues</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IV. Local Meetings\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section 1.\\\\u00a0 Local Convention</h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\\\u00a0 General Meetings.</h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings.</h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\\\u00a0 Quorum.</h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE V. Local Officers: Powers and Duties\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Officers and Terms\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Vacancies.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIn\\\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\\\nthe term. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Co-Chairs.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\\\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\\\npolicies as the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tc.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n5. Treasurer.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n6. At-Large Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nAt-Large\\\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VI. Steering Committee.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n1. Composition</i>.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee will be composed of the Co-Chairs,\\\\ntreasurer, and up to 6 At-Large Members.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<br/>\\\\n\\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n2. Duties.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta)\\\\n The Steering Committee administers the affairs of the Local and\\\\noversees the implementation of the decisions of the General Meetings;\\\\nit may also create policy in-between Local Conventions. It shall\\\\nhave the power to receive reports of any Committee and advise\\\\nthereon, to call emergency meetings of the Local, and to act on any\\\\nmatter that requires immediate and urgent action. The Steering\\\\nCommittee is the regular Steering body of the Local, and thus\\\\nsubordinate to its Legislative bodies, the Local Convention. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb)\\\\n The Local Steering Committee will be responsible for establishing\\\\nprogram activities for the Local chapter, for proposing guidelines\\\\nand policies that will subsequently be voted on by full members of\\\\nDSA, and for acting on the organization\\\\u2019s\\\\nbehalf between Local meetings.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<br/>\\\\n\\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n3. Termination of Steering Committee Members.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nSteering Committee may vote to remove a member from the committee in\\\\nthe event that the member is unable or unwilling to perform their\\\\nduties. Grounds for termination include: missing more than two (2)\\\\nSteering Committee meetings in a row, failure to participate in at\\\\nleast one (1) additional local ad hoc committee, mismanagement of\\\\nfunds, etc. The Steering Committee must notify the member in writing\\\\nof the termination and may request to appeal the decision at a\\\\nmeeting of the full Local. Reinstatement of a terminated Steering\\\\nCommittee member requires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n4. Meetings.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nmeetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of the\\\\nCo-Chairs at such intervals as may be determined by a prior Steering\\\\nCommittee Meeting or by consultation with any three members of the\\\\nSteering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must\\\\n(ordinarily) be given four days oral or written notice of regular\\\\nSteering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under\\\\nspecial emergency circumstances.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n 5. Quorum.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nquorum of five members of the Steering Committee is required for the\\\\ntransaction of Steering Committee business.</p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 74, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:47:44.931Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:47:00.557Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I.\\\\tName.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II. Purpose.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III. Membership.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Membership\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\n Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Dues</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IV. Local Meetings\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section 1.\\\\u00a0 Local Convention</h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\\\u00a0 General Meetings.</h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings.</h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\\\u00a0 Quorum.</h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE V. Local Officers: Powers and Duties\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Officers and Terms\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Vacancies.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIn\\\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\\\nthe term. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Co-Chairs.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\\\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\\\npolicies as the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tc.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n5. Treasurer.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n6. At-Large Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nAt-Large\\\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VI. Steering Committee.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Composition.\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee will be composed of the Co-Chairs,\\\\ntreasurer, and up to 6 At-Large Members.</p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta)\\\\n The Steering Committee administers the affairs of the Local and\\\\noversees the implementation of the decisions of the General Meetings;\\\\nit may also create policy in-between Local Conventions. It shall\\\\nhave the power to receive reports of any Committee and advise\\\\nthereon, to call emergency meetings of the Local, and to act on any\\\\nmatter that requires immediate and urgent action. The Steering\\\\nCommittee is the regular Steering body of the Local, and thus\\\\nsubordinate to its Legislative bodies, the Local Convention. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb)\\\\n The Local Steering Committee will be responsible for establishing\\\\nprogram activities for the Local chapter, for proposing guidelines\\\\nand policies that will subsequently be voted on by full members of\\\\nDSA, and for acting on the organization\\\\u2019s\\\\nbehalf between Local meetings.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Termination of Steering Committee Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nSteering Committee may vote to remove a member from the committee in\\\\nthe event that the member is unable or unwilling to perform their\\\\nduties. Grounds for termination include: missing more than two (2)\\\\nSteering Committee meetings in a row, failure to participate in at\\\\nleast one (1) additional local ad hoc committee, mismanagement of\\\\nfunds, etc. The Steering Committee must notify the member in writing\\\\nof the termination and may request to appeal the decision at a\\\\nmeeting of the full Local. Reinstatement of a terminated Steering\\\\nCommittee member requires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n4. Meetings.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nmeetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of the\\\\nCo-Chairs at such intervals as may be determined by a prior Steering\\\\nCommittee Meeting or by consultation with any three members of the\\\\nSteering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must\\\\n(ordinarily) be given four days oral or written notice of regular\\\\nSteering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under\\\\nspecial emergency circumstances.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n 5. Quorum.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nquorum of five members of the Steering Committee is required for the\\\\ntransaction of Steering Committee business.</p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 75, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:48:21.638Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:47:44.931Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I.\\\\tName.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II. Purpose.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III. Membership.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Membership\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\n Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Dues</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IV. Local Meetings\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section 1.\\\\u00a0 Local Convention</h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\\\u00a0 General Meetings.</h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings.</h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\\\u00a0 Quorum.</h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE V. Local Officers: Powers and Duties\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Officers and Terms\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Vacancies.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIn\\\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\\\nthe term. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Co-Chairs.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\\\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\\\npolicies as the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tc.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n5. Treasurer.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n6. At-Large Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nAt-Large\\\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VI. Steering Committee.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Composition.\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee will be composed of the Co-Chairs,\\\\ntreasurer, and up to 6 At-Large Members.</p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta)\\\\n The Steering Committee administers the affairs of the Local and\\\\noversees the implementation of the decisions of the General Meetings;\\\\nit may also create policy in-between Local Conventions. It shall\\\\nhave the power to receive reports of any Committee and advise\\\\nthereon, to call emergency meetings of the Local, and to act on any\\\\nmatter that requires immediate and urgent action. The Steering\\\\nCommittee is the regular Steering body of the Local, and thus\\\\nsubordinate to its Legislative bodies, the Local Convention. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb)\\\\n The Local Steering Committee will be responsible for establishing\\\\nprogram activities for the Local chapter, for proposing guidelines\\\\nand policies that will subsequently be voted on by full members of\\\\nDSA, and for acting on the organization\\\\u2019s\\\\nbehalf between Local meetings.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Termination of Steering Committee Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nSteering Committee may vote to remove a member from the committee in\\\\nthe event that the member is unable or unwilling to perform their\\\\nduties. Grounds for termination include: missing more than two (2)\\\\nSteering Committee meetings in a row, failure to participate in at\\\\nleast one (1) additional local ad hoc committee, mismanagement of\\\\nfunds, etc. The Steering Committee must notify the member in writing\\\\nof the termination and may request to appeal the decision at a\\\\nmeeting of the full Local. Reinstatement of a terminated Steering\\\\nCommittee member requires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n4. Meetings.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nmeetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of the\\\\nCo-Chairs at such intervals as may be determined by a prior Steering\\\\nCommittee Meeting or by consultation with any three members of the\\\\nSteering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must\\\\n(ordinarily) be given four days oral or written notice of regular\\\\nSteering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under\\\\nspecial emergency circumstances.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n 5. Quorum.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nquorum of five members of the Steering Committee is required for the\\\\ntransaction of Steering Committee business.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VII. Branches.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }<h5>Section\\\\n1. Definition.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nbranch is a subgroup of the Local consisting of at least five full\\\\nmembers in good standing with national DSA. Branches may be defined\\\\nby geography, work site, constituency (e.g., labor, minority,\\\\nfeminist), or area of political work (e.g., peace action,\\\\nenvironmental movement). The chairs of branches will hold membership\\\\non the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Youth Sections.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tBranches\\\\nestablished on college campuses and consisting of students will be\\\\ncalled Local Youth Sections. Youth Sections must have at least five\\\\nfull members in good standing with national DSA. The chairs of Local\\\\nYouth Sections will hold membership on the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 76, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:48:40.770Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:48:21.638Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I.\\\\tName.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II. Purpose.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III. Membership.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Membership\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\n Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Dues</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IV. Local Meetings\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section 1.\\\\u00a0 Local Convention</h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\\\u00a0 General Meetings.</h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings.</h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\\\u00a0 Quorum.</h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE V. Local Officers: Powers and Duties\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Officers and Terms\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Vacancies.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIn\\\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\\\nthe term. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Co-Chairs.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\\\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\\\npolicies as the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tc.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n5. Treasurer.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n6. At-Large Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nAt-Large\\\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VI. Steering Committee.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Composition.\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee will be composed of the Co-Chairs,\\\\ntreasurer, and up to 6 At-Large Members.</p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta)\\\\n The Steering Committee administers the affairs of the Local and\\\\noversees the implementation of the decisions of the General Meetings;\\\\nit may also create policy in-between Local Conventions. It shall\\\\nhave the power to receive reports of any Committee and advise\\\\nthereon, to call emergency meetings of the Local, and to act on any\\\\nmatter that requires immediate and urgent action. The Steering\\\\nCommittee is the regular Steering body of the Local, and thus\\\\nsubordinate to its Legislative bodies, the Local Convention. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb)\\\\n The Local Steering Committee will be responsible for establishing\\\\nprogram activities for the Local chapter, for proposing guidelines\\\\nand policies that will subsequently be voted on by full members of\\\\nDSA, and for acting on the organization\\\\u2019s\\\\nbehalf between Local meetings.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Termination of Steering Committee Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nSteering Committee may vote to remove a member from the committee in\\\\nthe event that the member is unable or unwilling to perform their\\\\nduties. Grounds for termination include: missing more than two (2)\\\\nSteering Committee meetings in a row, failure to participate in at\\\\nleast one (1) additional local ad hoc committee, mismanagement of\\\\nfunds, etc. The Steering Committee must notify the member in writing\\\\nof the termination and may request to appeal the decision at a\\\\nmeeting of the full Local. Reinstatement of a terminated Steering\\\\nCommittee member requires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n4. Meetings.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nmeetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of the\\\\nCo-Chairs at such intervals as may be determined by a prior Steering\\\\nCommittee Meeting or by consultation with any three members of the\\\\nSteering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must\\\\n(ordinarily) be given four days oral or written notice of regular\\\\nSteering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under\\\\nspecial emergency circumstances.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n 5. Quorum.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nquorum of five members of the Steering Committee is required for the\\\\ntransaction of Steering Committee business.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VII. Branches.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Definition.\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nbranch is a subgroup of the Local consisting of at least five full\\\\nmembers in good standing with national DSA. Branches may be defined\\\\nby geography, work site, constituency (e.g., labor, minority,\\\\nfeminist), or area of political work (e.g., peace action,\\\\nenvironmental movement). The chairs of branches will hold membership\\\\non the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Youth Sections.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tBranches\\\\nestablished on college campuses and consisting of students will be\\\\ncalled Local Youth Sections. Youth Sections must have at least five\\\\nfull members in good standing with national DSA. The chairs of Local\\\\nYouth Sections will hold membership on the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 77, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:53:11.061Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:48:40.770Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I\\\\tName.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II Purpose.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III Membership.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Membership\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\n Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Dues</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IV Local Meetings\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section 1.\\\\u00a0 Local Convention</h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\\\u00a0 General Meetings.</h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings.</h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\\\u00a0 Quorum.</h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE V Local Officers: Powers and Duties\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Officers and Terms\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Vacancies.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIn\\\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\\\nthe term. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Co-Chairs.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\\\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\\\npolicies as the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tc.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n5. Treasurer.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n6. At-Large Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nAt-Large\\\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VI Steering Committee.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Composition.\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee will be composed of the Co-Chairs,\\\\ntreasurer, and up to 6 At-Large Members.</p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta)\\\\n The Steering Committee administers the affairs of the Local and\\\\noversees the implementation of the decisions of the General Meetings;\\\\nit may also create policy in-between Local Conventions. It shall\\\\nhave the power to receive reports of any Committee and advise\\\\nthereon, to call emergency meetings of the Local, and to act on any\\\\nmatter that requires immediate and urgent action. The Steering\\\\nCommittee is the regular Steering body of the Local, and thus\\\\nsubordinate to its Legislative bodies, the Local Convention. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb)\\\\n The Local Steering Committee will be responsible for establishing\\\\nprogram activities for the Local chapter, for proposing guidelines\\\\nand policies that will subsequently be voted on by full members of\\\\nDSA, and for acting on the organization\\\\u2019s\\\\nbehalf between Local meetings.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Termination of Steering Committee Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nSteering Committee may vote to remove a member from the committee in\\\\nthe event that the member is unable or unwilling to perform their\\\\nduties. Grounds for termination include: missing more than two (2)\\\\nSteering Committee meetings in a row, failure to participate in at\\\\nleast one (1) additional local ad hoc committee, mismanagement of\\\\nfunds, etc. The Steering Committee must notify the member in writing\\\\nof the termination and may request to appeal the decision at a\\\\nmeeting of the full Local. Reinstatement of a terminated Steering\\\\nCommittee member requires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n4. Meetings.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nmeetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of the\\\\nCo-Chairs at such intervals as may be determined by a prior Steering\\\\nCommittee Meeting or by consultation with any three members of the\\\\nSteering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must\\\\n(ordinarily) be given four days oral or written notice of regular\\\\nSteering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under\\\\nspecial emergency circumstances.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n 5. Quorum.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nquorum of five members of the Steering Committee is required for the\\\\ntransaction of Steering Committee business.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VII Branches.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Definition.\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nbranch is a subgroup of the Local consisting of at least five full\\\\nmembers in good standing with national DSA. Branches may be defined\\\\nby geography, work site, constituency (e.g., labor, minority,\\\\nfeminist), or area of political work (e.g., peace action,\\\\nenvironmental movement). The chairs of branches will hold membership\\\\non the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Youth Sections.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tBranches\\\\nestablished on college campuses and consisting of students will be\\\\ncalled Local Youth Sections. Youth Sections must have at least five\\\\nfull members in good standing with national DSA. The chairs of Local\\\\nYouth Sections will hold membership on the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VIII Committees\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n1. Duration.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal will have Ad Hoc Committees, which will exist for a limited and\\\\nexplicit duration. Ad Hoc Committees may be established by a vote of\\\\nfull members at a General Meeting of the Local or by the Steering\\\\nCommittee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n2. Duties.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tChairs\\\\nof Ad Hoc Committees will keep the Steering Committee and the General\\\\nMeetings of the Local informed on the activities of the committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IX Delegates to National, Regional, and State Bodies.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n <i>Section\\\\n1. Convention.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tLocal\\\\ndelegates and alternates to the National Convention will be elected\\\\nby the Local Steering Committee. Elections for the National\\\\nConvention delegation shall be held on the schedule announced by the\\\\nnational organization.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE X Prohibited Activity\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nPhiladelphia Local shall not engage in activity prohibited by the IRS\\\\nguidelines established for 501 (c) 4 organizations or similar rules\\\\nestablished by the state of Pennsylvania; Nor shall the local engage\\\\nin any activity prohibited by resolutions adopted by DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\nNational Convention or DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\nNational Political Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XI Nominations and Recalls.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n1. Nominations Committee.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nthree-person Nominations Committee shall be established at least one\\\\nmonth prior to every election by vote of a Local Convention. It\\\\nshall solicit and receive nominations for the positions to be\\\\nelected.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n2. Nominations Process.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tNominations\\\\nfor Local officers and delegates to the National Convention shall be\\\\nopened 30 days before and closed 5 days prior to the Local\\\\nConvention. The call for nominations shall be announced to full\\\\nmembers of DSA in advance of the General Meeting. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nlocal Steering Committee will release an application for nominees\\\\nthat must be submitted to the Steering Committee no less than 5 days\\\\nprior to the Local Convention for candidates to be eligible for the\\\\nelection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<br/>\\\\n\\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n\\\\tNo\\\\nmember may join the Steering Committee until they have been a dues\\\\npaying member and participated in the local for 6 consecutive months.\\\\n\\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n3. Uncontested Positions.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na position is uncontested, the nominee will be declared elected by\\\\nacclamation.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XII Amendments.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tProposed\\\\namendments to these Bylaws must be made by written resolution,\\\\nendorsed by five members of the Local chapter of DSA, and submitted\\\\nto the Steering Committee a month in advance of a General Meeting. \\\\nThe Steering Committee is required to provide the Local membership\\\\nwith two weeks\\\\u2019\\\\nwritten\\\\nnotice of the proposed amendments. The amendment must be approved by\\\\na majority vote of a General Meeting.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XIII Local Dues.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n\\\\tThe\\\\nLocal reserves the right to collect quarterly dues from full members,\\\\nin addition to the dues paid by members to DSA nationally. The amount\\\\nof local will be voted on in the budget during the Local Convention\\\\nor set by the Steering Committee. Local dues will be collected at the\\\\nGeneral Meeting. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XIV Rules of the Local\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n1. Rules.</i></p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nRules contained in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order, Newly Revised,\\\\nshall govern this Local in cases to which they are applicable and in\\\\nwhich they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws. Consensus\\\\ndecision-making is desirable where feasible, but meetings must submit\\\\nto Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order upon the request of a member.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n<i>Section\\\\n2. Action Out of Order.</i><br/>\\\\n<br/>\\\\n\\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tAny\\\\naction taken by an officer or member of the Local in contravention of\\\\nthese Bylaws is null and void.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<hr/><p>\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\tp { margin-bottom: 0.1in; border: medium none; padding: 0in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; page-break-inside: auto; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; }p.western { font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-size: 12pt; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 10); text-decoration: underline; }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n</p><p>\\\\n<i>The\\\\nabove bylaws were adopted on June 30th, 2016</i></p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 78, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:55:03.032Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:53:11.061Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I\\\\tName.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II Purpose.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III Membership.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Membership\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\n Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Dues</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IV Local Meetings\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section 1.\\\\u00a0 Local Convention</h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\\\u00a0 General Meetings.</h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings.</h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\\\u00a0 Quorum.</h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE V Local Officers: Powers and Duties\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Officers and Terms\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Vacancies.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIn\\\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\\\nthe term. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Co-Chairs.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\\\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\\\npolicies as the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tc.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n5. Treasurer.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n6. At-Large Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nAt-Large\\\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VI Steering Committee.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Composition.\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee will be composed of the Co-Chairs,\\\\ntreasurer, and up to 6 At-Large Members.</p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta)\\\\n The Steering Committee administers the affairs of the Local and\\\\noversees the implementation of the decisions of the General Meetings;\\\\nit may also create policy in-between Local Conventions. It shall\\\\nhave the power to receive reports of any Committee and advise\\\\nthereon, to call emergency meetings of the Local, and to act on any\\\\nmatter that requires immediate and urgent action. The Steering\\\\nCommittee is the regular Steering body of the Local, and thus\\\\nsubordinate to its Legislative bodies, the Local Convention. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb)\\\\n The Local Steering Committee will be responsible for establishing\\\\nprogram activities for the Local chapter, for proposing guidelines\\\\nand policies that will subsequently be voted on by full members of\\\\nDSA, and for acting on the organization\\\\u2019s\\\\nbehalf between Local meetings.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Termination of Steering Committee Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nSteering Committee may vote to remove a member from the committee in\\\\nthe event that the member is unable or unwilling to perform their\\\\nduties. Grounds for termination include: missing more than two (2)\\\\nSteering Committee meetings in a row, failure to participate in at\\\\nleast one (1) additional local ad hoc committee, mismanagement of\\\\nfunds, etc. The Steering Committee must notify the member in writing\\\\nof the termination and may request to appeal the decision at a\\\\nmeeting of the full Local. Reinstatement of a terminated Steering\\\\nCommittee member requires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n4. Meetings.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nmeetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of the\\\\nCo-Chairs at such intervals as may be determined by a prior Steering\\\\nCommittee Meeting or by consultation with any three members of the\\\\nSteering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must\\\\n(ordinarily) be given four days oral or written notice of regular\\\\nSteering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under\\\\nspecial emergency circumstances.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n 5. Quorum.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nquorum of five members of the Steering Committee is required for the\\\\ntransaction of Steering Committee business.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VII Branches.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Definition.\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nbranch is a subgroup of the Local consisting of at least five full\\\\nmembers in good standing with national DSA. Branches may be defined\\\\nby geography, work site, constituency (e.g., labor, minority,\\\\nfeminist), or area of political work (e.g., peace action,\\\\nenvironmental movement). The chairs of branches will hold membership\\\\non the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Youth Sections.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tBranches\\\\nestablished on college campuses and consisting of students will be\\\\ncalled Local Youth Sections. Youth Sections must have at least five\\\\nfull members in good standing with national DSA. The chairs of Local\\\\nYouth Sections will hold membership on the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VIII Committees\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Duration.\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal will have Ad Hoc Committees, which will exist for a limited and\\\\nexplicit duration. Ad Hoc Committees may be established by a vote of\\\\nfull members at a General Meeting of the Local or by the Steering\\\\nCommittee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tChairs\\\\nof Ad Hoc Committees will keep the Steering Committee and the General\\\\nMeetings of the Local informed on the activities of the committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IX Delegates to National, Regional, and State Bodies.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Convention.\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tLocal\\\\ndelegates and alternates to the National Convention will be elected\\\\nby the Local Steering Committee. Elections for the National\\\\nConvention delegation shall be held on the schedule announced by the\\\\nnational organization.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE X Prohibited Activity\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local shall not engage in activity prohibited by the IRS\\\\nguidelines established for 501 (c) 4 organizations or similar rules\\\\nestablished by the state of Pennsylvania; Nor shall the local engage\\\\nin any activity prohibited by resolutions adopted by DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\nNational Convention or DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\nNational Political Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XI Nominations and Recalls.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Nominations Committee.\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nthree-person Nominations Committee shall be established at least one\\\\nmonth prior to every election by vote of a Local Convention. It\\\\nshall solicit and receive nominations for the positions to be\\\\nelected.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Nominations Process.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tNominations\\\\nfor Local officers and delegates to the National Convention shall be\\\\nopened 30 days before and closed 5 days prior to the Local\\\\nConvention. The call for nominations shall be announced to full\\\\nmembers of DSA in advance of the General Meeting. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nlocal Steering Committee will release an application for nominees\\\\nthat must be submitted to the Steering Committee no less than 5 days\\\\nprior to the Local Convention for candidates to be eligible for the\\\\nelection.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n\\\\tNo\\\\nmember may join the Steering Committee until they have been a dues\\\\npaying member and participated in the local for 6 consecutive months.\\\\n\\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Uncontested Positions.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na position is uncontested, the nominee will be declared elected by\\\\nacclamation.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XII Amendments\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Proposed\\\\namendments to these Bylaws must be made by written resolution,\\\\nendorsed by five members of the Local chapter of DSA, and submitted\\\\nto the Steering Committee a month in advance of a General Meeting. \\\\nThe Steering Committee is required to provide the Local membership\\\\nwith two weeks\\\\u2019\\\\nwritten\\\\nnotice of the proposed amendments. The amendment must be approved by\\\\na majority vote of a General Meeting.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XIII Local Dues\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nLocal reserves the right to collect quarterly dues from full members,\\\\nin addition to the dues paid by members to DSA nationally. The amount\\\\nof local will be voted on in the budget during the Local Convention\\\\nor set by the Steering Committee. Local dues will be collected at the\\\\nGeneral Meeting. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XIV Rules of the Local\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Rules.\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nRules contained in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order, Newly Revised,\\\\nshall govern this Local in cases to which they are applicable and in\\\\nwhich they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws. Consensus\\\\ndecision-making is desirable where feasible, but meetings must submit\\\\nto Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order upon the request of a member.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p></p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Action Out of Order.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tAny\\\\naction taken by an officer or member of the Local in contravention of\\\\nthese Bylaws is null and void.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<hr/><p>\\\\n<i>The\\\\nabove bylaws were adopted on June 30th, 2016</i></p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 79, "fields": {"page": 9, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:56:33.323Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 9, \"path\": \"000100010004\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Structure & Organization\", \"slug\": \"about\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/about/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-09T20:30:17.049Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:34:54.921Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Organizational Chart\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Philadelphia DSA is volunteer-run and member-funded. Our \\\\norganization relies on the commitment and consistent work of our \\\\nmembers. Our Local structure consists of an elected Steering Committee, \\\\ntwo Co-Chairs and several project based and task based committees. The following organizational chart\\\\n demonstrates how these committees, the members and co-chairs relate to \\\\neach other. In addition we encourage all members to read and become \\\\nfamiliar with <a id=\\\\\\\"12\\\\\\\" linktype=\\\\\\\"page\\\\\\\">Philly DSA's Local Bylaws</a>.\\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"image\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"photo\\\": 3, \\\"photo_alignment\\\": \\\"center\\\", \\\"caption\\\": \\\"The DSA's Organizational Chart\\\", \\\"caption_alignment\\\": \\\"tl\\\"}}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The Steering Committee is made up of:</p><ul><li>Natalie Midiri (co-chair),</li><li>Adam \\\\nGoldman (co-chair),</li><li>Diane Isser,</li><li>Seth Kulick,</li><li>Paul Prescod,</li><li>Andrew Knox,</li><li>Joseph Schwartz, and<br/></li><li>Dustin Guastella.</li></ul>\\\\n\\\\n<p>Organizing Chairs: Sandra Lane, Sean Jin <br/>\\\\nOutreach Chair: David Backer<br/>\\\\nPolitical Education Chairs: Andrew Knox, Scott Jenkins<br/>\\\\nChildcare chair: Kat Edwards<br/>\\\\nSocial Chair: Jedidiah Sloboda</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Join the Philly DSA\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Sign Up to Join the Movement and Get Updates from our Activist List!\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Join the movement!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": 11, \\\"button_external_link\\\": \\\"\\\"}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 80, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:56:49.469Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:55:03.032Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I\\\\tName.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II Purpose.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III Membership.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Membership\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\n Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Dues</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IV Local Meetings\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section 1.\\\\u00a0 Local Convention</h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\\\u00a0 General Meetings.</h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings.</h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\\\u00a0 Quorum.</h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE V Local Officers: Powers and Duties\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Officers and Terms\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Vacancies.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIn\\\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\\\nthe term. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Co-Chairs.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\\\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\\\npolicies as the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tc.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n5. Treasurer.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n6. At-Large Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nAt-Large\\\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VI Steering Committee.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Composition.\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee will be composed of the Co-Chairs,\\\\ntreasurer, and up to 6 At-Large Members.</p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta)\\\\n The Steering Committee administers the affairs of the Local and\\\\noversees the implementation of the decisions of the General Meetings;\\\\nit may also create policy in-between Local Conventions. It shall\\\\nhave the power to receive reports of any Committee and advise\\\\nthereon, to call emergency meetings of the Local, and to act on any\\\\nmatter that requires immediate and urgent action. The Steering\\\\nCommittee is the regular Steering body of the Local, and thus\\\\nsubordinate to its Legislative bodies, the Local Convention. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb)\\\\n The Local Steering Committee will be responsible for establishing\\\\nprogram activities for the Local chapter, for proposing guidelines\\\\nand policies that will subsequently be voted on by full members of\\\\nDSA, and for acting on the organization\\\\u2019s\\\\nbehalf between Local meetings.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Termination of Steering Committee Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nSteering Committee may vote to remove a member from the committee in\\\\nthe event that the member is unable or unwilling to perform their\\\\nduties. Grounds for termination include: missing more than two (2)\\\\nSteering Committee meetings in a row, failure to participate in at\\\\nleast one (1) additional local ad hoc committee, mismanagement of\\\\nfunds, etc. The Steering Committee must notify the member in writing\\\\nof the termination and may request to appeal the decision at a\\\\nmeeting of the full Local. Reinstatement of a terminated Steering\\\\nCommittee member requires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n4. Meetings.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nmeetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of the\\\\nCo-Chairs at such intervals as may be determined by a prior Steering\\\\nCommittee Meeting or by consultation with any three members of the\\\\nSteering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must\\\\n(ordinarily) be given four days oral or written notice of regular\\\\nSteering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under\\\\nspecial emergency circumstances.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n 5. Quorum.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nquorum of five members of the Steering Committee is required for the\\\\ntransaction of Steering Committee business.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VII Branches.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Definition.\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nbranch is a subgroup of the Local consisting of at least five full\\\\nmembers in good standing with national DSA. Branches may be defined\\\\nby geography, work site, constituency (e.g., labor, minority,\\\\nfeminist), or area of political work (e.g., peace action,\\\\nenvironmental movement). The chairs of branches will hold membership\\\\non the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Youth Sections.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tBranches\\\\nestablished on college campuses and consisting of students will be\\\\ncalled Local Youth Sections. Youth Sections must have at least five\\\\nfull members in good standing with national DSA. The chairs of Local\\\\nYouth Sections will hold membership on the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VIII Committees\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Duration.\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal will have Ad Hoc Committees, which will exist for a limited and\\\\nexplicit duration. Ad Hoc Committees may be established by a vote of\\\\nfull members at a General Meeting of the Local or by the Steering\\\\nCommittee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tChairs\\\\nof Ad Hoc Committees will keep the Steering Committee and the General\\\\nMeetings of the Local informed on the activities of the committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IX Delegates to National, Regional, and State Bodies.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Convention.\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tLocal\\\\ndelegates and alternates to the National Convention will be elected\\\\nby the Local Steering Committee. Elections for the National\\\\nConvention delegation shall be held on the schedule announced by the\\\\nnational organization.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE X Prohibited Activity\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local shall not engage in activity prohibited by the IRS\\\\nguidelines established for 501 (c) 4 organizations or similar rules\\\\nestablished by the state of Pennsylvania; Nor shall the local engage\\\\nin any activity prohibited by resolutions adopted by DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\nNational Convention or DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\nNational Political Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XI Nominations and Recalls.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Nominations Committee.\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nthree-person Nominations Committee shall be established at least one\\\\nmonth prior to every election by vote of a Local Convention. It\\\\nshall solicit and receive nominations for the positions to be\\\\nelected.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Nominations Process.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tNominations\\\\nfor Local officers and delegates to the National Convention shall be\\\\nopened 30 days before and closed 5 days prior to the Local\\\\nConvention. The call for nominations shall be announced to full\\\\nmembers of DSA in advance of the General Meeting. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nlocal Steering Committee will release an application for nominees\\\\nthat must be submitted to the Steering Committee no less than 5 days\\\\nprior to the Local Convention for candidates to be eligible for the\\\\nelection.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n\\\\tNo\\\\nmember may join the Steering Committee until they have been a dues\\\\npaying member and participated in the local for 6 consecutive months.\\\\n\\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Uncontested Positions.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na position is uncontested, the nominee will be declared elected by\\\\nacclamation.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XII Amendments\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Proposed\\\\namendments to these Bylaws must be made by written resolution,\\\\nendorsed by five members of the Local chapter of DSA, and submitted\\\\nto the Steering Committee a month in advance of a General Meeting. \\\\nThe Steering Committee is required to provide the Local membership\\\\nwith two weeks\\\\u2019\\\\nwritten\\\\nnotice of the proposed amendments. The amendment must be approved by\\\\na majority vote of a General Meeting.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XIII Local Dues\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nLocal reserves the right to collect quarterly dues from full members,\\\\nin addition to the dues paid by members to DSA nationally. The amount\\\\nof local will be voted on in the budget during the Local Convention\\\\nor set by the Steering Committee. Local dues will be collected at the\\\\nGeneral Meeting. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XIV Rules of the Local\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Rules.\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nRules contained in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order, Newly Revised,\\\\nshall govern this Local in cases to which they are applicable and in\\\\nwhich they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws. Consensus\\\\ndecision-making is desirable where feasible, but meetings must submit\\\\nto Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order upon the request of a member.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p></p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Action Out of Order.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tAny\\\\naction taken by an officer or member of the Local in contravention of\\\\nthese Bylaws is null and void.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<hr/><p>\\\\n<i>The\\\\nabove bylaws were adopted on June 30th, 2016</i></p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 81, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-16T10:59:30.904Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:56:49.469Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I\\\\tName\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II Purpose\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III Membership\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Membership\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\n Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Dues</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IV Local Meetings\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section 1.\\\\u00a0 Local Convention <br/></h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\\\u00a0 General Meetings <br/></h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings <br/></h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\\\u00a0 Quorum <br/></h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE V Local Officers: Powers and Duties\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Officers and Terms\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Vacancies <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIn\\\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\\\nthe term. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Co-Chairs <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\\\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\\\npolicies as the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tc.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n5. Treasurer <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n6. At-Large Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nAt-Large\\\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VI Steering Committee\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Composition\\\\u00a0\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee will be composed of the Co-Chairs,\\\\ntreasurer, and up to 6 At-Large Members.</p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta)\\\\n The Steering Committee administers the affairs of the Local and\\\\noversees the implementation of the decisions of the General Meetings;\\\\nit may also create policy in-between Local Conventions. It shall\\\\nhave the power to receive reports of any Committee and advise\\\\nthereon, to call emergency meetings of the Local, and to act on any\\\\nmatter that requires immediate and urgent action. The Steering\\\\nCommittee is the regular Steering body of the Local, and thus\\\\nsubordinate to its Legislative bodies, the Local Convention. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb)\\\\n The Local Steering Committee will be responsible for establishing\\\\nprogram activities for the Local chapter, for proposing guidelines\\\\nand policies that will subsequently be voted on by full members of\\\\nDSA, and for acting on the organization\\\\u2019s\\\\nbehalf between Local meetings.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Termination of Steering Committee Members <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nSteering Committee may vote to remove a member from the committee in\\\\nthe event that the member is unable or unwilling to perform their\\\\nduties. Grounds for termination include: missing more than two (2)\\\\nSteering Committee meetings in a row, failure to participate in at\\\\nleast one (1) additional local ad hoc committee, mismanagement of\\\\nfunds, etc. The Steering Committee must notify the member in writing\\\\nof the termination and may request to appeal the decision at a\\\\nmeeting of the full Local. Reinstatement of a terminated Steering\\\\nCommittee member requires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n4. Meetings <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nmeetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of the\\\\nCo-Chairs at such intervals as may be determined by a prior Steering\\\\nCommittee Meeting or by consultation with any three members of the\\\\nSteering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must\\\\n(ordinarily) be given four days oral or written notice of regular\\\\nSteering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under\\\\nspecial emergency circumstances.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n 5. Quorum <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nquorum of five members of the Steering Committee is required for the\\\\ntransaction of Steering Committee business.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VII Branches\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Definition\\\\u00a0\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nbranch is a subgroup of the Local consisting of at least five full\\\\nmembers in good standing with national DSA. Branches may be defined\\\\nby geography, work site, constituency (e.g., labor, minority,\\\\nfeminist), or area of political work (e.g., peace action,\\\\nenvironmental movement). The chairs of branches will hold membership\\\\non the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Youth Sections <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tBranches\\\\nestablished on college campuses and consisting of students will be\\\\ncalled Local Youth Sections. Youth Sections must have at least five\\\\nfull members in good standing with national DSA. The chairs of Local\\\\nYouth Sections will hold membership on the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VIII Committees\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Duration\\\\u00a0\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal will have Ad Hoc Committees, which will exist for a limited and\\\\nexplicit duration. Ad Hoc Committees may be established by a vote of\\\\nfull members at a General Meeting of the Local or by the Steering\\\\nCommittee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tChairs\\\\nof Ad Hoc Committees will keep the Steering Committee and the General\\\\nMeetings of the Local informed on the activities of the committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IX Delegates to National, Regional, and State Bodies\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Convention\\\\u00a0\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tLocal\\\\ndelegates and alternates to the National Convention will be elected\\\\nby the Local Steering Committee. Elections for the National\\\\nConvention delegation shall be held on the schedule announced by the\\\\nnational organization.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE X Prohibited Activity\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local shall not engage in activity prohibited by the IRS\\\\nguidelines established for 501 (c) 4 organizations or similar rules\\\\nestablished by the state of Pennsylvania; Nor shall the local engage\\\\nin any activity prohibited by resolutions adopted by DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\nNational Convention or DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\nNational Political Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XI Nominations and Recalls\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Nominations Committee\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nthree-person Nominations Committee shall be established at least one\\\\nmonth prior to every election by vote of a Local Convention. It\\\\nshall solicit and receive nominations for the positions to be\\\\nelected.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Nominations Process <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tNominations\\\\nfor Local officers and delegates to the National Convention shall be\\\\nopened 30 days before and closed 5 days prior to the Local\\\\nConvention. The call for nominations shall be announced to full\\\\nmembers of DSA in advance of the General Meeting. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nlocal Steering Committee will release an application for nominees\\\\nthat must be submitted to the Steering Committee no less than 5 days\\\\nprior to the Local Convention for candidates to be eligible for the\\\\nelection.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n\\\\tNo\\\\nmember may join the Steering Committee until they have been a dues\\\\npaying member and participated in the local for 6 consecutive months.\\\\n\\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Uncontested Positions <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na position is uncontested, the nominee will be declared elected by\\\\nacclamation.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XII Amendments\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Proposed\\\\namendments to these Bylaws must be made by written resolution,\\\\nendorsed by five members of the Local chapter of DSA, and submitted\\\\nto the Steering Committee a month in advance of a General Meeting. \\\\nThe Steering Committee is required to provide the Local membership\\\\nwith two weeks\\\\u2019\\\\nwritten\\\\nnotice of the proposed amendments. The amendment must be approved by\\\\na majority vote of a General Meeting.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XIII Local Dues\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nLocal reserves the right to collect quarterly dues from full members,\\\\nin addition to the dues paid by members to DSA nationally. The amount\\\\nof local will be voted on in the budget during the Local Convention\\\\nor set by the Steering Committee. Local dues will be collected at the\\\\nGeneral Meeting. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XIV Rules of the Local\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Rules\\\\u00a0\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nRules contained in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order, Newly Revised,\\\\nshall govern this Local in cases to which they are applicable and in\\\\nwhich they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws. Consensus\\\\ndecision-making is desirable where feasible, but meetings must submit\\\\nto Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order upon the request of a member.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p></p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Action Out of Order <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tAny\\\\naction taken by an officer or member of the Local in contravention of\\\\nthese Bylaws is null and void.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<hr/><p>\\\\n<i>The\\\\nabove bylaws were adopted on June 30th, 2016</i></p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 82, "fields": {"page": 11, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-17T10:24:37.662Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 11, \"path\": \"000100010006\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Join the Movement\", \"slug\": \"join\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/join/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-15T17:50:10.968Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:33:18.395Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Are you looking for a way to fight the corporate power structure guiding a misguided system? Do you think capitalism is an exploitative and unfair system rigged to help the ultra-wealthy? Do you think Leftist Twitter is the Bestest Twitter? Well (if you\\\\u2019re in Philadelphia or the surrounding area) have we got an opportunity for you! </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Class struggle is more expensive than you\\\\u2019d think. You\\\\u2019ve got space \\\\nrental for meetings, sign printing for marches, guillotine manufacturing\\\\n for\\\\u2026this and that. So to help offset the cost of operations for the \\\\nPhilly DSA <a href=\\\\\\\"http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3QA/ni0YAA/t.270/Dp5fnQZ0Rdadk2zrX1h7EQ/h6/WQ-2BlIwq7W2eCmkkcwbDiBSD9p4T6xn7Ql1kXw4yNsteqp7UszUDaV4aVX4Fypyy-2FY1vh5a7phLUwA4XxALbNpir7k5oqJTGxSyxYvu4sB5tpr8m1ww4PnpdMqRCDzYapzcWDYepH5nod2735gEJ7lsCxBeP34Fz2R2IE7kSXXPqNK9TlI-2BSLXZMztZ5gi8GGVhhEO1RNxcudDavs3ew7f0L7K5rvLfP1jzFGN8zx2Qmwu8HjoUpVudjZ5zsl42jqiZSzqWezix1714aqzLj8c-2BQDp7P58Kx4ko-2BKOCOZoLJa9-2BXs2O65B9P6lkdxxn9UjdH-2FM8iu3S4g0Z28UR7aXw-3D-3D\\\\\\\">you can now pay dues directly to the local chapter</a>.\\\\n If you\\\\u2019re saying \\\\u2013 hey, why did I get that card that I posted to \\\\nTwitter when I became a dues paying member \\\\u2013 you\\\\u2019re paying up to the \\\\nNational. This is to pay straight into the coffers of the local for \\\\ncosts related to the operation of the chapter. <a id=\\\\\\\"10\\\\\\\" linktype=\\\\\\\"page\\\\\\\">Contact us</a> with questions\\\\n and then give us your money!</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Please pay your dues, folks\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Give us money!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": null, \\\"button_external_link\\\": \\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\"}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 83, "fields": {"page": 11, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-17T10:52:55.523Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 11, \"path\": \"000100010006\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Join the Movement\", \"slug\": \"join\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/join/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-15T17:50:10.968Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-17T10:24:37.662Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Are you looking for a way to fight the corporate power structure guiding a misguided system? Do you think capitalism is an exploitative and unfair system rigged to help the ultra-wealthy? Do you think Leftist Twitter is the Bestest Twitter? Well (if you\\\\u2019re in Philadelphia or the surrounding area) have we got an opportunity for you! </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Class struggle is more expensive than you\\\\u2019d think. You\\\\u2019ve got space \\\\nrental for meetings, sign printing for marches, guillotine manufacturing\\\\n for\\\\u2026this and that. So to help offset the cost of operations for the \\\\nPhilly DSA <a href=\\\\\\\"http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3QA/ni0YAA/t.270/Dp5fnQZ0Rdadk2zrX1h7EQ/h6/WQ-2BlIwq7W2eCmkkcwbDiBSD9p4T6xn7Ql1kXw4yNsteqp7UszUDaV4aVX4Fypyy-2FY1vh5a7phLUwA4XxALbNpir7k5oqJTGxSyxYvu4sB5tpr8m1ww4PnpdMqRCDzYapzcWDYepH5nod2735gEJ7lsCxBeP34Fz2R2IE7kSXXPqNK9TlI-2BSLXZMztZ5gi8GGVhhEO1RNxcudDavs3ew7f0L7K5rvLfP1jzFGN8zx2Qmwu8HjoUpVudjZ5zsl42jqiZSzqWezix1714aqzLj8c-2BQDp7P58Kx4ko-2BKOCOZoLJa9-2BXs2O65B9P6lkdxxn9UjdH-2FM8iu3S4g0Z28UR7aXw-3D-3D\\\\\\\">you can now pay dues directly to the local chapter</a>.\\\\n If you\\\\u2019re saying \\\\u2013 hey, why did I get that card that I posted to \\\\nTwitter when I became a dues paying member \\\\u2013 you\\\\u2019re paying up to the \\\\nNational. This is to pay straight into the coffers of the local for \\\\ncosts related to the operation of the chapter. <a id=\\\\\\\"10\\\\\\\" linktype=\\\\\\\"page\\\\\\\">Contact us</a> with questions\\\\n and then give us your money!</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"How Do Membership and Dues Work?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; }a:link { color: rgb(5, 99, 193); }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\nDSA is a membership-driven organization. That means that all\\\\noperations, events, and campaigns are funded by our members\\\\u2019 dues.\\\\nThis ensures that DSA members are in full democratic and political\\\\ncontrol of our organization and that we are never reliant on\\\\ndonations or private funding. Dues start at $40 per year for the\\\\nlocal and <a href=\\\\\\\"https://dsausa.nationbuilder.com/join\\\\\\\">$45\\\\nper year for the national organization</a> and entitle all\\\\nmembers to organizational resources and a vote within the\\\\norganization. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What Do Dues Go Toward?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\tp { margin-bottom: 0.1in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; }a:link { color: rgb(5, 99, 193);There are two types of dues we ask our members to pay, national and\\\\nlocal.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>Local dues pay for everything you see here in Philadelphia, including\\\\nfacilities, equipment, special events, and campaigns. They give us\\\\nthe ability to support unique initiatives, organize our membership,\\\\ninfluence politics within the greater Philadelphia area, build\\\\ninfrastructure, and provide meeting spaces to our members.\\\\n\\\\n</p>p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; }a:link { color: rgb(5, 99, 193); }There are two types of dues we ask our members to pay, national and\\\\nlocal.\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Please pay your dues, folks\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Give us money!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": null, \\\"button_external_link\\\": \\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\"}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 84, "fields": {"page": 11, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-17T10:55:23.509Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 11, \"path\": \"000100010006\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Join the Movement\", \"slug\": \"join\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/join/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-15T17:50:10.968Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-17T10:52:55.523Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Are you looking for a way to fight the corporate power structure guiding a misguided system? Do you think capitalism is an exploitative and unfair system rigged to help the ultra-wealthy? Do you think Leftist Twitter is the Bestest Twitter? Well (if you\\\\u2019re in Philadelphia or the surrounding area) have we got an opportunity for you! </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Class struggle is more expensive than you\\\\u2019d think. You\\\\u2019ve got space \\\\nrental for meetings, sign printing for marches, guillotine manufacturing\\\\n for\\\\u2026this and that. So to help offset the cost of operations for the \\\\nPhilly DSA <a href=\\\\\\\"http://click.actionnetwork.org/mpss/c/3QA/ni0YAA/t.270/Dp5fnQZ0Rdadk2zrX1h7EQ/h6/WQ-2BlIwq7W2eCmkkcwbDiBSD9p4T6xn7Ql1kXw4yNsteqp7UszUDaV4aVX4Fypyy-2FY1vh5a7phLUwA4XxALbNpir7k5oqJTGxSyxYvu4sB5tpr8m1ww4PnpdMqRCDzYapzcWDYepH5nod2735gEJ7lsCxBeP34Fz2R2IE7kSXXPqNK9TlI-2BSLXZMztZ5gi8GGVhhEO1RNxcudDavs3ew7f0L7K5rvLfP1jzFGN8zx2Qmwu8HjoUpVudjZ5zsl42jqiZSzqWezix1714aqzLj8c-2BQDp7P58Kx4ko-2BKOCOZoLJa9-2BXs2O65B9P6lkdxxn9UjdH-2FM8iu3S4g0Z28UR7aXw-3D-3D\\\\\\\">you can now pay dues directly to the local chapter</a>.\\\\n If you\\\\u2019re saying \\\\u2013 hey, why did I get that card that I posted to \\\\nTwitter when I became a dues paying member \\\\u2013 you\\\\u2019re paying up to the \\\\nNational. This is to pay straight into the coffers of the local for \\\\ncosts related to the operation of the chapter. <a id=\\\\\\\"10\\\\\\\" linktype=\\\\\\\"page\\\\\\\">Contact us</a> with questions\\\\n and then give us your money!</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"How Do Membership and Dues Work?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>DSA is a membership-driven organization. That means that all\\\\noperations, events, and campaigns are funded by our members\\\\u2019 dues.\\\\nThis ensures that DSA members are in full democratic and political\\\\ncontrol of our organization and that we are never reliant on\\\\ndonations or private funding. Dues start at <a href=\\\\\\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\\\\\">$40 per year for the local</a> and <a href=\\\\\\\"https://dsausa.nationbuilder.com/join\\\\\\\">$45\\\\nper year for the national organization</a> and entitle all\\\\nmembers to organizational resources and a vote within the\\\\norganization. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What Do Dues Go Toward?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\tThere are two types of dues we ask our members to pay, national and\\\\nlocal.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>Local dues pay for everything you see here in Philadelphia, including\\\\nfacilities, equipment, special events, and campaigns. They give us\\\\nthe ability to support unique initiatives, organize our membership,\\\\ninfluence politics within the greater Philadelphia area, build\\\\ninfrastructure, and provide meeting spaces to our members. <br/></p><p>\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\tp { margin-bottom: 0.1in; direction: ltr; line-height: 120%; text-align: left; }a:link { color: rgb(5, 99, 193); }\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n</p><p>\\\\nNational dues go to DSA USA, and pay for infrastructure, campaigns,\\\\nand offices. These can be paid for <a href=\\\\\\\"https://dsausa.nationbuilder.com/join\\\\\\\">here</a>.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Please pay your dues, folks\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Give us money!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": null, \\\"button_external_link\\\": \\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\"}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 85, "fields": {"page": 11, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-17T10:56:38.238Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 11, \"path\": \"000100010006\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Join the Movement\", \"slug\": \"join\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/join/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-15T17:50:10.968Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-17T10:55:23.509Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Are you looking for a way to fight the corporate power structure guiding a misguided system? Do you think capitalism is an exploitative and unfair system rigged to help the ultra-wealthy? Do you think Leftist Twitter is the Bestest Twitter? Well (if you\\\\u2019re in Philadelphia or the surrounding area) have we got an opportunity for you! </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Class struggle is more expensive than you\\\\u2019d think. You\\\\u2019ve got space \\\\nrental for meetings, sign printing for marches, guillotine manufacturing\\\\n for\\\\u2026this and that. 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This is to pay straight into the coffers of the local for \\\\ncosts related to the operation of the chapter. <a id=\\\\\\\"10\\\\\\\" linktype=\\\\\\\"page\\\\\\\">Contact us</a> with questions\\\\n and then give us your money!</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"How Do Membership and Dues Work?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>DSA is a membership-driven organization. That means that all\\\\noperations, events, and campaigns are funded by our members\\\\u2019 dues.\\\\nThis ensures that DSA members are in full democratic and political\\\\ncontrol of our organization and that we are never reliant on\\\\ndonations or private funding. 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They give us\\\\nthe ability to support unique initiatives, organize our membership,\\\\ninfluence politics within the greater Philadelphia area, build\\\\ninfrastructure, and provide meeting spaces to our members. <br/></p><p>\\\\nNational dues go to DSA USA, and pay for infrastructure, campaigns,\\\\nand offices. These can be paid <a href=\\\\\\\"https://dsausa.nationbuilder.com/join\\\\\\\">here</a>.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Why Should I Become a Dues Paying Member?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Funds are crucial to our ability to function as a robust, effective chapter, and every penny counts. As much as we may wish otherwise, political organization requires money. Local dues will allow us to continue to grow, develop membership, and contribute to the overall goals of the DSA. By becoming a dues-paying member, you\\\\u2019re helping to prove that effective mobilization can be done democratically, without massive donations or private fundraising.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Can I Come to Meetings if I Don\\\\u2019t or Can\\\\u2019t Afford to Pay Dues?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Yes! Meetings are open to anyone who would like to listen in and participate in campaigns, but only National dues paying members will be able to vote on initiatives and participate in any democratically controlled mechanisms within the chapter. Essentially - National dues are the formal requirement for DSA membership and local dues enable us to effectively operate at the local level. We really do rely on this to fund our organization so we encourage everyone to pay in, but we\\\\u2019ll never turn you away.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Please pay your dues, folks\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Give us money!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": null, \\\"button_external_link\\\": \\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\"}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 86, "fields": {"page": 11, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-17T10:57:33.659Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 11, \"path\": \"000100010006\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Join the Movement\", \"slug\": \"join\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": true, \"url_path\": \"/home/join/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-15T17:50:10.968Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-17T10:56:38.238Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Are you looking for a way to fight the corporate power structure guiding a misguided system? Do you think capitalism is an exploitative and unfair system rigged to help the ultra-wealthy? Do you think Leftist Twitter is the Bestest Twitter? Well (if you\\\\u2019re in Philadelphia or the surrounding area) have we got an opportunity for you! </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Class struggle is more expensive than you\\\\u2019d think. You\\\\u2019ve got space \\\\nrental for meetings, sign printing for marches, guillotine manufacturing\\\\n for\\\\u2026this and that. 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This is to pay straight into the coffers of the local for \\\\ncosts related to the operation of the chapter. <a id=\\\\\\\"10\\\\\\\" linktype=\\\\\\\"page\\\\\\\">Contact us</a> with questions\\\\n and then give us your money!</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"How Do Membership and Dues Work?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>DSA is a membership-driven organization. That means that all\\\\noperations, events, and campaigns are funded by our members\\\\u2019 dues.\\\\nThis ensures that DSA members are in full democratic and political\\\\ncontrol of our organization and that we are never reliant on\\\\ndonations or private funding. 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They give us\\\\nthe ability to support unique initiatives, organize our membership,\\\\ninfluence politics within the greater Philadelphia area, build\\\\ninfrastructure, and provide meeting spaces to our members. <br/></p><p>\\\\nNational dues go to DSA USA, and pay for infrastructure, campaigns,\\\\nand offices. These can be paid <a href=\\\\\\\"https://dsausa.nationbuilder.com/join\\\\\\\">here</a>.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Why Should I Become a Dues Paying Member?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Funds are crucial to our ability to function as a robust, effective chapter, and every penny counts. As much as we may wish otherwise, political organization requires money. Local dues will allow us to continue to grow, develop membership, and contribute to the overall goals of the DSA. By becoming a dues-paying member, you\\\\u2019re helping to prove that effective mobilization can be done democratically, without massive donations or private fundraising.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Can I Come to Meetings if I Don\\\\u2019t or Can\\\\u2019t Afford to Pay Dues?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Yes! Meetings are open to anyone who would like to listen in and participate in campaigns, but only National dues paying members will be able to vote on initiatives and participate in any democratically controlled mechanisms within the chapter. Essentially - National dues are the formal requirement for DSA membership and local dues enable us to effectively operate at the local level. We really do rely on this to fund our organization so we encourage everyone to pay in, but we\\\\u2019ll never turn you away.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Please pay your dues, folks\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Give us money!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": null, \\\"button_external_link\\\": \\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\"}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 87, "fields": {"page": 9, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-17T11:00:14.362Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 9, \"path\": \"000100010004\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Structure & Organization\", \"slug\": \"about\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/about/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-09T20:30:17.049Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:56:33.323Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Organizational Chart\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Philadelphia DSA is volunteer-run and member-funded. Our \\\\norganization relies on the commitment and consistent work of our \\\\nmembers. Our Local structure consists of an elected Steering Committee, \\\\ntwo Co-Chairs and several project based and task based committees. The following organizational chart\\\\n demonstrates how these committees, the members and co-chairs relate to \\\\neach other. In addition we encourage all members to read and become \\\\nfamiliar with <a id=\\\\\\\"12\\\\\\\" linktype=\\\\\\\"page\\\\\\\">Philly DSA's Local Bylaws</a>.\\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"image\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"photo\\\": 3, \\\"photo_alignment\\\": \\\"center\\\", \\\"caption\\\": \\\"The DSA's Organizational Chart\\\", \\\"caption_alignment\\\": \\\"tl\\\"}}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Committees\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The Steering Committee is made up of:</p><ul><li>Natalie Midiri (co-chair),</li><li>Adam \\\\nGoldman (co-chair),</li><li>Diane Isser,</li><li>Seth Kulick,</li><li>Paul Prescod,</li><li>Andrew Knox,</li><li>Joseph Schwartz, and<br/></li><li>Dustin Guastella.</li></ul>\\\\n\\\\n<p>Organizing Chairs: Sandra Lane, Sean Jin <br/>\\\\nOutreach Chair: David Backer<br/>\\\\nPolitical Education Chairs: Andrew Knox, Scott Jenkins<br/>\\\\nChildcare chair: Kat Edwards<br/>\\\\nSocial Chair: Jedidiah Sloboda</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Join the Philly DSA\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Sign Up to Join the Movement and Get Updates from our Activist List!\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Join the movement!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": 11, \\\"button_external_link\\\": \\\"\\\"}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 88, "fields": {"page": 11, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-17T11:04:01.264Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 11, \"path\": \"000100010006\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Join the Movement\", \"slug\": \"join\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/join/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-15T17:50:10.968Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-17T10:57:33.659Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Are you looking for a way to fight the corporate power structure guiding a misguided system? Do you think capitalism is an exploitative and unfair system rigged to help the ultra-wealthy? Do you think Leftist Twitter is the Bestest Twitter? Well (if you\\\\u2019re in Philadelphia or the surrounding area) have we got an opportunity for you! </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"How Do Membership and Dues Work?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>DSA is a membership-driven organization. That means that all\\\\noperations, events, and campaigns are funded by our members\\\\u2019 dues.\\\\nThis ensures that DSA members are in full democratic and political\\\\ncontrol of our organization and that we are never reliant on\\\\ndonations or private funding. Dues start at <a href=\\\\\\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\\\\\">$40 per year for the local</a> and <a href=\\\\\\\"https://dsausa.nationbuilder.com/join\\\\\\\">$45\\\\nper year for the national organization</a> and entitle all\\\\nmembers to organizational resources and a vote within the\\\\norganization. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What Do Dues Go Toward?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\tThere are two types of dues we ask our members to pay, national and\\\\nlocal.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p><a href=\\\\\\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\\\\\">Local dues</a> pay for everything you see here in Philadelphia, including\\\\nfacilities, equipment, special events, and campaigns. They give us\\\\nthe ability to support unique initiatives, organize our membership,\\\\ninfluence politics within the greater Philadelphia area, build\\\\ninfrastructure, and provide meeting spaces to our members. <br/></p><p>\\\\nNational dues go to DSA USA, and pay for infrastructure, campaigns,\\\\nand offices. These can be paid <a href=\\\\\\\"https://dsausa.nationbuilder.com/join\\\\\\\">here</a>.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Why Should I Become a Dues Paying Member?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Funds are crucial to our ability to function as a robust, effective chapter, and every penny counts. As much as we may wish otherwise, political organization requires money. Local dues will allow us to continue to grow, develop membership, and contribute to the overall goals of the DSA. By becoming a dues-paying member, you\\\\u2019re helping to prove that effective mobilization can be done democratically, without massive donations or private fundraising.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"h1\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Can I Come to Meetings if I Don\\\\u2019t or Can\\\\u2019t Afford to Pay Dues?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Yes! Meetings are open to anyone who would like to listen in and participate in campaigns, but only National dues paying members will be able to vote on initiatives and participate in any democratically controlled mechanisms within the chapter. Essentially - National dues are the formal requirement for DSA membership and local dues enable us to effectively operate at the local level. We really do rely on this to fund our organization so we encourage everyone to pay in, but we\\\\u2019ll never turn you away.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Please pay your dues, folks\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Give us money!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": null, \\\"button_external_link\\\": \\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\"}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 89, "fields": {"page": 11, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-17T11:08:12.435Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 11, \"path\": \"000100010006\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Join the Movement\", \"slug\": \"join\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/join/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-15T17:50:10.968Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-17T11:04:01.264Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Are you looking for a way to fight the corporate power structure guiding a misguided system? Do you think capitalism is an exploitative and unfair system rigged to help the ultra-wealthy? Do you think Leftist Twitter is the Bestest Twitter? Well (if you\\\\u2019re in Philadelphia or the surrounding area) have we got an opportunity for you! </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"How Do Membership and Dues Work?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>DSA is a membership-driven organization. That means that all\\\\noperations, events, and campaigns are funded by our members\\\\u2019 dues.\\\\nThis ensures that DSA members are in full democratic and political\\\\ncontrol of our organization and that we are never reliant on\\\\ndonations or private funding. Dues start at <a href=\\\\\\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\\\\\">$40 per year for the local</a> and <a href=\\\\\\\"https://dsausa.nationbuilder.com/join\\\\\\\">$45\\\\nper year for the national organization</a> and entitle all\\\\nmembers to organizational resources and a vote within the\\\\norganization. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"What Do Dues Go Toward?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\t\\\\n\\\\tThere are two types of dues we ask our members to pay, national and\\\\nlocal.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p><a href=\\\\\\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\\\\\">Local dues</a> pay for everything you see here in Philadelphia, including\\\\nfacilities, equipment, special events, and campaigns. They give us\\\\nthe ability to support unique initiatives, organize our membership,\\\\ninfluence politics within the greater Philadelphia area, build\\\\ninfrastructure, and provide meeting spaces to our members. <br/></p><p>\\\\nNational dues go to DSA USA, and pay for infrastructure, campaigns,\\\\nand offices. These can be paid <a href=\\\\\\\"https://dsausa.nationbuilder.com/join\\\\\\\">here</a>.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Why Should I Become a Dues Paying Member?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Funds are crucial to our ability to function as a robust, effective chapter, and every penny counts. As much as we may wish otherwise, political organization requires money. Local dues will allow us to continue to grow, develop membership, and contribute to the overall goals of the DSA. By becoming a dues-paying member, you\\\\u2019re helping to prove that effective mobilization can be done democratically, without massive donations or private fundraising.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"Can I Come to Meetings if I Don\\\\u2019t or Can\\\\u2019t Afford to Pay Dues?\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Yes! Meetings are open to anyone who would like to listen in and participate in campaigns, but only National dues paying members will be able to vote on initiatives and participate in any democratically controlled mechanisms within the chapter. Essentially - National dues are the formal requirement for DSA membership and local dues enable us to effectively operate at the local level. We really do rely on this to fund our organization so we encourage everyone to pay in, but we\\\\u2019ll never turn you away.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"call_to_action\\\", \\\"value\\\": {\\\"title\\\": \\\"Local Dues\\\", \\\"cta_copy\\\": \\\"Please pay your dues, folks\\\", \\\"button_title\\\": \\\"Give us money!\\\", \\\"button_link\\\": null, \\\"button_external_link\\\": \\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\"}}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 90, "fields": {"page": 12, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-17T15:48:47.473Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 12, \"path\": \"000100010007\", \"depth\": 3, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"Bylaws of the Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America\", \"slug\": \"bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america\", \"content_type\": 31, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/bylaws-philadelphia-democratic-socialists-america/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:40:08.234Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-05-16T10:59:30.904Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE I\\\\tName\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE II Purpose\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\\\nquo.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tDSA\\\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nOur\\\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\\\nindependent trade unions, women\\\\u2019s\\\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nWe\\\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\\\nthe population.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE III Membership\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Membership\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tMembers\\\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\n Section\\\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Dues</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\\\ndonations for its members.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IV Local Meetings\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section 1.\\\\u00a0 Local Convention <br/></h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\\\u00a0 General Meetings <br/></h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings <br/></h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\\\u00a0 Quorum <br/></h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE V Local Officers: Powers and Duties\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Officers and Terms\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Vacancies <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIn\\\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\\\nthe term. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Co-Chairs <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\\\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\\\npolicies as the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\\\u2019s\\\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tc.\\\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n5. Treasurer <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n6. At-Large Members.</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\nAt-Large\\\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VI Steering Committee\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Composition\\\\u00a0\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal Steering Committee will be composed of the Co-Chairs,\\\\ntreasurer, and up to 6 At-Large Members.</p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\ta)\\\\n The Steering Committee administers the affairs of the Local and\\\\noversees the implementation of the decisions of the General Meetings;\\\\nit may also create policy in-between Local Conventions. It shall\\\\nhave the power to receive reports of any Committee and advise\\\\nthereon, to call emergency meetings of the Local, and to act on any\\\\nmatter that requires immediate and urgent action. The Steering\\\\nCommittee is the regular Steering body of the Local, and thus\\\\nsubordinate to its Legislative bodies, the Local Convention. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tb)\\\\n The Local Steering Committee will be responsible for establishing\\\\nprogram activities for the Local chapter, for proposing guidelines\\\\nand policies that will subsequently be voted on by full members of\\\\nDSA, and for acting on the organization\\\\u2019s\\\\nbehalf between Local meetings.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Termination of Steering Committee Members <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nSteering Committee may vote to remove a member from the committee in\\\\nthe event that the member is unable or unwilling to perform their\\\\nduties. Grounds for termination include: missing more than two (2)\\\\nSteering Committee meetings in a row, failure to participate in at\\\\nleast one (1) additional local ad hoc committee, mismanagement of\\\\nfunds, etc. The Steering Committee must notify the member in writing\\\\nof the termination and may request to appeal the decision at a\\\\nmeeting of the full Local. Reinstatement of a terminated Steering\\\\nCommittee member requires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n4. Meetings <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nmeetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of the\\\\nCo-Chairs at such intervals as may be determined by a prior Steering\\\\nCommittee Meeting or by consultation with any three members of the\\\\nSteering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must\\\\n(ordinarily) be given four days oral or written notice of regular\\\\nSteering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under\\\\nspecial emergency circumstances.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n 5. Quorum <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nquorum of five members of the Steering Committee is required for the\\\\ntransaction of Steering Committee business.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VII Branches\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Definition\\\\u00a0\\\\n</h5><p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nbranch is a subgroup of the Local consisting of at least five full\\\\nmembers in good standing with national DSA. Branches may be defined\\\\nby geography, work site, constituency (e.g., labor, minority,\\\\nfeminist), or area of political work (e.g., peace action,\\\\nenvironmental movement). The chairs of branches will hold membership\\\\non the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Youth Sections <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tBranches\\\\nestablished on college campuses and consisting of students will be\\\\ncalled Local Youth Sections. Youth Sections must have at least five\\\\nfull members in good standing with national DSA. The chairs of Local\\\\nYouth Sections will hold membership on the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE VIII Committees\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Duration\\\\u00a0\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nLocal will have Ad Hoc Committees, which will exist for a limited and\\\\nexplicit duration. Ad Hoc Committees may be established by a vote of\\\\nfull members at a General Meeting of the Local or by the Steering\\\\nCommittee.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Duties <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tChairs\\\\nof Ad Hoc Committees will keep the Steering Committee and the General\\\\nMeetings of the Local informed on the activities of the committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE IX Delegates to National, Regional, and State Bodies\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Convention\\\\u00a0\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tLocal\\\\ndelegates and alternates to the National Convention will be elected\\\\nby the Local Steering Committee. Elections for the National\\\\nConvention delegation shall be held on the schedule announced by the\\\\nnational organization.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE X Prohibited Activity\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nPhiladelphia Local shall not engage in activity prohibited by the IRS\\\\nguidelines established for 501 (c) 4 organizations or similar rules\\\\nestablished by the state of Pennsylvania; Nor shall the local engage\\\\nin any activity prohibited by resolutions adopted by DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\nNational Convention or DSA\\\\u2019s\\\\nNational Political Committee.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XI Nominations and Recalls\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Nominations Committee\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tA\\\\nthree-person Nominations Committee shall be established at least one\\\\nmonth prior to every election by vote of a Local Convention. It\\\\nshall solicit and receive nominations for the positions to be\\\\nelected.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Nominations Process <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tNominations\\\\nfor Local officers and delegates to the National Convention shall be\\\\nopened 30 days before and closed 5 days prior to the Local\\\\nConvention. The call for nominations shall be announced to full\\\\nmembers of DSA in advance of the General Meeting. \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nlocal Steering Committee will release an application for nominees\\\\nthat must be submitted to the Steering Committee no less than 5 days\\\\nprior to the Local Convention for candidates to be eligible for the\\\\nelection.</p>\\\\n\\\\n<p>\\\\n\\\\tNo\\\\nmember may join the Steering Committee until they have been a dues\\\\npaying member and participated in the local for 6 consecutive months.\\\\n\\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n3. Uncontested Positions <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tIf\\\\na position is uncontested, the nominee will be declared elected by\\\\nacclamation.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XII Amendments\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>Proposed\\\\namendments to these Bylaws must be made by written resolution,\\\\nendorsed by five members of the Local chapter of DSA, and submitted\\\\nto the Steering Committee a month in advance of a General Meeting. \\\\nThe Steering Committee is required to provide the Local membership\\\\nwith two weeks\\\\u2019\\\\nwritten\\\\nnotice of the proposed amendments. The amendment must be approved by\\\\na majority vote of a General Meeting.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XIII Local Dues\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>The\\\\nLocal reserves the right to collect quarterly dues from full members,\\\\nin addition to the dues paid by members to DSA nationally. The amount\\\\nof local will be voted on in the budget during the Local Convention\\\\nor set by the Steering Committee. Local dues will be collected at the\\\\nGeneral Meeting. \\\\n</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"subhead\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"ARTICLE XIV Rules of the Local\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<h5>Section\\\\n1. Rules\\\\u00a0\\\\n</h5><h5>\\\\n \\\\n</h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tThe\\\\nRules contained in Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order, Newly Revised,\\\\nshall govern this Local in cases to which they are applicable and in\\\\nwhich they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws. Consensus\\\\ndecision-making is desirable where feasible, but meetings must submit\\\\nto Robert\\\\u2019s\\\\nRules of Order upon the request of a member.</p>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\n</p>\\\\n<p></p><h5>\\\\nSection\\\\n2. Action Out of Order <br/></h5>\\\\n<p>\\\\n \\\\tAny\\\\naction taken by an officer or member of the Local in contravention of\\\\nthese Bylaws is null and void.</p>\\\"}, {\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<hr/><p>\\\\n<i>The\\\\nabove bylaws were adopted on June 30th, 2016</i></p>\\\"}]\", \"fundraising_snippet\": null}", "approved_go_live_at": null}}, {"model": "wagtailcore.pagerevision", "pk": 91, "fields": {"page": 7, "submitted_for_moderation": false, "created_at": "2017-05-19T10:53:10.750Z", "user": ["jeremy"], "content_json": "{\"pk\": 7, \"path\": \"0001000100020001\", \"depth\": 4, \"numchild\": 0, \"title\": \"ABCs of Socialism Reading Group - May Session\", \"slug\": \"2017-04-18-event\", \"content_type\": 7, \"live\": true, \"has_unpublished_changes\": false, \"url_path\": \"/home/member-calendar/2017-04-18-event/\", \"owner\": 1, \"seo_title\": \"\", \"show_in_menus\": false, \"search_description\": \"\", \"go_live_at\": null, \"expire_at\": null, \"expired\": false, \"locked\": false, \"first_published_at\": \"2017-04-08T13:53:16.703Z\", \"latest_revision_created_at\": \"2017-04-08T13:53:16.517Z\", \"event_date\": \"2017-04-21T15:00:00Z\", \"body\": \"[{\\\"type\\\": \\\"paragraph\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"<p>This month's readings (p. 70-115, you can access via this link -<a href=\\\\\\\"https://s3.jacobinmag.com/issues/jacobin-abcs.pdf\\\\\\\">https://s3.jacobinmag.com/issues/jacobin-abcs.pdf</a>):</p><ul><li>\\\\\\\"What about racism? 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"fields": {"collection": 1, "title": "Philly DSA Bylaws.pdf", "file": "documents/Philly_DSA_Bylaws.pdf", "created_at": "2017-05-15T17:38:02.848Z", "uploaded_by_user": ["jeremy"]}}, {"model": "wagtaildocs.document", "pk": 2, "fields": {"collection": 1, "title": "Philly DSA Convention 2017", "file": "documents/Phl_DSA_Convention_2017_Version_1.2.pdf", "created_at": "2017-05-16T11:02:36.313Z", "uploaded_by_user": ["jeremy"]}}, {"model": "home.homepage", "pk": 3, "fields": {"body": "[{\"type\": \"image\", \"value\": {\"photo\": 2, \"photo_alignment\": \"center\", \"caption\": \"DSA Folks at a Rally for Bernie Sanders' Campaign\", \"caption_alignment\": \"tl\"}}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p><strong>Philly DSA</strong> is a local chapter of the<a href=\\\"http://dsausa.org\\\"> Democratic Socialists of America</a>,\\n the largest socialist organization in the US. We are a group of dues \\npaying members who organize together for progressive change in \\nPhiladelphia to weaken the hold large corporations have on our \\ngovernment and build power for working class Americans.</p><p></p>\"}, {\"type\": \"block_quote\", \"value\": {\"quote\": \"As democratic socialists, we believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically \\u2014 to meet public needs, not to make profits for an elite few.\"}}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>To achieve this goal, we believe that many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can have a say in how are lives are structured in the work-place, our schools, and neighborhoods.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"block_quote\", \"value\": {\"quote\": \"In Philadelphia, we believe that our vision for a more just society begins with raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, fully funding our public schools, and creating independent police review boards.\"}}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>For more information about DSA, our democratic socialist vision, or to sign-up to become a member of DSA,\\u00a0visit our national website\\u00a0<a href=\\\"http://www.dsausa.org/\\\">dsausa.org</a>\\u00a0<br/></p>\"}, {\"type\": \"call_to_action\", \"value\": {\"title\": \"Join the Philly DSA!\", \"cta_copy\": \"Sign Up to Join the Movement and Get Updates from our Activist List!\", \"button_title\": \"Join now!\", \"button_link\": 11, \"button_external_link\": \"\"}}]", "fundraising_snippet": null}}, {"model": "member_calendar.membercalendarevent", "pk": 7, "fields": {"event_date": "2017-05-21", "event_start_time": "10:25:00.720", "event_end_time": "10:24:54.134", "body": "[{\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>This month's readings (p. 70-115, you can access via this link -<a href=\\\"https://s3.jacobinmag.com/issues/jacobin-abcs.pdf\\\">https://s3.jacobinmag.com/issues/jacobin-abcs.pdf</a>):</p><ul><li>\\\"What about racism? Don't socialists only care about class?\\\"</li><li>\\\"Aren't socialism and feminism sometimes in conflict?\\\"</li><li>\\\"Are socialists pacifists?\\\"</li></ul><p>The events of the past year point to the re-emergence of socialism as a viable political force in America and global politics. Bernie Sanders mobilized millions of voters on a program of class struggle and redistribution and over the past six months the Democratic Socialists of America have tripled in size.</p><p>As a result many of our new members \\u2014 and curious onlookers \\u2014 are asking questions: Is socialism like Sweden? Will I have to stand in line to buy toilet paper under socialism? What do socialists think about racism and sexism?</p><p>Join DSA for a reading series on The ABC\\u2019s of Socialism. Published by Jacobin magazine in 2016, the ABC\\u2019s features essays on a wide range of political topics from a socialist perspective. We\\u2019ll explore the history of the socialist idea, socialism and its relationship to capitalism and why socialists yammer on about the working class.</p><br/>\"}]"}}, {"model": "member_calendar.membercalendarevent", "pk": 13, "fields": {"event_date": "2017-05-21", "event_start_time": "10:25:00.720", "event_end_time": "10:24:54.134", "body": "[{\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Research meeting, contact [email protected] for more info</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><br/>\"}]"}}, {"model": "member_calendar.membercalendarevent", "pk": 14, "fields": {"event_date": "2017-05-24", "event_start_time": "10:00:00", "event_end_time": "13:00:00", "body": "[{\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Location TBD</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><br/><br/>\"}]"}}, {"model": "member_calendar.membercalendarevent", "pk": 15, "fields": {"event_date": "2017-06-03", "event_start_time": "21:00:00", "event_end_time": "22:00:00", "body": "[{\"type\": \"heading\", \"value\": \"Test event\"}]"}}, {"model": "member_calendar.membercalendarhomepage", "pk": 6, "fields": {"intro": "<p>Here's a list of our upcoming events.</p>"}}, {"model": "common.toplevelpage", "pk": 8, "fields": {"body": "[{\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"What is Philly DSA\\u2019s Organizational Structure?\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Because DSA nationally is what we call a broad-tent\\u00a0<strong>\\u201cmultitendency\\u201d\\u00a0</strong>organization, we have no holy books or martyrs.\\u00a0There is no one essay or strategy article you must read and agree with to be a DSA member. In fact,\\u00a0<strong>we draw our strength from the diversity of our ideas and our rigorous commitment to democratic practice.</strong></p><p>Stemming from this, our local has full autonomy to decide on projects and campaigns based upon our assessment of the local political climate, our community partners, and membership\\u2019s interests and needs. We do not receive marching orders from DSA\\u2019s national leadership, rather we work to democratically decide as a local what our work should be and DSA\\u2019s national leadership works to poll locals to create national priorities.</p><p>DSA holds a\\u00a0<strong>national convention</strong>\\u00a0every two years that is open to all members where we join together to vote on priorities and to elect the National Political Committee (NPC), the board of members who steer the organization in between conventions.</p><p><strong>Philly DSA also holds a convention every two years</strong>, usually just before the national convention, where we also vote on priorities, elect delegates to the national convention, and elect our local\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>, the board that runs the local.</p><p>We have a monthly General Membership Meeting where committees report back on their work and committees may meet more frequently in between monthly meetings.\\u00a0</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"How do members of the local keep in touch with each other? How can I communicate with the whole group?\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p></p><p></p><p>The Philly DSA Activist Listserv ([email protected]) is the main way to keep in touch with our active members. This is the list we use to coordinate local work, share articles, and pass on info about upcoming events.</p><p>If you don\\u2019t mind getting a few Philly DSA emails every day,\\u00a0<a href=\\\"https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc50pz_bIx080WAiiol0Vx7hJNLlV4blph3s0FT2Oghx3wgcw/viewform\\\">you can sign up here to join the listserv</a>\\u00a0but don\\u2019t worry, even if you don\\u2019t we\\u2019ll make sure we reach out to you with information on official Philly DSA events.</p><p></p><p></p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"What are Philly DSA's committees?\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>Philly DSA\\u2019s\\u00a0<strong>Steering Committee</strong>\\u00a0is the democratically elected body that steers the organization in between Conventions and General Meetings. Currently, our Steering Committee includes two (2) Co-Chairs and six (6) At-Large members.</p><p>In addition to the Steering Committe, Philly DSA also has 3 other committees and may grow to develop more. If you would like to get involved with one of the committees, please reach out to the Chair of the committee for information.</p><ul><li><strong>Political Education</strong>\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Diane Isser [email protected])</li><li><strong>Organizing</strong>\\u00a0Committee (Chair, Sean Jin [email protected])</li><li><strong>Outreach</strong>\\u00a0Commitee (Chair, David Backer [email protected])</li></ul><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"I have an idea for a project I\\u2019d like Philly DSA to work on. Where should I start?\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>That depends.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that might fall under the umbrella of one of our existing committees it would be best to email the chair of the committee or attend one of the committee meetings to propose your idea.</p><p>For example, you\\u2019d like to start a reading group on Das Kapital or the History of the Russian Revolution? Great! Talk to the political education committee.</p><p>If you have an idea for a project that doesn\\u2019t already have a team working in that area, please email the Steering Committee (<a href=\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\">[email protected]</a>) so that they can help you draft a proposal to bring the idea before the local or help connect you with other members who may be interested in the work too.</p><p>If you would like to propose a campaign for the local, please fill out this\\u00a0<a href=\\\"https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By2_xYBzRZunTlgzMlFZckRSWDg/view?usp=sharing\\\">Campaign Proposal Form</a>\\u00a0and return it to the Steering Committee.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"Does Philly DSA have a process for responding to discrimination, harassment, predatory behavior or other misconduct within the local?\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p>In the event of misconduct within the local, please reach out directly to one of the chairs, \\u00a0Adam or Natalie.</p><p>The issue will be reviewed by the Steering Committee and the committee will take steps to protect the privacy of the members involved and rectify the situation to the best of our abilities, which may include:</p><ul><li>Mediating a conversation between members</li><li>Developing a written action plan outlining prohibited behaviors and reviewing it privately with members</li><li>Suspending or terminating membership</li></ul><p>Any person whose membership has been suspended or terminated may appeal the decision before the general membership at a meeting of the full local.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p><a href=\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\"></a></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>\"}]", "fundraising_snippet": null}}, {"model": "common.toplevelpage", "pk": 9, "fields": {"body": "[{\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"Organizational Chart\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>Philadelphia DSA is volunteer-run and member-funded. Our \\norganization relies on the commitment and consistent work of our \\nmembers. Our Local structure consists of an elected Steering Committee, \\ntwo Co-Chairs and several project based and task based committees. The following organizational chart\\n demonstrates how these committees, the members and co-chairs relate to \\neach other. In addition we encourage all members to read and become \\nfamiliar with <a id=\\\"12\\\" linktype=\\\"page\\\">Philly DSA's Local Bylaws</a>.\\n</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"image\", \"value\": {\"photo\": 3, \"photo_alignment\": \"center\", \"caption\": \"The DSA's Organizational Chart\", \"caption_alignment\": \"tl\"}}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"Committees\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>The Steering Committee is made up of:</p><ul><li>Natalie Midiri (co-chair),</li><li>Adam \\nGoldman (co-chair),</li><li>Diane Isser,</li><li>Seth Kulick,</li><li>Paul Prescod,</li><li>Andrew Knox,</li><li>Joseph Schwartz, and<br/></li><li>Dustin Guastella.</li></ul>\\n\\n<p>Organizing Chairs: Sandra Lane, Sean Jin <br/>\\nOutreach Chair: David Backer<br/>\\nPolitical Education Chairs: Andrew Knox, Scott Jenkins<br/>\\nChildcare chair: Kat Edwards<br/>\\nSocial Chair: Jedidiah Sloboda</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"call_to_action\", \"value\": {\"title\": \"Join the Philly DSA\", \"cta_copy\": \"Sign Up to Join the Movement and Get Updates from our Activist List!\", \"button_title\": \"Join the movement!\", \"button_link\": 11, \"button_external_link\": \"\"}}]", "fundraising_snippet": null}}, {"model": "common.toplevelpage", "pk": 10, "fields": {"body": "[{\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p></p><p></p><p>For general questions about getting involved with Philly DSA or our events contact one of our Co-Chairs,\\u00a0Natalie or Adam.\\u00a0</p><ul><li><a href=\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\">Natalie Midiri</a><br/></li><li><a href=\\\"mailto:[email protected]\\\">Adam Goldman</a></li></ul><p>Or follow us on <a href=\\\"http://www.twitter.com/phillydsa\\\">Twitter</a> or <a href=\\\"http://www.facebook.com/phillyDSA\\\">Facebook</a>!<br/></p><p></p><p></p>\"}]", "fundraising_snippet": null}}, {"model": "common.toplevelpage", "pk": 11, "fields": {"body": "[{\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>Are you looking for a way to fight the corporate power structure guiding a misguided system? Do you think capitalism is an exploitative and unfair system rigged to help the ultra-wealthy? Do you think Leftist Twitter is the Bestest Twitter? Well (if you\\u2019re in Philadelphia or the surrounding area) have we got an opportunity for you! </p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"How Do Membership and Dues Work?\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>DSA is a membership-driven organization. That means that all\\noperations, events, and campaigns are funded by our members\\u2019 dues.\\nThis ensures that DSA members are in full democratic and political\\ncontrol of our organization and that we are never reliant on\\ndonations or private funding. Dues start at <a href=\\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\">$40 per year for the local</a> and <a href=\\\"https://dsausa.nationbuilder.com/join\\\">$45\\nper year for the national organization</a> and entitle all\\nmembers to organizational resources and a vote within the\\norganization. \\n</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"What Do Dues Go Toward?\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>\\n\\n\\n\\t\\n\\t\\n\\t\\n\\t\\n\\n\\n\\t\\n\\t\\n\\tThere are two types of dues we ask our members to pay, national and\\nlocal.</p>\\n\\n<p><a href=\\\"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\\\">Local dues</a> pay for everything you see here in Philadelphia, including\\nfacilities, equipment, special events, and campaigns. They give us\\nthe ability to support unique initiatives, organize our membership,\\ninfluence politics within the greater Philadelphia area, build\\ninfrastructure, and provide meeting spaces to our members. <br/></p><p>\\nNational dues go to DSA USA, and pay for infrastructure, campaigns,\\nand offices. These can be paid <a href=\\\"https://dsausa.nationbuilder.com/join\\\">here</a>.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"Why Should I Become a Dues Paying Member?\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>Funds are crucial to our ability to function as a robust, effective chapter, and every penny counts. As much as we may wish otherwise, political organization requires money. Local dues will allow us to continue to grow, develop membership, and contribute to the overall goals of the DSA. By becoming a dues-paying member, you\\u2019re helping to prove that effective mobilization can be done democratically, without massive donations or private fundraising.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"Can I Come to Meetings if I Don\\u2019t or Can\\u2019t Afford to Pay Dues?\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>Yes! Meetings are open to anyone who would like to listen in and participate in campaigns, but only National dues paying members will be able to vote on initiatives and participate in any democratically controlled mechanisms within the chapter. Essentially - National dues are the formal requirement for DSA membership and local dues enable us to effectively operate at the local level. We really do rely on this to fund our organization so we encourage everyone to pay in, but we\\u2019ll never turn you away.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"call_to_action\", \"value\": {\"title\": \"Local Dues\", \"cta_copy\": \"Please pay your dues, folks\", \"button_title\": \"Give us money!\", \"button_link\": null, \"button_external_link\": \"https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/local-membership-dues?source=phillydsa-dot-com\"}}]", "fundraising_snippet": null}}, {"model": "common.toplevelpage", "pk": 12, "fields": {"body": "[{\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE I\\tName\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>The\\nname of the Local shall be the <b>Philadelphia\\nLocal of the Democratic Socialists of America</b>,\\na not-for-profit organization, also known as Philly DSA. \\n</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE II Purpose\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"The\\nPhiladelphia Local of the Democratic Socialists of America seeks to\\nfacilitate the transition to a truly democratic and socialist\\nsociety, one in which the means/resources of production are\\ndemocratically and socially controlled.\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tDSA\\nrejects an economic order based solely on private profit, alienated\\nlabor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based\\non race and sex, and brutality and violence in defense of the status\\nquo.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tDSA\\nenvisions a humane social order based on popular control of resources\\nand production, economic planning, equitable distribution, gender and\\nracial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\nOur\\nconception of socialism is a profoundly democratic one. It is rooted\\nin the belief that human beings should be free to develop to their\\nfullest potential, that public policies should be determined not by\\nwealth but by popular participation, and that individual liberties\\nshould be carefully safeguarded. It is committed to a freedom of\\nspeech that does not recoil from dissent, to a freedom to organize\\nindependent trade unions, women\\u2019s\\ngroups, political parties, and other formations -- recognizing these\\nas essential bulwarks against the dangers of an intrusive state. It\\nis committed to a freedom of religion that acknowledges the rights of\\nthose for whom spiritual concerns are central.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\nWe\\nare socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for\\nachieving that vision. In the present, we are building a visible\\nsocialist presence within the broad democratic left. In the long\\nrun, we hope to build a majority movement capable of making\\ndemocratic socialism a reality in the United States. Our strategy\\nacknowledges the class structure of the U.S. society. This class\\nstructure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between\\nthose sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of\\nthe population.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE III Membership\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<h5>Section\\n1. Membership\\n</h5><h5>\\n \\n</h5>\\n<p>\\n \\tMembers\\nof the Philadelphia Local DSA, also known as Philly DSA, will be\\nthose individuals whose dues to national DSA are paid in full, who\\nreside and/or work in the Philadelphia area. It will be the\\nresponsibility of members to approve policies and guidelines for the\\noperation of the local chapter, to elect delegates to the national\\nconvention, to vote on matters related to national policy, and to\\nmake recommendations on issues and other matters to the National\\nPolitical Committee of DSA. \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\n Section\\n2. Removal of Members</h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tIf\\na full member is found to be in substantial disagreement with the\\nprinciples or policies of national DSA, or if they are found to be\\nconsistently engaging in undemocratic or disruptive behavior, the\\nLocal may vote to expel them from DSA. In order for such a finding\\nto be made, another DSA member must formally prefer written charges\\nagainst the member in question to the Local Steering Committee, which\\nshall set the date of a Local meeting for deliberations on the\\ncharges. The member in question must receive a copy of the written\\ncharges and notice of the meeting a minimum of two weeks before that\\nmeeting takes place. Expulsion of a member or affiliate member\\nrequires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting. An expelled full\\nmember may appeal to the National Political Committee of DSA.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n3. Dues</h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tThe\\nLocal chapter may establish a Local pledge system of voluntary\\ndonations for its members.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE IV Local Meetings\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<h5>Section 1.\\u00a0 Local Convention <br/></h5>The Local will hold a minimum of one Local Convention every two years, and all members of the Local will receive three weeks written (or electronic mail) notice and an agenda of the Local Convention.\\u00a0 The Local Convention will elect Local officers and may adopt an annual budget.\\u00a0 In general, it is the highest legislative body of the Local.<br/><h5>Section 2.\\u00a0 General Meetings <br/></h5>The Local will hold General Meetings at least four times annually, the time and place of which shall be set in a schedule published and distributed by the Local Steering Committee. The General Meetings will set Local policy and work priorities, and will include political education sessions.<br/>\\u00a0<br/>The Local Steering Committee will set the agenda for General Meetings.<br/><h5>Section 3.\\u00a0 Emergency Meetings <br/></h5>The Local Steering Committee may call an Emergency Meeting of the Local on five days notice when an urgent and important matter requires deliberation.<br/><h5>Section 4.\\u00a0 Quorum <br/></h5><p>A quorum of 20 percent of the members (but not fewer than 5 persons) is required for General or Emergency Meetings to transact business. </p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE V Local Officers: Powers and Duties\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<h5>Section\\n1. Officers and Terms\\n</h5><h5>\\n \\n</h5>\\n<p>\\n \\tThe\\nofficers of the Local will be the two Co-Chairs, the treasurer, and\\nup to 6 additional at-large members who form the Local Steering\\nCommittee. The term of office will be two years, and shall run from\\nOctober to September or until successors are elected. At least one of\\nthe three officers must be a self-identified woman. \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n2. Vacancies <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tIn\\nthe event of a vacancy of any of the officers, the Steering Committee\\nmay vote to elect a new officer in replacement for the remainder of\\nthe term. \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n3. Co-Chairs <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\ta.\\n The Co-Chairs will be the chief Steering officers of the Local. \\nThey will preside over Local and Steering Committee meetings or will\\nappoint a substitute to assume the powers and duties of the presiding\\nofficers as specified in Robert\\u2019s\\nRules of Order. The Co-Chairs will be the official public\\nspokespersons for the Local and will initiate such actions and\\npolicies as the Local\\u2019s\\ngeneral welfare may demand. \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tb.\\n The Co-Chairs will be responsible also for coordinating the\\nday-to-day operations and political work of the Local\\u2019s\\nbranches and committees.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tc.\\n The Co-Chairs will report to Local General Meetings on the business\\nof the Steering Committee Meetings, at which time a copy of the\\nminutes of those meetings will be available for inspection.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n5. Treasurer <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tThe\\nTreasurer will be responsible for the funds and financial records of\\nthe Local. All funds collected by the Local will be turned over to\\nthe Treasurer, who shall deposit them in a bank account under the\\nname of the Local. In cooperation with the Secretary, the Treasurer\\nwill be responsible for ensuring that membership dues are paid\\nup-to-date. The Treasurer will prepare the annual Local budget, and\\ndeliver the Local financial report to the General Meeting of the\\nLocal, as well as periodic progress reports as requested by the\\nSteering Committee of the Local.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n6. At-Large Members.</h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tThe\\nLocal Steering Committee may elect up to six (6) At-Large Members to\\nthe Local Steering Committee as representatives of the Local and its\\ndiverse political views.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\nAt-Large\\nMembers will be responsible for any additional duties and\\nresponsibilities that the Local Steering Committee determines are\\nnecessary, including participating in Local Committees, fundraising,\\ndeveloping campaigns, planning educational programming, acting as\\nrepresentatives of the Local, networking with other organizations or\\nactivists in the region, etc.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE VI Steering Committee\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<h5>Section\\n1. Composition\\u00a0\\n</h5><p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tThe\\nLocal Steering Committee will be composed of the Co-Chairs,\\ntreasurer, and up to 6 At-Large Members.</p><h5>\\nSection\\n2. Duties <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\ta)\\n The Steering Committee administers the affairs of the Local and\\noversees the implementation of the decisions of the General Meetings;\\nit may also create policy in-between Local Conventions. It shall\\nhave the power to receive reports of any Committee and advise\\nthereon, to call emergency meetings of the Local, and to act on any\\nmatter that requires immediate and urgent action. The Steering\\nCommittee is the regular Steering body of the Local, and thus\\nsubordinate to its Legislative bodies, the Local Convention. \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tb)\\n The Local Steering Committee will be responsible for establishing\\nprogram activities for the Local chapter, for proposing guidelines\\nand policies that will subsequently be voted on by full members of\\nDSA, and for acting on the organization\\u2019s\\nbehalf between Local meetings.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n3. Termination of Steering Committee Members <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tThe\\nSteering Committee may vote to remove a member from the committee in\\nthe event that the member is unable or unwilling to perform their\\nduties. Grounds for termination include: missing more than two (2)\\nSteering Committee meetings in a row, failure to participate in at\\nleast one (1) additional local ad hoc committee, mismanagement of\\nfunds, etc. The Steering Committee must notify the member in writing\\nof the termination and may request to appeal the decision at a\\nmeeting of the full Local. Reinstatement of a terminated Steering\\nCommittee member requires a two-thirds vote of the Local meeting.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n4. Meetings <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tThe\\nmeetings of the Steering Committee will be held at the call of the\\nCo-Chairs at such intervals as may be determined by a prior Steering\\nCommittee Meeting or by consultation with any three members of the\\nSteering Committee. All members of the Steering Committee must\\n(ordinarily) be given four days oral or written notice of regular\\nSteering Committee Meetings; a 24-hour notice may be given under\\nspecial emergency circumstances.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n 5. Quorum <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tA\\nquorum of five members of the Steering Committee is required for the\\ntransaction of Steering Committee business.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE VII Branches\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<h5>Section\\n1. Definition\\u00a0\\n</h5><p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tA\\nbranch is a subgroup of the Local consisting of at least five full\\nmembers in good standing with national DSA. Branches may be defined\\nby geography, work site, constituency (e.g., labor, minority,\\nfeminist), or area of political work (e.g., peace action,\\nenvironmental movement). The chairs of branches will hold membership\\non the Local Steering Committee.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n2. Youth Sections <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tBranches\\nestablished on college campuses and consisting of students will be\\ncalled Local Youth Sections. Youth Sections must have at least five\\nfull members in good standing with national DSA. The chairs of Local\\nYouth Sections will hold membership on the Local Steering Committee.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE VIII Committees\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<h5>Section\\n1. Duration\\u00a0\\n</h5><h5>\\n \\n</h5>\\n<p>\\n \\tThe\\nLocal will have Ad Hoc Committees, which will exist for a limited and\\nexplicit duration. Ad Hoc Committees may be established by a vote of\\nfull members at a General Meeting of the Local or by the Steering\\nCommittee.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n2. Duties <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tChairs\\nof Ad Hoc Committees will keep the Steering Committee and the General\\nMeetings of the Local informed on the activities of the committee.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE IX Delegates to National, Regional, and State Bodies\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<h5>Section\\n1. Convention\\u00a0\\n</h5><h5>\\n \\n</h5>\\n<p>\\n \\tLocal\\ndelegates and alternates to the National Convention will be elected\\nby the Local Steering Committee. Elections for the National\\nConvention delegation shall be held on the schedule announced by the\\nnational organization.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE X Prohibited Activity\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>The\\nPhiladelphia Local shall not engage in activity prohibited by the IRS\\nguidelines established for 501 (c) 4 organizations or similar rules\\nestablished by the state of Pennsylvania; Nor shall the local engage\\nin any activity prohibited by resolutions adopted by DSA\\u2019s\\nNational Convention or DSA\\u2019s\\nNational Political Committee.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE XI Nominations and Recalls\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<h5>Section\\n1. Nominations Committee\\n</h5><h5>\\n \\n</h5>\\n<p>\\n \\tA\\nthree-person Nominations Committee shall be established at least one\\nmonth prior to every election by vote of a Local Convention. It\\nshall solicit and receive nominations for the positions to be\\nelected.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n2. Nominations Process <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tNominations\\nfor Local officers and delegates to the National Convention shall be\\nopened 30 days before and closed 5 days prior to the Local\\nConvention. The call for nominations shall be announced to full\\nmembers of DSA in advance of the General Meeting. \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tThe\\nlocal Steering Committee will release an application for nominees\\nthat must be submitted to the Steering Committee no less than 5 days\\nprior to the Local Convention for candidates to be eligible for the\\nelection.</p>\\n\\n<p>\\n\\tNo\\nmember may join the Steering Committee until they have been a dues\\npaying member and participated in the local for 6 consecutive months.\\n\\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<h5>\\nSection\\n3. Uncontested Positions <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p>\\n \\tIf\\na position is uncontested, the nominee will be declared elected by\\nacclamation.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE XII Amendments\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>Proposed\\namendments to these Bylaws must be made by written resolution,\\nendorsed by five members of the Local chapter of DSA, and submitted\\nto the Steering Committee a month in advance of a General Meeting. \\nThe Steering Committee is required to provide the Local membership\\nwith two weeks\\u2019\\nwritten\\nnotice of the proposed amendments. The amendment must be approved by\\na majority vote of a General Meeting.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE XIII Local Dues\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<p>The\\nLocal reserves the right to collect quarterly dues from full members,\\nin addition to the dues paid by members to DSA nationally. The amount\\nof local will be voted on in the budget during the Local Convention\\nor set by the Steering Committee. Local dues will be collected at the\\nGeneral Meeting. \\n</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"subhead\", \"value\": \"ARTICLE XIV Rules of the Local\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<h5>Section\\n1. Rules\\u00a0\\n</h5><h5>\\n \\n</h5>\\n<p>\\n \\tThe\\nRules contained in Robert\\u2019s\\nRules of Order, Newly Revised,\\nshall govern this Local in cases to which they are applicable and in\\nwhich they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws. Consensus\\ndecision-making is desirable where feasible, but meetings must submit\\nto Robert\\u2019s\\nRules of Order upon the request of a member.</p>\\n<p>\\n \\n</p>\\n<p></p><h5>\\nSection\\n2. Action Out of Order <br/></h5>\\n<p>\\n \\tAny\\naction taken by an officer or member of the Local in contravention of\\nthese Bylaws is null and void.</p>\"}, {\"type\": \"paragraph\", \"value\": \"<hr/><p>\\n<i>The\\nabove bylaws were adopted on June 30th, 2016</i></p>\"}]", "fundraising_snippet": null}}]