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4. Containerising a WGS workflow

<< Episode 3 | TOC | Episode 5 >>


This episode will guide through the process of adapting a pre-existing bioinformatics workflow for use with containers. At the same time, additional tips for using Docker containers will be provided.

A sample bioinformatics workflow

The folder bio-workshop-18/data_files/ contains two paired read files from a plant called Fagopyrum tartaricum, SRR6166481_sub_1.fastq.gz and SRR6166481_sub_2.fastq.gz, as well as a reference genome from another plant of the same Genus, namely Fagopyrum_esculentum, file Fagopyrum_esculentum.fasta. To allow for the workflow to be run in a short timeframe, the number of reads has been limited to 100,000.

Now, change directory to the path relevant for this Episode:

cd bio-workshop-18/episode4_wgs_workflow/

From here we are going to work with the following sample workflow:

Workflow diagram - Episode 4

This is meant to be a toy workflow, to illustrate how different types of packages can be containerised with Docker, and also to comment on some specific issues that can arise with certain containers.

Hands-on: let us build a containerised workflow

We will build the workflow above using the skills acquired in Episode 2 and Episode 3.

The scope of this Episode is not to build the workflow from scratch, but rather to port it from a preexisting, non-containerised version. The full sequence of commands corresponding to the latter are written inside a file named We can inspect the content of this script with cat:


For convenience this original scriptfile has been cut into six bash scripts, whose names start with numbers 1 to 6. Each of these scripts corresponds to a step in the workflow above, and can be used as starting point for the exercise:

ls -1 *.sh

Ideally, we would search for each required package in QUAY Hub or Docker Hub. However, to save time during the workshop, the list of repositories to be downloaded is available in the file named list_of_containers:

cat list_of_containers

Here are our goals:

  1. write a script for a one-off pull of all container repositories required for the workflow;
  2. for each step in the workflow, edit the provided bash script so that it runs the bioinformatics packages using Docker containers;
  3. write an optional driver bash script that executes all the step scripts in sequence.

Pull the required packages

We need to write a script that runs a set of docker pull to download the required repositories.
To save on typing, let us start from the file list_of_containers:

cp list_of_containers


We are using nano, a text editor, for editing the new file to prepend the command docker pull to each repository name. We will also need to add the bash shebang #!/bin/bash at the beginning of the script. The final result is:


docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull biocontainers/bcftools:v1.3.1-1b1-deb_cv1

Let us save the file in nano using Ctrl-O (Enter to confirm) and then quit with Ctrl-X.

Now, let us grant execution permission to the script we created:

chmod +x

And finally run it:


After a few minutes of processing, the container images required for our workflow have been downloaded.

1. Quality control with FastQC

As this step involves exactly the same command discussed in Episode 3, the script has already been completed, and is ready to be run. Let us have a look at its contents:


run_flags="--rm -v $(pwd):/data -w /data"

cp -p ../data_files/SRR6166481_sub_[12].fastq.gz .

docker run $run_flags fastqc -o . SRR6166481_sub_1.fastq.gz

docker run $run_flags fastqc -o . SRR6166481_sub_2.fastq.gz

Because we are going to use the same flags for all docker run commands in all these scripts, at the top of each script we are defining a variable called run_flags to store their values and then use them when required:

run_flags="--rm -v $(pwd):/data -w /data"

This is simpler to type and less error prone. Now let us run this step:


2. Cleaning with Trimmomatic - a Java container

Let us edit the corresponding script with nano (see instructions for nano in the section Pull the required packages above).

First, note the use of "\" at end of lines to break a long line into multiple ones and improve readability.

We need to prepend:

docker run $run_flags 

to the java execution line.

Now let us read through the java arguments to see if we need to provide further information. The command is of the form:

java -jar <path-to-trimmomatic-jar>/trimmomatic.jar

Where is trimmomatic.jar located inside the container? Let us find out. We need to temporarily close nano and start an interactive container session:

docker run -it --rm bash

Inside the container, let us look for the jar file using the find command:

find / -name "*trimmomatic*.jar"

The output will solve our quest:


As mentioned in Episode 3, biocontainers in QUAY Hub have usually packages installed into /usr/local/. We can now exit the interactive session:


Now we can complete the path to trimmomatic.jar in the script file using nano.

There is another file required by Trimmomatic, the one containing the adapter sequences. In this example the command line will look for adapters/all_PE.fa, which for convenience is already provided in the Episode directory.

Let us have a look at the final script:

run_flags="--rm -v $(pwd):/data -w /data"

docker run $run_flags java -jar \
    /usr/local/share/trimmomatic-0.38-0/trimmomatic.jar \
    PE SRR6166481_sub_1.fastq.gz SRR6166481_sub_2.fastq.gz \
    SRR6166481_sub_1_paired.fastq.gz SRR6166481_sub_1_unpaired.fastq.gz \
    SRR6166481_sub_2_paired.fastq.gz SRR6166481_sub_2_unpaired.fastq.gz \

We can now run it:


Advanced note: some further inspection of this Trimmomatic container reveals there is a trimmomatic executable script available. This script can be used in substitution of the typical way of invoking Java packages, so that both of these will work:

docker run <options> <cont ID> java -jar /usr/local/share/trimmomatic-0.38-0/trimmomatic.jar <arguments>


docker run <options> <cont ID> trimmomatic <arguments>

3. Read alignment with Bowtie2 and samtools

Let us edit the script with nano

In this step we are using executables from two distinct containerised packages.
bowtie2-build and bowtie2 are part of Bowtie2, and we are prepending the following to them:

docker run $run_flags

Similarly, in the case of the command samtools we need to prepend the instruction to run the appropriate container:

docker run $run_flags

Let us run the script:


4. Assembly with Velvet

Let us edit the script with nano

Both commands velveth and velvetg are part of the Velvet package, and need the following to be prepended:

docker run $run_flags

Let us run the step:


5. Contig alignment with Mummer4

Let us edit the script with nano

mummer and mummer4 both need the following to be prepended:

docker run $run_flags

The last command in the script uses the gnuplot utility for plotting. In this workshop, we are assuming that gnuplot is installed as a system package in the host machine, and therefore running it without containers.

Now let us run the step:


Note on looking for the Mummer container: in both QUAY Hub and Docker Hub there are also containers for Mummer Version 3.x. However, one of these has a broken mummer script, and the other one has a broken mummerplot script. The container for Mummer4 from QUAY Hub works fine and is the one used in this Episode.
These types of issues can happen when looking for containers, though not often.

6. SNP calling with samtools and bcftools

Let us edit the script with nano

In this script we are using three different executables:

  • samtools appears three times and require the following to be prepended:

      docker run $run_flags
  • bcftools (twice) and are both part of bcftools and in principle require the following:

      docker run $run_flags biocontainers/bcftools:v1.3.1-1b1-deb_cv1

However, special care is required for the third and fourth command lines in the script, as they involve piping: the pipe symbol "|" is used to pass the output of the first command in each line to the second one in the same line, as in:

app1 <args1> | app2 <args2>

We could try and containerise this type of line as usual:

docker run $run_flags <cont1> app1 <args1> | docker run $run_flags <cont2> app2 <args2>

However, we would get an error like:

write /dev/stdout: broken pipe

This happens because the second container does not have the standard input open.
How can we open it? By adding a Docker flag we have seen in Episode 2 when talking about interactive sessions, namely "-i":

docker run $run_flags <cont1> app1 <args1> | docker run -i $run_flags <cont2> app2 <args2>

This will do the job!

Let us run this final step:


Note on looking for the bcftools container: the container from QUAY Hub has a broken, as it comes with no Perl installed! The container from Docker Hub works fine and has been used in this Episode.
These types of issues can happen when looking for containers, though not often.

Driver script

We can write a trivial script to execute the whole workflow in one shot, by putting together the executions of all step scripts. Such a script should contain:




  • Very often, a containerised package can be run straight away by modifying the original execution line as follows:

      docker run <docker flags> <container ID> <original line>
  • Some packages, such as Java ones, might require a one-off inspection of the container, in order to find the location of package-specific files;

  • Care is required for redirection and piping with Docker containers:

    • output redirection with ">" works straight away;
    • input redirection with "<" requires the extra flag "-i";
    • piping with "|" requires the extra flag "-i" for the container that receives input.

<< Episode 3 | TOC | Episode 5 >>