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Releases: PauloCarvalhoRJ/gammaray

GammaRay 2.2

28 Jun 19:42
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Windows users: First, download the ZIP of version 2.0 further down, which contains all the required runtime libraries. Then, download the ZIP containing the executable of version 2.2, extract it and copy it over the 2.0 executable in the installation directory. To start the program, just run GammaRay.exe in the directory. The program manual can be downloaded by browsing the source tree, in the docs directory.

With this version:
🆕 : FFT imaging.

🆕 =New feature;

GammaRay 2.1

23 Jun 19:19
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Windows users: download the version 2.0 ZIP containing all the required runtime libraries. Then download the ZIP containing the 2.1 executable and extract it into the directory where you installed the libraries. The program manual can be downloaded by browsing the source tree, in the docs directory.

With this version:

🔵 : Optimizations of data file loading and parsing.
🔵 : Memory usage optimized in 3D visualization.
🔵 : Menu item to free loaded data, freeing up RAM.
🔵 : Optimizations in the 3D Viewer.
🔵 : Grids too large (threshold configurable) are subsampled for 3D visualization.
🔵 : A progress bar appears during data loading and parsing.
🔶 : The internal object locators were not unique, causing object loading different from that the user intended.

🔵 =Enhancement; 🔶 =Defect fixed.

GammaRay 2.0

18 Jun 22:08
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Windows users: since there are new library dependencies, it is necessary to download the ZIP containing all the required runtime libraries. To start the program, just run GammaRay.exe in the directory. The program manual can be downloaded by browsing the source tree, in the docs directory.

With this version:
🆕 : 3D Viewer.

🆕 =New feature;

GammaRay 1.7.1

07 May 19:21
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Windows users: download the version 1.6 ZIP containing all the required runtime libraries. Then download the ZIP containing the 1.7.1 executable and extract it into the directory where you installed the libraries. The program manual can be downloaded by browsing the source tree, in the docs directory.

With this version:

🔵 : Variography: generation of a color legend text in the experimental variogram plots to relate colors and directions.
🔵 : Soft Indicator Calibration: buttons to check resulting global c.d.f. or p.d.f.
🔵 : Refactoring: dialog classes moved to dialogs source sub-directory.
🔶 : Functionalities were enabled without an active project, leading to potential crashes.
🔶 : Soft Indicator Calibration: correct treatment of no-data values.
🔴 : c.d.f. files being saved with duplicate entries, leading to crashes.

🔵 =Enhancement; 🔶 =Defect fixed; 🔴 =Bug/Crash fixed.

GammaRay 1.7

30 Apr 21:28
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Windows users: download the version 1.6 ZIP containing all the required runtime libraries. Then download the ZIP containing the 1.7 executable and extract it into the directory where you installed the libraries. The program manual can be downloaded by browsing the source tree, in the docs directory.

With this version:
🆕 : Cokriging. (with the cokb3d GSLib program)
🔵 : Improved usability for cross variography.

🆕 =New feature; 🔵 =Enhancement.

GammaRay 1.6

22 Apr 21:32
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Windows users: download ZIP containing the executable and all the required runtime libraries and extract it into a directory. You can overwrite a previous GammaRay installation. Due to new library dependencies, you are required to extract all the files, not only the executable. The program manual can be downloaded by browsing the source tree, in the docs directory.

With this version:
🆕 : Soft Indicator Calibration.

🆕 =New feature;

GammaRay 1.5

09 Apr 21:03
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Windows users: download the version 1.0 ZIP containing all the required runtime libraries. Then download the ZIP containing the 1.5 executable and extract it into the directory where you installed the libraries. The program manual can be downloaded by browsing the source tree, in the docs directory.

With this version:
🆕 : Indicator Kriging Post-Processing.
🔵 : Call to missing GSLib program results in a clearer error message.
🔵 : Improved usability when creating a priori or reviewing saved variogram models.
🔵 : Data files can be added by simply dragging-and-droping.
🔶 : Symmetrical occurences are not reported twice in duplicate/too close data samples check.
🔶 : Compiler warning (no-use) in non-Windows platforms.
🔶 : Boost include path is $BOOST_HOME/include, not just $BOOST_HOME.
🔶 : Opening files with external program fails if the path contains whitespaces.
🔶 : Some icons appearing as low-res in high-res displays.
🔴 : Adjustment of spatial index parameters to prevent crash with certain data files when using the duplicate/proximity of data points feature.

🆕 =New feature; 🔵 =Enhancement; 🔶 =Deffect fixed; 🔴 =Bug/Crash fixed.

GammaRay 1.4

26 Mar 21:30
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Windows users: download the version 1.0 ZIP containing all the required runtime libraries. Then download the ZIP containing the 1.4 executable and extract it into the directory where you installed the libraries. The program manual can be downloaded by browing the source tree, in the docs directory.

With this version:
🔵 : Kriging: initial search radii are set to the longest variogram nested structure.
🔵 : Kriging parameters: the drift model parameters labels are explicit component names (e.g. xy) instead of just yes/no.
🔴 : crash when trying to run IK without any c.d.f./p.d.f., data files or variogram models.
🆕 : plot maps of categorical values in Cartesian grids by choosing a category definition from the context menu.
🔵 : Automatically set categorical plot settings for categorical variables.
🔴 : random crash when closing the Parameter Dialog.
🔵 : variogram model plot style settings retained between calls.
🆕 : added intended block discretization for the gammabar analysis in the dialog to create estimation/simulation grids.
🔶 : loss of double precision when saving doubles to text files.
🆕 : classify with option to reuse saved category classification files.

🆕 =New feature; 🔵 =Enhancement; 🔶 =Deffect fixed; 🔴 =Bug/Crash fixed.

GammaRay 1.3.1

19 Mar 22:17
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Windows users: download the version 1.0 ZIP containing all the required runtime libraries. Then download the ZIP containing the 1.3.1 executable and extract it into the directory where you installed the libraries.

With this version:

  • BUGFIX: opening existing resource files and saving them with a different name caused duplicate entries in the project tree.
  • Indicator Kriging for categorical variables and classification yield variables that are set as categorical in the program (displayed with the icon categorical variable C icon in the project tree).

GammaRay 1.3

12 Mar 20:01
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Windows users: download the ZIP containing the executable and extract it into the installation directory. If you don't have previously installed GammaRay, you need to download the ZIP of the 1.0 version, which contains all the required runtime libraries.
With this version:

  • Indicator Kriging for categorical variables, with option to create a maximum likelihood facies map.
  • Indicator Kriging for continuous variables (only the estimated maps of probability below threshold).