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3109 lines (1355 loc) · 225 KB

File metadata and controls

3109 lines (1355 loc) · 225 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

3.163.0 (2022-09-01)


  • client-controltower: This release contains the first SDK for AWS Control Tower. It introduces a new set of APIs: EnableControl, DisableControl, GetControlOperation, and ListEnabledControls. (855863c)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-09-01 (48701ed)
  • signature-v4: validate credential is valid before signing (#3892) (065eb7f)

3.162.0 (2022-08-31)

Bug Fixes

  • lib-dynamodb: declare File interface without requiring dom lib (#3890) (574507f)
  • types: declare ReadableStream type without requiring dom (#3889) (061b5f5)


  • client-identitystore: Expand IdentityStore API to support Create, Read, Update, Delete and Get operations for User, Group and GroupMembership resources. (4227bb3)
  • client-iotthingsgraph: This release deprecates all APIs of the ThingsGraph service (2584904)
  • client-ivs: IVS Merge Fragmented Streams. This release adds support for recordingReconnectWindow field in IVS recordingConfigurations. For more information see (2cec549)
  • client-sagemaker: SageMaker Inference Recommender now accepts Inference Recommender fields: Domain, Task, Framework, SamplePayloadUrl, SupportedContentTypes, SupportedInstanceTypes, directly in our CreateInferenceRecommendationsJob API through ContainerConfig (7ab95c9)

3.161.0 (2022-08-30)

Bug Fixes

  • credential-providers: support custom middleware for sts client (#3887) (072dea3)


  • client-greengrassv2: Adds topologyFilter to ListInstalledComponentsRequest which allows filtration of components by ROOT or ALL (including root and dependency components). Adds lastStatusChangeTimestamp to ListInstalledComponents response to show the last time a component changed state on a device. (3927d07)
  • client-lookoutequipment: This release adds new apis for providing labels. (d89e69a)
  • client-macie2: This release of the Amazon Macie API adds support for using allow lists to define specific text and text patterns to ignore when inspecting data sources for sensitive data. (1782c8c)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-30 (59043d3)
  • smithy-client: allow unambiguous type conversions in parse-utils (#3888) (967eb0a)

3.160.0 (2022-08-29)

Bug Fixes

  • token-providers: move client-sso-oidc in dependencies (#3886) (6e1534b)


  • client-voice-id: Amazon Connect Voice ID now detects voice spoofing. When a prospective fraudster tries to spoof caller audio using audio playback or synthesized speech, Voice ID will return a risk score and outcome to indicate the how likely it is that the voice is spoofed. (bf82531)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-29 (824b4a3)

3.159.0 (2022-08-26)


  • client-mediapackage: This release adds Ads AdTriggers and AdsOnDeliveryRestrictions to describe calls for CMAF endpoints on MediaPackage. (c05884e)
  • token-providers: add token based authentication (#3883) (9f31345)
  • util-endpoints: add ruleSet standard library (#3880) (4ffc67b)

3.158.0 (2022-08-25)


  • client-gamelift: This release adds support for eight EC2 local zones as fleet locations; Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Kansas City (us-east-1-mci-1a), Los Angeles, and Phoenix. It also adds support for C5d, C6a, C6i, and R5d EC2 instance families. (e045457)
  • client-iot-wireless: This release includes a new feature for the customers to enable the LoRa gateways to send out beacons for Class B devices and an option to select one or more gateways for Class C devices when sending the LoRaWAN downlink messages. (8ba0bbe)
  • client-panorama: Support sorting and filtering in ListDevices API, and add more fields to device listings and single device detail (91c5fc6)
  • client-sso-oidc: Updated required request parameters on IAM Identity Center's OIDC CreateToken action. (ab82210)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-25 (37ae4d9)

3.157.0 (2022-08-24)


  • client-cloudfront: Adds support for CloudFront origin access control (OAC), making it possible to restrict public access to S3 bucket origins in all AWS Regions, those with SSE-KMS, and more. (b36c500)
  • client-config-service: AWS Config now supports ConformancePackTemplate documents in SSM Docs for the deployment and update of conformance packs. (ccd5d97)
  • client-quicksight: Added a new optional property DashboardVisual under ExperienceConfiguration parameter of GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser and GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser API operations. This supports embedding of specific visuals in QuickSight dashboards. (dcfda0d)

3.156.0 (2022-08-23)


  • client-rds: RDS for Oracle supports Oracle Data Guard switchover and read replica backups. (75335b5)

3.155.0 (2022-08-22)

Bug Fixes


  • client-ec2: R6a instances are powered by 3rd generation AMD EPYC (Milan) processors delivering all-core turbo frequency of 3.6 GHz. C6id, M6id, and R6id instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processor (Ice Lake) delivering all-core turbo frequency of 3.5 GHz. (5265b7b)
  • client-forecastquery: releasing What-If Analysis APIs (f9cb16a)
  • client-forecast: releasing What-If Analysis APIs and update ARN regex pattern to be more strict in accordance with security recommendation (2ed50b9)
  • client-iotsitewise: Enable non-unique asset names under different hierarchies (5162c75)
  • client-lex-models-v2: This release introduces a new feature to stop a running BotRecommendation Job for Automated Chatbot Designer. (48b347b)
  • client-securityhub: Added new resource details objects to ASFF, including resources for AwsBackupBackupVault, AwsBackupBackupPlan and AwsBackupRecoveryPoint. Added FixAvailable, FixedInVersion and Remediation to Vulnerability. (b301124)
  • client-support-app: This is the initial SDK release for the AWS Support App in Slack. (fbbc168)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-22 (a5271d3)

3.154.0 (2022-08-19)

Bug Fixes

  • util-body-length-browser: handle trail surrogate character (#3866) (62657b1)


  • client-connect: This release adds SearchSecurityProfiles API which can be used to search for Security Profile resources within a Connect Instance. (9a021ff)
  • client-kendra: This release adds support for a new authentication type - Personal Access Token (PAT) for confluence server. (66a1950)
  • client-lookoutmetrics: This release is to make GetDataQualityMetrics API publicly available. (d8ee980)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-19 (881b2c3)

3.153.0 (2022-08-18)


  • client-chime-sdk-media-pipelines: The Amazon Chime SDK now supports live streaming of real-time video from the Amazon Chime SDK sessions to streaming platforms such as Amazon IVS and Amazon Elemental MediaLive. We have also added support for concatenation to create a single media capture file. (002e420)
  • client-cloudwatch: Add support for managed Contributor Insights Rules (101b4c2)
  • client-dynamodb: This release adds support for importing data from S3 into a new DynamoDB table (58a3e7a)
  • client-ec2: This release adds support for VPN log options , a new feature allowing S2S VPN connections to send IKE activity logs to CloudWatch Logs (a7c0bbd)
  • client-networkmanager: Add TransitGatewayPeeringAttachmentId property to TransitGatewayPeering Model (098d7ca)

3.152.0 (2022-08-17)


  • client-app-mesh: AWS App Mesh release to support Multiple Listener and Access Log Format feature (1cc2947)
  • client-connectcampaigns: Updated exceptions for Amazon Connect Outbound Campaign api's. (e924bbe)
  • client-kendra: This release adds Zendesk connector (which allows you to specify Zendesk SAAS platform as data source), Proxy Support for Sharepoint and Confluence Server (which allows you to specify the proxy configuration if proxy is required to connect to your Sharepoint/Confluence Server as data source). (5bc8cef)
  • client-lakeformation: This release adds a new API support "AssumeDecoratedRoleWithSAML" and also release updates the corresponding documentation. (5e56990)
  • client-lambda: Added support for customization of Consumer Group ID for MSK and Kafka Event Source Mappings. (ce4030b)
  • client-lex-models-v2: This release introduces support for enhanced conversation design with the ability to define custom conversation flows with conditional branching and new bot responses. (3fedcd6)
  • client-rds: Adds support for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) for RDS Aurora database clusters. (77a9475)

3.151.0 (2022-08-16)


  • client-rekognition: This release adds APIs which support copying an Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels model and managing project policies across AWS account. (5814059)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-16 (6607bbd)

3.150.0 (2022-08-15)


  • client-cloudfront: Adds Http 3 support to distributions (0f250fe)
  • client-wisdom: This release introduces a new API PutFeedback that allows submitting feedback to Wisdom on content relevance. (53b4df1)

3.149.0 (2022-08-12)


  • client-amp: This release adds log APIs that allow customers to manage logging for their Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspaces. (f97fc3c)
  • client-chime-sdk-messaging: The Amazon Chime SDK now supports channels with up to one million participants with elastic channels. (2fb5091)
  • client-ivs: Updates various list api MaxResults ranges (807e21e)
  • client-personalize-runtime: This release provides support for promotions in AWS Personalize runtime. (f7e4104)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-12 (40619f5)

3.148.0 (2022-08-11)


  • client-backupstorage: This is the first public release of AWS Backup Storage. We are exposing some previously-internal APIs for use by external services. These APIs are not meant to be used directly by customers. (1161db1)
  • client-glue: Add support for Python 3.9 AWS Glue Python Shell jobs (2baf73b)
  • client-privatenetworks: This is the initial SDK release for AWS Private 5G. AWS Private 5G is a managed service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale your own private mobile network at your on-premises location. (ffaee5e)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-11 (46522ee)

3.147.0 (2022-08-10)


  • client-dlm: This release adds support for excluding specific data (non-boot) volumes from multi-volume snapshot sets created by snapshot lifecycle policies (8e19146)
  • client-ec2: This release adds support for excluding specific data (non-root) volumes from multi-volume snapshot sets created from instances. (8917e47)

3.146.0 (2022-08-09)


  • client-cloudwatch: Various quota increases related to dimensions and custom metrics (e4f6fb5)
  • client-location: Amazon Location Service now allows circular geofences in BatchPutGeofence, PutGeofence, and GetGeofence APIs. (c4ac25d)
  • client-sagemaker-a2i-runtime: Fix bug with parsing ISO-8601 CreationTime in Java SDK in DescribeHumanLoop (d2380d7)
  • client-sagemaker: Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now supports specifying multiple alternate EC2 instance types to make tuning jobs more robust when the preferred instance type is not available due to insufficient capacity. (928a5b6)

3.145.0 (2022-08-08)


  • client-glue: Add an option to run non-urgent or non-time sensitive Glue Jobs on spare capacity (3040530)
  • client-iot-wireless: AWS IoT Wireless release support for sidewalk data reliability. (962583c)
  • client-pinpoint: Adds support for Advance Quiet Time in Journeys. Adds RefreshOnSegmentUpdate and WaitForQuietTime to JourneyResponse. (ded8662)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-08 (8a11fde)

3.144.0 (2022-08-04)

Bug Fixes

  • docs: re-add customizations in bug report template (#3844) (b76839d)


  • client-chime-sdk-meetings: Adds support for Tags on Amazon Chime SDK WebRTC sessions (889af85)
  • client-config-service: Add resourceType enums for Athena, GlobalAccelerator, Detective and EC2 types (a232401)
  • client-iot: The release is to support attach a provisioning template to CACert for JITP function, Customer now doesn't have to hardcode a roleArn and templateBody during register a CACert to enable JITP. (1d537f3)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-04 (e270ac2)

3.143.0 (2022-08-03)


  • client-cognito-identity-provider: Add a new exception type, ForbiddenException, that is returned when request is not allowed (5426503)
  • client-wafv2: You can now associate an AWS WAF web ACL with an Amazon Cognito user pool. (81aeece)

3.142.0 (2022-08-02)


  • client-license-manager-user-subscriptions: This release supports user based subscription for Microsoft Visual Studio Professional and Enterprise on EC2. (9344c94)
  • client-personalize: This release adds support for incremental bulk ingestion for the Personalize CreateDatasetImportJob API. (545008f)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-02 (63abee5)
  • codegen: general data mapping function (#3830) (9417eae)
  • smithy-client: update client defaults provider (70224cc)

3.141.0 (2022-08-01)

Bug Fixes

  • lib-dynamodb: make command middleware useable, turn marshalling into middleware (#3808) (38b1a28)


  • client-workspaces: This release introduces ModifySamlProperties, a new API that allows control of SAML properties associated with a WorkSpaces directory. The DescribeWorkspaceDirectories API will now additionally return SAML properties in its responses. (5d254af)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-01 (aaf49f2)

3.140.0 (2022-07-29)

Bug Fixes

  • clients: create new session for every H2 requests (#3810) (b2c026f)


  • client-ec2: Documentation updates for Amazon EC2. (504891a)
  • client-shield: AWS Shield Advanced now supports filtering for ListProtections and ListProtectionGroups. (d907155)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-07-29 (cf99fb5)

3.139.0 (2022-07-28)


  • client-elasticsearch-service: This release adds support for gp3 EBS (Elastic Block Store) storage. (3bb625d)
  • client-lookoutvision: This release introduces support for image segmentation models and updates CPU accelerator options for models hosted on edge devices. (3710b44)
  • client-opensearch: This release adds support for gp3 EBS (Elastic Block Store) storage. (66d0dda)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-07-28 (612f647)

3.138.0 (2022-07-27)


  • client-auditmanager: This release adds an exceeded quota exception to several APIs. We added a ServiceQuotaExceededException for the following operations: CreateAssessment, CreateControl, CreateAssessmentFramework, and UpdateAssessmentStatus. (352b023)
  • client-chime: Chime VoiceConnector will now support ValidateE911Address which will allow customers to prevalidate their addresses included in their SIP invites for emergency calling (a5a02f7)
  • client-config-service: This release adds ListConformancePackComplianceScores API to support the new compliance score feature, which provides a percentage of the number of compliant rule-resource combinations in a conformance pack compared to the number of total possible rule-resource combinations in the conformance pack. (6945e9e)
  • client-global-accelerator: Global Accelerator now supports dual-stack accelerators, enabling support for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. (d07e946)
  • client-marketplace-catalog: The SDK for the StartChangeSet API will now automatically set and use an idempotency token in the ClientRequestToken request parameter if the customer does not provide it. (df77d8b)
  • client-polly: Amazon Polly adds new English and Hindi voice - Kajal. Kajal is available as Neural voice only. (d06d2de)
  • client-workspaces: Added CreateWorkspaceImage API to create a new WorkSpace image from an existing WorkSpace. (6f03fb8)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-07-27 (caeedeb)

3.137.0 (2022-07-26)

Bug Fixes


  • client-appsync: Adds support for a new API to evaluate mapping templates with mock data, allowing you to remotely unit test your AppSync resolvers and functions. (9f42ace)
  • client-detective: Added the ability to get data source package information for the behavior graph. Graph administrators can now start (or stop) optional datasources on the behavior graph. (6b3a1ff)
  • client-guardduty: Amazon GuardDuty introduces a new Malware Protection feature that triggers malware scan on selected EC2 instance resources, after the service detects a potentially malicious activity. (f85fa66)
  • client-lookoutvision: This release introduces support for the automatic scaling of inference units used by Amazon Lookout for Vision models. (65ad083)
  • client-macie2: This release adds support for retrieving (revealing) sample occurrences of sensitive data that Amazon Macie detects and reports in findings. (00eeecb)
  • client-rekognition: This release introduces support for the automatic scaling of inference units used by Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels models. (34e5ab6)
  • client-transfer: AWS Transfer Family now supports Applicability Statement 2 (AS2), a network protocol used for the secure and reliable transfer of critical Business-to-Business (B2B) data over the public internet using HTTP/HTTPS as the transport mechanism. (8424fee)
  • namespaces: remove namespaces with only a log filter (#3823) (33e6822)

3.136.1 (2022-07-25)

Bug Fixes

  • client-kinesis: support eventstream in subscribeToShard (#3818) (6892bb9)

3.136.0 (2022-07-22)


  • client-account: This release enables customers to manage the primary contact information for their AWS accounts. For more information, see (f456886)
  • client-ec2: Added support for EC2 M1 Mac instances. For more information, please visit (23fdb65)
  • client-iotdeviceadvisor: Added new service feature (Early access only) - Long Duration Test, where customers can test the IoT device to observe how it behaves when the device is in operation for longer period. (bb17b0c)
  • client-medialive: Link devices now support remote rebooting. Link devices now support maintenance windows. Maintenance windows allow a Link device to install software updates without stopping the MediaLive channel. The channel will experience a brief loss of input from the device while updates are installed. (3cef41f)
  • client-rds: This release adds the "ModifyActivityStream" API with support for audit policy state locking and unlocking. (b6e2600)
  • client-transcribe: Remove unsupported language codes for StartTranscriptionJob and update VocabularyFileUri for UpdateMedicalVocabulary (574cf7e)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-07-22 (50714b8)

3.135.0 (2022-07-21)


  • client-athena: This feature allows customers to retrieve runtime statistics for completed queries (6fe9621)
  • client-cloudwatch: Adding support for the suppression of Composite Alarm actions (e94c855)
  • client-docdb: Enable copy-on-write restore type (9173056)
  • client-ec2-instance-connect: This release includes a new exception type "EC2InstanceUnavailableException" for SendSSHPublicKey and SendSerialConsoleSSHPublicKey APIs. (a2aef86)
  • client-frauddetector: The release introduces Account Takeover Insights (ATI) model. The ATI model detects fraud relating to account takeover. This release also adds support for new variable types: ARE_CREDENTIALS_VALID and SESSION_ID and adds new structures to Model Version APIs. (b8837a8)
  • client-iotsitewise: Added asynchronous API to ingest bulk historical and current data into IoT SiteWise. (972d020)
  • client-kendra: Amazon Kendra now provides Oauth2 support for SharePoint Online. For more information, see (de0697a)
  • client-network-firewall: Network Firewall now supports referencing dynamic IP sets from stateful rule groups, for IP sets stored in Amazon VPC prefix lists. (7fb7490)

3.134.0 (2022-07-20)


  • client-iot: GA release the ability to enable/disable IoT Fleet Indexing for Device Defender and Named Shadow information, and search them through IoT Fleet Indexing APIs. This includes Named Shadow Selection as a part of the UpdateIndexingConfiguration API. (358a73e)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-07-20 (e67364c)

3.133.0 (2022-07-19)


  • client-devops-guru: Added new APIs for log anomaly detection feature. (90ed85b)
  • client-sagemaker-edge: Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager provides lightweight model deployment feature to deploy machine learning models on requested devices. (316a691)
  • client-sagemaker: Fixed an issue with cross account QueryLineage (ed39bc2)
  • client-workspaces: Increased the character limit of the login message from 850 to 2000 characters. (6481e59)

3.132.0 (2022-07-18)


  • client-application-discovery-service: Add AWS Agentless Collector details to the GetDiscoverySummary API response (d790bda)
  • client-elasticache: Adding AutoMinorVersionUpgrade in the DescribeReplicationGroups API (e694134)
  • client-kms: Added support for the SM2 KeySpec in China Partition Regions (250fd19)
  • client-mediapackage: This release adds "IncludeIframeOnlyStream" for Dash endpoints and increases the number of supported video and audio encryption presets for Speke v2 (1af0368)
  • client-sagemaker: Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager provides lightweight model deployment feature to deploy machine learning models on requested devices. (3f89139)
  • client-sso-admin: AWS SSO now supports attaching customer managed policies and a permissions boundary to your permission sets. This release adds new API operations to manage and view the customer managed policies and the permissions boundary for a given permission set. (e65c9b2)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-07-18 (87e9e29)

3.131.0 (2022-07-15)


  • client-drs: Changed existing APIs to allow choosing a dynamic volume type for replicating volumes, to reduce costs for customers. (91e2660)
  • client-evidently: This release adds support for the new segmentation feature. (a60dfd8)
  • client-wafv2: This SDK release provide customers ability to add sensitivity level for WAF SQLI Match Statements. (2b37799)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-07-15 (145ed3a)
  • xhr-http-handler: add XMLHttpRequest http handler to use with lib-storage Upload (#3798) (7462b07)

3.130.0 (2022-07-14)

Bug Fixes

  • codegen: fix error code parsing when it's a number (#3371) (c2d8522)
  • signature-v4: allow empty string as canonical header value (#3797) (0dd60ed)


  • client-athena: This release updates data types that contain either QueryExecutionId, NamedQueryId or ExpectedBucketOwner. Ids must be between 1 and 128 characters and contain only non-whitespace characters. ExpectedBucketOwner must be 12-digit string. (a22c328)
  • client-codeartifact: This release introduces Package Origin Controls, a mechanism used to counteract Dependency Confusion attacks. Adds two new APIs, PutPackageOriginConfiguration and DescribePackage, and updates the ListPackage, DescribePackageVersion and ListPackageVersion APIs in support of the feature. (ac9d765)
  • client-config-service: Update ResourceType enum with values for Route53Resolver, Batch, DMS, Workspaces, Stepfunctions, SageMaker, ElasticLoadBalancingV2, MSK types (58d673a)
  • client-ec2: This release adds flow logs for Transit Gateway to allow customers to gain deeper visibility and insights into network traffic through their Transit Gateways. (57b3f71)
  • client-fms: Adds support for strict ordering in stateful rule groups in Network Firewall policies. (b6f9a9f)
  • client-glue: This release adds an additional worker type for Glue Streaming jobs. (f47fa13)
  • client-inspector2: This release adds support for Inspector V2 scan configurations through the get and update configuration APIs. Currently this allows configuring ECR automated re-scan duration to lifetime or 180 days or 30 days. (36bccb8)
  • client-kendra: This release adds AccessControlConfigurations which allow you to redefine your document level access control without the need for content re-indexing. (b1c43cf)
  • client-nimble: Amazon Nimble Studio adds support for IAM-based access to AWS resources for Nimble Studio components and custom studio components. Studio Component scripts use these roles on Nimble Studio workstation to mount filesystems, access S3 buckets, or other configured resources in the Studio's AWS account (bae6c59)
  • client-outposts: This release adds the ShipmentInformation and AssetInformationList fields to the GetOrder API response. (cf80140)
  • client-sagemaker: This release adds support for G5, P4d, and C6i instance types in Amazon SageMaker Inference and increases the number of hyperparameters that can be searched from 20 to 30 in Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning (4d43eac)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-07-14 (93c74f4)

3.129.0 (2022-07-13)


  • client-appconfig: Adding Create, Get, Update, Delete, and List APIs for new two new resources: Extensions and ExtensionAssociations. (c2d6378)
  • util-stream-browser: provide handling utilities for browser stream (#3783) (2255877)
  • util-stream-node: provide handling utilities for Node.js stream (#3778) (0ef4af6)

3.128.0 (2022-07-12)

Bug Fixes

  • signature-v4: getCanonicalHeaders ignores undefined header values (#3789) (78690d3)


  • client-networkmanager: This release adds general availability API support for AWS Cloud WAN. (a02b73f)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-07-12 (030a718)

3.127.0 (2022-07-11)


  • client-ec2: Build, manage, and monitor a unified global network that connects resources running across your cloud and on-premises environments using the AWS Cloud WAN APIs. (5105355)
  • client-redshift: This release adds a new --snapshot-arn field for describe-cluster-snapshots, describe-node-configuration-options, restore-from-cluster-snapshot, authorize-snapshot-acsess, and revoke-snapshot-acsess APIs. It allows customers to give a Redshift snapshot ARN or a Redshift Serverless ARN as input. (be3a0a8)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-07-11 (65a0485)
  • types: add types to sdk stream utility mixin (#3779) (f311cab)

3.126.0 (2022-07-08)


  • client-backup: This release adds support for authentication using IAM user identity instead of passed IAM role, identified by excluding the IamRoleArn field in the StartRestoreJob API. This feature applies to only resource clients with a destructive restore nature (e.g. SAP HANA). (2aea1bc)

3.125.0 (2022-07-07)


  • client-chime-sdk-meetings: Adds support for AppKeys and TenantIds in Amazon Chime SDK WebRTC sessions (5d50be7)
  • client-database-migration-service: New api to migrate event subscriptions to event bridge rules (6ed4f9b)
  • client-iot-wireless: Adds 5 APIs: PutPositionConfiguration, GetPositionConfiguration, ListPositionConfigurations, UpdatePosition, GetPosition for the new Positioning Service feature which enables customers to configure solvers to calculate position of LoRaWAN devices, or specify position of LoRaWAN devices & gateways. (92e8618)
  • client-iot: This release adds support to register a CA certificate without having to provide a verification certificate. This also allows multiple AWS accounts to register the same CA in the same region. (3e13ee1)
  • client-sagemaker: Heterogeneous clusters: the ability to launch training jobs with multiple instance types. This enables running component of the training job on the instance type that is most suitable for it. e.g. doing data processing and augmentation on CPU instances and neural network training on GPU instances (0dd0bdd)

3.124.0 (2022-07-06)


  • client-cloudformation: My AWS Service (placeholder) - Add a new feature Account-level Targeting for StackSet operation (2f877b3)
  • client-synthetics: This release introduces Group feature, which enables users to group cross-region canaries. (5e37998)
  • emr-containers: set timestampeFormat for Date (#3758) (61df0f9)

3.123.0 (2022-07-05)

Bug Fixes


  • client-lex-models-v2: This release introduces additional optional parameters "messageSelectionStrategy" to PromptSpecification, which enables the users to configure the bot to play messages in orderly manner. (bd84018)
  • client-quicksight: This release allows customers to programmatically create QuickSight accounts with Enterprise and Enterprise + Q editions. It also releases allowlisting domains for embedding QuickSight dashboards at runtime through the embedding APIs. (46052af)
  • client-rds: Adds waiters support for DBCluster. (a23a0d7)
  • client-rolesanywhere: IAM Roles Anywhere allows your workloads such as servers, containers, and applications to obtain temporary AWS credentials and use the same IAM roles and policies that you have configured for your AWS workloads to access AWS resources. (c700486)
  • client-ssm-incidents: Adds support for tagging incident-record on creation by providing incident tags in the template within a response-plan. (3aff9aa)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-07-05 (72f2a04)

3.122.0 (2022-07-01)


  • client-database-migration-service: Added new features for AWS DMS version 3.4.7 that includes new endpoint settings for S3, OpenSearch, Postgres, SQLServer and Oracle. (294fef4)

3.121.0 (2022-06-30)


  • client-athena: This feature introduces the API support for Athena's parameterized query and BatchGetPreparedStatement API. (52a77f5)
  • client-customer-profiles: This release adds the optional MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging parameter to the CreateDomain, UpdateDomain, and GetAutoMergingPreview APIs in Customer Profiles. This parameter is used as a threshold to influence the profile auto-merging step of the Identity Resolution process. (a5865d3)
  • client-emr: This release adds support for the ExecutionRoleArn parameter in the AddJobFlowSteps and DescribeStep APIs. Customers can use ExecutionRoleArn to specify the IAM role used for each job they submit using the AddJobFlowSteps API. (5232298)
  • client-glue: This release adds tag as an input of CreateDatabase (64d9e9f)
  • client-kendra: Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for alfresco (104b8be)
  • client-mwaa: Documentation updates for Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow. (debff58)
  • client-pricing: Documentation update for GetProducts Response. (8c5e287)
  • client-wellarchitected: Added support for UpdateGlobalSettings API. Added status filter to ListWorkloadShares and ListLensShares. (5d6f4e6)
  • client-workmail: This release adds support for managing user availability configurations in Amazon WorkMail. (3e7e5cb)
  • clients: fallback to status code for unmodeled errors (#3752) (49bcc4f)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-06-30 (fe6a05a)

3.120.0 (2022-06-29)

Bug Fixes

  • populate content-type header for all event messages (#3760) (4f3d41e)
  • s3-request-presigner: not mutate client mw stack (#3751) (cbe8126)


  • client-appstream: Includes support for StreamingExperienceSettings in CreateStack and UpdateStack APIs (76b0af1)
  • client-emr: This release introduces additional optional parameter "Throughput" to VolumeSpecification to enable user to configure throughput for gp3 ebs volumes. (e9259f0)
  • client-medialive: This release adds support for automatic renewal of MediaLive reservations at the end of each reservation term. Automatic renewal is optional. This release also adds support for labelling accessibility-focused audio and caption tracks in HLS outputs. (1737bf6)
  • client-redshift-serverless: Add new API operations for Amazon Redshift Serverless, a new way of using Amazon Redshift without needing to manually manage provisioned clusters. The new operations let you interact with Redshift Serverless resources, such as create snapshots, list VPC endpoints, delete resource policies, and more. (ba28895)
  • client-sagemaker: This release adds: UpdateFeatureGroup, UpdateFeatureMetadata, DescribeFeatureMetadata APIs; FeatureMetadata type in Search API; LastModifiedTime, LastUpdateStatus, OnlineStoreTotalSizeBytes in DescribeFeatureGroup API. (74b38f9)
  • client-translate: Added ListLanguages API which can be used to list the languages supported by Translate. (4ec076d)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-06-29 (b078874)

3.119.0 (2022-06-28)


  • client-datasync: AWS DataSync now supports Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP locations. (87a3aac)
  • client-ec2: This release adds a new spread placement group to EC2 Placement Groups: host level spread, which spread instances between physical hosts, available to Outpost customers only. CreatePlacementGroup and DescribePlacementGroups APIs were updated with a new parameter: SpreadLevel to support this feature. (89baffe)
  • client-finspace-data: Release new API GetExternalDataViewAccessDetails (af6b52c)
  • client-polly: Add 4 new neural voices - Pedro (es-US), Liam (fr-CA), Daniel (de-DE) and Arthur (en-GB). (6fbb85a)
  • eventstream-codec: add EventStreamCodec (#3747) (9a71e60)

3.118.1 (2022-06-27)


  • client-iot: This release ease the restriction for the input of tag value to align with AWS standard, now instead of min length 1, we change it to min length 0. (c6dabb2)

3.118.0 (2022-06-24)

Bug Fixes

  • client-redshiftserverless: remove redshift-serverless client (#3733) (0b69c9b)
  • signature-v4-crt: bump aws-crt to 1.12.5 (#3734) (647d02e)


  • client-glue: This release enables the new ListCrawls API for viewing the AWS Glue Crawler run history. (95c192f)

3.117.0 (2022-06-23)


  • client-lookoutequipment: This release adds visualizations to the scheduled inference results. Users will be able to see interference results, including diagnostic results from their running inference schedulers. (d809dff)
  • client-mgn: New and modified APIs for the Post-Migration Framework (7af6954)
  • client-migration-hub-refactor-spaces: This release adds the new API UpdateRoute that allows route to be updated to ACTIVE/INACTIVE state. In addition, CreateRoute API will now allow users to create route in ACTIVE/INACTIVE state. (7cb6642)
  • client-sagemaker: SageMaker Ground Truth now supports Virtual Private Cloud. Customers can launch labeling jobs and access to their private workforce in VPC mode. (d2cbd47)

3.116.0 (2022-06-22)


  • client-pricing: This release introduces 1 update to the GetProducts API. The serviceCode attribute is now required when you use the GetProductsRequest. (bdf3c9a)
  • client-transfer: Until today, the service supported only RSA host keys and user keys. Now with this launch, Transfer Family has expanded the support for ECDSA and ED25519 host keys and user keys, enabling customers to support a broader set of clients by choosing RSA, ECDSA, and ED25519 host and user keys. (9b215d2)

3.115.0 (2022-06-21)


  • client-ec2: This release adds support for Private IP VPNs, a new feature allowing S2S VPN connections to use private ip addresses as the tunnel outside ip address over Direct Connect as transport. (8f2eb0c)
  • client-wellarchitected: Adds support for lens tagging, Adds support for multiple helpful-resource urls and multiple improvement-plan urls. (7347da1)

3.114.0 (2022-06-20)


  • client-directory-service: This release adds support for describing and updating AWS Managed Microsoft AD settings (64f990a)
  • client-outposts: This release adds the AssetLocation structure to the ListAssets response. AssetLocation includes the RackElevation for an Asset. (f24a55d)

3.113.0 (2022-06-17)

Bug Fixes

  • lib-storage: repair package.json runtimeConfig path (#3352) (76ac9db)


  • client-connect: This release updates these APIs: UpdateInstanceAttribute, DescribeInstanceAttribute and ListInstanceAttributes. You can use it to programmatically enable/disable High volume outbound communications using attribute type HIGH_VOLUME_OUTBOUND on the specified Amazon Connect instance. (71bbaca)
  • client-connectcampaigns: Added Amazon Connect high volume outbound communications SDK. (324a693)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-06-17 (0a49ba7)

3.112.0 (2022-06-16)


  • client-redshift-data: This release adds a new --workgroup-name field to operations that connect to an endpoint. Customers can now execute queries against their serverless workgroups. (e92c230)
  • client-redshiftserverless: Add new API operations for Amazon Redshift Serverless, a new way of using Amazon Redshift without needing to manually manage provisioned clusters. The new operations let you interact with Redshift Serverless resources, such as create snapshots, list VPC endpoints, delete resource policies, and more. (774e109)
  • client-securityhub: Added Threats field for security findings. Added new resource details for ECS Container, ECS Task, RDS SecurityGroup, Kinesis Stream, EC2 TransitGateway, EFS AccessPoint, CloudFormation Stack, CloudWatch Alarm, VPC Peering Connection and WAF Rules (6962140)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-06-16 (f58e0e4)

3.111.0 (2022-06-15)


  • client-finspace-data: This release adds a new set of APIs, GetPermissionGroup, DisassociateUserFromPermissionGroup, AssociateUserToPermissionGroup, ListPermissionGroupsByUser, ListUsersByPermissionGroup. (d29cb21)
  • client-guardduty: Adds finding fields available from GuardDuty Console. Adds FreeTrial related operations. Deprecates the use of various APIs related to Master Accounts and Replace them with Administrator Accounts. (02083d6)
  • client-service-catalog-appregistry: This release adds a new API ListAttributeGroupsForApplication that returns associated attribute groups of an application. In addition, the UpdateApplication and UpdateAttributeGroup APIs will not allow users to update the 'Name' attribute. (03773d1)
  • client-workspaces: Added new field "reason" to OperationNotSupportedException. Receiving this exception in the DeregisterWorkspaceDirectory API will now return a reason giving more context on the failure. (3fb0a96)

3.110.0 (2022-06-14)

Bug Fixes

  • client-lex-runtime-v2: serialize eventstream payload properly (#3655) (757f883)
  • shared-ini-file-loader: update ini parsing (#3682) (9536104)


  • client-budgets: Add a budgets ThrottlingException. Update the CostFilters value pattern. (3f98cfc)
  • client-lookoutmetrics: Adding filters to Alert and adding new UpdateAlert API. (d52f9aa)
  • client-mediaconvert: AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for rules that constrain Automatic-ABR rendition selection when generating ABR package ladders. (9c9825e)

3.109.0 (2022-06-13)

Bug Fixes

  • s3: update endpoints for writeGetObjectResponse for object lambda (#3662) (bb9f18e)


  • client-outposts: This release adds API operations AWS uses to install Outpost servers. (a04c290)

3.108.1 (2022-06-10)

Bug Fixes

  • client-redshift-serverless: remove redshift-serverless client (#3675) (1d9b9e0)


  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-06-10 (7268a70)

3.108.0 (2022-06-09)


  • client-chime-sdk-meetings: Adds support for live transcription in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. (e42639d)

3.107.0 (2022-06-08)

Bug Fixes

  • clients: handle empty xml tags (#3623) (543a0ce)
  • middleware-sdk-ec2: use hostname from regionInfoProvider (#3673) (5103554)


  • client-database-migration-service: This release adds DMS Fleet Advisor APIs and exposes functionality for DMS Fleet Advisor. It adds functionality to create and modify fleet advisor instances, and to collect and analyze information about the local data infrastructure. (9d1b69c)
  • client-m2: AWS Mainframe Modernization service is a managed mainframe service and set of tools for planning, migrating, modernizing, and running mainframe workloads on AWS (18cf697)
  • client-neptune: This release adds support for Neptune to be configured as a global database, with a primary DB cluster in one region, and up to five secondary DB clusters in other regions. (fdf3a33)
  • client-redshift: Adds new API GetClusterCredentialsWithIAM to return temporary credentials. (3ae95d3)
  • client-redshift-serverless: Add new API operations for Amazon Redshift Serverless, a new way of using Amazon Redshift without needing to manually manage provisioned clusters. The new operations let you interact with Redshift Serverless resources, such as create snapshots, list VPC endpoints, delete resource policies, and more. (16ec9ec)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-06-08 (1148250)

3.106.0 (2022-06-07)


  • client-auditmanager: This release introduces 2 updates to the Audit Manager API. The roleType and roleArn attributes are now required when you use the CreateAssessment or UpdateAssessment operation. We also added a throttling exception to the RegisterAccount API operation. (e2597d4)
  • client-cost-explorer: Added two new APIs to support cost allocation tags operations: ListCostAllocationTags, UpdateCostAllocationTagsStatus. (25dcf34)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-06-07 (1718194)

3.105.0 (2022-06-06)


  • client-chime-sdk-messaging: This release adds support for searching channels by members via the SearchChannels API, removes required restrictions for Name and Mode in UpdateChannel API and enhances CreateChannel API by exposing member and moderator list as well as channel id as optional parameters. (27f0d81)
  • client-connect: This release adds a new API, GetCurrentUserData, which returns real-time details about users' current activity. (47e52de)
  • clients: support recursion detection in Lambda (#3654) (ecfe46e)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-06-06 (ef24fbc)

3.104.0 (2022-06-02)


  • client-application-insights: Provide Account Level onboarding support through CFN/CLI (b70eff4)
  • client-connect: This release adds the following features: 1) New APIs to manage (create, list, update) task template resources, 2) Updates to startTaskContact API to support task templates, and 3) new TransferContact API to programmatically transfer in-progress tasks via a contact flow. (e10c8ed)
  • client-kendra: Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for GitHub. For more information, see (66f927c)
  • client-proton: Add new "Components" API to enable users to Create, Delete and Update AWS Proton components. (fd798b0)
  • client-voice-id: Added a new attribute ServerSideEncryptionUpdateDetails to Domain and DomainSummary. (4edcad0)

3.103.0 (2022-06-01)


  • client-backup-gateway: Adds GetGateway and UpdateGatewaySoftwareNow API and adds hypervisor name to UpdateHypervisor API (4910403)
  • client-chime-sdk-meetings: Adds support for centrally controlling each participant's ability to send and receive audio, video and screen share within a WebRTC session. Attendee capabilities can be specified when the attendee is created and updated during the session with the new BatchUpdateAttendeeCapabilitiesExcept API. (a938290)
  • client-forecast: Added Format field to Import and Export APIs in Amazon Forecast. Added TimeSeriesSelector to Create Forecast API. (ae5629e)
  • client-route-53: Add new APIs to support Route 53 IP Based Routing (d277dd7)

3.102.0 (2022-05-31)

Bug Fixes

  • codegen: check javascript property validity for property access (#3649) (31e72ac)


  • client-cognito-identity-provider: Amazon Cognito now supports IP Address propagation for all unauthenticated APIs (e.g. SignUp, ForgotPassword). (d285512)
  • client-drs: Changed existing APIs and added new APIs to accommodate using multiple AWS accounts with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery. (9e66058)
  • client-iotsitewise: This release adds the following new optional field to the IoT SiteWise asset resource: assetDescription. (6efc758)
  • client-lookoutmetrics: Adding backtest mode to detectors using the Cloudwatch data source. (973cdd0)
  • client-sagemaker: Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances now support Jupyter Lab 3. (b363ebe)
  • client-transcribe: Amazon Transcribe now supports automatic language identification for multi-lingual audio in batch mode. (2c3c3cd)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-31 (3503795)

3.101.0 (2022-05-27)


  • client-appflow: Adding the following features/changes: Parquet output that preserves typing from the source connector, Failed executions threshold before deactivation for scheduled flows, increasing max size of access and refresh token from 2048 to 4096 (0762754)
  • client-datasync: AWS DataSync now supports TLS encryption in transit, file system policies and access points for EFS locations. (691df14)
  • client-emr-serverless: This release adds support for Amazon EMR Serverless, a serverless runtime environment that simplifies running analytics applications using the latest open source frameworks such as Apache Spark and Apache Hive. (b056f11)
  • client-sagemaker: Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances now allows configuration of Instance Metadata Service version and Amazon SageMaker Studio now supports G5 instance types. (cf58e1e)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-27 (088c46d)

3.100.0 (2022-05-26)


  • client-ec2: C7g instances, powered by the latest generation AWS Graviton3 processors, provide the best price performance in Amazon EC2 for compute-intensive workloads. (58efcc5)
  • client-emr-serverless: This release adds support for Amazon EMR Serverless, a serverless runtime environment that simplifies running analytics applications using the latest open source frameworks such as Apache Spark and Apache Hive. (8c98a71)
  • client-forecast: Introduced a new field in Auto Predictor as Time Alignment Boundary. It helps in aligning the timestamps generated during Forecast exports (4ce40b0)
  • client-lightsail: Amazon Lightsail now supports the ability to configure a Lightsail Container Service to pull images from Amazon ECR private repositories in your account. (a8ba37c)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-26 (16da1e7)

3.99.0 (2022-05-25)


  • client-cloudformation: Add a new parameter statusReason to DescribeStackSetOperation output for additional details (9051437)
  • client-fsx: This release adds root squash support to FSx for Lustre to restrict root level access from clients by mapping root users to a less-privileged user/group with limited permissions. (920eafe)
  • client-lookoutmetrics: Adding AthenaSourceConfig for MetricSet APIs to support Athena as a data source. (41aa257)
  • client-sagemaker: Amazon SageMaker Autopilot adds support for manually selecting features from the input dataset using the CreateAutoMLJob API. (212b3e3)
  • client-voice-id: VoiceID will now automatically expire Speakers if they haven't been accessed for Enrollment, Re-enrollment or Successful Auth for three years. The Speaker APIs now return a "LastAccessedAt" time for Speakers, and the EvaluateSession API returns "SPEAKER_EXPIRED" Auth Decision for EXPIRED Speakers. (7bd32c7)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-25 (272235a)

3.98.0 (2022-05-24)

Bug Fixes

  • rds-signer: update package.json with latest values (#3632) (953fd97)


  • client-cognito-identity-provider: Amazon Cognito now supports requiring attribute verification (ex. email and phone number) before update. (6ee832d)
  • client-ec2: Stop Protection feature enables customers to protect their instances from accidental stop actions. (097a389)
  • client-mediaconvert: AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for rules that constrain Automatic-ABR rendition selection when generating ABR package ladders. (0035863)
  • client-networkmanager: This release adds Multi Account API support for a TGW Global Network, to enable and disable AWSServiceAccess with AwsOrganizations for Network Manager service and dependency CloudFormation StackSets service. (2b041ea)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-24 (92f1e36)
  • rds-signer: add RDS Signer (#1823) (#3084) (bec7eee)

3.97.0 (2022-05-23)


  • client-elasticache: Added support for encryption in transit for Memcached clusters. Customers can now launch Memcached cluster with encryption in transit enabled when using Memcached version 1.6.12 or later. (6f1e857)
  • client-forecast: New APIs for Monitor that help you understand how your predictors perform over time. (74fa9b8)
  • client-personalize: Adding modelMetrics as part of DescribeRecommender API response for Personalize. (16f4208)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-23 (aff7bd4)
  • Standardize issue template for discussions (#3506) (ac8f021)

3.96.0 (2022-05-20)


  • client-comprehend: Comprehend releases 14 new entity types for DetectPiiEntities and ContainsPiiEntities APIs. (598f334)

3.95.0 (2022-05-19)


  • client-gamesparks: This release adds an optional DeploymentResult field in the responses of GetStageDeploymentIntegrationTests and ListStageDeploymentIntegrationTests APIs. (e31958e)
  • client-lookoutmetrics: In this release we added SnsFormat to SNSConfiguration to support human readable alert. (c28ed70)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-19 (3cccb5d)

3.94.0 (2022-05-18)

Bug Fixes

  • node-http-handler: handle close event in H2 from server side (#3619) (c528661)


  • client-app-mesh: This release updates the existing Create and Update APIs for meshes and virtual nodes by adding a new IP preference field. This new IP preference field can be used to control the IP versions being used with the mesh and allows for IPv6 support within App Mesh. (0f427f3)
  • client-greengrassv2: This release adds the new DeleteDeployment API operation that you can use to delete deployment resources. This release also adds support for discontinued AWS-provided components, so AWS can communicate when a component has any issues that you should consider before you deploy it. (fe02b18)
  • client-iot-events-data: Introducing new API for deleting detectors: BatchDeleteDetector. (4320da0)
  • client-quicksight: API UpdatePublicSharingSettings enables IAM admins to enable/disable account level setting for public access of dashboards. When enabled, owners/co-owners for dashboards can enable public access on their dashboards. These dashboards can only be accessed through share link or embedding. (389837a)
  • client-transfer: AWS Transfer Family now supports SetStat server configuration option, which provides the ability to ignore SetStat command issued by file transfer clients, enabling customers to upload files without any errors. (59da2d5)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-18 (b70babd)

3.93.0 (2022-05-17)


  • client-glue: This release adds a new optional parameter called codeGenNodeConfiguration to CRUD job APIs that allows users to manage visual jobs via APIs. The updated CreateJob and UpdateJob will create jobs that can be viewed in Glue Studio as a visual graph. GetJob can be used to get codeGenNodeConfiguration. (61ab9ac)

3.92.0 (2022-05-16)


  • client-application-discovery-service: Add Migration Evaluator Collector details to the GetDiscoverySummary API response (8271508)
  • client-cloudfront: Introduced a new error (TooLongCSPInResponseHeadersPolicy) that is returned when the value of the Content-Security-Policy header in a response headers policy exceeds the maximum allowed length. (f2875d3)
  • client-resiliencehub: In this release, we are introducing support for Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Route 53, AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery, AWS Backup in addition to the existing supported Services. This release also supports Terraform file input from S3 and scheduling daily assessments (01ff495)
  • client-workspaces-web: Amazon WorkSpaces Web now supports Administrator timeout control (f946a33)

3.91.0 (2022-05-13)


  • client-grafana: This release adds APIs for creating and deleting API keys in an Amazon Managed Grafana workspace. (091f6df)

3.90.0 (2022-05-12)


  • client-ec2: This release introduces a target type Gateway Load Balancer Endpoint for mirrored traffic. Customers can now specify GatewayLoadBalancerEndpoint option during the creation of a traffic mirror target. (ed7b520)
  • client-kendra: Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for Jira. For more information, see (37c9777)
  • client-lambda: Lambda releases NodeJs 16 managed runtime to be available in all commercial regions. (22a47c1)
  • client-lightsail: This release adds support to include inactive database bundles in the response of the GetRelationalDatabaseBundles request. (2ed03c4)
  • client-ssm-incidents: Adding support for dynamic SSM Runbook parameter values. Updating validation pattern for engagements. Adding ConflictException to UpdateReplicationSet API contract. (67fcba1)
  • client-workspaces: Increased the character limit of the login message from 600 to 850 characters. (796d6f4)
  • Add Cloudfront package to sign URLs and cookies (#3461) (f109ed5)

3.89.0 (2022-05-11)


  • client-ec2: This release updates AWS PrivateLink APIs to support IPv6 for PrivateLink Services and Endpoints of type 'Interface'. (afd213b)

3.88.0 (2022-05-10)


  • client-ec2: Added support for using NitroTPM and UEFI Secure Boot on EC2 instances. (2ad1bbf)
  • client-eks: Adds BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64_NVIDIA and BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64_NVIDIA AMI types to EKS managed nodegroups (e914c59)
  • client-emr: This release updates the Amazon EMR ModifyInstanceGroups API to support "MERGE" type cluster reconfiguration. Also, added the ability to specify a particular Amazon Linux release for all nodes in a cluster launch request. (7945cec)
  • clients: http2 handler accept parameters from default mode provider (#3580) (930c904)

3.87.0 (2022-05-09)


  • client-cloudcontrol: SDK release for Cloud Control API to include paginators for Python SDK. (49661ab)
  • client-evidently: Add detail message inside GetExperimentResults API response to indicate experiment result availability (872386c)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-09 (aec9a19)
  • credential-providers: expose node.js default credential provider chain (#3588) (51aaffc)

3.86.0 (2022-05-06)

Bug Fixes

  • lib-storage: add missing return keys (#2700) (cbab94e)
  • middleware-sdk-s3: improve error message on stream upload (#3571) (c0ed833)


  • client-ec2: Add new state values for IPAMs, IPAM Scopes, and IPAM Pools. (6c6525c)
  • client-location: Amazon Location Service now includes a MaxResults parameter for ListGeofences requests. (5c0e234)
  • client-mediapackage: This release adds Dvb Dash 2014 as an available profile option for Dash Origin Endpoints. (7f9f845)
  • client-redshift: Introduces new field 'LoadSampleData' in CreateCluster operation. Customers can now specify 'LoadSampleData' option during creation of a cluster, which results in loading of sample data in the cluster that is created. (9b91388)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-06 (79ad41b)

3.85.0 (2022-05-05)


  • client-datasync: AWS DataSync now supports a new ObjectTags Task API option that can be used to control whether Object Tags are transferred. (dfc58ea)
  • client-ec2: Amazon EC2 I4i instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors and feature up to 30 TB of local AWS Nitro SSD storage (1aefead)
  • client-iot: AWS IoT Jobs now allows you to create up to 100,000 active continuous and snapshot jobs by using concurrency control. (6506e14)
  • client-kendra: AWS Kendra now supports hierarchical facets for a query. For more information, see (d1a2c61)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-05 (3e002c4)
  • codegen: add codegen indicator comment to all generated files (#3592) (567a530)
  • smithy-client: update client defaults provider (92a5c30)

3.84.0 (2022-05-04)


  • client-backup: Adds support to 2 new filters about job complete time for 3 list jobs APIs in AWS Backup (164cdf7)
  • client-iotsecuretunneling: This release introduces a new API RotateTunnelAccessToken that allow revoking the existing tokens and generate new tokens (d77322a)
  • client-ssm: This release adds the TargetMaps parameter in SSM State Manager API. (f0b9bd4)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-04 (699f5ad)

3.83.0 (2022-05-03)


  • client-ec2: Adds support for allocating Dedicated Hosts on AWS Outposts. The AllocateHosts API now accepts an OutpostArn request parameter, and the DescribeHosts API now includes an OutpostArn response parameter. (75a68fd)
  • client-kinesis-video: Add support for multiple image feature related APIs for configuring image generation and notification of a video stream. Add "GET_IMAGES" to the list of supported API names for the GetDataEndpoint API. (9dfe418)
  • client-kinesis-video-archived-media: Add support for GetImages API for retrieving images from a video stream (a775394)
  • client-sagemaker: SageMaker Autopilot adds new metrics for all candidate models generated by Autopilot experiments; RStudio on SageMaker now allows users to bring your own development environment in a custom image. (417ad38)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-03 (4a1e12d)

3.82.0 (2022-05-02)

Bug Fixes

  • client-kinesis: disable Kinesis ResourceNotFoundException test (#3584) (aeb63b3)


  • client-organizations: This release adds the INVALID_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT as a fail reason and an error message. (00e2222)
  • client-outposts: This release adds a new API called ListAssets to the Outposts SDK, which lists the hardware assets in an Outpost. (e04ca4d)
  • client-synthetics: CloudWatch Synthetics has introduced a new feature to provide customers with an option to delete the underlying resources that Synthetics canary creates when the user chooses to delete the canary. (329a23a)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-05-02 (e550cec)
  • smithy-client: update client defaults provider (02d4564)

3.81.0 (2022-04-29)


  • client-codeguru-reviewer: Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer now supports suppressing recommendations from being generated on specific files and directories. (0aabfad)
  • client-mediaconvert: AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK nows supports creation of Dolby Vision profile 8.1, the ability to generate black frames of video, and introduces audio-only DASH and CMAF support. (ec8aea0)
  • client-rds: Feature - Adds support for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) on RDS database instances. (6224806)
  • client-ssm: Update the StartChangeRequestExecution, adding TargetMaps to the Runbook parameter (1a4fe40)
  • client-wafv2: You can now inspect all request headers and all cookies. You can now specify how to handle oversize body contents in your rules that inspect the body. (5bea879)
  • credential-provider-imds: adjust static stability expiration to 5-10 mins (#3575) (0a12a1e)

3.80.0 (2022-04-28)


  • client-braket: This release enables Braket Hybrid Jobs with Embedded Simulators to have multiple instances. (2de9086)
  • client-connect: This release introduces an API for changing the current agent status of a user in Connect. (9a4c9f8)
  • client-ec2: This release adds support to query the public key and creation date of EC2 Key Pairs. Additionally, the format (pem or ppk) of a key pair can be specified when creating a new key pair. (61e9e39)
  • client-network-firewall: AWS Network Firewall adds support for stateful threat signature AWS managed rule groups. (790c085)

3.79.0 (2022-04-27)


  • client-chime-sdk-media-pipelines: For Amazon Chime SDK meetings, the Amazon Chime Media Pipelines SDK allows builders to capture audio, video, and content share streams. You can also capture meeting events, live transcripts, and data messages. The pipelines save the artifacts to an Amazon S3 bucket that you designate. (12667a7)
  • client-cloudtrail: Increases the retention period maximum to 2557 days. Deprecates unused fields of the ListEventDataStores API response. Updates documentation. (13baee3)
  • client-iot-wireless: Add list support for event configurations, allow to get and update event configurations by resource type, support LoRaWAN events; Make NetworkAnalyzerConfiguration as a resource, add List, Create, Delete API support; Add FCntStart attribute support for ABP WirelessDevice. (12fb21d)
  • client-lookoutequipment: This release adds the following new features: 1) Introduces an option for automatic schema creation 2) Now allows for Ingestion of data containing most common errors and allows automatic data cleaning 3) Introduces new API ListSensorStatistics that gives further information about the ingested data (f35b0f3)
  • client-rekognition: This release adds support to configure stream-processor resources for label detections on streaming-videos. UpateStreamProcessor API is also launched with this release, which could be used to update an existing stream-processor. (f0564dc)
  • client-sagemaker: Amazon SageMaker Autopilot adds support for custom validation dataset and validation ratio through the CreateAutoMLJob and DescribeAutoMLJob APIs. (a13c9a0)

3.78.0 (2022-04-26)


  • client-cloudfront: CloudFront now supports the Server-Timing header in HTTP responses sent from CloudFront. You can use this header to view metrics that help you gain insights about the behavior and performance of CloudFront. To use this header, enable it in a response headers policy. (c70378d)
  • client-ivschat: Adds new APIs for IVS Chat, a feature for building interactive chat experiences alongside an IVS broadcast. (1ee3b39)
  • client-lightsail: This release adds support for Lightsail load balancer HTTP to HTTPS redirect and TLS policy configuration. (6bfdeba)
  • client-network-firewall: AWS Network Firewall now enables customers to use a customer managed AWS KMS key for the encryption of their firewall resources. (ba3e251)
  • client-sagemaker: SageMaker Inference Recommender now accepts customer KMS key ID for encryption of endpoints and compilation outputs created during inference recommendation. (85a8b9d)
  • types: add pagination stopOnSameToken option (#3524) (9bf73e8)

3.77.0 (2022-04-25)


  • client-connect: This release adds SearchUsers API which can be used to search for users with a Connect Instance (15544b5)
  • client-mq: This release adds the CRITICAL_ACTION_REQUIRED broker state and the ActionRequired API property. CRITICAL_ACTION_REQUIRED informs you when your broker is degraded. ActionRequired provides you with a code which you can use to find instructions in the Developer Guide on how to resolve the issue. (0abb527)
  • client-rds-data: Support to receive SQL query results in the form of a simplified JSON string. This enables developers using the new JSON string format to more easily convert it to an object using popular JSON string parsing libraries. (7b173c3)
  • client-securityhub: Security Hub now lets you opt-out of auto-enabling the defaults standards (CIS and FSBP) in accounts that are auto-enabled with Security Hub via Security Hub's integration with AWS Organizations. (08a57e7)

3.76.0 (2022-04-22)

Bug Fixes

  • node-http-handler: http2 lets node exit (#3541) (7480667)
  • util-dynamodb: allow marshall function to handle more input types (#3539) (a5fa267)


  • client-chime-sdk-meetings: Include additional exceptions types. (89b90ef)
  • client-ec2: Adds support for waiters that automatically poll for a deleted NAT Gateway until it reaches the deleted state. (047c131)

3.75.0 (2022-04-21)


  • client-glue: This release adds APIs to create, read, delete, list, and batch read of Glue custom entity types (546dab6)
  • client-iotsitewise: This release adds 3 new batch data query APIs : BatchGetAssetPropertyValue, BatchGetAssetPropertyValueHistory and BatchGetAssetPropertyAggregates (f07f481)
  • client-iottwinmaker: General availability (GA) for AWS IoT TwinMaker. For more information, see (1103688)
  • client-lookoutmetrics: Added DetectMetricSetConfig API for detecting configuration required for creating metric set from provided S3 data source. (902a074)
  • client-mediatailor: This release introduces tiered channels and adds support for live sources. Customers using a STANDARD channel can now create programs using live sources. (75fac5e)
  • client-storage-gateway: This release adds support for minimum of 5 character length virtual tape barcodes. (808b04f)
  • client-wisdom: This release updates the GetRecommendations API to include a trigger event list for classifying and grouping recommendations. (6f1e5c3)

3.74.0 (2022-04-20)

Bug Fixes

  • node-http-handler: resolve config provider only once per NodeHttpHandler instance (#3545) (8ffd6b2)


  • client-connect: This release adds APIs to search, claim, release, list, update, and describe phone numbers. You can also use them to associate and disassociate contact flows to phone numbers. (78e0c59)
  • client-macie2: Sensitive data findings in Amazon Macie now indicate how Macie found the sensitive data that produced a finding (originType). (cad1178)
  • client-mgn: Removed required annotation from input fields in Describe operations requests. Added quotaValue to ServiceQuotaExceededException (ee4defd)
  • client-rds: Added a new cluster-level attribute to set the capacity range for Aurora Serverless v2 instances. (fd985ae)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-04-20 (7781e4e)

3.73.0 (2022-04-19)


  • client-auto-scaling: EC2 Auto Scaling now adds default instance warm-up times for all scaling activities, health check replacements, and other replacement events in the Auto Scaling instance lifecycle. (b97e526)
  • client-kendra: Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for Quip. For more information, see (d1aebb8)
  • client-kms: Adds support for KMS keys and APIs that generate and verify HMAC codes (90a9a16)
  • client-personalize: Adding StartRecommender and StopRecommender APIs for Personalize. (67d79bf)
  • client-polly: Amazon Polly adds new Austrian German voice - Hannah. Hannah is available as Neural voice only. (ae5a8f2)
  • client-redshift: Introduces new fields for LogDestinationType and LogExports on EnableLogging requests and Enable/Disable/DescribeLogging responses. Customers can now select CloudWatch Logs as a destination for their Audit Logs. (a39c581)
  • client-ssm: Added offset support for specifying the number of days to wait after the date and time specified by a CRON expression when creating SSM association. (e8b6d98)
  • client-textract: This release adds support for specifying and extracting information from documents using the Queries feature within Analyze Document API (584f346)
  • client-worklink: Amazon WorkLink is no longer supported. This will be removed in a future version of the SDK. (047ace0)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-04-19 (eb1fa11)

3.72.0 (2022-04-15)


  • client-athena: This release adds subfields, ErrorMessage, Retryable, to the AthenaError response object in the GetQueryExecution API when a query fails. (905ab58)
  • client-lightsail: This release adds support to describe the synchronization status of the account-level block public access feature for your Amazon Lightsail buckets. (4850e32)
  • client-rds: Removes Amazon RDS on VMware with the deletion of APIs related to Custom Availability Zones and Media installation (2a9f8c3)

3.71.0 (2022-04-14)


  • client-appflow: Enables users to pass custom token URL parameters for Oauth2 authentication during create connector profile (fc1c8ac)
  • client-appstream: Includes updates for create and update fleet APIs to manage the session scripts locations for Elastic fleets. (e52c79d)
  • client-batch: Enables configuration updates for compute environments with BEST_FIT_PROGRESSIVE and SPOT_CAPACITY_OPTIMIZED allocation strategies. (f042910)
  • client-glue: Auto Scaling for Glue version 3.0 and later jobs to dynamically scale compute resources. This SDK change provides customers with the auto-scaled DPU usage (f8edcd3)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-04-14 (582ebd6)

3.70.0 (2022-04-13)


  • client-cloudwatch: Adds support for additional statistics in CloudWatch Metric Streams. (58e3a94)
  • client-fsx: This release adds support for deploying FSx for ONTAP file systems in a single Availability Zone. (2f160df)

3.69.0 (2022-04-12)


  • client-devops-guru: This release adds new APIs DeleteInsight to deletes the insight along with the associated anomalies, events and recommendations. (3dc7bfe)
  • client-ec2: X2idn and X2iedn instances are powered by 3rd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors with an all-core turbo frequency up to 3.5 GHzAmazon EC2. C6a instances are powered by 3rd generation AMD EPYC processors. (57c38e8)
  • client-efs: Amazon EFS adds support for a ThrottlingException when using the CreateAccessPoint API if the account is nearing the AccessPoint limit(120). (848941d)
  • client-iottwinmaker: This release adds the following new features: 1) ListEntities API now supports search using ExternalId. 2) BatchPutPropertyValue and GetPropertyValueHistory API now allows users to represent time in sub-second level precisions. (f000752)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-04-12 (7924dc7)

3.68.0 (2022-04-11)


  • client-amplifyuibuilder: In this release, we have added the ability to bind events to component level actions. (b7a8349)
  • client-apprunner: This release adds tracing for App Runner services with X-Ray using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry. New APIs: CreateObservabilityConfiguration, DescribeObservabilityConfiguration, ListObservabilityConfigurations, and DeleteObservabilityConfiguration. Updated APIs: CreateService and UpdateService. (9ca1250)
  • client-workspaces: Added API support that allows customers to create GPU-enabled WorkSpaces using EC2 G4dn instances. (6c11084)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-04-11 (dccb5cb)

3.67.0 (2022-04-08)


  • client-mediaconvert: AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for the pass-through of WebVTT styling to WebVTT outputs, pass-through of KLV metadata to supported formats, and improved filter support for processing 444/RGB content. (d49135a)
  • client-mediapackage-vod: This release adds ScteMarkersSource as an available field for Dash Packaging Configurations. When set to MANIFEST, MediaPackage will source the SCTE-35 markers from the manifest. When set to SEGMENTS, MediaPackage will source the SCTE-35 markers from the segments. (fc43d06)
  • client-wafv2: Add a new CurrentDefaultVersion field to ListAvailableManagedRuleGroupVersions API response; add a new VersioningSupported boolean to each ManagedRuleGroup returned from ListAvailableManagedRuleGroups API response. (07f9765)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-04-08 (ad3734a)

3.66.0 (2022-04-07)


  • client-pi: Adds support for DocumentDB to the Performance Insights API. (#3520) (4aaf58a)
  • client-fsx: Provide customers more visibility into file system status by adding new "Misconfigured Unavailable" status for Amazon FSx for Windows File Server. (#3520) (4aaf58a)
  • client-docdb: Added support to enable/disable performance insights when creating or modifying db instances (#3520) (4aaf58a)
  • client-personalize: This release provides tagging support in AWS Personalize. (#3520) (4aaf58a)
  • client-sagemaker: Amazon Sagemaker Notebook Instances now supports G5 instance types (#3520) (4aaf58a)
  • client-eventbridge: Adds new EventBridge Endpoint resources for disaster recovery, multi-region failover, and cross-region replication capabilities to help you build resilient event-driven applications. (#3520) (4aaf58a)
  • signature-v4-multi-region: support multi-region sigv4a signer (#3518) (16aa220)

3.65.0 (2022-04-06)


  • client-config-service: Add resourceType enums for AWS::EMR::SecurityConfiguration and AWS::SageMaker::CodeRepository (19e9658)
  • client-kendra: Amazon Kendra now provides a data source connector for Box. For more information, see (23658e5)
  • client-lambda: This release adds new APIs for creating and managing Lambda Function URLs and adds a new FunctionUrlAuthType parameter to the AddPermission API. Customers can use Function URLs to create built-in HTTPS endpoints on their functions. (aeba101)
  • client-panorama: Added Brand field to device listings. (a8b16e4)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-04-06 (11b2fe6)

3.64.0 (2022-04-05)


  • client-datasync: AWS DataSync now supports Amazon FSx for OpenZFS locations. (9159aa9)
  • client-fsx: Provide customers more visibility into file system status by adding new "Misconfigured Unavailable" status for Amazon FSx for Windows File Server. (c921027)
  • client-securityhub: Added additional ASFF details for RdsSecurityGroup AutoScalingGroup, ElbLoadBalancer, CodeBuildProject and RedshiftCluster. (6f94efe)

3.63.0 (2022-04-04)


  • client-iot: AWS IoT - AWS IoT Device Defender adds support to list metric datapoints collected for IoT devices through the ListMetricValues API (0964244)
  • client-proton: SDK release to support tagging for AWS Proton Repository resource (19e9f72)
  • client-service-catalog: This release adds ProvisioningArtifictOutputKeys to DescribeProvisioningParameters to reference the outputs of a Provisioned Product and deprecates ProvisioningArtifactOutputs. (2ef44bc)

3.62.0 (2022-04-01)


  • client-connect: This release updates these APIs: UpdateInstanceAttribute, DescribeInstanceAttribute and ListInstanceAttributes. You can use it to programmatically enable/disable multi-party conferencing using attribute type MULTI_PARTY_CONFERENCING on the specified Amazon Connect instance. (f7b6683)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-04-01 (ca7dc28)

3.61.0 (2022-03-31)


  • client-cloudcontrol: SDK release for Cloud Control API in Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet, and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD (a83077b)
  • client-databrew: This AWS Glue Databrew release adds feature to support ORC as an input format. (4ed643b)
  • client-grafana: This release adds tagging support to the Managed Grafana service. New APIs: TagResource, UntagResource and ListTagsForResource. Updates: add optional field tags to support tagging while calling CreateWorkspace. (38838fa)
  • client-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2: Amazon Pinpoint now offers a version 2.0 suite of SMS and voice APIs, providing increased control over sending and configuration. This release is a new SDK for sending SMS and voice messages called PinpointSMSVoiceV2. (51170c6)
  • client-route53-recovery-cluster: This release adds a new API "ListRoutingControls" to list routing control states using the highly reliable Route 53 ARC data plane endpoints. (ac15087)
  • client-workspaces: Added APIs that allow you to customize the logo, login message, and help links in the WorkSpaces client login page. To learn more, visit (f7d75a0)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-03-31 (990c97a)
  • clients: update clients for 03/22/2022 & 03/23/2022 (#3498) (fc18e5c)
  • smithy-client: update client defaults provider (37ef64a)

3.60.0 (2022-03-30)


  • client-ec2: This release simplifies the auto-recovery configuration process enabling customers to set the recovery behavior to disabled or default (4e3290e)
  • client-fms: AWS Firewall Manager now supports the configuration of third-party policies that can use either the centralized or distributed deployment models. (7dbbfd5)
  • client-fsx: This release adds support for modifying throughput capacity for FSx for ONTAP file systems. (4619832)
  • client-iot-data-plane: Update the default AWS IoT Core Data Plane endpoint from VeriSign signed to ATS signed. If you have firewalls with strict egress rules, configure the rules to grant you access to data-ats.iot.[region] or data-ats.iot.[region] (3c918da)
  • clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-03-30 (1c2da1d)
  • smithy-client: update client defaults provider (57e29b7)

3.59.0 (2022-03-29)


  • client-organizations: This release provides the new CloseAccount API that enables principals in the management account to close any member account within an organization. (be368b0)

3.58.0 (2022-03-28)


  • client-acm-pca: Updating service name entities (8d633e0)
  • client-medialive: This release adds support for selecting a maintenance window. (1d78757)

3.57.0 (2022-03-25)


  • client-batch: Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where shapes were marked as unboxed and were not serialized and sent over the wire, causing an API error from the service. (193a1bc)
  • client-ec2: This is release adds support for Amazon VPC Reachability Analyzer to analyze path through a Transit Gateway. (62b49fc)
  • client-ssm: This Patch Manager release supports creating, updating, and deleting Patch Baselines for Rocky Linux OS. (28ef4d2)

3.56.0 (2022-03-24)


  • client-config-service: Added new APIs GetCustomRulePolicy and GetOrganizationCustomRulePolicy, and updated existing APIs PutConfigRule, DescribeConfigRule, DescribeConfigRuleEvaluationStatus, PutOrganizationConfigRule, DescribeConfigRule to support a new feature for building AWS Config rules with AWS CloudFormation Guard (da33251)
  • client-lambda: Adds support for increased ephemeral storage (/tmp) up to 10GB for Lambda functions. Customers can now provision up to 10 GB of ephemeral storage per function instance, a 20x increase over the previous limit of 512 MB. (d77b86b)
  • client-transcribe: This release adds an additional parameter for subtitling with Amazon Transcribe batch jobs: outputStartIndex. (8419c39)
  • clients: update client endpoints to latest (523b0fd)

3.55.0 (2022-03-21)

Bug Fixes

  • middleware-serde: mark error entry non-enumerable (#3426) (c7cceb5)
  • property-provider: copy error properties to ProviderError in from() (#3440) (4377e44)
  • property-provider: manually adjust the prototype of *ProviderError (#3445) (134f769)
  • scripts: update typescript version in generate-clients (#3454) (f90992a)
  • types: remove @internal jsdoc tag from profile types (#3452) (2d7c151)


  • clients: update clients as of 03/21/2022 (#3455) (7cd40a5)
  • property-provider: memoize() supports force refresh (#3413) (a79f962)
  • util-middleware: add normalizeProvider (#3456) (e15b0f5)

3.54.1 (2022-03-15)

Bug Fixes

  • middleware-content-length: swallow error if content-length computation fails (#3429) (8c12233)

3.54.0 (2022-03-11)

Bug Fixes

  • hash-stream-node: do not create copy of file stream (#3380) (89a70ae)
  • signature-v4: normalized the path before double encoding it (#3408) (b20d431)
  • util-body-length-node: fs.ReadStream with path of Buffer type (#3384) (d220242)
  • util-body-length-node: support fd.createReadStream (#3385) (88f8cc2)


  • clients: update clients as of 2022/03/10 (#3411) (8fa517a)
  • credential-provider-imds: accept custom logger (#3409) (11c4a7b)
  • credential-provider-imds: support static stability (#3402) (a4beeba)

3.53.1 (2022-02-25)

Bug Fixes

  • hash-stream-node: disable createReadStream with file descriptor (#3369) (e5e89d2)

3.53.0 (2022-02-24)

Bug Fixes

  • client-s3: disable bucket endpoint plugin in WriteGetObjectResponseCommand (#3344) (1945d47)
  • codegen: fix set deserialization in SSDKs (#3322) (c827d5c)
  • hash-stream-node: support file stream in readableStreamHasher (#3338) (1e3faa1)
  • hash-stream-node: throw error if non-file readableStream is flowing (#3341) (76df645)
  • util-stream: remove jest from devDeps (#3348) (d9e4c4b)
  • util-stream: rename downlevel-dts to build:types:downlevel (#3355) (110bb19)


  • clients: generate service exceptions as classes (#3267) (ca64fee)
  • clients: update clients as of 2022/02/23 (#3356) (b6b2e25)
  • clients: update clients as of 2022/02/24 (#3361) (ec3cc1e)
  • codegen: add getAwsChunkedEncodingStream to config (#3349) (6c05df3)
  • codegen: http checksum dependency integration (#3346) (bfc9257)
  • middleware-flexible-checksums: add flexibleChecksumMiddleware (#3340) (15e0512)
  • middleware-flexible-checksums: support trailing checksums with aws-chunked encoding (#3347) (50b48fe)
  • util-stream: add getAwsChunkedEncodingStream (#3339) (42d433b)

3.52.0 (2022-02-18)

Bug Fixes

  • package.json: set root version to 0.0.0 (#3325) (9a15961)
  • package.json: update version to v3.51.0 (#3315) (b77a9b5)
  • scripts: generate clients in batches (#3319) (2308e5f)
  • scripts: store clients generated in a batch in temp directory (#3323) (2eef0a4)


  • clients: update clients as of 2022/02/18 (#3335) (717b06f)
  • credential-provider-env: refactor into modular components (#3293) (e0697ed)
  • credential-provider-node: refactor into modular components (#3294) (5f351cd)
  • credential-provider-sso: refactor into modular components (#3296) (eece76f)
  • smithy-client: add ExceptionOptionType type (#3314) (030da71)

3.51.0 (2022-02-12)

Bug Fixes

  • package.json: update version to v3.50.0 (#3300) (23a2463)
  • scripts: log when types not present in downlevel script (#3307) (68c0d1f)


  • credential-provider-ini: refactor into modular components (#3289) (7c891b2)
  • credential-provider-process: refactor into modular components (#3287) (2b64304)
  • shared-ini-file-loader: refactor loadSharedConfigFiles into modular components (#3285) (2613f66)

3.50.0 (2022-02-08)


  • clients: update clients as of 02/04/2022 (#3280) (63d7f8c)
  • smithy-client: implement SdkException class (#3261) (6a23634)

3.49.0 (2022-01-29)

Bug Fixes

  • eventstream-handler-node: explicitly define type of err (#3240) (4098091)


3.48.0 (2022-01-22)


  • clients: update clients as of 2022/01/21 (#3228) (fa713ef)

3.47.2 (2022-01-21)

Bug Fixes

  • scripts: convert update:versions scripts to mjs (#3226) (c237972)

3.47.1 (2022-01-20)

Bug Fixes

  • aws-protocoltests-*: add emitDeclarationOnly for types (#3213) (a678025)
  • util-defaults-mode-browser: import bowser by default export (#3203) (5187be2)

3.47.0 (2022-01-15)

Bug Fixes

  • codegen: populate dnsSuffix just before consuming hostname (#3170) (0f0e77e)
  • codegen: skip variants which only contains tags (#3172) (d72b72a)


  • clients: update clients to use default values inferred from defaults mode (#3192) (9152e21)
  • Support awsQueryError trait (#3174) (351bd3a)

3.46.0 (2022-01-07)

Bug Fixes

  • clients: update clean:dist script to delete dist-* folder (#3155) (cdb1709)
  • md5-js: remove unnecessary exclude from tsconfig (#3158) (6f50571)
  • middleware-sdk-route53: typo in file extension of test (#3157) (1a3bd8c)
  • middleware-signing: correct clock skew from error response (#3133) (7a207a9)


3.45.0 (2021-12-23)

Bug Fixes


  • clients: update clients as of 2021/12/23 (#3110) (5d638e1)
  • hash-stream-node: add readableStreamHasher (#3088) (943dab0)

3.44.0 (2021-12-02)

Bug Fixes


3.43.0 (2021-11-29)

Bug Fixes

  • codegen: use specific smithy-cli version in protocol-test-codegen (#3054) (ba14b3c)


3.42.0 (2021-11-19)

Bug Fixes

  • client-kendra: change incorrectly modeled DocumentAttributeValue to structure (#3040) (e497f38)
  • clients: merge default variants by comparing tags (#3044) (d65a310)
  • lib-storage: add events polyfill (#3017) (fff5e2a)
  • middleware-sdk-ec2: remove double encoding of presigned url (#3022) (7cf73ea)
  • middleware-sdk-s3-control: do not validate for FIPS in S3 Outposts (#3027) (b30d338)


  • clients: update clients as of 11/18/2021 (#3039) (d2b2c45)

3.41.0 (2021-11-11)

Bug Fixes

  • codegen: use specific Smithy version (#3011) (6cdee41)
  • credential-provider-web-identity: exclude node.js code from browser bundle (#3005) (7ba033a)
  • credential-providers: exclude node.js files for web (#3006) (a890fd7)
  • polly-request-presigner: add missing polly dependency (#3010) (c2873e7)
  • signature-v4-crt: notify this package is node.js only (#3009) (39e758c)
  • smithy-client: remove capturing groups from date regex (#3008) (3bc91c0)


  • clients: update clients as of 2021/11/11 (#3015) (3d82c4e)
  • karma-credential-loader: mark package as private (#3016) (f13cac0)

3.40.1 (2021-11-08)

Bug Fixes

  • middleware-bucket-endpoint: remove dualstack from hostname before processing (#3003) (d7aa2c3)

3.40.0 (2021-11-05)

Bug Fixes

  • config-resolver: resolve region first from regionHash (#2969) (55f4e85)
  • node-config-provider: move booleanSelector util to platform agnostic package (#2992) (2909c7b)


  • client-nimble: change StudioComponentConfiguration from union to structure (#2971) (049533d)
  • client-nimble: update model as of 11/02/2021 (#2976) (47d2a6c)
  • client-s3-control: support FIPS in S3 Outposts Control Plane (#2985) (41d3762)
  • clients: populate variants in endpoints hashes (#2974) (0dd68ef)
  • clients: update clients as of 2021/11/05 (#2994) (f5ecc31)
  • config-resolver: resolve hostname from variants (#2980) (447580b)
  • config-resolver: use real region in configuration (#2986) (af5b00e)
  • karma-credential-loader: mark package as private (#2959) (a9ad7f6)

3.39.0 (2021-10-29)

Bug Fixes

  • ci: generate and build generic client from private folder (#2954) (044a3ac)
  • config-resolver: get signingRegion from regionRegex if not present for FIPS (#2936) (79bbc43)
  • node-config-provider: allow undefined for booleanSelector obj keys (#2945) (1bd56b6)


  • clients: update clients as of 2021/10/28 (#2955) (378d161)
  • node-config-provider: add utility booleanSelector (#2941) (538d717)
  • private: add generic client aws-echo-service (#2950) (e606543)

3.38.0 (2021-10-22)


  • client-documentation-generator: rename package (#2916) (1a80bfd)
  • clients: export folder from index.ts (#2912) (183b46d)
  • clients: update clients as of 2021/10/22 (#2924) (4d79819)

3.37.0 (2021-10-15)


  • clients: update clients as of 10/15/2021 (#2902) (2730b54)
  • codegen: enable SSDK validation protocol tests (#2884) (c23cbc4)

3.36.1 (2021-10-12)

Bug Fixes

  • clients: emitDeclarationOnly in tsconfig.types.json (#2893) (6dc3d56)
  • scripts: do not destructure function parameter (#2891) (6dd0af8)

3.36.0 (2021-10-08)

Bug Fixes

  • client-opsworks: intermittent integ tests failures (#2865) (10d64df)


3.35.0 (2021-10-04)

Bug Fixes

  • client-cognito-identity: import client from new location in src (#2858) (c8cb449)
  • client-documentation-generator: read files from src folder (#2863) (95c2903)
  • eslint SSDK protocol tests (#2854) (1e2a316)
  • client-s3: use member xmlname if applicable (#2835) (7e634cf)
  • scripts: overwrite test folder for protocol_tests (#2853) (5df7d12)
  • scripts: run downlevel-dts script in parallel (#2837) (0f8c0a2)


  • clients: eslint --fix using esprint (#2849) (94d0a2d)
  • clients: move source files to 'src' folder (#2845) (e0025cd)
  • codegen: move source files to 'src' folder (#2844) (cfcdeb6)
  • scripts: use esprint to eslint --fix clients source code (#2846) (65922ea)

3.34.0 (2021-09-24)

Bug Fixes

  • middleware-sdk-s3: missing dependency with esbuild (#2814) (d5924e9)


  • clients: remove comments from transpiled JS files (#2817) (d01420b)
  • clients: update clients as of 09/24/2021 (#2826) (845ca6e)
  • non-clients: remove comments from transpiled JS files (#2813) (e6fc7f3)

3.33.0 (2021-09-21)


  • client-s3: support generating endpoints from multi-region access point (#2796) (c1bed9d), closes #2759

3.32.0 (2021-09-17)

Bug Fixes


  • clients: update clients as of 09/17/2021 (#2795) (45aee9d)

3.31.0 (2021-09-11)

Bug Fixes

  • client-s3: remove int validation of object size type (#2775) (5f2f70b)
  • lib-dynamodb: add util-dynamodb to dependencies (#2768) (b09ba9a)
  • middleware-sdk-rds: stop throw when source id key is optional (#2770) (299cbbb)
  • s3-request-presigner: inject hostname with custom port (#2773) (3fe226b)


  • clients: update clients as of 09/10/2021 (#2776) (3f49ae7)
  • codegen: assert sets have no duplicates (#2764) (aa62fc3)
  • codegen: reject null in non-sparse collections (#2771) (dcf644f)
  • smithy-client: support strict union parsing (#2746) (1159680)

3.30.0 (2021-09-07)

Bug Fixes


  • smithy-client: support strict timestamp parsing (#2737) (c244678)

3.29.0 (2021-09-02)

Bug Fixes

  • middleware-sdk-rds: double encoding the presigned url (#2711) (8a271be)
  • parse: reject numeric strings with non-numbers (#2729) (afeccd7)


  • clients: update clients as of 09/02/2021 (#2744) (19f061f)
  • s3: support generating endpoints from multi-region access point (#2742) (49da47b)
  • smithy-client: add parse utils for sized numbers (#2710) (c1a7dd5)

3.28.0 (2021-08-27)

Bug Fixes

  • clients: use optional chaining while processing runtime config (#2690) (18469ce)
  • config-resolver: add options for utility functions (#2712) (56ab50e)
  • property-provider: do not make extra provider calls when concurrent (#2716) (f9aa15e)


  • clients: allow setting path prefix from custom endpoints (#2722) (990ba2f)
  • clients: modular endpoints resolution (#2704) (88de69b)
  • clients: update clients as of 08/27/2021 (#2723) (b9d88c4)
  • codegen: support malformed request tests (#2695) (705de4e)
  • config-resolver: add getRegionInfo helper functions (#2701) (7c6a790)
  • smithy-client: stricter parsing of request/response bodies (#2713) (0c74892)

3.27.0 (2021-08-19)

Bug Fixes

  • middleware-sdk-transcribe-streaming: validate signer (#2676) (a937da9)
  • middleware-signing: update systemClockOffset on error (#2686) (d1c26ee)
  • property-provider: stop memoizing rejected provider (#2680) (fac5f27)


  • clients: update clients as of 08/19/2021 (#2689) (acbb59a)
  • clients: update endpoint resolution as of 08/16/2021 (#2687) (7e3b449)
  • credential-providers: collect credential providers in single package (#2672) (5375c91)

3.26.0 (2021-08-13)

Bug Fixes

  • ci: link in development ssdk common lib (#2655) (4be9ec6)
  • clients: only trim xml tag values which contain newline (#2653) (28336f5)


  • clients: update clients as of 08/13/2021 (#2674) (de45580)
  • credential-provider-imds: support IMDS for IPv6 endpoints (#2660) (c458481)
  • lib-storage: use PUT from small uploads (#2605) (7374720)

3.25.0 (2021-08-05)

Bug Fixes

  • md5-js: call fromUtf8 from correct environment (#2641) (affa927)
  • middleware-apply-body-checksum: use lowercase content-md5 header (#2645) (e1f2dfc)
  • packages: use HashConstructor instead of { new: Hash } (#2638) (6890a47)


  • clients: update clients as of 08/05/2021 (#2647) (4dc7ff7)

3.24.0 (2021-07-29)

Bug Fixes

  • credential-provider-node: add missing dependency (#2623) (9b9a3a6)


  • clients: update clients as of 07/29/2021 (#2631) (a34551e)

3.23.0 (2021-07-23)

Bug Fixes


  • clients: change runtime config from constant to provider functions (#2574) (5eca565)

3.22.0 (2021-07-16)

Bug Fixes

  • clients: link to Hash Interface (#2573) (bb7b3ed)
  • clients: prefix dist/ for typesVersions TS<4 (#2580) (dff5cd4)
  • codegen: fix detection of -s for generate-clients (#2588) (c989b76)
  • node-http-handler: throw meaningful errors in H2 events (#2568) (160aeba)


  • clients: update clients as of 07/16/2021 (#2591) (f231e7c)
  • credential-provider-sso: support sso credential when resolving shared credential file (#2583) (9480e70)
  • postinstall-node-version-check: util to show NodeDeprecationWarning (#2585) (08c0342)

3.21.0 (2021-07-09)

Bug Fixes

  • transcirbe-streaming: set max concurrenccy to 1 (#2563) (fb42522)


  • clients: update clients as of 07/08/2021 (#2565) (c9bd983)
  • node-http-handler: configure disableConcurrentStreams in NodeHttp2Handler (#2553) (9303bf7)

3.20.0 (2021-07-02)

Bug Fixes

  • protocol_tests: add downlevel-dts script to aws-json-10 (#2540) (e77b926)
  • replace prepublishOnly script with downlevel-dts (#2537) (63818a1)


  • clients: update clients as of 07/01/2021 (#2542) (ed301ba)

3.19.0 (2021-06-24)

Bug Fixes

  • @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb: correct homepage URL in package.json (#2485) (ff9df37)
  • clients: documentation for config.region for new clients (#2468) (3bd30bb)
  • clients: parse status code bindings in rest protocols (#2483) (6d4e6b5)
  • credential-provider-imds: destroy request handle on promise resolve/reject (#2452) (122c139)
  • protocol_tests: format files using prettier v2.3.0 (#2467) (cce6231)
  • s3-request-presigner: remove x-amz-user-agent header (#2493) (019292b)
  • smithy-client: use uppercase for percent encodings (#2500) (6ef34b5)


  • client-s3: add md5 header for operations with httpChecksumRequired trait (#2507) (cec0692)
  • clients: update clients as of 06/17/2021 (#2501) (19bd800)
  • credential-provider-node: throw cannot load credential error from credentail chain (#2408) (5e0a46a)
  • lib: change higher level libs use peer deps on clients (#2516) (2e662cd)

3.18.0 (2021-06-04)

Bug Fixes

  • client-sts: allow overwriting default role assumer http handler (#2426) (7985995)


3.17.0 (2021-05-26)

Bug Fixes


  • client-ssm-incidents: rename client-commander package to client-ssm-incidents (#2431) (e4f6fea)
  • clients: update endpoint resolution as of 05/12/2021 (#2398) (17afcbb)

3.16.0 (2021-05-14)

Bug Fixes

  • client-finspace: update internal dependency versions (#2382) (3cf3b32)
  • clients: call decode from HTML entities in XML parser (#2381) (fd6b7eb)


  • clients: enable Endpoint Discovery (#2395) (019c099)
  • clients: update clients as of 05/10/2021 (#2373) (ed302dc)
  • clients: update clients as of 05/14/2021 (#2396) (187c42a)
  • endpoint-cache: add EndpointCache for Endpoint Discovery (#2355) (f164177)
  • middleware-bucket-endpoint: arn supports fips & handles global regions (#2392) (7b32494)
  • middleware-endpoint-discovery: add middleware for Endpoint Discovery (#2369) (7f297dc)

3.15.0 (2021-05-10)

Bug Fixes

  • client-sts: make role assumer source creds refreshable (#2353) (9756954)
  • middleware-retry: defaultStrategy handles any error (#2349) (e5b876f)
  • node-http-handler: handle NodeHttp2Handler session failure (#2289) (e97e357)


  • clients: adding throwable waiters WaitUntil[operationState] (#2302) (f01d5ae)
  • credential-provider-node: add web identity provider to credential provider chain (#2260) (3dd31c4)

3.14.0 (2021-04-30)

Bug Fixes

  • clients: typo in README difference -> different (#2314) (9ac1f40)
  • middleware-user-agent-header: swap user agent headers for non-browser environments (#2313) (d8c1dc2)
  • xml-builder: xml entity encoding for more characters (#2309) (96ff164)


  • clients: update clients as of 04/29/2021 (#2329) (48ab750)

3.13.1 (2021-04-22)

Bug Fixes

  • e2e: explicitly use ChromeHeadless with no-sandbox (#2266) (7371971)

3.13.0 (2021-04-15)

Bug Fixes

  • client-s3: return GetBucketPolicyOutput without parsing (#2236) (3a031d9)
  • lib-dynamodb: remove stripInternal=true from tsconfig (#2264) (81f5ccd)


  • client-lex-runtime-v2: add http2 support (#2127) (7135cd6)
  • clients: update clients as of 04/14/2021 (#2258) (4f9f4a7)
  • credential-provider-ini: support credential_source in shared file (#2237) (135a12c)
  • remove @aws-sdk/url-parser-native in favor of react-native-url-polyfill (#2229) (d6a67d7)

3.12.0 (2021-04-09)

Bug Fixes

  • credential-provider-cognito-identity: add identityId to return type of fromCognitoIdentity (#2141) (5ae46f6)
  • deps: request consumers to install react-native polyfills (#2191) (2d3a7f0)
  • s3-presigned-post: type PresignedPost.fields (#1709) (020193b)
  • util-user-agent-browser: window can be undefined (#2214) (98b65b9)
  • util-user-agent-node: should memoize app id (#2223) (fd40114)
  • run downlevel-dts in prepublishOnly (#2218) (0745502)
  • util-user-agent-browser: react native metadata (#2210) (0e83313)


3.11.0 (2021-04-01)

Bug Fixes

  • clients: trim values in parsed xml only if result is empty (#2194) (a990db7)
  • codegen: pass settings to createSymbolProvider (#2196) (94aefce)


  • credential-provider-web-identity: support web federated identity (#2203) (ff87e22)

3.10.0 (2021-03-26)

Bug Fixes

  • clients: generate jest.config.js (#2172) (95b0e19)
  • lib-storage: fix fs error on browsers when using lib-storage upload (#2165) (5d9bc5f)


  • credential-provider-ini: call fromTokenFile in assumeRole chaining (#2178) (fb95408)
  • credential-provider-web-identity: add fromTokenFile credentials provider (#2177) (88cc65d)
  • use ts-jest for running jest tests (#2088) (456002c)

3.9.0 (2021-03-18)

Bug Fixes

  • codegen: pin smithy dependencies to minor version 1.6.x (#2153) (906e4b0)


  • middleware-bucket-endpoint: add object lambda support (#2143) (83c591a)

3.8.1 (2021-03-11)

Bug Fixes

  • middleware-signing: memoize temporary credentials (#2109) (cf238b9)
  • bump verdeccio - dompurify for sec review (#2114) (e8d9c65)

3.8.0 (2021-03-05)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: pin fast-xml-parser to v3.17.4 (#2102) (c612c75)
  • middleware-bucket-endpoint: revert add support for s3 object lamdbas (#2103) (827c7b8)
  • call filterSensitiveLog for missing structures (#2089) (1b5cb0f)


  • lib-dynamodb: add DynamoDB DocumentClient (#2097) (3fd14d5)
  • add support for s3 object lamdbas (01bd1a0)

3.7.0 (2021-02-25)

Bug Fixes


  • credential-provider-sso: support resolving credentials from SSO token (#2055) (1429ad1)

3.6.1 (2021-02-22)

Bug Fixes

  • update references of default branch from master to main (#2057) (59b8b58)

3.6.0 (2021-02-20)

Bug Fixes

  • revert publish v3.5.1-0 (#2058) (af25697)
  • client-kinesis-video-signaling: remove retry headers (#1963) (8b35943)
  • clients: remove unsupported CORS retry headers in new services (#2041) (82df9d3)
  • credential-provider-ini: refactor provider options interfaces (#2048) (34cecf1)
  • credential-provider-node: read config and credentials files only once (#2045) (7db14b1)
  • deps: add @aws-sdk/middleware-sdk-rds in DocDB and Neptune (#2042) (a0068f3)
  • lib-storage: fix typo in Upload.intialize (initialize) (#2025) (16214be)
  • middleware-sdk-ec2: add undeclared dependency @aws-sdk/protocol-http (#2043) (6e562ba)


  • client-sso:* remove auth dependencies if client doesn't need (#2037) (f1e190c)
  • lib-storage: rewrite lib-storage upload (#2039) (2bd8f6a)

3.5.0 (2021-02-12)

Bug Fixes

  • util-dynamodb: state options.wrapNumbers on BigInt error in unmarshall (#2015) (d1c548e)
  • util-dynamodb: unmarshall small numbers or those in scientific notation (#2017) (80a8094)
  • util-user-agent-browser: use default import from bowser (#1991) (d2e8d4f)


  • s3-request-presigner: automatically add host header (#1988) (cd50eeb)
  • util-dynamodb: marshall JavaScript Maps (#2010) (569b572)
  • util-dynamodb: support marshalling for Object.create (#1974) (a008d23)
  • add S3 and S3Control customizations for custom endpoints (#1993) (96c1b99)

3.4.1 (2021-01-29)

Bug Fixes


  • use git-sync action to sync with private mirror (#1965) (10ab6a1)

3.4.0 (2021-01-28)

Bug Fixes

  • allow packages/types in gitignore (#1942) (b4b6fad)
  • credential-provider-cognito-identity: remove duplicate declarationDir (#1944) (d75488a)
  • generate-clients: call mergeManifest when is Object (#1937) (601c03b)


  • middleware-stack: allow adding middleware to override an existing one (#1964) (9c21f14), closes #1883
  • util-dynamodb: add option to convert class instance to map (#1969) (1783c69)
  • run prettier in parallel in generate-clients (#1949) (878617a)
  • use downlevel-dts to generate TS 3.4 compatible types (#1943) (63ad215)

3.3.0 (2021-01-14)

Bug Fixes

  • clients: export explicit dependencies on @aws-sdk/types (#1902) (96f1087)
  • clients: lowercase all header names in serializer (#1892) (1308721)
  • url-parser: merge browser and node url parser, add rn url parser (#1903) (99be092)
  • util-waiters: waiters should call operation once before entering waiting (#1915) (2a6ac11)


  • clients: update README with documentation, usage and more (#1907) (03be111)

3.2.0 (2021-01-09)

Bug Fixes

  • lib-storage: chunk from readable only when defined (#1886) (4cdc08a)
  • s3-request-presigner: not to throw when get signed urls concurrently (#1884) (741bb99)
  • stop adding command mw repeatedly in resolveMiddleware() (#1883) (d4c302b)
  • readme: npm downloads tag (#1870) (1f8baf3)
  • readme: remove duplicate @aws-sdk (#1873) (85ae915)
  • readme: use latest for npm version badge in template (#1871) (80b57a7)
  • readme: use latest in npm version tag (#1872) (b8542d8)
  • util-user-agent-*: move @aws-sdk/types to devDependencies (#1879) (ea39ca6)
  • util-waiter: expose minDelay and maxDelay for waiters (#1839) (25cb359)


  • use lock-threads GH action for inactive issues/PRs (#1881) (fc22682)
  • util-dynamodb: enable undefined values removal in marshall (#1840) (314d3b3)

3.1.0 (2020-12-23)

Bug Fixes

  • clients: default region and credential provider (#1834) (bc79ab5)
  • clients: populate sdkId in serviceId and default to use arnNamespace as signingName (#1786) (0011af2)
  • clients: remove retry headers for several services (#1789) (fc98d2d)
  • clients: update endpoint provider (#1824) (64d2210)
  • clients: use signing name from auth sigv4 trait (#1835) (e539302)
  • codegen: strip names from enums (#1837) (0711503)
  • lib-storage: cleanup stream listeners to prevent memory leak (3d36682)
  • middleware-user-agent: add middleware to final step of build (#1833) (e7dce39)
  • signature-v4: add secrets to signing key cache key (#1776) (8785ad4)
  • util-waiter: fix compiling error with waiter (#1812) (ca1f0d6), closes #1803
  • log requestId, extendedRequestId, cfId in $metadata (#1819) (f2a47e8)


  • credential-provider-node: use credential_process from profile (#1773) (842e2a0), closes #1772
  • standardize user agent value (#1775) (388b180)
  • cucumber: use waiters in integration tests (#1792) (e151aee)
  • middleware-logger: log clientName, commandName, input, output (#1788) (4f9e56f)

3.0.0 (2020-12-15)


1.0.0-rc.10 (2020-12-15)

Bug Fixes


1.0.0-rc.9 (2020-12-11)

Bug Fixes

  • codegen: import SENSITIVE_STRING only when used (#1761) (9296283)
  • middleware-sdk-sqs: call next() exactly once in sendMessageMiddleware (#1752) (dc63e37)
  • shared-ini-file-loader: ignore prohibited profile name (#1764) (a209082)


1.0.0-rc.8 (2020-12-05)

Bug Fixes

  • client-s3: fix union serialization (#1730) (6437e24)
  • client-sts: disable auth for public assumeRole commands (#1706) (891eae2)
  • codegen: checkstyle errors in (#1731) (48c02f4)
  • middleware-sdk-sqs: Fix MD5 verification on SendMessageBatch. (#1666) (049f45e)
  • s3-request-presigner: skip hoisting SSE headers (#1701) (1ec70ff)


  • update clients as of 11/20/2020 (#1711) (e932876)
  • update clients as of 11/30/2020 (#1734) (a1e8036)
  • update clients as of 12/3/2020 (#1741) (58383dc)
  • invalid-dependency: add invalidAsyncFunction which rejects with an Error (#1719) (c4c046e)

1.0.0-rc.7 (2020-11-20)

Bug Fixes

  • abort-controller: make AbortSignal WHATWG Spec compliant (#1699) (723ec4d)
  • codegen: add aws-iam-traits dependency (#1686) (d6fb1f6)
  • fetch-http-handler: omit body for HEAD/GET methods (#1698) (778b305)
  • node-http-handler: throw TimeoutError for Node.js timeouts (#1693) (96f61bb)
  • change paginators to export paginateOperationName (#1692) (6d02935)


  • update clients as of 11/18/2020 (#1700) (8adfed1)
  • api-reference: add typedoc plugins for api reference (#1694) (2cb016f)
  • ci: add GitHub Action to test codegen (#1684) (41e9359)
  • node-http-handler: update timeout code and tests (#1691) (9e58bbb)
  • service-error-classification: add 429 response as Throttling (#1690) (9a62c0a)


  • change paginators to export paginateOperationName to be consistent with verb nouns across AWS

1.0.0-rc.6 (2020-11-13)

Bug Fixes


  • update clients as of 11/13 (#1676) (2d934c9)
  • codegen: add script to copy models from local directory (#1675) (028a362)

1.0.0-rc.5 (2020-11-09)

Bug Fixes

  • codegen for paginator send commands (#1667) (13f3347)
  • node-http-handler: set maxSockets above 0 in test (#1660) (706768d)
  • package.json: migrate @aws-sdk/types into devDependencies codegen (#1658) (eb50962)
  • migrate dev types for packages and lib into package.json devDeps (#1654) (16d7030)


1.0.0-rc.4 (2020-10-31)

Bug Fixes

  • log requestId, extendedRequestId, cfId in metadata (#1640) (3a2f617)
  • client-timestream-*: use correct endpoint prefix (#1643) (f329821)
  • credential-provider-cognito-identity: return identityId as part of cognitoIdentityPool (#1635) (de75f7e)
  • util-format-url: remove headers or path from input (#1639) (db7aa08)


1.0.0-rc.3 (2020-10-27)

Bug Fixes

  • client-cognito-identity: remove auth for UnlinkIdentity (#1621) (c32e5f3)
  • codegen: skip awsAuthPlugin when optionalAuth trait is set (#1622) (785272b)
  • generate-clients: Invoke prettier relative to client-generation (#1614) (a4136ab)


  • polly-request-presigner: add presigned getSynthesizeSpeechUrl() (#1612) (2c9fd94)
  • update client description to add keywords (#1631) (93fc586)

1.0.0-rc.2 (2020-10-22)

Bug Fixes

  • storage: add version and downloads badges (#1599) (230d030)
  • throw 3XX redirection as errors explicitly (#1591) (76f83f1)

1.0.0-rc.1 (2020-10-19)

Bug Fixes

  • node-http-handler: fix type error sending Uint8Array as payload (#1561) (7bf03fc)
