diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index 07a45d78..d532fd93 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/engines/nmap/Dockerfile b/engines/nmap/Dockerfile
index 7f8f02af..6d0d5e96 100644
--- a/engines/nmap/Dockerfile
+++ b/engines/nmap/Dockerfile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
FROM alpine:3.16.3
-LABEL Name="Nmap\ \(Patrowl engine\)" Version="1.4.48"
+LABEL Name="Nmap\ \(Patrowl engine\)" Version="1.4.49"
# Set the working directory
RUN mkdir -p /opt/patrowl-engines/nmap
@@ -40,5 +40,7 @@ RUN pip3 install --trusted-host pypi.python.org -r requirements.txt
#USER alpine #Can't set properly env vars from Docker because it sets root env only
+COPY fixed_script/* /usr/share/nmap/scripts/
# Run app when the container launches
CMD ["gunicorn", "engine-nmap:app", "-b", "", "--access-logfile", "-", "-k", "gevent"]
diff --git a/engines/nmap/VERSION b/engines/nmap/VERSION
index 3d558d0b..ed32bf2a 100644
--- a/engines/nmap/VERSION
+++ b/engines/nmap/VERSION
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/engines/nmap/__init__.py b/engines/nmap/__init__.py
index 460c061c..b11a9d2d 100644
--- a/engines/nmap/__init__.py
+++ b/engines/nmap/__init__.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__title__ = 'patrowl_engine_nmap'
-__version__ = '1.4.34'
+__version__ = '1.4.49'
__author__ = 'Nicolas MATTIOCCO'
__license__ = 'AGPLv3'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Nicolas Mattiocco - @MaKyOtOx'
diff --git a/engines/nmap/engine-nmap.py b/engines/nmap/engine-nmap.py
index 1d63384f..4bf14791 100644
--- a/engines/nmap/engine-nmap.py
+++ b/engines/nmap/engine-nmap.py
@@ -859,6 +859,12 @@ def _parse_report(filename, scan_id):
except Exception:
product = ""
+ script_output = ""
+ #Get Result from Port Script.
+ for port_script in port.findall("script"):
+ script_output += port_script.get("output")+"\n"
+ port_data.update({"script_output":script_output})
@@ -897,70 +903,6 @@ def _parse_report(filename, scan_id):
- for port_script in port.findall("script"):
- script_id = port_script.get("id")
- script_output = port_script.get("output")
- # Disable hash for some script_id
- # if script_id in ["fingerprint-strings"]:
- # script_hash = "None"
- # else:
- # script_hash = hashlib.sha1(str(script_output).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:6]
- if script_id == "vulners":
- (
- port_max_cvss,
- port_cve_list,
- port_cve_links,
- port_cpe,
- ) = _get_vulners_findings(script_output)
- port_severity = "info"
- if port_max_cvss >= 7.5:
- port_severity = "high"
- elif port_max_cvss >= 5.0 and port_max_cvss < 7.5:
- port_severity = "medium"
- elif port_max_cvss >= 3.0 and port_max_cvss < 5.0:
- port_severity = "low"
- res.append(
- deepcopy(
- _add_issue(
- scan_id,
- target,
- ts,
- "Nmap script '{}' detected findings on port {}/{}".format(
- script_id, proto, portid
- ),
- "The script '{}' detected following findings:\n{}".format(
- script_id, script_output
- ),
- severity=port_severity,
- type="port_script",
- tags=[script_id],
- risk={"cvss_base_score": port_max_cvss},
- vuln_refs={"CVE": port_cve_list, "CPE": port_cpe},
- links=port_cve_links,
- )
- )
- )
- else:
- res.append(
- deepcopy(
- _add_issue(
- scan_id,
- target,
- ts,
- "Nmap script '{}' detected findings on port {}/{}".format(
- script_id, proto, portid
- ),
- "The script '{}' detected following findings:\n{}".format(
- script_id, script_output
- ),
- type="port_script",
- tags=[script_id],
- )
- )
- )
if (
not openports
and "ports" in this.scans[scan_id]["options"].keys()
diff --git a/engines/nmap/fixed_script/ms-sql-info.nse b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/ms-sql-info.nse
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f920486a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/ms-sql-info.nse
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+local mssql = require "mssql"
+local nmap = require "nmap"
+local smb = require "smb"
+local shortport = require "shortport"
+local stdnse = require "stdnse"
+-- -*- mode: lua -*-
+-- vim: set filetype=lua :
+description = [[
+Attempts to determine configuration and version information for Microsoft SQL
+Server instances.
+SQL Server credentials required: No (will not benefit from
& mssql.password
+Run criteria:
+* Host script: Will always run.
+* Port script: N/A
+NOTE: Unlike previous versions, this script will NOT attempt to log in to SQL
+Server instances. Blank passwords can be checked using the
script. E.g.:
+nmap -sn --script ms-sql-empty-password --script-args mssql.instance-all
+The script uses two means of getting version information for SQL Server instances:
+* Querying the SQL Server Browser service, which runs by default on UDP port
+1434 on servers that have SQL Server 2000 or later installed. However, this
+service may be disabled without affecting the functionality of the instances.
+Additionally, it provides imprecise version information.
+* Sending a probe to the instance, causing the instance to respond with
+information including the exact version number. This is the same method that
+Nmap uses for service versioning; however, this script can also do the same for
+instances accessible via Windows named pipes, and can target all of the
+instances listed by the SQL Server Browser service.
+In the event that the script can connect to the SQL Server Browser service
+(UDP 1434) but is unable to connect directly to the instance to obtain more
+accurate version information (because ports are blocked or the mssql.scanned-ports-only
+argument has been used), the script will rely only upon the version number
+provided by the SQL Server Browser/Monitor, which has the following limitations:
+* For SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 7.0 instances, the RTM version number is
+always given, regardless of any service packs or patches installed.
+* For SQL Server 2005 and later, the version number will reflect the service
+pack installed, but the script will not be able to tell whether patches have
+been installed.
+Where possible, the script will determine major version numbers, service pack
+levels and whether patches have been installed. However, in cases where
+particular determinations can not be made, the script will report only what can
+be confirmed.
+NOTE: Communication with instances via named pipes depends on the smb
+library. To communicate with (and possibly to discover) instances via named pipes,
+the host must have at least one SMB port (e.g. TCP 445) that was scanned and
+found to be open. Additionally, named pipe connections may require Windows
+authentication to connect to the Windows host (via SMB) in addition to the
+authentication required to connect to the SQL Server instances itself. See the
+documentation and arguments for the smb
library for more information.
+NOTE: By default, the ms-sql-* scripts may attempt to connect to and communicate
+with ports that were not included in the port list for the Nmap scan. This can
+be disabled using the mssql.scanned-ports-only
script argument.
+-- @usage
+-- nmap -p 445 --script ms-sql-info
+-- nmap -p 1433 --script ms-sql-info --script-args mssql.instance-port=1433
+-- @output
+-- | ms-sql-info:
+-- | Windows server name: WINXP
+-- |\PROD:
+-- | Instance name: PROD
+-- | Version:
+-- | name: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3
+-- | number: 8.00.760
+-- | Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2000
+-- | Service pack level: SP3
+-- | Post-SP patches applied: No
+-- | TCP port: 1278
+-- | Named pipe: \\\pipe\MSSQL$PROD\sql\query
+-- | Clustered: No
+-- | Instance name: SQLFIREWALLED
+-- | Version:
+-- | name: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 RTM
+-- | Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
+-- | Service pack level: RTM
+-- | TCP port: 4343
+-- | Clustered: No
+-- | \\\pipe\sql\query:
+-- | Version:
+-- | name: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP3+
+-- | number: 9.00.4053
+-- | Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005
+-- | Service pack level: SP3
+-- | Post-SP patches applied: Yes
+-- |_ Named pipe: \\\pipe\sql\query
+-- @xmloutput
+-- PROD
+-- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3
+-- 8.00.760
+-- Microsoft SQL Server 2000
+-- SP3
+-- No
+-- 1278
+-- \\\pipe\MSSQL$PROD\sql\query
+-- No
+-- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 RTM
+-- Microsoft SQL Server 2008
+-- RTM
+-- 4343
+-- No
+-- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP3+
+-- 9.00.4053
+-- Microsoft SQL Server 2005
+-- SP3
+-- Yes
+-- \\\pipe\sql\query
+-- rev 1.0 (2007-06-09)
+-- rev 1.1 (2009-12-06 - Added SQL 2008 identification T Sellers)
+-- rev 1.2 (2010-10-03 - Added Broadcast support )
+-- rev 1.3 (2010-10-10 - Added prerule and newtargets support )
+-- rev 1.4 (2011-01-24 - Revised logic in order to get version data without logging in;
+-- added functionality to interpret version in terms of SP level, etc.
+-- added script arg to prevent script from connecting to ports that
+-- weren't in original Nmap scan )
+-- rev 1.5 (2011-02-01 - Moved discovery functionality into ms-sql-discover.nse and
+-- broadcast-ms-sql-discovery.nse )
+-- rev 1.6 (2014-09-04 - Added structured output Daniel Miller)
+author = {"Chris Woodbury", "Thomas Buchanan"}
+license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
+categories = {"default", "discovery", "safe"}
+portrule = shortport.port_or_service(1433, "ms-sql-s")
+--- Returns formatted output for the given version data
+local function create_version_output_table( versionInfo )
+ local versionOutput = stdnse.output_table()
+ versionOutput["name"] = versionInfo:ToString()
+ if ( versionInfo.source ~= "SSRP" ) then
+ versionOutput["number"] = versionInfo.versionNumber
+ end
+ versionOutput["Product"] = versionInfo.productName
+ versionOutput["Service pack level"] = versionInfo.servicePackLevel
+ versionOutput["Post-SP patches applied"] = versionInfo.patched
+ return versionOutput
+--- Returns formatted output for the given instance
+local function create_instance_output_table( instance )
+ -- if we didn't get anything useful (due to errors or the port not actually
+ -- being SQL Server), don't report anything
+ if not ( instance.instanceName or instance.version ) then return nil end
+ local instanceOutput = stdnse.output_table()
+ instanceOutput["Instance name"] = instance.instanceName
+ if instance.version then
+ instanceOutput["Version"] = create_version_output_table( instance.version )
+ end
+ if instance.port then instanceOutput["TCP port"] = instance.port.number end
+ instanceOutput["Named pipe"] = instance.pipeName
+ instanceOutput["Clustered"] = instance.isClustered
+ return instanceOutput
+--- Processes a single instance, attempting to determine its version, etc.
+local function process_instance( instance )
+ local foundVersion = false
+ local ssnetlibVersion
+ -- If possible and allowed (see 'mssql.scanned-ports-only' argument), we'll
+ -- connect to the instance to get an accurate version number
+ if ( instance:HasNetworkProtocols() ) then
+ local ssnetlibVersion
+ foundVersion, ssnetlibVersion = mssql.Helper.GetInstanceVersion( instance )
+ if ( foundVersion ) then
+ instance.version = ssnetlibVersion
+ stdnse.debug1("Retrieved SSNetLib version for %s.", instance:GetName() )
+ else
+ stdnse.debug1("Could not retrieve SSNetLib version for %s.", instance:GetName() )
+ end
+ end
+ -- If we didn't get a version from SSNetLib, give the user some detail as to why
+ if ( not foundVersion ) then
+ if ( not instance:HasNetworkProtocols() ) then
+ stdnse.debug1("%s has no network protocols enabled.", instance:GetName() )
+ end
+ if ( instance.version ) then
+ stdnse.debug1("Using version number from SSRP response for %s.", instance:GetName() )
+ else
+ stdnse.debug1("Version info could not be retrieved for %s.", instance:GetName() )
+ end
+ end
+ -- Give some version info back to Nmap
+ if ( instance.port and instance.version ) then
+ instance.version:PopulateNmapPortVersion( instance.port )
+ nmap.set_port_version( instance.host, instance.port)
+ end
+action = function( host )
+ local scriptOutput = stdnse.output_table()
+ local status, instanceList = mssql.Helper.GetTargetInstances( host )
+ -- if no instances were targeted, then display info on all
+ if ( not status ) then
+ if ( not mssql.Helper.WasDiscoveryPerformed( host ) ) then
+ mssql.Helper.Discover( host )
+ end
+ instanceList = mssql.Helper.GetDiscoveredInstances( host )
+ end
+ if ( not instanceList ) then
+ return stdnse.format_output( false, instanceList or "" )
+ else
+ for _, instance in ipairs( instanceList ) do
+ if instance.serverName then
+ scriptOutput["Windows server name"] = instance.serverName
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ for _, instance in pairs( instanceList ) do
+ process_instance( instance )
+ scriptOutput[instance:GetName()] = create_instance_output_table( instance )
+ end
+ end
+ return scriptOutput
diff --git a/engines/nmap/fixed_script/msrpc-enum.nse b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/msrpc-enum.nse
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84d3e865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/msrpc-enum.nse
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+local msrpc = require "msrpc"
+local smb = require "smb"
+local stdnse = require "stdnse"
+local table = require "table"
+local shortport = require "shortport"
+description = [[
+Queries an MSRPC endpoint mapper for a list of mapped
+services and displays the gathered information.
+As it is using smb library, you can specify optional
+username and password to use.
+Script works much like Microsoft's rpcdump tool
+or dcedump tool from SPIKE fuzzer.
+-- @usage nmap --script=msrpc-enum
+-- @output
+-- 445/tcp open microsoft-ds syn-ack
+-- Host script results:
+-- | msrpc-enum:
+-- |
+-- | uuid: 3c4728c5-f0ab-448b-bda1-6ce01eb0a6d5
+-- | annotation: DHCP Client LRPC Endpoint
+-- | ncalrpc: dhcpcsvc
+-- |
+-- | uuid: 12345678-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab
+-- | annotation: IPSec Policy agent endpoint
+-- | ncalrpc: audit
+-- |
+-- | uuid: 3c4728c5-f0ab-448b-bda1-6ce01eb0a6d5
+-- | ip_addr:
+-- | annotation: DHCP Client LRPC Endpoint
+-- | tcp_port: 49153
+-- |
+-- |
+-- | uuid: 12345678-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab
+-- | annotation: IPSec Policy agent endpoint
+-- | ncalrpc: securityevent
+-- |
+-- | uuid: 12345678-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab
+-- | annotation: IPSec Policy agent endpoint
+-- |_ ncalrpc: protected_storage
+-- @xmloutput
+-- -snip-
+-- c100beab-d33a-4a4b-bf23-bbef4663d017
+-- wcncsvc.wcnprpc
+-- wcncsvc.wcnprpc
+-- 6b5bdd1e-528c-422c-af8c-a4079be4fe48
+-- Remote Fw APIs
+-- 49158
+-- 12345678-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab
+-- IPSec Policy agent endpoint
+-- 49158
+-- -snip-
+author = "Aleksandar Nikolic"
+license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
+categories = {"safe","discovery"}
+portrule = shortport.port_or_service(445, "microsoft-ds")
+action = function(host,port)
+ local status, smbstate
+ status, smbstate = msrpc.start_smb(host,msrpc.EPMAPPER_PATH,true)
+ if(status == false) then
+ stdnse.debug1("SMB: " .. smbstate)
+ return false, smbstate
+ end
+ local bind_result,epresult -- bind to endpoint mapper service
+ status, bind_result = msrpc.bind(smbstate,msrpc.EPMAPPER_UUID, msrpc.EPMAPPER_VERSION, nil)
+ if(status == false) then
+ msrpc.stop_smb(smbstate)
+ stdnse.debug1("SMB: " .. bind_result)
+ return false, bind_result
+ end
+ local results = {}
+ status, epresult = msrpc.epmapper_lookup(smbstate,nil) -- get the initial handle
+ if not status then
+ stdnse.debug1("SMB: " .. epresult)
+ return false, epresult
+ end
+ local handle = epresult.new_handle
+ epresult.new_handle = nil
+ table.insert(results,epresult)
+ while not (epresult == nil) do
+ status, epresult = msrpc.epmapper_lookup(smbstate,handle) -- get next result until there are no more
+ if not status then
+ break
+ end
+ epresult.new_handle = nil
+ table.insert(results,epresult)
+ end
+ return results
diff --git a/engines/nmap/fixed_script/ntlm-methods.nse b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/ntlm-methods.nse
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60830f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/ntlm-methods.nse
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+local http = require "http"
+local shortport = require "shortport"
+local stdnse = require "stdnse"
+local string = require "string"
+local table = require "table"
+description = [[
+Returns authentication methods a winrm server supports.
+-- @usage
+-- nmap --script winrm-auth-methods -p 5985
+-- @output
+-- 5985/tcp open wsman
+-- | winrm-auth-methods:
+-- | Accepted Authentication Methods:
+-- | Negotiate
+-- | Basic
+-- | Kerberos
+-- |_ CredSSP
+author = "Evangelos Deirmentzoglou"
+license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
+categories = {"default", "discovery", "safe"}
+portrule = shortport.port_or_service({5985, 5986},{'wsman','wsmans'})
+function generate_random_string(len, charset)
+ local t = {}
+ local ascii_A = 65
+ local ascii_Z = 90
+ if charset then
+ for i=1,len do
+ t[i]=charset[math.random(#charset)]
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,len do
+ t[i]=string.char(math.random(ascii_A,ascii_Z))
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(t)
+action = function(host, port)
+ local r = {}
+ local result = stdnse.output_table()
+ local randoms = generate_random_string(5)
+ local url = "/wsman"
+ local response = http.post( host, port, url, nil, nil, randoms )
+ if response.header["www-authenticate"] and string.match(response.header["www-authenticate"], "Negotiate") then
+ table.insert(r, "Negotiate")
+ end
+ if response.header["www-authenticate"] and string.match(response.header["www-authenticate"], "Basic") then
+ table.insert(r, "Basic")
+ end
+ if response.header["www-authenticate"] and string.match(response.header["www-authenticate"], "Kerberos") then
+ table.insert(r, "Kerberos")
+ end
+ if response.header["www-authenticate"] and string.match(response.header["www-authenticate"], "CredSSP") then
+ table.insert(r, "CredSSP")
+ end
+ if #r > 0 then
+ result = r
+ else
+ result = "Server does not support authentication."
+ end
+ return result
diff --git a/engines/nmap/fixed_script/redis-info.nse b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/redis-info.nse
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcfd4b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/redis-info.nse
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+local creds = require "creds"
+local redis = require "redis"
+local nmap = require "nmap"
+local shortport = require "shortport"
+local stdnse = require "stdnse"
+local string = require "string"
+local stringaux = require "stringaux"
+local table = require "table"
+local tableaux = require "tableaux"
+local ipOps = require "ipOps"
+description = [[
+Retrieves information (such as version number and architecture) from a Redis key-value store.
+-- @usage
+-- nmap -p 6379 --script redis-info
+-- @output
+-- 6379/tcp open unknown
+-- | redis-info:
+-- | Version 2.2.11
+-- | Architecture 64 bits
+-- | Process ID 17821
+-- | Used CPU (sys) 2.37
+-- | Used CPU (user) 1.02
+-- | Connected clients 1
+-- | Connected slaves 0
+-- | Used memory 780.16K
+-- | Role master
+-- | Bind addresses:
+-- |
+-- | Active channels:
+-- | testChannel
+-- | bidChannel
+-- | Client connections:
+-- |
+-- |_
+author = {"Patrik Karlsson", "Vasiliy Kulikov"}
+license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
+categories = {"discovery", "safe"}
+dependencies = {"redis-brute"}
+portrule = shortport.port_or_service(6379, "redis")
+local function fail(err) return stdnse.format_output(false, err) end
+local function cb_parse_version(host, port, val)
+ port.version.version = val
+ port.version.cpe = port.version.cpe or {}
+ table.insert(port.version.cpe, 'cpe:/a:redis:redis:' .. val)
+ nmap.set_port_version(host, port)
+ return val
+local function cb_parse_architecture(host, port, val)
+ val = ("%s bits"):format(val)
+ port.version.extrainfo = val
+ nmap.set_port_version(host, port)
+ return val
+local filter = {
+ ["redis_version"] = { name = "Version", func = cb_parse_version },
+ ["os"] = { name = "Operating System" },
+ ["arch_bits"] = { name = "Architecture", func = cb_parse_architecture },
+ ["process_id"] = { name = "Process ID"},
+ ["uptime"] = { name = "Uptime", func = function(h, p, v) return ("%s seconds"):format(v) end },
+ ["used_cpu_sys"]= { name = "Used CPU (sys)"},
+ ["used_cpu_user"] = { name = "Used CPU (user)"},
+ ["connected_clients"] = { name = "Connected clients"},
+ ["connected_slaves"] = { name = "Connected slaves"},
+ ["used_memory_human"] = { name = "Used memory"},
+ ["role"] = { name = "Role"}
+local order = {
+ "redis_version", "os", "arch_bits", "process_id", "used_cpu_sys",
+ "used_cpu_user", "connected_clients", "connected_slaves",
+ "used_memory_human", "role"
+local extras = {
+ {
+ -- https://redis.io/commands/config-get/
+ "Bind addresses", {"CONFIG", "GET", "bind"}, function (data)
+ if data[1] ~= "bind" or not data[2] then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local restab = stringaux.strsplit(" ", data[2])
+ for i, ip in ipairs(restab) do
+ if ip == '' then restab[i] = '' end
+ end
+ return restab
+ end
+ },
+ {
+ -- https://redis.io/commands/pubsub-channels/
+ "Active channels", {"PUBSUB", "CHANNELS"}, function (data)
+ local channels = {}
+ local omitted = 0
+ local limit = nmap.verbosity() <= 1 and 20 or false
+ for _, channel in ipairs(data) do
+ if limit and #channels >= limit then
+ omitted = omitted + 1
+ else
+ table.insert(channels, channel)
+ end
+ end
+ if omitted > 0 then
+ table.insert(channels, ("(omitted %s item(s), use verbose mode -v to show them)"):format(omitted))
+ end
+ return #channels > 0 and channels or nil
+ end
+ },
+ {
+ -- https://redis.io/commands/client-list/
+ "Client connections", {"CLIENT", "LIST"}, function(data)
+ if not data then
+ stdnse.debug1("Failed to parse response from server")
+ return nil
+ end
+ local client_ips = {}
+ for conn in data:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
+ local ip = conn:match("%f[^%s\0]addr=%[?([%x:.]+)%]?:%d+%f[%s\0]")
+ if ip then
+ local binip = ipOps.ip_to_str(ip)
+ if binip then
+ -- prepending length sorts IPv4 and IPv6 separately
+ client_ips[string.pack("s1", binip)] = binip
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local out = {}
+ local keys = tableaux.keys(client_ips)
+ table.sort(keys)
+ for _, packed in ipairs(keys) do
+ table.insert(out, ipOps.str_to_ip(client_ips[packed]))
+ end
+ return #out > 0 and out or nil
+ end
+ },
+ {
+ -- https://redis.io/commands/cluster-nodes/
+ "Cluster nodes", {"CLUSTER", "NODES"}, function(data)
+ if not data then
+ stdnse.debug1("Failed to parse response from server")
+ return nil
+ end
+ local out = {}
+ for node in data:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
+ local ipport, flags = node:match("^%x+%s+([%x.:%[%]]+)@?%d*%s+(%S+)")
+ if ipport then
+ table.insert(out, ("%s (%s)"):format(ipport, flags))
+ else
+ stdnse.debug1("Unable to parse cluster node info")
+ end
+ end
+ return #out > 0 and out or nil
+ end
+ },
+action = function(host, port)
+ local helper = redis.Helper:new(host, port)
+ local status = helper:connect()
+ if( not(status) ) then
+ return fail("Failed to connect to server")
+ end
+ -- do we have a service password
+ local c = creds.Credentials:new(creds.ALL_DATA, host, port)
+ local cred = c:getCredentials(creds.State.VALID + creds.State.PARAM)()
+ if ( cred and cred.pass ) then
+ local status, response = helper:reqCmd("AUTH", cred.pass)
+ if ( not(status) ) then
+ helper:close()
+ return fail(response)
+ end
+ end
+ local status, response = helper:reqCmd("INFO")
+ if ( not(status) ) then
+ helper:close()
+ return fail(response)
+ end
+ if ( redis.Response.Type.ERROR == response.type ) then
+ if ( "-ERR operation not permitted" == response.data ) or
+ ( "-NOAUTH Authentication required." == response.data ) then
+ return fail("Authentication required")
+ end
+ return fail(response.data)
+ end
+ local restab = stringaux.strsplit("\r\n", response.data)
+ if ( not(restab) or 0 == #restab ) then
+ return fail("Failed to parse response from server")
+ end
+ local kvs = {}
+ for _, item in ipairs(restab) do
+ local k, v = item:match("^([^:]*):(.*)$")
+ if k ~= nil then
+ kvs[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ local result = stdnse.output_table()
+ for _, item in ipairs(order) do
+ if kvs[item] then
+ local name = filter[item].name
+ local val
+ if filter[item].func then
+ val = filter[item].func(host, port, kvs[item])
+ else
+ val = kvs[item]
+ end
+ result[name] = val
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1, #extras do
+ local name = extras[i][1]
+ local cmd = extras[i][2]
+ local process = extras[i][3]
+ local status, response = helper:reqCmd(table.unpack(cmd))
+ if status and redis.Response.Type.ERROR ~= response.type then
+ result[name] = process(response.data)
+ end
+ end
+ helper:close()
+ return result
diff --git a/engines/nmap/fixed_script/smb-protocols.nse b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/smb-protocols.nse
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6dc71d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/smb-protocols.nse
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+local smb = require "smb"
+local stdnse = require "stdnse"
+local nmap = require "nmap"
+local shortport = require "shortport"
+description = [[
+Attempts to list the supported protocols and dialects of a SMB server.
+The script attempts to initiate a connection using the dialects:
+* NT LM 0.12 (SMBv1)
+* 2.0.2 (SMBv2)
+* 2.1 (SMBv2)
+* 3.0 (SMBv3)
+* 3.0.2 (SMBv3)
+* 3.1.1 (SMBv3)
+Additionally if SMBv1 is found enabled, it will mark it as insecure. This
+script is the successor to the (removed) smbv2-enabled script.
+-- @usage nmap -p445 --script smb-protocols
+-- @usage nmap -p139 --script smb-protocols
+-- @output
+-- | smb-protocols:
+-- | dialects:
+-- | NT LM 0.12 (SMBv1) [dangerous, but default]
+-- | 2.0.2
+-- | 2.1
+-- | 3.0
+-- | 3.0.2
+-- |_ 3.1.1
+-- @xmloutput
+-- NT LM 0.12 (SMBv1) [dangerous, but default]
+-- 2.0.2
+-- 2.1
+-- 3.0
+-- 3.0.2
+-- 3.1.1
+author = "Paulino Calderon"
+license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
+categories = {"safe", "discovery"}
+portrule = shortport.port_or_service(445, "microsoft-ds")
+action = function(host,port)
+ local status, supported_dialects = smb.list_dialects(host)
+ if status then
+ for i, v in pairs(supported_dialects) do -- Mark SMBv1 as insecure
+ if v == "NT LM 0.12" then
+ supported_dialects[i] = v .. " (SMBv1) [dangerous, but default]"
+ end
+ end
+ if #supported_dialects > 0 then
+ local output = stdnse.output_table()
+ output.dialects = supported_dialects
+ return output
+ end
+ end
+ stdnse.debug1("No dialects were accepted")
+ if nmap.verbosity()>1 then
+ return "No dialects accepted. Something may be blocking the responses"
+ end
diff --git a/engines/nmap/fixed_script/stdnse.lua b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/stdnse.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..909a9322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engines/nmap/fixed_script/stdnse.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1233 @@
+-- Standard Nmap Scripting Engine functions. This module contains various handy
+-- functions that are too small to justify modules of their own.
+-- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html
+-- @class module
+-- @name stdnse
+local _G = require "_G"
+local coroutine = require "coroutine"
+local math = require "math"
+local nmap = require "nmap"
+local os = require "os"
+local string = require "string"
+local table = require "table"
+local assert = assert;
+local error = error;
+local getmetatable = getmetatable;
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local pairs = pairs
+local next = next
+local rawset = rawset
+local require = require;
+local select = select
+local setmetatable = setmetatable;
+local tonumber = tonumber;
+local tostring = tostring;
+local type = type
+local ceil = math.ceil
+local max = math.max
+local format = string.format;
+local rep = string.rep
+local concat = table.concat;
+local insert = table.insert;
+local pack = table.pack;
+local unpack = table.unpack;
+local difftime = os.difftime;
+local time = os.time;
+local EMPTY = {}; -- Empty constant table
+_ENV = require "strict" {};
+--- Sleeps for a given amount of time.
+-- This causes the program to yield control and not regain it until the time
+-- period has elapsed. The time may have a fractional part. Internally, the
+-- timer provides millisecond resolution.
+-- @name sleep
+-- @class function
+-- @param t Time to sleep, in seconds.
+-- @usage stdnse.sleep(1.5)
+_ENV.sleep = nmap.socket.sleep;
+-- Prints a formatted debug message if the current debugging level is greater
+-- than or equal to a given level.
+-- This is a convenience wrapper around
+-- nmap.log_write
. The first optional numeric
+-- argument, level
, is used as the debugging level necessary
+-- to print the message (it defaults to 1 if omitted). All remaining arguments
+-- are processed with Lua's string.format
+-- @param level Optional debugging level.
+-- @param fmt Format string.
+-- @param ... Arguments to format.
+print_debug = function(level, fmt, ...)
+ local l, d = tonumber(level), nmap.debugging();
+ if l and l <= d then
+ nmap.log_write("stdout", format(fmt, ...));
+ elseif not l and 1 <= d then
+ nmap.log_write("stdout", format(level, fmt, ...));
+ end
+-- Prints a formatted verbosity message if the current verbosity level is greater
+-- than or equal to a given level.
+-- This is a convenience wrapper around
+-- nmap.log_write
. The first optional numeric
+-- argument, level
, is used as the verbosity level necessary
+-- to print the message (it defaults to 1 if omitted). All remaining arguments
+-- are processed with Lua's string.format
+-- @param level Optional verbosity level.
+-- @param fmt Format string.
+-- @param ... Arguments to format.
+print_verbose = function(level, fmt, ...)
+ local l, d = tonumber(level), nmap.verbosity();
+ if l and l <= d then
+ nmap.log_write("stdout", format(fmt, ...));
+ elseif not l and 1 <= d then
+ nmap.log_write("stdout", format(level, fmt, ...));
+ end
+--- Join a list of strings with a separator string.
+-- This is Lua's table.concat
function with the parameters
+-- swapped for coherence.
+-- @usage
+-- stdnse.strjoin(", ", {"Anna", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dolores"})
+-- --> "Anna, Bob, Charlie, Dolores"
+-- @param delimiter String to delimit each element of the list.
+-- @param list Array of strings to concatenate.
+-- @return Concatenated string.
+function strjoin(delimiter, list)
+ assert(type(delimiter) == "string" or type(delimiter) == nil, "delimiter is of the wrong type! (did you get the parameters backward?)")
+ return concat(list, delimiter);
+--- Split a string at a given delimiter, which may be a pattern.
+-- @usage
+-- stdnse.strsplit(",%s*", "Anna, Bob, Charlie, Dolores")
+-- --> { "Anna", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dolores" }
+-- @param pattern Pattern that separates the desired strings.
+-- @param text String to split.
+-- @return Array of substrings without the separating pattern.
+function strsplit(pattern, text)
+ local list, pos = {}, 1;
+ assert(pattern ~= "", "delimiter matches empty string!");
+ while true do
+ local first, last, match = text:find(pattern, pos);
+ if first then -- found?
+ list[#list+1] = text:sub(pos, first-1);
+ pos = last+1;
+ else
+ list[#list+1] = text:sub(pos);
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ return list;
+--- Generate a random string.
+-- You can either provide your own charset or the function will use
+-- a default one which is [A-Z].
+-- @param len Length of the string we want to generate.
+-- @param charset Charset that will be used to generate the string.
+-- @return A random string of length len
consisting of
+-- characters from charset
if one was provided, otherwise
+-- charset
defaults to [A-Z] letters.
+function generate_random_string(len, charset)
+ local t = {}
+ local ascii_A = 65
+ local ascii_Z = 90
+ if charset then
+ for i=1,len do
+ t[i]=charset[math.random(#charset)]
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,len do
+ t[i]=string.char(math.random(ascii_A,ascii_Z))
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(t)
+--- Return a wrapper closure around a socket that buffers socket reads into
+-- chunks separated by a pattern.
+-- This function operates on a socket attempting to read data. It separates the
+-- data by sep
and, for each invocation, returns a piece of the
+-- separated data. Typically this is used to iterate over the lines of data
+-- received from a socket (sep = "\r?\n"
). The returned string
+-- does not include the separator. It will return the final data even if it is
+-- not followed by the separator. Once an error or EOF is reached, it returns
+-- nil, msg
. msg
is what is returned by
+-- nmap.receive_lines
+-- @param socket Socket for the buffer.
+-- @param sep Separator for the buffered reads.
+-- @return Data from socket reads or nil
on EOF or error.
+-- @return Error message, as with receive_lines
+function make_buffer(socket, sep)
+ local point, left, buffer, done, msg = 1, "";
+ local function self()
+ if done then
+ return nil, msg; -- must be nil for stdnse.lines (below)
+ elseif not buffer then
+ local status, str = socket:receive();
+ if not status then
+ if #left > 0 then
+ done, msg = not status, str;
+ return left;
+ else
+ return status, str;
+ end
+ else
+ buffer = left..str;
+ return self();
+ end
+ else
+ local i, j = buffer:find(sep, point);
+ if i then
+ local ret = buffer:sub(point, i-1);
+ point = j + 1;
+ return ret;
+ else
+ point, left, buffer = 1, buffer:sub(point), nil;
+ return self();
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return self;
+--[[ This function may be usable in Lua 5.2
+function lines(socket)
+ return make_buffer(socket, "\r?\n"), nil, nil;
+end --]]
+ local t = {
+ ["0"] = "0000",
+ ["1"] = "0001",
+ ["2"] = "0010",
+ ["3"] = "0011",
+ ["4"] = "0100",
+ ["5"] = "0101",
+ ["6"] = "0110",
+ ["7"] = "0111",
+ ["8"] = "1000",
+ ["9"] = "1001",
+ a = "1010",
+ b = "1011",
+ c = "1100",
+ d = "1101",
+ e = "1110",
+ f = "1111"
+ };
+--- Converts the given number, n, to a string in a binary number format (12
+-- becomes "1100").
+-- @param n Number to convert.
+-- @return String in binary format.
+ function tobinary(n)
+ assert(tonumber(n), "number expected");
+ return (("%x"):format(n):gsub("%w", t):gsub("^0*", ""));
+ end
+--- Converts the given number, n, to a string in an octal number format (12
+-- becomes "14").
+-- @param n Number to convert.
+-- @return String in octal format.
+function tooctal(n)
+ assert(tonumber(n), "number expected");
+ return ("%o"):format(n)
+--- Encode a string or number in hexadecimal (12 becomes "c", "AB" becomes
+-- "4142").
+-- An optional second argument is a table with formatting options. The possible
+-- fields in this table are
+-- * separator
: A string to use to separate groups of digits.
+-- * group
: The size of each group of digits between separators. Defaults to 2, but has no effect if separator
is not also given.
+-- @usage
+-- stdnse.tohex("abc") --> "616263"
+-- stdnse.tohex("abc", {separator = ":"}) --> "61:62:63"
+-- stdnse.tohex("abc", {separator = ":", group = 4}) --> "61:6263"
+-- stdnse.tohex(123456) --> "1e240"
+-- stdnse.tohex(123456, {separator = ":"}) --> "1:e2:40"
+-- stdnse.tohex(123456, {separator = ":", group = 4}) --> "1:e240"
+-- @param s String or number to be encoded.
+-- @param options Table specifiying formatting options.
+-- @return String in hexadecimal format.
+function tohex( s, options )
+ options = options or EMPTY
+ local separator = options.separator
+ local hex
+ if type( s ) == "number" then
+ hex = ("%x"):format(s)
+ elseif type( s ) == 'string' then
+ hex = ("%02x"):rep(#s):format(s:byte(1,#s))
+ else
+ error( "Type not supported in tohex(): " .. type(s), 2 )
+ end
+ -- format hex if we got a separator
+ if separator then
+ local group = options.group or 2
+ local fmt_table = {}
+ -- split hex in group-size chunks
+ for i=#hex,1,-group do
+ -- table index must be consecutive otherwise table.concat won't work
+ fmt_table[ceil(i/group)] = hex:sub(max(i-group+1,1),i)
+ end
+ hex = concat( fmt_table, separator )
+ end
+ return hex
+---Either return the string itself, or return "" (or the value of the second parameter) if the string
+-- was blank or nil.
+--@param string The base string.
+--@param blank The string to return if string
was blank
+--@return Either string
or, if it was blank, blank
+function string_or_blank(string, blank)
+ if(string == nil or string == "") then
+ if(blank == nil) then
+ return ""
+ else
+ return blank
+ end
+ else
+ return string
+ end
+-- Parses a time duration specification, which is a number followed by a
+-- unit, and returns a number of seconds. The unit is optional and
+-- defaults to seconds. The possible units (case-insensitive) are
+-- * ms
: milliseconds,
+-- * s
: seconds,
+-- * m
: minutes,
+-- * h
: hours.
+-- In case of a parsing error, the function returns nil
+-- followed by an error message.
+-- @usage
+-- parse_timespec("10") --> 10
+-- parse_timespec("10ms") --> 0.01
+-- parse_timespec("10s") --> 10
+-- parse_timespec("10m") --> 600
+-- parse_timespec("10h") --> 36000
+-- parse_timespec("10z") --> nil, "Can't parse time specification \"10z\" (bad unit \"z\")"
+-- @param timespec A time specification string.
+-- @return A number of seconds, or nil
followed by an error
+-- message.
+function parse_timespec(timespec)
+ if timespec == nil then return nil, "Can't parse nil timespec" end
+ local n, unit, t, m
+ local multipliers = {[""] = 1, s = 1, m = 60, h = 60 * 60, ms = 0.001}
+ n, unit = string.match(timespec, "^([%d.]+)(.*)$")
+ if not n then
+ return nil, string.format("Can't parse time specification \"%s\"", timespec)
+ end
+ t = tonumber(n)
+ if not t then
+ return nil, string.format("Can't parse time specification \"%s\" (bad number \"%s\")", timespec, n)
+ end
+ m = multipliers[unit]
+ if not m then
+ return nil, string.format("Can't parse time specification \"%s\" (bad unit \"%s\")", timespec, unit)
+ end
+ return t * m
+-- Find the offset in seconds between local time and UTC. That is, if we
+-- interpret a UTC date table as a local date table by passing it to os.time,
+-- how much must be added to the resulting integer timestamp to make it
+-- correct?
+local function utc_offset(t)
+ -- What does the calendar say locally?
+ local localtime = os.date("*t", t)
+ -- What does the calendar say in UTC?
+ local gmtime = os.date("!*t", t)
+ -- Interpret both as local calendar dates and find the difference.
+ return difftime(os.time(localtime), os.time(gmtime))
+--- Convert a date table into an integer timestamp. Unlike os.time, this does
+-- not assume that the date table represents a local time. Rather, it takes an
+-- optional offset number of seconds representing the time zone, and returns
+-- the timestamp that would result using that time zone as local time. If the
+-- offset is omitted or 0, the date table is interpreted as a UTC date. For
+-- example, 4:00 UTC is the same as 5:00 UTC+1:
+-- date_to_timestamp({year=1970,month=1,day=1,hour=4,min=0,sec=0}) --> 14400
+-- date_to_timestamp({year=1970,month=1,day=1,hour=4,min=0,sec=0}, 0) --> 14400
+-- date_to_timestamp({year=1970,month=1,day=1,hour=5,min=0,sec=0}, 1*60*60) --> 14400
+-- And 4:00 UTC+1 is an earlier time:
+-- date_to_timestamp({year=1970,month=1,day=1,hour=4,min=0,sec=0}, 1*60*60) --> 10800
+function date_to_timestamp(date, offset)
+ offset = offset or 0
+ return os.time(date) + utc_offset(os.time(date)) - offset
+local function format_tz(offset)
+ local sign, hh, mm
+ if not offset then
+ return ""
+ end
+ if offset < 0 then
+ sign = "-"
+ offset = -offset
+ else
+ sign = "+"
+ end
+ -- Truncate to minutes.
+ offset = math.floor(offset / 60)
+ hh = math.floor(offset / 60)
+ mm = math.floor(math.fmod(offset, 60))
+ return string.format("%s%02d:%02d", sign, hh, mm)
+--- Format a date and time (and optional time zone) for structured output.
+-- Formatting is done according to RFC 3339 (a profile of ISO 8601), except
+-- that a time zone may be omitted to signify an unspecified local time zone.
+-- Time zones are given as an integer number of seconds from UTC. Use
+-- 0
to mark UTC itself. Formatted strings with a time zone look
+-- like this:
+-- format_timestamp(os.time(), 0) --> "2012-09-07T23:37:42+00:00"
+-- format_timestamp(os.time(), 2*60*60) --> "2012-09-07T23:37:42+02:00"
+-- Without a time zone they look like this:
+-- format_timestamp(os.time()) --> "2012-09-07T23:37:42"
+-- This function should be used for all dates emitted as part of NSE structured
+-- output.
+function format_timestamp(t, offset)
+ local tz_string = format_tz(offset)
+ offset = offset or 0
+ return os.date("!%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", t + offset) .. tz_string
+--- Format the difference between times t2
and t1
+-- into a string in one of the forms (signs may vary):
+-- * 0s
+-- * -4s
+-- * +2m38s
+-- * -9h12m34s
+-- * +5d17h05m06s
+-- * -2y177d10h13m20s
+-- The string shows t2
relative to t1
; i.e., the
+-- calculation is t2
minus t1
+function format_difftime(t2, t1)
+ local d, s, sign, yeardiff
+ d = difftime(time(t2), time(t1))
+ if d > 0 then
+ sign = "+"
+ elseif d < 0 then
+ sign = "-"
+ t2, t1 = t1, t2
+ d = -d
+ else
+ sign = ""
+ end
+ -- t2 is always later than or equal to t1 here.
+ -- The year is a tricky case because it's not a fixed number of days
+ -- the way a day is a fixed number of hours or an hour is a fixed
+ -- number of minutes. For example, the difference between 2008-02-10
+ -- and 2009-02-10 is 366 days because 2008 was a leap year, but it
+ -- should be printed as 1y0d0h0m0s, not 1y1d0h0m0s. We advance t1 to be
+ -- the latest year such that it is still before t2, which means that its
+ -- year will be equal to or one less than t2's. The number of years
+ -- skipped is stored in yeardiff.
+ if t2.year > t1.year then
+ local tmpyear = t1.year
+ -- Put t1 in the same year as t2.
+ t1.year = t2.year
+ d = difftime(time(t2), time(t1))
+ if d < 0 then
+ -- Too far. Back off one year.
+ t1.year = t2.year - 1
+ d = difftime(time(t2), time(t1))
+ end
+ yeardiff = t1.year - tmpyear
+ t1.year = tmpyear
+ else
+ yeardiff = 0
+ end
+ local s, sec, min
+ s = ""
+ -- Seconds (pad to two digits).
+ sec = d % 60
+ d = math.floor(d / 60)
+ if d == 0 and yeardiff == 0 then
+ return sign .. string.format("%gs", sec) .. s
+ end
+ s = string.format("%02gs", sec) .. s
+ -- Minutes (pad to two digits).
+ min = d % 60
+ d = math.floor(d / 60)
+ if d == 0 and yeardiff == 0 then
+ return sign .. string.format("%dm", min) .. s
+ end
+ s = string.format("%02dm", min) .. s
+ -- Hours.
+ s = string.format("%dh", d % 24) .. s
+ d = math.floor(d / 24)
+ if d == 0 and yeardiff == 0 then
+ return sign .. s
+ end
+ -- Days.
+ s = string.format("%dd", d) .. s
+ if yeardiff == 0 then return sign .. s end
+ -- Years.
+ s = string.format("%dy", yeardiff) .. s
+ return sign .. s
+--- Returns the current time in milliseconds since the epoch
+-- @return The current time in milliseconds since the epoch
+function clock_ms()
+ return nmap.clock() * 1000
+--- Returns the current time in microseconds since the epoch
+-- @return The current time in microseconds since the epoch
+function clock_us()
+ return nmap.clock() * 1000000
+---Get the indentation symbols at a given level.
+local function format_get_indent(indent, at_end)
+ local str = ""
+ local had_continue = false
+ if(not(at_end)) then
+ str = rep(' ', #indent) -- Was: "| "
+ else
+ for i = #indent, 1, -1 do
+ if(indent[i] and not(had_continue)) then
+ str = str .. " " -- Was: "|_ "
+ else
+ had_continue = true
+ str = str .. " " -- Was: "| "
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return str
+local function splitlines(s)
+ local result = {}
+ local i = 0
+ while i <= #s do
+ local b, e
+ b, e = string.find(s, "\r?\n", i)
+ if not b then
+ break
+ end
+ result[#result + 1] = string.sub(s, i, b - 1)
+ i = e + 1
+ end
+ if i <= #s then
+ result[#result + 1] = string.sub(s, i)
+ end
+ return result
+-- A helper for format_output (see below).
+local function format_output_sub(status, data, indent)
+ if (#data == 0) then
+ return ""
+ end
+ -- Used to put 'ERROR: ' in front of all lines on error messages
+ local prefix = ""
+ -- Initialize the output string to blank (or, if we're at the top, add a newline)
+ local output = {}
+ if(not(indent)) then
+ insert(output, '\n')
+ end
+ if(not(status)) then
+ if(nmap.debugging() < 1) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ prefix = "ERROR: "
+ end
+ -- If a string was passed, turn it into a table
+ if(type(data) == 'string') then
+ data = {data}
+ end
+ -- Make sure we have an indent value
+ indent = indent or {}
+ if(data['name']) then
+ if(data['warning'] and nmap.debugging() > 0) then
+ insert(output, format("%s%s%s (WARNING: %s)\n",
+ format_get_indent(indent), prefix,
+ data['name'], data['warning']))
+ else
+ insert(output, format("%s%s%s\n",
+ format_get_indent(indent), prefix,
+ data['name']))
+ end
+ elseif(data['warning'] and nmap.debugging() > 0) then
+ insert(output, format("%s%s(WARNING: %s)\n",
+ format_get_indent(indent), prefix,
+ data['warning']))
+ end
+ for i, value in ipairs(data) do
+ if(type(value) == 'table') then
+ -- Do a shallow copy of indent
+ local new_indent = {}
+ for _, v in ipairs(indent) do
+ insert(new_indent, v)
+ end
+ if(i ~= #data) then
+ insert(new_indent, false)
+ else
+ insert(new_indent, true)
+ end
+ insert(output, format_output_sub(status, value, new_indent))
+ elseif(type(value) == 'string') then
+ local lines = splitlines(value)
+ for j, line in ipairs(lines) do
+ insert(output, format("%s %s%s\n",
+ format_get_indent(indent, i == #data and j == #lines),
+ prefix, line))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return concat(output)
+---Takes a table of output on the commandline and formats it for display to the
+-- user. This is basically done by converting an array of nested tables into a
+-- string. In addition to numbered array elements, each table can have a 'name'
+-- and a 'warning' value. The 'name' will be displayed above the table, and
+-- 'warning' will be displayed, with a 'WARNING' tag, if and only if debugging
+-- is enabled.
+-- Here's an example of a table:
+-- local domains = {}
+-- domains['name'] = "DOMAINS"
+-- table.insert(domains, 'Domain 1')
+-- table.insert(domains, 'Domain 2')
+-- local names = {}
+-- names['name'] = "NAMES"
+-- names['warning'] = "Not all names could be determined!"
+-- table.insert(names, "Name 1")
+-- local response = {}
+-- table.insert(response, "Apple pie")
+-- table.insert(response, domains)
+-- table.insert(response, names)
+-- return stdnse.format_output(true, response)
+-- With debugging enabled, this is the output:
+-- Host script results:
+-- | smb-enum-domains:
+-- | Apple pie
+-- | Domain 1
+-- | Domain 2
+-- | NAMES (WARNING: Not all names could be determined!)
+-- |_ Name 1
+--@param status A boolean value dictating whether or not the script succeeded.
+-- If status is false, and debugging is enabled, 'ERROR' is prepended
+-- to every line. If status is false and debugging is disabled, no output
+-- occurs.
+--@param data The table of output.
+--@param indent Used for indentation on recursive calls; should generally be set to
+-- nil when callling from a script.
+-- @return nil
, if data
is empty, otherwise a
+-- multiline string.
+function format_output(status, data, indent)
+ -- If data is nil, die with an error (I keep doing that by accident)
+ assert(data, "No data was passed to format_output()")
+ -- Don't bother if we don't have any data
+ if (#data == 0) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local result = format_output_sub(status, data, indent)
+ -- Check for an empty result
+ if(result == nil or #result == "" or result == "\n" or result == "\n") then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return result
+-- Get the value of a script argument, or nil if the script argument was not
+-- given. This works also for arguments given as top-level array values, like
+-- --script-args=unsafe; for these it returns the value 1.
+local function arg_value(argname)
+ if nmap.registry.args[argname] then
+ return nmap.registry.args[argname]
+ else
+ -- if scriptname.arg is not there, check "arg"
+ local argument_frags = strsplit("%.", argname)
+ if #argument_frags > 0 then
+ if nmap.registry.args[argument_frags[2]] then
+ return nmap.registry.args[argument_frags[2]]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for _, v in ipairs(nmap.registry.args) do
+ if v == argname then
+ return 1
+ end
+ end
+--- Parses the script arguments passed to the --script-args option.
+-- @usage
+-- --script-args 'script.arg1=value,script.arg3,script-x.arg=value'
+-- local arg1, arg2, arg3 = get_script_args('script.arg1','script.arg2','script.arg3')
+-- => arg1 = value
+-- => arg2 = nil
+-- => arg3 = 1
+-- --script-args 'displayall,unsafe,script-x.arg=value,script-y.arg=value'
+-- local displayall, unsafe = get_script_args('displayall','unsafe')
+-- => displayall = 1
+-- => unsafe = 1
+-- --script-args 'dns-cache-snoop.mode=timed,dns-cache-snoop.domains={host1,host2}'
+-- local mode, domains = get_script_args('dns-cache-snoop.mode',
+-- 'dns-cache-snoop.domains')
+-- => mode = 'timed'
+-- => domains = {host1,host2}
+-- @param Arguments Script arguments to check.
+-- @return Arguments values.
+function get_script_args (...)
+ local args = {}
+ for i, set in ipairs({...}) do
+ if type(set) == "string" then
+ set = {set}
+ end
+ for _, test in ipairs(set) do
+ local v = arg_value(test)
+ if v then
+ args[i] = v
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return unpack(args, 1, select("#", ...))
+---Get the best possible hostname for the given host. This can be the target as given on
+-- the commandline, the reverse dns name, or simply the ip address.
+--@param host The host table (or a string that'll simply be returned).
+--@return The best possible hostname, as a string.
+function get_hostname(host)
+ if type(host) == "table" then
+ return host.targetname or ( host.name ~= '' and host.name ) or host.ip
+ else
+ return host
+ end
+---Retrieve an item from the registry, checking if each sub-key exists. If any key doesn't
+-- exist, return nil.
+function registry_get(subkeys)
+ local registry = nmap.registry
+ local i = 1
+ while(subkeys[i]) do
+ if(not(registry[subkeys[i]])) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ registry = registry[subkeys[i]]
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ return registry
+--Check if the given element exists in the registry. If 'key' is nil, it isn't checked.
+function registry_exists(subkeys, key, value)
+ local subkey = registry_get(subkeys)
+ if(not(subkey)) then
+ return false
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(subkey) do
+ if((key == nil or key == k) and (v == value)) then -- TODO: if 'value' is a table, this fails
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+---Add an item to an array in the registry, creating all sub-keys if necessary.
+-- For example, calling:
+-- registry_add_array({'', 'www', '80', 'pages'}, 'index.html')
+-- Will create nmap.registry[''] as a table, if necessary, then add a table
+-- under the 'www' key, and so on. 'pages', finally, is treated as an array and the value
+-- given is added to the end.
+function registry_add_array(subkeys, value, allow_duplicates)
+ local registry = nmap.registry
+ local i = 1
+ -- Unless the user wants duplicates, make sure there aren't any
+ if(allow_duplicates ~= true) then
+ if(registry_exists(subkeys, nil, value)) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ while(subkeys[i]) do
+ if(not(registry[subkeys[i]])) then
+ registry[subkeys[i]] = {}
+ end
+ registry = registry[subkeys[i]]
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ -- Make sure the value isn't already in the table
+ for _, v in pairs(registry) do
+ if(v == value) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ insert(registry, value)
+---Similar to registry_add_array
, except instead of adding a value to the
+-- end of an array, it adds a key:value pair to the table.
+function registry_add_table(subkeys, key, value, allow_duplicates)
+ local registry = nmap.registry
+ local i = 1
+ -- Unless the user wants duplicates, make sure there aren't any
+ if(allow_duplicates ~= true) then
+ if(registry_exists(subkeys, key, value)) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ while(subkeys[i]) do
+ if(not(registry[subkeys[i]])) then
+ registry[subkeys[i]] = {}
+ end
+ registry = registry[subkeys[i]]
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ registry[key] = value
+--- This function allows you to create worker threads that may perform
+-- network tasks in parallel with your script thread.
+-- Any network task (e.g. socket:connect(...)
) will cause the
+-- running thread to yield to NSE. This allows network tasks to appear to be
+-- blocking while being able to run multiple network tasks at once.
+-- While this is useful for running multiple separate scripts, it is
+-- unfortunately difficult for a script itself to perform network tasks in
+-- parallel. In order to allow scripts to also have network tasks running in
+-- parallel, we provide this function, stdnse.new_thread
, to
+-- create a new thread that can perform its own network related tasks
+-- in parallel with the script.
+-- The script launches the worker thread by calling the new_thread
+-- function with the parameters:
+-- * The main Lua function for the script to execute, similar to the script action function.
+-- * The variable number of arguments to be passed to the worker's main function.
+-- The stdnse.new_thread
function will return two results:
+-- * The worker thread's base (main) coroutine (useful for tracking status).
+-- * A status query function (described below).
+-- The status query function shall return two values:
+-- * The result of coroutine.status using the worker thread base coroutine.
+-- * The error object thrown that ended the worker thread or nil
if no error was thrown. This is typically a string, like most Lua errors.
+-- Note that NSE discards all return values of the worker's main function. You
+-- must use function parameters, upvalues or environments to communicate
+-- results.
+-- You should use the condition variable (nmap.condvar
+-- and mutex (nmap.mutex
) facilities to coordinate with your
+-- worker threads. Keep in mind that Nmap is single threaded so there are
+-- no (memory) issues in synchronization to worry about; however, there
+-- is resource contention. Your resources are usually network
+-- bandwidth, network sockets, etc. Condition variables are also useful if the
+-- work for any single thread is dynamic. For example, a web server spider
+-- script with a pool of workers will initially have a single root html
+-- document. Following the retrieval of the root document, the set of
+-- resources to be retrieved (the worker's work) will become very large
+-- (an html document adds many new hyperlinks (resources) to fetch).
+--@name new_thread
+--@class function
+--@param main The main function of the worker thread.
+--@param ... The arguments passed to the main worker thread.
+--@return co The base coroutine of the worker thread.
+--@return info A query function used to obtain status information of the worker.
+--local requests = {"/", "/index.html", --[[ long list of objects ]]}
+--function thread_main (host, port, responses, ...)
+-- local condvar = nmap.condvar(responses);
+-- local what = {n = select("#", ...), ...};
+-- local allReqs = nil;
+-- for i = 1, what.n do
+-- allReqs = http.pGet(host, port, what[i], nil, nil, allReqs);
+-- end
+-- local p = assert(http.pipeline(host, port, allReqs));
+-- for i, response in ipairs(p) do responses[#responses+1] = response end
+-- condvar "signal";
+--function many_requests (host, port)
+-- local threads = {};
+-- local responses = {};
+-- local condvar = nmap.condvar(responses);
+-- local i = 1;
+-- repeat
+-- local j = math.min(i+10, #requests);
+-- local co = stdnse.new_thread(thread_main, host, port, responses,
+-- table.unpack(requests, i, j));
+-- threads[co] = true;
+-- i = j+1;
+-- until i > #requests;
+-- repeat
+-- condvar "wait";
+-- for thread in pairs(threads) do
+-- if coroutine.status(thread) == "dead" then threads[thread] = nil end
+-- end
+-- until next(threads) == nil;
+-- return responses;
+do end -- no function here, see nse_main.lua
+--- Returns the base coroutine of the running script.
+-- A script may be resuming multiple coroutines to facilitate its own
+-- collaborative multithreading design. Because there is a "root" or "base"
+-- coroutine that lets us determine whether the script is still active
+-- (that is, the script did not end, possibly due to an error), we provide
+-- this stdnse.base
function that will retrieve the base
+-- coroutine of the script. This base coroutine is the coroutine that runs
+-- the action function.
+-- The base coroutine is useful for many reasons but here are some common
+-- uses:
+-- * We want to attribute the ownership of an object (perhaps a network socket) to a script.
+-- * We want to identify if the script is still alive.
+--@name base
+--@class function
+--@return coroutine Returns the base coroutine of the running script.
+do end -- no function here, see nse_main.lua
+--- The Lua Require Function with errors silenced.
+-- See the Lua manual for description of the require function. This modified
+-- version allows the script to quietly fail at loading if a required
+-- library does not exist.
+--@name silent_require
+--@class function
+--@usage stdnse.silent_require "openssl"
+do end -- no function here, see nse_main.lua
+---Checks if the port is in the port range
+-- For example, calling:
+-- in_port_range({number=31337,protocol="udp"},"T:15,50-75,U:31334-31339")
+-- would result in a true value
+--@param port a port structure containing keys port number(number) and protocol(string)
+--@param port_range a port range string in Nmap standard format (ex. "T:80,1-30,U:31337,21-25")
+--@returns boolean indicating whether the port is in the port range
+function in_port_range(port,port_range)
+ assert(port and type(port.number)=="number" and type(port.protocol)=="string" and
+ (port.protocol=="udp" or port.protocol=="tcp"),"Port structure missing or invalid: port={ number=, protocol= }")
+ assert((type(port_range)=="string" or type(port_range)=="number") and port_range~="","Incorrect port range specification.")
+ -- Proto - true for TCP, false for UDP
+ local proto
+ if(port.protocol=="tcp") then proto = true else proto = false end
+ --TCP flag for iteration - true for TCP, false for UDP, if not specified we presume TCP
+ local tcp_flag = true
+ -- in case the port_range is a single number
+ if type(port_range)=="number" then
+ if proto and port_range==port.number then return true
+ else return false
+ end
+ end
+ --clean the string a bit
+ port_range=port_range:gsub("%s+","")
+ -- single_pr - single port range
+ for i, single_pr in ipairs(strsplit(",",port_range)) do
+ if single_pr:match("T:") then
+ tcp_flag = true
+ single_pr = single_pr:gsub("T:","")
+ else
+ if single_pr:match("U:") then
+ tcp_flag = false
+ single_pr = single_pr:gsub("U:","")
+ end
+ end
+ -- compare ports only when the port's protocol is the same as
+ -- the current single port range
+ if tcp_flag == proto then
+ local pone = single_pr:match("^(%d+)$")
+ if pone then
+ pone = tonumber(pone)
+ assert(pone>-1 and pone<65536, "Port range number out of range (0-65535).")
+ if pone == port.number then
+ return true
+ end
+ else
+ local pstart, pend = single_pr:match("^(%d+)%-(%d+)$")
+ pstart, pend = tonumber(pstart), tonumber(pend)
+ assert(pstart,"Incorrect port range specification.")
+ assert(pstart<=pend,"Incorrect port range specification, the starting port should have a smaller value than the ending port.")
+ assert(pstart>-1 and pstart<65536 and pend>-1 and pend<65536, "Port range number out of range (0-65535).")
+ if port.number >=pstart and port.number <= pend then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- if no match is found then the port doesn't belong to the port_range
+ return false
+--- Module function that mimics some behavior of Lua 5.1 module function.
+-- This convenience function returns a module environment to set the _ENV
+-- upvalue. The _NAME, _PACKAGE, and _M fields are set as in the Lua 5.1
+-- version of this function. Each option function (e.g. stdnse.seeall)
+-- passed is run with the new environment, in order.
+-- @see stdnse.seeall
+-- @see strict
+-- @usage
+-- _ENV = stdnse.module(name, stdnse.seeall, require "strict");
+-- @param name The module name.
+-- @param ... Option functions which modify the environment of the module.
+function module (name, ...)
+ local env = {};
+ env._NAME = name;
+ env._PACKAGE = name:match("(.+)%.[^.]+$");
+ env._M = env;
+ local mods = pack(...);
+ for i = 1, mods.n do
+ mods[i](env);
+ end
+ return env;
+--- Change environment to load global variables.
+-- Option function for use with stdnse.module. It is the same
+-- as package.seeall from Lua 5.1.
+-- @see stdnse.module
+-- @usage
+-- _ENV = stdnse.module(name, stdnse.seeall);
+-- @param env Environment to change.
+function seeall (env)
+ local m = getmetatable(env) or {};
+ m.__index = _G;
+ setmetatable(env, m);
+--- Return a table that keeps elements in order of insertion.
+-- The pairs function, called on a table returned by this function, will yield
+-- elements in the order they were inserted. This function is meant to be used
+-- to construct output tables returned by scripts.
+-- Reinserting a key that is already in the table does not change its position
+-- in the order. However, removing a key by assigning to nil
+-- then doing another assignment will move the key to the end of the order.
+-- @return An ordered table.
+function output_table ()
+ local t = {}
+ local order = {}
+ local function iterator ()
+ for i, key in ipairs(order) do
+ coroutine.yield(key, t[key])
+ end
+ end
+ local mt = {
+ __newindex = function (_, k, v)
+ if t[k] == nil and v ~= nil then
+ -- New key?
+ table.insert(order, k)
+ elseif v == nil then
+ -- Deleting an existing key?
+ for i, key in ipairs(order) do
+ if key == k then
+ table.remove(order, i)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rawset(t, k, v)
+ end,
+ __index = function (_, k)
+ return t[k]
+ end,
+ __pairs = function (_)
+ return coroutine.wrap(iterator)
+ end,
+ __call = function (_) -- hack to mean "not_empty?"
+ return not not next(order)
+ end,
+ __len = function (_)
+ return #order
+ end
+ }
+ return setmetatable({}, mt)
+--- A pretty printer for Lua objects.
+-- Takes an object (usually a table) and prints it using the
+-- printer function. The printer function takes a sole string
+-- argument and will be called repeatedly.
+-- @args obj The object to pretty print.
+-- @args printer The printer function.
+function pretty_printer (obj, printer)
+ if printer == nil then printer = print end
+ local function aux (obj, spacing)
+ local t = type(obj)
+ if t == "table" then
+ printer "{\n"
+ for k, v in pairs(obj) do
+ local spacing = spacing.."\t"
+ printer(spacing)
+ printer "["
+ aux(k, spacing)
+ printer "] = "
+ aux(v, spacing)
+ printer ",\n"
+ end
+ printer(spacing.."}")
+ elseif t == "string" then
+ printer(format("%q", obj))
+ else
+ printer(tostring(obj))
+ end
+ end
+ return aux(obj, "")
+-- This pattern must match the percent sign '%' since it is used in
+-- escaping.
+local FILESYSTEM_UNSAFE = "[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]"
+-- Escape a string to remove bytes and strings that may have meaning to
+-- a filesystem, such as slashes. All bytes are escaped, except for:
+-- * alphabetic a
and A
, digits 0-9, .
+-- In addition, the strings "."
and ".."
+-- their characters escaped.
+-- Bytes are escaped by a percent sign followed by the two-digit
+-- hexadecimal representation of the byte value.
+-- * filename_escape("filename.ext") --> "filename.ext"
+-- * filename_escape("input/output") --> "input%2foutput"
+-- * filename_escape(".") --> "%2e"
+-- * filename_escape("..") --> "%2e%2e"
+-- This escaping is somewhat like that of JavaScript
+-- encodeURIComponent
, except that fewer bytes are
+-- whitelisted, and it works on bytes, not Unicode characters or UTF-16
+-- code points.
+function filename_escape(s)
+ if s == "." then
+ return "%2e"
+ elseif s == ".." then
+ return "%2e%2e"
+ else
+ return (string.gsub(s, FILESYSTEM_UNSAFE, function (c)
+ return string.format("%%%02x", string.byte(c))
+ end))
+ end
+return _ENV;
diff --git a/engines/nmap/nmap.json.sample b/engines/nmap/nmap.json.sample
index a846cb45..0bea308f 100644
--- a/engines/nmap/nmap.json.sample
+++ b/engines/nmap/nmap.json.sample
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "Nmap",
- "version": "1.4.34",
+ "version": "1.4.49",
"description": "Network Scanner",
"path": "/usr/bin/nmap",
"allowed_asset_types": ["ip", "domain", "fqdn", "url", "ip-range", "ip-subnet"],