AR Filters made with Spark AR Studio, published on media platforms to spread awareness about social causes.
SparkAR Studio, Blender, Adobe Photoshop, Canva
Environment Category Filter | Filter Link
- Made in SparkAR Studio using person segmentation, camera detected background and 2D text overlay.
- Inbuilt assets of SparkAR Studio used.
- Published on Instagram and Facebook for both sharing option.
- Made to spread awareness about the 15th SDG, Life on Land.
- Wings of the Monarch Butterfly, which is endangered, added to a person with a message to promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and halt biodiversity loss.
‘What are you’ Category Filter | Filter Link
- Made in SparkAR Studio using randomize function and face detection.
- Assets customized in Adobe Photoshop and imported.
- Published on Instagram and Facebook for both sharing and video calling options.
- Currently been used by over 13k individuals, increasing everyday.
Target Based Game Filter | Filter Link
- Made in SparkAR Studio with imported custom assests made in Canva.
- Set background using loop animationn, created falling targets.
- Used face tracking to control game-objects with head movements.
- Made hit target patch for target and game-object collisions, set score counter with js script.
Multiple Target Tracking Filter | Filter Link | Demo Link
- Made in SparkAR Studio with imported assets from Blender.
- Multiple picture based target trackers added.
- Upon scanning the pictures, 3D amimation associated with the picture appears.
‘What are you’ Category Filter | Filter Link
- Made in SparkAR Studio using randomize function and face detection.
- Assets customized in Adobe Photoshop and imported.
- Published on Facebook for both sharing and video calling options.
- Made on the theme "Equality in India at 75 years of Independence", promoting gender equality.