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ApiCheck is a library that compares different versions of an API using reflection to ensure compatibility with third party components. This project contains three components: the library, the console application and the NUnit integration. It is compatible with the following runtimes:

  • netstandard 2.0
  • .NET 6.0


  • Comparing .NET assemblies.
  • Detection of changed API elements such as types, methods, properties and more.
  • Reporting results as XML or HTML files.
  • Console application that can be used in CI environment.
  • NUnit integration for nice analysis of the results of the comparison.

CI Build

Build status NuGet status

Installing via NuGet

Installing the library to your project (referencing ApiCheck.dll):

Install-Package ApiCheck

Installing the console application to packages/ApiCheck.Console/tools:

Install-Package ApiCheck.Console

Installing the NUnit integration to your project. This package depends on ApiCheck and NUnit which will be added automatically as NuGet packages.

Install-Package ApiCheck.NUnit

Using the ApiCheck Library

using (AssemblyLoader assemblyLoader = new AssemblyLoader())
    // using the included AssemblyLoader that automatically resolves dependencies
    Assembly refAssembly = assemblyLoader.ReflectionOnlyLoad("MyReferenceVersion.dll");
    Assembly devAssembly = assemblyLoader.ReflectionOnlyLoad("MyDevelopmentVersion.dll");
    // the comparer configuration specifies the severity levels of the changed API elements and which elements to ignore
    ComparerConfiguration configuration = new ComparerConfiguration();
    // all listed elements are not compared
    // override the default severities
    configuration.Severities.ParameterNameChanged = Severity.Warning;
    configuration.Severities.AssemblyNameChanged = Severity.Hint;
    // easy setup of the ApiChecker using the builder pattern
    ApiChecker.CreateInstance(refAssembly, devAssembly)
              // configure the logging and the comparer 
              .WithDetailLogging(s => WriteLine(s))
              .WithInfoLogging(s => WriteLine(s))
              // write report to desired streams
              .WithHtmlReport(new FileStream("report.html", FileMode.Create))
              .WithXmlReport(new FileStream("report.xml", FileMode.Create))
              .Build()     // creating the ApiChecker
              .CheckApi(); // doing the comparison

Using the console application

The console application provides basic parameters to run an API comparison. This application can be added to a CI build as Post-Build event.

Usage: ApiCheck.Console.exe -r <reference assembly> -n <new assembly> [-x <xml report>] [-h <html report>] [-c <config file>] [-v]

For more information run ApiCheck.Console.exe --help

Using the NUnit integration

Add a new class to your project like this:

using ApiCheck.NUnit;
namespace MyNamespace
    [ApiTest(@"Version1\ApiCheckTestProject.dll", @"Version2\ApiCheckTestProject.dll", Category = "ApiTest", ComparerConfigurationPath = @"configuration.txt")]
    [ApiTest(@"Version1\ApiCheckTestProject.Extension.dll", @"Version2\ApiCheckTestProject.Extension.dll", Explicit = true)]
    public class ComparingApiTest : ApiTest

Detected changes

These are the changes in an API that are detected by the comparer:


Description Before After Severity
assembly name changed Company.MyAssembly Company.YourAssembly Error
assembly version changed Hint
assembly public key token changed B03F5F7F11D50A3A 0A3AB03F5F7F11D5 Error
assembly culture de-DE en-US Warning
type removed public class B { } Error
type added public class B { } Warning
nested type removed public class B { public class A { } } public class B { } Error
nested type added public class B { } public class B { public class A { } } Warning


Description Before After Severity
enum changed public enum E { } public class E { } Error
static type changed public static class A { } public class A { } Error
abstract type changed public abstract class A { } public class A { } Error
sealed type changed public sealed class A { } public class A { } Error
interface changed public interface I { } public class I { } Error
serializable changed [Serializable]public class S { } public class S { } Error
interfaces added public class A { } public class A : Interface { } Warning
interfaces removed public class A : Interface { } public class A { } Error
base added public class A { } public class A : AbstractClass { } Warning
base changed public class A : AbstractClass { } public class A { } Error
method added public int A() { } Warning
method removed public int A() { } Error
constructor added public A() { } Warning
constructor removed public A() { } Error
property added public int P {get; set;} Warning
property removed public int P {get; set;} Error
event added public event DelegateType MyEvent Warning
event removed public event DelegateType MyEvent Error
field added public int i; Warning
field removed public int i; Error


Description Before After Severity
virtual method changed public virtual int A() public int A() { } Error
static method changed public static int A() public int A() { } Error
abstract method changed public abstract int A() public int A() { } Error
sealed method changed public override sealed int A() public int A() { } Error
return type changed public int A() { } public string A() { } Error
parameter name changed public int A(int i) { } public int A(int j) { } Error
default value changed public int A(int i = 0) { } public int A(int i = 1) { } Error
out changed public int A(out int i) { } public int A(ref int i) { } Error

Properties, Events & Fields

Description Before After Severity
property type changed public int A {get; set;} public string A {get;set;} Error
property setter added public int A {get;} public int A {get; set;} Warning
property getter added public int A {set;} public int A {get; set;} Warning
property setter added public int A {get;private set; } public int A {get; set;} Warning
property getter added public int A {private get; set;} public int A {get; set;} Warning
property setter removed public int A {get; set;} public int A {get;} Error
property getter removed public int A {get; set;} public int A {set;} Error
property setter removed public int A {get; set;} public int A {get;private set;} Error
property getter removed public int A {get; set;} public int A {private get;set;} Error
static property changed public static int A {get; set;} public int A {ret; set;} Error
event type changed public event DelegateType MyEvent public event NewDelegateType MyEvent Error
static event changed public static event DelegateType MyEvent public event DelegateType MyEvent Error
field type changed public int i public string i Error
static field changed public static int i public string i Error
const enum value changed public const E i = E.X; public const E i = E.Y; Error

Comparison configuration

The comparer can be configured by providing a YAML based configuration file. This configuration allows you to;

  • Specify which elements to exclude from the comparison
  • Override the default comparer severities

Configuration format

This is the format of the comparer configuration file:

# ApiCheck comparer configuration for MyProject

# specifies which elements to exclude from the comparison
# these can be types or members, listed by their fully qualified name
  - MyCompany.MyNamespace.MyClass.SomeMember
  - MyCompany.MyNamespace.MyClass2 # exclude MyClass2 because it changes a lot 

# override the default comparer severities
# the rule names match the descriptions from the table above in camelCase
# the severity levels can be set to error/warning/hint
  parameterNameChanged: warning # globally set the check for changed parameter names to warning
  assemblyNameChanged: hint