- This was the first time I had ever worked with databases before, and it was super confusing! In the end, I didn't have enough time during the hackathon to implement a feature. - James
- I'm really proud that we were all working as a team, even through remote calling and internet snafus. I was worried at the beginning that we wouldn't be able to bond as a team as we would in person, but it was an amazing experience. - James
- I learned the basics for creating SQL databases, how to write discord bots, and how to use ESLint. - James
- In the beginning, I wasn't too confident of using databases or ESLint since I've had bad experiences of all, but since I had a good time I was able to push through the challenges. - Damian
- I'm proud of being able to utilize the indefinite amount of time that I have on my hands, plus our bond as a team was strong. - Damian
- I learned how to use SQL dbs and how to configure and utilize ESLint. - Damian
- I figured time constraints would make a developed product that didn't live up to the standards set by ourselves, yet either way in the time we were allotted it looks good! - Arihant
- Getting myself out there to actually join a team instead of going solo sounded like a good change and I'm glad I was able to interact with more parts of the community due to it.
- My understanding of video-edition has been pushed plus re-familiarizing myself with JS and Discord Bot Creation