- Added homepage link (4444e9bb)
- errors: Showing elm error message when passing an invalid context (5c41e893)
- travis:
- Improved build times (8677f4e9)
- Fixed support for multipart views module names (7fe9f17e)
- dependencies: bumped up (1d47e323)
- Updated README for CLI usage (bf50d5d7)
- Compilation: Returns elm compiler error when views compilation fails (ca0b5ca9)
- dependencies: Switched to chalk for output styling (6f1f3d56)
- example: Using elm-view-engine instead of relative lib (npm link to make it work) (cd8c267d)
- travis: Increased wait for tests execution (672b6763)
- Extending travis wait tests execution (46eec49f)
- readme:
- examples:
- options: Allowing to pass path to elm-make in options (82e20a17)
- views:
- release: added publish npm command (a9738ff1)
- example: Updated example to demonstrate live-compiling of the views (a3883893)
- auto-reloading worker module from js output file whenever it is changed (6ae78324)
- cli: Added elm-view-engine CLI to compile a views directory from the command line (6ea946e1)
- compilation: Caching compiled views for future uses (4c882e08)
- engine: Simplified elm config loading (removed unused code) (5d7fc72f)
- cli: Separated cli functions from the bin to make them testable (6f577d30)
- index: Increased coverage of main module (7f37d025)
- Handling elm source paths containing relative parent (../) (376f7f1b)
Added typescript declaration files support
Initial release