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Releases: OpenPrinting/cups-filters

cups-filters 1.28.4

08 Oct 10:23
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Bug fix release, mainly to solve CUPS performance problems caused by the IPP fax support of the "driverless" utility

  • driverless: Avoid duplicate PPD list entries from the same device via UUID
  • driverless: Reduce ippfind calls by "driverless" and "driverless-fax"called by CUPS. Let "driverless list" list both print and fax PPDs and "driverless-fax list" do nothing.
  • driverless: Avoid duplicate listings in printer discovery, by "driverless-fax" not listing any URI as "driverless" lists them all already.
  • driverless: Vastly improve performance by doing only one ippfind call instead of two (IPP, IPPS) as ippfind accepts more than one reg type on the command line.
  • Sample PPDs: Corrected manufacturer name in Fuji_Xerox-DocuPrint_CM305_df-PDF.ppd.

cups-filters 1.28.3

24 Sep 11:09
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Bug fix release to sove problems caused by an inconsistency between the resolvers for DNS-SD-based URIs

  • libcupsfilters, cups-browsed: Fixed inconsistency between resolvers for DNS-SD-based URIs, resolve_uri() and ippfind_based_uri_converter(). Now both return a freeable string.
  • libcupsfilters: Fix uninitialized buffer and parsing ippfind output in ippfind_based_uri_converter() function (Issue #308, Pull request #309).

cups-filters 1.28.2

10 Sep 20:05
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Bug fix release to mainly fix cups-browsed not shutting down and the driverless utility being slow when listing available printers/faxes

  • driverless: Free allocated memory, use MAX_OUTPUT_LEN (Pull request #304).
  • driverless: driverless: Make the two ippfind tasks(for IPP and IPPS) run in parallel (Pull request #302, #305, #306).
  • braille: Support new liblouis tables not containing a display name (Pull request #303)
  • Build system: Let ./configure not error out when there is more than one DejaVuSans.ttf test font candidate (Issue #300).
  • cups-browsed: Crash when a remote printer set as default gets removed, due to missing variable in printf() call (Issue #299).
  • libcupsfilters: Removed all signal handling and global variables from get_printer_attributes() and ippfind_based_uri_converter(). This is overkill for these quick operations and causes problems when shutting down cups-browsed (Issue #298).

cups-filters 1.28.1

26 Aug 22:10
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Bug fix release to fix several bugs in the new IPP Fax Out support by the "driverless" utility and also to fix some minor issues

  • COPYING: Fixed several typos
  • libcupsfilters: Fixed typo in log message of get_printer_attributes functions.
  • cups-browsed: Fixed typos in configuration file and man page
  • libcupsfilters: Let the PPD generator not suffix page size names with ".Borderless" if all page sizes would get this suffix, for example for printers which generally print borderless.
  • libcupsfilters: Added "faxPrefix" option for generated IPP Fax Out PPDs, so that this option also appears in print dialogs.
  • driverless: List addresses for local services correctly when using "--std-ipp-uris" (with "localhost" hostname).
  • driverless: Make calls of the ippfind utility somewhat faster, setting the timeout of ippfind to automatic.
  • libcupsfilters: Resolve DNS-SD-based URIs for local services correctly (using hostname "localhost").
  • libcupsfilters: In get_printer_attributes() functions do not try to convert URIs which are not DNS-SD-based (Issue #294).
  • libcupsfilters: In get_printer_attributes() functions also support URIs with "dnssd://..." scheme.
  • libcupsfilters: Moved signal handling back into main function of the get_printer_attributes() variants, it got moved out accidentally.
  • driverless: For generating a PPD, independent whether via "driverless URI" or "driverless cat URI", always allow CUPS driver URIs (prefixed with "driverless: " or "driverless-fax:") and pure IPP URIs.
  • driverless: Accept clean IPP URIs also for 'driverless cat ...' (Issue #295, Pull request #296).
  • driverless-fax: Do not use fixed path for call of driverless itself (Pull request #293).

cups-filters 1.28.0

25 Aug 17:29
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Feature release (probably the last one before 2.0.0) which adds IPP Fax Out support, IPPS support, and a command line option to reveal satndard IPP URIs to the "driverless" utility, added log file size limitation and command line options to control what happens to generated queues on shutdown to cups-browsed, fixed several bugs when printing PostScript input files, several bugs and memory leaks in cups-browsed, crashes on the presence of certain fonts, and many more fixes.

  • driverless, driverless-fax, libcupsfilters: Added IPP Fax Out support. Now printer setup tools list an additional fax "driver". A fax queue is created by selecting this driver. Jobs have to be sent with "-o phone=12345" to supply the destination phone number (Pull request #280).
  • libfontembed: Silenced warning with gcc 10.x (Pull request #287).
  • cups-browsed: Added ./configure options --enable-saving-created-queues and --with-remote-cups-local-queue-naming (Pull request: #253, #285).
  • cups-browsed: Fixed several memory leaks, mainly from the code to merge printer IPP attributes for clusters (Pull request #281, #283).
  • driverless: Added "--std-ipp-uris" command line option to show listed URIs in standard hostname-based form (not the CUPS DNS-SD-service-name-based form. Only for manual call of the utility, for debugging purposes (Pull request #277).
  • libfontembed: Removed assert() calls which cause crashes when unsupported emoji fonts are installed (Issue #254, Pull request #276).
  • driverless: Added support for IPPS (use "ipps://..." URIs if possible, Issue #251, Pull request #270, #273).
  • gstoraster, gstopdf: When converting PostScript to PDF use the "pdfwrite" output device with "-dPDFSETTINGS=/default" instead of with "-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer". This reproduces bitmaps in the PostScript file with their original image quality (Issue #272).
  • cups-browsed: Limit log file size and add backup file for previous log entries. Introduced the configuration option DebugLogFileSize in cups-browsed.conf to set the actual limit in kilobytes or 0 to get the old behavior of an unlimited size for the log file (Issue #260, Pull request #267).
  • gstoraster, gstopdf: Do not apply margins when output format is PDF, as then we convert an incoming PostScript file to PDF (pre-pdftopdf) and do not prepare the pages for the printer (post-pdftopdf, Issue #250).
  • cups-browsed: Do not write any log messages directly to stderr, there were some concerning timeouts on queue creation (Issue #260).
  • Build system: Fix cross-compilation without DejaVu test font in (Issue #262, Pull request #263).
  • libcupsfilters: Respect the fact that PPD keywords are case-sensitive when adding "*cupsManualCopies: True" in PPD file (Issue #242).
  • libcupsfilters: Older versions of libcups (< 2.3.1) had the enum name for fold-accordion finishings mistyped. Added a workaround.
  • cups-browsed: Remove left-over local queues from the previous session more quickly when CUPS legacy browsing is turned on.
  • cups-browsed: Left-over local queues from the previous session for which the corresponding remote printer did not appear again did not get removed as they were considered externally overwritten.
  • gstoraster, gstopdf: Add option "-dDoNumCopies" to Ghostscript command line if we are outputting PDF (called via gstopdf wrapper) and the number of copies supplied to CUPS is 1 (4th command line argument). In this case we convert incoming PostScript to PDF and need to respect embedded PostScript commands to implement the number of copies (Issue #255, CUPS Issue #5796, OpenSUSE bug #1173345).
  • imagetoraster: Potential null dereference fix (when no valid PPD is supplied, Pull request #256).
  • cups-browsed: Call cupsGetNamedDest() only if "OnlyUnsupportedByCUPS No"
  • Sample PPDs: Corrected ColorModel default for Generic PWG Raster PPD to Color (Pull request #247).
  • cups-browsed: Mark the temp queue as cups-browsed-generated during setting printer-is-shared (Pull request #246).
  • cups-browsed: Remove mentions of README and AUTHORS files in the man page (Pull request #244).
  • Sample PPDs: In Generic-PDF_Printer-PDF.ppd add option to switch between color and grayscale printing (Pull request #237).

cups-filters 1.27.5

05 Jun 14:09
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Several fixes/improvements on cups-browsed, to correctly determine the CUPS server to attach to, to correctly create queues pointing to a second local CUPS instance, and to not remove the locally created queues on shutdown. Also included several bug fixes from contributors

  • cups-browsed: Do not remove the created local queues on shutdown, to avoid their re-creation on restart, so that desktops get no cluttered with notifications of new queues being created. One can return to the old behavior via "KeepGeneratedQueuesOnShutdown No" in cups-browsed.conf (Ubuntu bug #1869981, #1878241).
  • cups-browsed: Do not accept DNS-SD broadcasts of IPPS type of "remote" CUPS queues of another CUPS instance on the local machine. This way we get a local queue pointing to such a printer only in unencrypted version (IPP). For some reason printing from one CUPS server to another on the same machine works only unencrypted.
  • foomatic-rip: Map two-sided-short-edge to DuplexTumble (Pull request #236)
  • Build system: In use AS_IF instead of AC_CHECK_FILE for font check (Issue #239, Pull request #240)
  • cups-browsed: Cleaned up code for determining to which CUPS server (host/port/domain socket) to connect, so that connection via DomainSocket cups-browsed.conf directive, CUPS_SERVER and IPP_PORT environment variables and all defaults and methods of libcups, including CUPS' client.conf work.
  • gstoraster, rastertopdf: Do not pass NULL to fprintf() (Pull request #230).
  • libcupsfilters: Silence compiler warning (Pull request #229).

cups-filters 1.27.4

09 Apr 21:02
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Bug fix release, several minor fixes and especially memory issues in cups-browsed

  • libcupsfilters, cups-browsed: Fix memory issues in ppdgenerator and cups-browsed (Pull request #226).
  • pdftops: Mention cups-filters README instead of CUPS README in debug log (Pull request #225).
  • pdftopdf, gstoraster, foomatic-rip: Use "-dSAFER" Ghostscript option, instead of the deprecated "-dPARANOIDSAFER" (Pull request #224).
  • Build System: Replace '==' in test with '=', as the former is a bashism (Pull request #222).

cups-filters 1.27.3

20 Mar 16:36
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Bug fix release, fixing Ghostscript-based PDF page counting in foomatic-rip to work with all Ghostscript versions, building libfontembed tests with correct path to test font, re-sharing of remote CUPS queues with cups-browsed and others

  • cups-browsed: Allow sharing local queues pointing to remote CUPS queues and re-sharing printers discovered via BrowsePoll by default, using AllowResharingRemoteCUPSPrinters and NewBrowsePollQueuesShared directives in cups-browsed.conf (Issue #101, Pull request #218).
  • driverless: Correctly unlink temporary file when generating PPD file (Pull request #220).
  • cups-browsed: Fixed memory leaks (Pull request #219).
  • foomatic-rip: PDF page count side-loads the PDF file to count the pages in, so it cannot be run in -dSAFER mode. Run even in -dNOSAFER mode to override the -dSAFER default of newer Ghostscript versions. This should not cause a security problem as we do not take an input file which could do arbitrary side-loads but we run hard-coded PostScript commands instead (Issue #216).
  • libfontembed: Add checks to the test programs to not segfault if the test font file is not found (Pull request #214).
  • Build System: Let ./configure fail if the supplied test font file path (or the default) does not exist (Pull request #214), also use the "find" command to find the test font file DejaVuSans.ttf under /usr/share/fonts, as every distribution has it somewhere else.

cups-filters 1.27.2

28 Feb 17:58
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Bug fix release, mainly to fix regressions cause by the zero-page-job-support implementation in foomatic-rip, also some code improvements in foomatic-rip and some crasher fixes in cups-browsed

  • foomatic-rip: In some PostScript input files it was possible that option settings did not get inserted or lines inserted on the wron place (Issue #208, Pull request #210).
  • foomatic-rip: For the PDF page count call Ghostscript in sandbox mode and fix pointer arithmetics (Pull request #212).
  • foomatic-rip: Zero-page-job handling changes made the last page of PostScript files not printed, also turning one-page jobs into zero-page jobs (Issue #200, Issue #206, Issue #208, Pull request #209, Pull request #210, Pull request #211).
  • cups-browsed: check_printer_with_option() function: Initialize the value, add further checks, freeing memory and stop allocating magic numbers (Pull request #204).
  • cups-browsed: Additional checks against crashes in the is_local_hostname() function (Ubuntu bug #1863716)

cups-filters 1.27.1

16 Feb 20:09
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Bug fix release: All filters support zero-page jobs now, option and choice names in PPDs are changed to work around a bug in CUPS when generating IPP attributes, cups-browsed creates queues for all remote IPP printers by default, and several smaller fixes in the filters

  • libcupsfilters: Let the PPD generator not put any dashes into the PPD option and choice names when translating them from IPP attribute names, to avoid that on the back-translation by CUPS no double-dashes are generated. This broke paper tray selections with tray names like "tray-1", "tray-2", ... (Issue #192, Issue #201, Debian bug #949315).
  • foomatic-rip: Fixed segfault when PRINTER environment variable is not supplied.
  • pdftopdf, pdftops, gstoraster, gstopdf, gstopxl, rastertoescpx, rastertopclx, foomatic-rip: Handle zero-page jobs (Issue #117, Pull request #196, Pull request #197, Pull request #198, Pull request #200).
  • texttopdf: Added support for CJK (double-width) fonts (Issue #135, Pull request #199).
  • cups-browsed: Switched default for "CreateIPPPrinterQueues" from "local-only" to "All". The configure script options "--enable-auto-setup-local-only" and "--enable-auto-setup-driverless-only" can be used to change this default (Debian bug #921252).
  • rastertoescpx: Fixed wrong freeing of a buffer.
  • pdftops: Added options "crop-to-fit" and "fill" to the pdftopdf options which the pstops called by pdftops should not apply a second time.
  • pdftops: Added missing "-sstdout=%stderr" to Ghostscript command line, to assure that all messages are redirected to stderr and do not mix up with the output data.