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Andreas Rudolph edited this page Jun 18, 2015 · 22 revisions

This page describes the configuration values and how to configure the application for yourself.

Configuration file

Each setting, that a user can enter into the application, may also be configured with a configuration file. Besides this the are some more configuration values, that the user can not change directly.

Default configuration file

The file src/resources/config_global.ini contains the default configuration of the application and shows all supported values.

Configuration syntax

The configuration file uses INI file syntax and contains the three main sections [about], [gui] and [settings].

For each main section there are subsections for each supported operating system - e.g. [about-windows], [gui-windows] and [settings-windows]. If the application is running on Windows, the configuration values from the [*-windows] subsections are preferred. If a certain configuration in a [*-windows] subsection is not available, the application uses the configuration value from the corresponding main section.

Change configuration

There is no need to change the global configuration file (src/resources/config_global.ini). Instead you can provide your own configuration file, that overrides the global default values, in one of these ways:

  1. Copy your configuration file with the name config.ini next to the executable binary (or directly into the application bundle on Mac OS X). When the application is started, the values from config.ini are loaded into the application.

  2. Copy your configuration file with the name config.ini into the misc folder and build your executable binary via / build.bat. In this case the configuration file is embedded into the executable file and automatically loaded on startup.

Configuration values

Section Key Description
about company-name company name, shown in the about dialog
about company-website company website, shown in the about dialog
about authors additional authors, shown in the about dialog
gui color-background background color of dialogs and components
gui color-border border color of dialogs and components
gui color-status background color of the status bar
gui font-family font of dialogs and components
gui font-size-title font size for titles
gui font-size-subtitle font size for subtitles
gui font-size-small font size for small text
gui font-size-base font size for normal text
gui font-size-dialog font size in message dialogs
gui font-size-button font size of buttons
gui application-window-width initial width of the application window (in px)
gui application-window-height initial height of the application window (in px)
gui about-window-width initial width of the about window (in px)
gui about-window-height initial height of the about window (in px)
gui settings-window-width initial width of the settings window (in px)
gui settings-window-height initial height of the settings window (in px)
settings localhost IP / hostname of localhost, where local ports are bound to
settings timeout timeout for network connections
settings host IP / hostname of the listening VNC client
settings port port nr of the listening VNC client
settings ssh-enabled SSH encryption is enabled
settings ssh-port port nr of the SSH server
settings ssh-user username to connect with the SSH server
settings ssh-password password to connect with the SSH server or to encrypt the keyfile
settings ssh-keyfile path to SSH key file for key based authentication
settings ssh-provided-key-password password to encrypt an embedded keyfile
settings vnc-application path to VNC server application
settings vnc-parameters parameters for the VNC server application

SSH private key

If key based authentication at a SSH server is used, you can provide the SSH private key (RSA or DSA) together with the application.

  1. Copy your SSH key file with the name ssh.key next to the executable binary (or directly into the application bundle on Mac OS X). When the application is started, the SSH key will be automatically preselected by the application.

  2. Copy your SSH key file with the name ssh.key into the misc folder and build your executable binary via / build.bat. In this case the SSH key file is embedded into the executable file and automatically loaded on startup. If the embedded SSH key file is encrypted with a password, you can provide this password with the ssh-provided-key-password configuration value in the settings section.

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