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SED comes with the ability to download and extract any URL-based datasets. By default, users can use the datasets:

  • WSe2

  • -
  • TaS2

  • -
  • Gd_W110

  • -
  • W110

  • -

It is easy to extend this list using a JSON file.


Getting Datasets#


Importing Required Modules#

import os
-from sed.dataset import dataset

get() Method#


The get method requires only the dataset name, but an alternative root_dir can be provided.


Try interrupting the download process and restarting it to see that it resumes from where it stopped.

dataset.get("WSe2", remove_zip=False)

Example Output:

Using default data path for "WSe2": "<user_path>/datasets/WSe2"
-3%|▎         | 152M/5.73G [00:02<01:24, 71.3MB/s]
-Using default data path for "WSe2": "<user_path>/datasets/WSe2"
-100%|██████████| 5.73G/5.73G [01:09<00:00, 54.3MB/s]
-Download complete.

By default, not providing remove_zip=False will delete the zip file after extraction:


Setting use_existing=False allows downloading the data to a new location instead of using existing data.

dataset.get("WSe2", root_dir="new_datasets", use_existing=False)

Example Output:

Using specified data path for "WSe2": "<user_path>/new_datasets/datasets/WSe2"
-Created new directory at <user_path>/new_datasets/datasets/WSe2

Interrupting extraction here behaves similarly, resuming from where it stopped.


If the extracted files are deleted, rerunning this command below will re-extract from the zip file:

dataset.get("WSe2", remove_zip=False)

Example Output:

Using default data path for "WSe2": "<user_path>/datasets/WSe2"
-WSe2 data is already fully downloaded.
-5.73GB [00:00, 12.6MB/s]
-Download complete.
-Extracting WSe2 data...
-100%|██████████| 113/113 [02:41<00:00, 1.43s/file]
-WSe2 data extracted successfully.

and this does not delete the zip file.


remove() Method#


The remove method allows removing some or all instances of existing data.


Remove only one instance:

dataset.remove("WSe2", instance=dataset.existing_data_paths[0])

Example Output:

Removed <user_path>/datasets/WSe2

Remove all instances:


Example Output:

WSe2 data is not present.

Useful Attributes#


Available Datasets#


Example Output:

['WSe2', 'TaS2', 'Gd_W110', 'W110']

Data Directory#


Example Output:




Example Output:

- '<user_path>/datasets/WSe2/energycal_2019_01_08']

Existing Data Paths#


Example Output:

- '<user_path>/datasets/WSe2']

Example: Adding Custom Datasets#




Allows adding or removing datasets in a JSON file at different levels (module, user, folder). It also checks all levels to list available datasets.

import os
-from sed.dataset import DatasetsManager

Adding a New Dataset#


This example adds a dataset to both the folder and user levels. Setting rearrange_files=True moves all files from subfolders into the main dataset directory.

example_dset_name = "Example"
-example_dset_info = {
-    "url": "https://example-dataset.com/download",  # Not a real path
-    "subdirs": ["Example_subdir"],
-    "rearrange_files": True
-DatasetsManager.add(data_name=example_dset_name, info=example_dset_info, levels=["folder", "user"])

Example Output:

Added Example dataset to folder datasets.json
-Added Example dataset to user datasets.json

Verify that datasets.json is created:

assert os.path.exists("./datasets.json")

Example Output:

['Example', 'WSe2', 'TaS2', 'Gd_W110']

Removing a Dataset#


Remove the Example dataset from the user JSON file:

DatasetsManager.remove(data_name=example_dset_name, levels=["user"])

Example Output:

Removed Example dataset from user datasets.json

Adding an already existing dataset will result in an error:

DatasetsManager.add(data_name=example_dset_name, info=example_dset_info, levels=["folder"])

Example Output:

ValueError: Dataset Example already exists in folder datasets.json.

Downloading the Example Dataset#


Example Output:

Using default data path for "Example": "<user_path>/datasets/Example"
-Created new directory at <user_path>/datasets/Example
-Download complete.
-Extracting Example data...
-100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 28.10file/s]
-Example data extracted successfully.

Download to Another Location#

dataset.get("Example", root_dir="new_datasets", use_existing=False)

Example Output:

Using specified data path for "Example": "<user_path>/new_datasets/datasets/Example"
-Created new directory at <user_path>/new_datasets/datasets/Example

Removing an Instance#

-path_to_remove = dataset.existing_data_paths[0]
-dataset.remove(data_name="Example", instance=path_to_remove)

Example Output:

Removed <user_path>/new_datasets/datasets/Example

Verify that the path was removed:

assert not os.path.exists(path_to_remove)

Example Output:


Default datasets.json#

-    "WSe2": {
-        "url": "https://zenodo.org/record/6369728/files/WSe2.zip",
-        "subdirs": [
-            "Scan049_1",
-            "energycal_2019_01_08"
-        ]
-    },
-    "Gd_W110": {
-        "url": "https://zenodo.org/records/10658470/files/single_event_data.zip",
-        "subdirs": [
-            "analysis_data",
-            "calibration_data"
-        ],
-        "rearrange_files": true
-    },
-    "W110": {
-        "url": "https://zenodo.org/records/12609441/files/single_event_data.zip",
-        "subdirs": [
-            "analysis_data",
-            "calibration_data"
-        ],
-        "rearrange_files": true
-    },
-    "TaS2": {
-        "url": "https://zenodo.org/records/10160182/files/TaS2.zip",
-        "subdirs": [
-            "Scan0121_1",
-            "energycal_2020_07_20"
-        ]
-    },
-    "Au_Mica": {
-        "url": "https://zenodo.org/records/13952965/files/Au_Mica_SXP.zip"
-    },
-    "Test": {
-        "url": "http://test.com/files/file.zip",
-        "subdirs": [
-            "subdir"
-        ],
-        "rearrange_files": true
-    }
- - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- -
- -