title: Un-cuts the top few pixels [fix]
title: Un-cuts the top few pixels [fix]
README: Adds more "Similar Projects"
README: Adds more "Similar Projects"
README: Adds a Related section, linking to the Git Book
README: Adds a Related section, linking to the Git Book
More diagrams cleanup, mostly visuals improvements of arrows
More diagrams cleanup, mostly visuals improvements of arrows
Converts big brackets to paths (for more compatible rendering)
Converts big brackets to paths (for more compatible rendering)
Removes PNG and EPS diagram files (only SVG left)
Removes PNG and EPS diagram files (only SVG left)
Cleans up the _really_ final diagram
Cleans up the _really_ final diagram
README: Removes a note about the title rendering
README: Removes a note about the title rendering
README: HTML output is not experimental nad ugly anymore!
README: HTML output is not experimental nad ugly anymore!
README: Links to title-page of new mbook generated HTML
README: Links to title-page of new mbook generated HTML
Use mdbook for HTML generation (instead of pdsite)
Use mdbook for HTML generation (instead of pdsite)
Cleans up 1 more diagram (7 to go)
Cleans up 1 more diagram (7 to go)
Cleans up 2 more diagrams (12 to go)
Cleans up 2 more diagrams (12 to go)
Force push
Cleans up 2 more diagrams (10 to go)
Cleans up 2 more diagrams (10 to go)
Cleans up 5 more diagrams (17 to go)
Cleans up 5 more diagrams (17 to go)
Removes a duplicate diagram (same as object-dag.*)
Removes a duplicate diagram (same as object-dag.*)
Cleans up 4 more diagrams (23 to go)
Cleans up 4 more diagrams (23 to go)
Cleans up 3 more diagrams (27 to go)
Cleans up 3 more diagrams (27 to go)
Use SVG diagrams instead of EPS ones [hack]
Use SVG diagrams instead of EPS ones [hack]
Improves a few of the SVG diagrams (many left!)
Improves a few of the SVG diagrams (many left!)
README: Adds link to generated E-Book (epub)
README: Adds link to generated E-Book (epub)
README: Adds year of introduction
README: Adds year of introduction
doc.yml: Adjusts path to title image [fix]
doc.yml: Adjusts path to title image [fix]
Gets rid of the dysfunctional link to the books own screen-cast :*(
Gets rid of the dysfunctional link to the books own screen-cast :*(