Error report-Variant pairing #62
Hello Frank and Azdiar, I have encountered an error as shown below when calculating variant pairing: Shuai |
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Replies: 2 comments
Hi @PSBHS, I had a look at your map data and your script.
Here is the cleaned-up map data in a *.zip file.
% Reconstructing the prior austenite microstructure from lath martensite
% with the variant graph approach and analyzing variant pairing
% The MTEX description for reconstruction is given here:
% *********************************************************************
home; close all; clear variables;
screenPrint('StartUp','ORTools - 1200-2h-77K-90min');
%% Initialize MTEX
% Startup and set some settings
% Default directories - Do not modify
Ini.dataPath = [strrep(pwd,'\','/'),'/data/'];
Ini.cifPath = [Ini.dataPath,'input/cif/'];
Ini.ebsdPath = [Ini.dataPath,'input/ebsd/'];
Ini.texturePath = [Ini.dataPath,'output/texture/'];
Ini.imagePath = [Ini.dataPath,'output/images/'];
%% Load data
% Load an MTEX dataset into 'ebsd'
% create an EBSD variable containing the data
ebsd = EBSD.load([Ini.ebsdPath,'1200_2h_77K_90minC.cpr'],'interface','crc','convertEuler2SpatialReferenceFrame');
%% Compute, filter and smooth grains
screenPrint('SegmentStart','Computing, filtering and smoothing grains');
% Grains are calculated with a 3° threshold
[grains,ebsd.grainId] = calcGrains(ebsd('indexed'),'angle',3*degree);
% EBSD data in small grains are removed
ebsd(grains(grains.grainSize < 3)) = [];
% Recalculate the grains from the remaining data ...
[grains,ebsd.grainId] = calcGrains(ebsd('indexed'),'angle',3*degree);
% ... and smooth the grain boundaries
grains = smooth(grains,5);
%% Rename and recolor phases
screenPrint('SegmentStart','Renaming and recoloring phases');
phaseNames = {'Gamma','AlphaP'};
% Choose your favourite colors
ebsd = recolorPhases(ebsd);
%% Define and refine parent-to-child orientation relationship
screenPrint('SegmentStart','Define and refine parent-to-child OR');
% Define 'Gamma" as the parent and 'AlphaP' as the child phase
job = setParentGrainReconstructor(ebsd,grains,Ini.cifPath);
% Peak fitting cannot be done because the parent orientation data is very
% poor and pixelated
% So give an initial guess for the OR: Nishiyama-Wassermann ...
job.p2c = orientation.NishiyamaWassermann(job.csParent, job.csChild);
% ... and refine it based on the fit with boundary misorientations
% Display information about the OR
% ... Check out examples 1 and 7 for more analysis features regarding the
% fitted OR
%% Plotting (with ORTools functions)
% ... Check out examples 1 and 7 for different plotting options (skipped
% here)
% Phase map
% Parent and child IPF maps
%% Reconstruct parent microstructure
% - Reconstruct the microstructure with the variant graph based approach
% ... plot the votes (high values show high certainty)
figure; plot(job.grains,job.votes.prob(:,1))
% ... and calculate the parent orientations
% Plot the reconstructed parent microstructure
%% Remove badly reconstructed clusters
% In order to reconstruct the remaining parent grains, we can calculate the
% votes for surrounding parent grains by the already reconstructed parent
% grains
% compute the votes
% assign parent orientations according to the votes
% plot the result
%% Clean reconstructed grains
% Now clean the grains by:
% - merging grains with similar orientation
% - merging small inclusions
% This is the cleaned reconstructed parent microstructure
%% Get parent EBSD data
parentEBSD = job.ebsd;
hold on;
hold off;
%% Variant analysis
% We can calculate variants and packets
% and plot the variant map
% and plot the packet map
% and plot the Bain group map
% The following sections detail the various options available to users on
% how to invoke and use the computeGrainPairs function
%% OPTION 1: Id based child grain pair analysis
screenPrint('SegmentStart','Child grain pair analysis');
% To begin analyzing child grain pairs, we first need the variants (and
% packets,and Brain groups) on the EBSD level to be reconstructed as grains
[newGrains,~] = computeVariantGrains(job);
newGrains = newGrains(job.csChild);
% Compute the variant id child grain pairs
screenPrint('Step','Variant id child grain pair analysis');
out1 = computeGrainPairs(newGrains,'variants','plot');
% include similar neighbouring variant pairs for example, V1-V1; V2-V2
out2 = computeGrainPairs(newGrains,'include', 'plot', 'colormap',viridis);
% Compute the crystallographic packet id child grain pairs
% include similar neighbouring packet pairs for example, CP1-CP1; CP2-CP2
screenPrint('Step','Crystallographic packet id child grain pair analysis');
out3 = computeGrainPairs(newGrains,'packet','include','plot');
% Compute the Bain group id child grain pairs
screenPrint('Step','Bain group id child grain pair analysis');
out4 = computeGrainPairs(newGrains,'bain','plot');
%% OPTION 2: Groups of variant id for child grain pair analysis
screenPrint('Step','Groups of variant id child grain pair analysis');
% Calculate groups of variant Ids as per the analysis in the
% following references:
% N. Takayama, G. Miyamoto, T. Furuhara, Effects of transformation
% temperature on variant pairing of bainitic ferrite in low carbon steel,
% Acta Materialia, Volume 60, Issue 5, 2012, Pages 2387-2396.
% (
% H. Beladi, G.S. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett, V. Tari, P.D. Hodgson, The
% distribution of intervariant crystallographic planes in a lath
% martensite using five macroscopic parameters, Acta Materialia,
% Volume 63, 2014, Pages 86-98.
% (
% Define the groups of variant pairs
vGroupIds = {[1 2],...
[1 3; 1 5],...
[1 4],...
[1 6],...
[1 7],...
[1 8],...
[1 9; 1 19],...
[1 10; 1 14],...
[1 11; 1 13],...
[1 12; 1 20],...
[1 15; 1 23],...
[1 16],...
[1 17],...
[1 18; 1 22],...
[1 21],...
[1 24]};
% ... and compute the groups of equivalent id child grain pairs
out7 = computeGrainPairs(newGrains,'variant','group',vGroupIds,'plot');
% For individual plotting you can use this code
figH = figure;
h = bar(out7.freq);
h.FaceColor = [162 20 47]./255;
xlabelString = {'V2','V3,V5','V4','V6',...
xlabel('\bf Variant paired with V1');
ylabel('\bf Relative frequency [$\bf f$(g)]');
set(figH,'Name','Histogram: Groups of child grain variant pairs','NumberTitle','on');
% For individual plotting you can use this code
mapArea = prod(ebsd.gridify.size.*[ebsd.gridify.dx,ebsd.gridify.dy]);
boundaryFraction = out7.segLength./mapArea;
figH = figure;
h = bar(boundaryFraction);
h.FaceColor = [162 20 47]./255;
xlabelString = {'V2','V3,V5','V4','V6',...
xlabel('\bf Variant paired with V1');
ylabel('\bf Boundary length density [$\bf \mu m / \mu m^{2}$]')
set(figH,'Name','Histogram: Groups of child grain variant pair boundary density','NumberTitle','on');
%% OPTION 3: Equivalent variant id child grain pair analysis
screenPrint('Step','Equivalent (or other) variant id child grain pair analysis');
% Calculate equivalent variant Ids of martensitic variants (block
% boundaries) in steel microstructures as per the analysis in the
% following reference:
% S. Morito, A.H. Pham, T. Hayashi, T. Ohba, Block boundary analyses to
% identify martensite and bainite, Mater. Today Proc., Volume 2,
% Supplement 3, 2015, Pages S913-S916.
% (
newGrains.prop.otherId = newGrains.variantId - (newGrains.packetId-1) * 24/4;
% IMPORTANT: Regardless of the formula used to compute other (or any
% equivalent) ids, the variable name on the LHS defined as
% "newGrains.prop.otherId" must not be changed.
out5 = computeGrainPairs(newGrains,'other','plot');
% Compute groups of equivalent variant id child grain pairs
screenPrint('Step','Groups of equivalent variant id child grain pair analysis');
% Define the four groups of equivalent variant id pairs
eqIds = {[1 2; 3 4; 5 6],...
[1 3; 1 5; 2 4; 2 6; 3 5; 4 6],...
[1 6; 2 3; 4 5],...
[1 4; 2 5; 3 6]};
% ... and compute the groups of equivalent id child grain pairs
out6 = computeGrainPairs(newGrains,'other','group',eqIds, 'plot');
% The output of the variable 'out6' in the command window is:
% out6 = struct with fields:
% freq: [0.1503 0.2495 0.1211 0.4790]
% segLength: [0.1473 0.2452 0.1192 0.4883]
% Compare the above segment length values with the variant pair boundary
% fraction histogram from ORTools's pre-built function for equivalent
% variant pairs.
variantBoundaries_map = plotMap_variantPairs(job,'linewidth',1.5);
% -> Figure 9: variant pair boundary fraction histogram
% 4×2 table
% eqVariants Freq
% __________ _______
% V1-V2 ....
% V1-V3(V5) ....
% V1-V6 ....
% V1-V4 ....
% Notice that they are both exactly the same.
%% **Lastly, and importantly, if an explanation from the maintainers resolves your issue, please press the "Mark as answer" button on the appropriate response. Your assistance in this regard enables us to close discussions as complete. ** Hope this helps. Warm regards, |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Thank you for your help and suggestions! I'll follow the version updating of the MTEX and ORTools. |
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I had a look at your map data and your script.
I have a few comments that I hope will be of use:
In the map, your parent grain data is heavily pixelated.
They do not represent grains - but rather, they are misindexed pixels.
So before you do any work on parent grain reconstruction, please clean up your maps by removing all such pixelations and/or any other errors.
When you do this, you will notice that you do not have any parent austenite pixels in your map.
Also, please do not overfill un-indexed (or zero solution) areas.
There is no benefit to this - you are simply adding bad data that makes the job of reconstruction a lot harder than it should be.
Your map has about 16.0…