diff --git a/next/API/alt-ergo-lib/AltErgoLib/ModelMap/index.html b/next/API/alt-ergo-lib/AltErgoLib/ModelMap/index.html index 55cdf6aef..a0851705d 100644 --- a/next/API/alt-ergo-lib/AltErgoLib/ModelMap/index.html +++ b/next/API/alt-ergo-lib/AltErgoLib/ModelMap/index.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -ModelMap (alt-ergo-lib.AltErgoLib.ModelMap)

Module AltErgoLib.ModelMap

type t

Type of model.

val add : Id.typed -> Expr.t list -> Expr.t -> t -> t

add sy args ret mdl adds the binding args -> ret to the partial graph associated with the symbol sy.

val empty : suspicious:bool -> Id.typed list -> t

An empty model. The suspicious flag is used to remember that this model may be wrong as it involves symbols from theories for which the model generation is known to be incomplete.

val subst : Id.t -> Expr.t -> t -> t

subst id e mdl substitutes all the occurrences of the identifier id in the model mdl by the model term e.

@Raise Error if the expression e is not a model term or the type of e doesn't agree with some occurrence of id in the model.

val pp : t Fmt.t

pp ppf mdl prints the model mdl on the formatter ppf using the SMT-LIB format.

+ModelMap (alt-ergo-lib.AltErgoLib.ModelMap)

Module AltErgoLib.ModelMap

module M : Stdlib.Map.S with type key = AltErgoLib.Expr.t list
type graph =
  1. | Free of Expr.t
  2. | C of Expr.t M.t
type t

Type of model.

val add : Id.typed -> Expr.t list -> Expr.t -> t -> t

add sy args ret mdl adds the binding args -> ret to the partial graph associated with the symbol sy.

val empty : suspicious:bool -> Id.typed list -> t

An empty model. The suspicious flag is used to remember that this model may be wrong as it involves symbols from theories for which the model generation is known to be incomplete.

val find : Id.typed -> t -> graph

find sy mdl returns the graph associated with the symbol sy in the model mdl, raises Not_found if it doesn't exist.

val fold : (Id.typed -> graph -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a

fold f mdl init folds over the bindings in the model mdl with the function f and with init as a initial value for the accumulator.

val subst : Id.t -> Expr.t -> t -> t

subst id e mdl substitutes all the occurrences of the identifier id in the model mdl by the model term e.

@Raise Error if the expression e is not a model term or the type of e doesn't agree with some occurrence of id in the model.

val pp : t Fmt.t

pp ppf mdl prints the model mdl on the formatter ppf using the SMT-LIB format.

diff --git a/next/API/index.html b/next/API/index.html index 88d1efe86..fc2be1642 100644 --- a/next/API/index.html +++ b/next/API/index.html @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@

OCaml package documentation

  1. alt-ergo 19879e6
  2. -
  3. alt-ergo-lib 19879e6
  4. +
  5. alt-ergo 7ee9629
  6. +
  7. alt-ergo-lib 7ee9629