An 8 bit CPU made in the logic simulator, MultiMedia Logic
Made by NoxNode (
Made in under 72 hours (10/22/2016 - 10/24/2016)
This was made before I learned about pipelining so every instruction stalls until the one before it is done.
In order to open and run the 8 bit cpu, you need to have MML (MultiMedia Logic)
Link that helps understand how this thing works:
Instruction Set
xx = register code
Inst Opcode Operand 1 Mode Operand 2 Notes
JMP 000 xx (src) nzp Jumps to the address in register xx if specified flag is 1
ADD 001 xx (src1) 0/1 xx (src2) Always outputs to R0
AND 010 xx (src1) 0/1 xx (src2) Always outputs to R0
MOV/NOT 011 xx (dest) 0/1 xx (src) The mode bit for MOV means to NOT the input or not
LD 100 xx (dest) 0 xx (src) Loads from address in src into dest
ST 101 xx (src) 0 xx (dest) Stores value from src into address in dest
IN 110 xx (dest) 0 00 Stores user input into dest
OUT 111 xx (src) 0 00 Outputs src to output
Setps done before every instruction (after each step (separated by empty lines), the IC (Instruction Counter) is incremented)
enable IP
set MAR
enable MAR
enable Read
set MDR
enable MDR
set IR
increment IP
enable IP
enable Cin0
set AO
enable AO
set IP
Steps the control unit takes for each instruction
check cc flags
if one matches
enable src
set IP
do nothing
enable src1
set AIReg
if immediate mode == 1
set IVR
enable AIReg
if immediate mode == 0
enable src2
if immediate mode == 1
enable IVR
set AO
enable AO
set dest
enable src1
set ANDI
if immediate mode == 1
set IVR
enable ANDI
if immediate mode == 0
enable src2
if immediate mode == 1
enable IVR
set ANDO
enable ANDO
set dest
if immediate mode == 0
enable src
set dest
else if immediate mode == 1
enable src
set NReg
enable NReg
set dest
enable src
set MAR
enable MAR
enable Read
set MDR
enable MDR
set dest
enable src
set MDR
enable dest
set MAR
enable MAR
enable MDR
enable Write
enable input
set dest
enable src
set output
Example Program (assembly) - adds 2 user inputted number then loops
MOV R1, R0
ADD R0, R1
AND R0, 0
JMPnzp R0
Example Program (hex) - adds 2 user inputted number then loops
Instructions again
Inst Opcode Operand 1 Mode Operand 2 Notes
JMP 000 xx (src) nzp Jumps to the address in register xx if specified flag is 1
ADD 001 xx (src1) 0/1 xx (src2) Always outputs to R0
AND 010 xx (src1) 0/1 xx (src2) Always outputs to R0
MOV/NOT 011 xx (dest) 0/1 xx (src) The mode bit for MOV means to NOT the input or not
LD 100 xx (dest) 0 xx (src) Loads from address in src into dest
ST 101 xx (src) 0 xx (dest) Stores value from src into address in dest
IN 110 xx (dest) 0 00 Stores user input into dest
OUT 111 xx (src) 0 00 Outputs src to output
NOP No operation (do nothing)
CC condition code
nzp negative, zero, positive
CLR clear
CLK clock
MAR Memory Address Register
MDR Memory Data Register
IP Instruction Pointer Same as PC (Program Counter)
IR Instruction Register
IC Instruction Counter Each instruction takes multiple signal sending steps to finish the instruction, so the instruction counter keeps track of which signal sending step we're on
DIC Decoded IC
OR Output Register
NReg Negation Register
ANDI AND Input Register
ANDO AND Output Register I made AND and ADD have different input and output registers just because I already had the extra registers setup and would rather just rename things than make new logic to send signals to tell the ALU which operation to perform
AIReg ADD Input Register
AOReg ADD Output Register
IVR Immediate value register
U Usually means user
S Usually means set
E Usually means enable
0-7 Bits 0-7
In input
Out output
IN IN instruction
OUT OUT instruction
make assembler
make logic simulator able to read from assembled binary file