#Mesos dev clster This set of scripts starts developer Mesos cluster of few nodes using Docker Compose. Cluster contains Mesos master, slave and zookeeper nodes. cluster.yml file contains config of the cluster. Base docker image for all nodes is the same. Node role depends on enviroment variable from cluster config. Network settings are also in cluster.yml.
#Usage Use 'make' command with following targets:
- all - build base docker image
- clean - clean up everything after this cluster
- start - run cluster, if base image isn't built, it will be built
- stop - stop cluster
- restart - restart cluster
- test - run simple healthy test on running cluster
To choose which operation system should be used in base image, use OS env. Example:
OS=centos make start
that will build base image based on centos and start cluster. Default OS is ubuntu. List of all aviliable OSes in docker
dir (extensions of Dockerfiles).
Zookeeper server - zk://,,
Mesos master web interface -
Create new file in 'docker' dir named Dockerfile.osname
and implement Dockerfile for this OS using existing examples.