Releases: Netflix/Priam
What's Changed
- Add constructor for BackupFileSystemContext by @chengw-netflix in #1064
Full Changelog: 3.11.104...3.11.105
Priam to support jvm8 options.
tuner to update jvm version specific options (#1060) Co-authored-by: ayushis <[email protected]>
Tune jvm options
tuner to update jvm version specific options (#1060) Co-authored-by: ayushis <[email protected]>
What's Changed
- Change the constructor of the CassandraMonitor to be public by @chengw-netflix in #1056
Full Changelog: 3.11.103...3.11.104
Fix snapshot location regression in SNS messages.
Fix snapshot location regression in SNS messages. #1054
Fix snapshot location regression in SNS messages.
Fix snapshot location regression in SNS messages. #1055
What's Changed
- Rollback #1042: Change the interface of EC2RoleAssumptionCredential by @chengw-netflix in #1052
Full Changelog: 3.11.101...3.11.102
What's Changed
- Rollback #1042: Change the interface of EC2RoleAssumptionCredential by @chengw-netflix in #1053
Full Changelog: 3.1.124...3.1.125
Increment cross regional duplicate tokens.
V1 Backups will be removed in the next release
Increment cross regional duplicate tokens to replicate the policy we have been applying manually. (#1048)
auto_snapshot, restore to snapshot, always ttl backups, avoid cross-regional duplicate tokens.
V1 Backups will be removed in the next release
Increment cross regional duplicate tokens to replicate the policy we have been applying manually. (#1048)
Fix Github CI by explicitly creating necessary directories. (#1045)
Always TTL backups. (#1038)
Fix backup verification race condition causing missing notifications (#1034)
Reveal hook to allow operators to restore just to the most recent snapshot (#1035)
Reveal property to enable auto_snapshot. (#1031)