Generate an ASCII Art from keyword put in the cli
git clone
cd ascii-art-generator-cli
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
ascii-generator --help
Usage: ascii-generator [OPTIONS] KEYWORD
Shows differents ASCII Art given a keyword
You can change the number of columns and the scale. There are 2 gray scale
available 10 and 70 (default is 70)
-c, --cols INTEGER Number of columns for ASCII Art.
-s, --scale FLOAT Height scale for ASCII Art.
-m, --more-levels BOOLEAN Whether you want a grayscale of 70 or 10.
--help Show this message and exit
ascii-generator yoda
Image name : Yoda Costume
Do you want to keep this image ? (y/n)y
Awesome !
ascii-generator yoda --cols 50
Image name : Yoda Costume
Do you want to keep this image ? (y/n)y
Awesome !
ascii-generator yoda --cols 42 --more-levels false
Image name : Yoda Costume
Do you want to keep this image ? (y/n)y
Awesome !