Basic outline of requirements. We can assign priorities as we go, based on what you need most + soonest.
Automated basic Gitlab install -- optional configuration file for the parameters you'd like to configure
Automated GitLab configuration for users
Should target the local GitLab server (same config for both?)
Should work at the minimum for the git commandline client on RasPi
Should provide an automated, level based commit and push
Level 0 = full automation
Level 1 = automated push, but manual commit
Level 2 = manual push and commit
Tooling around user management
Password management
Key management
Key objectives for a first alpha version would be:
- Users set config file with server URL & their user name and base dir for backup.
- script on Pi to connect and configure key.
- On first run script pulls down contents of an existing backup repo
- Command that allows them to commit and push changes
- Command that allows them to sync any upstream changes (maybe, not sure)