Releases: NLPchina/elasticsearch-sql
Releases · NLPchina/elasticsearch-sql
bugfixes - dots and newLine support
- new line support after select
- dots are allowed on indexname
Sub Queries (inner queries) and more
- Enhanced NOT functionality
- Bucket Aggregation alias support
- terms and term filter/query support
- ids query/filter support
- SubQueries support (works on IN , TERMS , IDS)
Limited Join support and more features
- Join between two indices!
- Scroll on single index
- Not Like
- Enable "@" ":" and space on fields name
Add ES geographic support
1.3.4 Merge branch 'add-elastic1.6-support'
Added support for NOT operator
Added support for NOT operator
Example usage:
select * from master where not title like 'bob'
Merge pull request #50 from KangYongKyun/master ( ( A and B ) or C ) and ( D or E ) case is converted to ( ( A and B) and C ) and ( D or E ). that's wrong
1.3.1 Merge branch 'develop'
Add delete support, and bugfixes.
Bug fixes