Devices: **| SAMD20 | ATM90E26 | ATM90E32 | ATM90E36 **
Features: **| METERING | **
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- Introduction
- Bill of materials
- Hardware Setup
- Software Setup
- Harmony MCC Configuration
- Board Programming
- Run the demo
- Related Applications
This application example assists in the development of a project utilizing ATM90Exx devices.
ATM90Exx devices are used on AC electrical metering/measuring applications.
This example is based on the "Metering Demo Application" of Harmony3 "smartenergy_metrology" repository (see more information on, where some changes have to been done to adapt the application files to the platform.
The SAMD20-EK serves as a host device, collecting metrology and measurement data from the ATM90Exx DBs. The connection can be established via Serial Port or SPI when the ATM90E26-DB is connected, or through SPI for the ATM90E3xx-DB.
An OLED1_XPLAINED_PRO EK is used to display the information, switch between display windows, and notify events.
To provide the storage capabilities for saving the files defined in the application is used:
- ATM90E26: Internal NVM
- ATM90E36: MICROSD (IO1 Xplained Pro)
The SAMD20-EK USB connector is used to interface with the Command Line and Console applications.
The approach involves replicating the functionalities of the SmartEnergy Metrology Driver (for more information, visit This is achieved by developing software for the ATM90EXX Controller with similar library interfaces and functionalities. Consequently, only minimal changes to the application files are required to adapt the Demometer Application to the new platform.
The ATM90EXX Metrology Controller has been developped in different layers and files.
Defines the API interfaces necessary to access physically to ATM90EXX.
- SPI/Serial access based on Harmony 3 SPI/USART Driver in synchronous mode
- Interrupts based on PLIB EIC
- Integration period Timer based on SYS TIME
- PIO control based on PLIB PORT
Defined on atm90exx_hal.[c,h].
Provides an API interfaces similar to Smart Energy Metrology Driver to simplify the adaptation to metrology application.
Includes these features:
- ATM90EXX Driver Management - Init/Open/Close/Start/Stop
- ATM90EXX Configuration Capabilities (Task)
- ATM90EXX Interrupts Handling and Notification of Events
- ATM90EXX Direct Register Read/Write
- ATM90EXX Refresh Measurement/Metering Information (Task)
- Integration Period Notification to the application
Defined on atm90exx_drv.[c,h].
Provides an API interface to:
- Get ATM90EXX measurement/metrology information
- Get/Set ATM90EXX configuration
- Get ATM90EXX registers information
Defined on atm90exx_api.[c,h].
Provides an API interface to:
- Enable/Disable ATM90EXX metrology events
- Configure thresholds that control metrology events
- Get metrology events through a callback
Defined on atm90exx_api_events.[c,h].
- configures the ATM90EXX controller capabilities.
- Registers information, definition, and structures.
- Structures grouped to emulate "Smart Energy Metrology":
- Control Registers: control, thresholds, calibration
- Status Registers
- Accumulator Registers: measuring and metering
- ATM90EXX definitions
An additional abstraction layer has been introduced to unify the API interface from the perspective of applications when interfacing with different metrology implementations.
- metrology_conf.h
- configures the metrology capabilities.
- metrology_api.[c,h]
- Provides an API interface to:
- Management of metrology driver (open, close, ...)
- Integration Period event callback
- Get measurement/metrology information
- Get/Set metrology configuration
- Get metrology registers information
- Provides an API interface to:
- metrology_api_events.[c,h]
- Provides an API interface to:
- Enable/Disable metrology events
- Configure thresholds that control metrology events
- Get metrology events through a callback
- Provides an API interface to:
This example is based on the "Metering Demo Application" from the Harmony3 "smartenergy_metrology" repository. For more information, please visit Some modifications have been made to adapt the application files to the platform..
It is recommended to review the "Metering Demo Application" documentation beforehand to understand the functionality of the application.
The Demo Meter Metrology application has been updated to utilize the previously defined Metrology API. The application configures the metrology controller based on the ATM90EXX to obtain and refresh metrology and measurement parameters at each integration period (default is 5 seconds). This process is visually indicated by the toggling of the SAMD20-EK LED0 with each refresh. This event triggers the reading of energy and power, updating the information regarding energy demand, time-of-use (TOU), and events.
The Demo Meter application has been updated to address the OLED1 XPLAINED PRO display (128x32 pixels).
The Microchip "gfx_mono" library has been used to provide support to the Display functionalities defining the corresponding GFX_MONO_UG_2832HSWEG04.
The interface configuration to address the SSD1306 SPI controller that controls the LCD Display is defined on gfx_definitions.h
An additional abstraction layer has been included to provide the functions required by the application to display the different informations:
- oled1_display.[c,h]
The sysfont selected is BPMONO_10x16 providing a full map of 2x16 characters.
The distribution of the information addresses:
- Parameter String
- Parameter Value
- Event Notification - Not used
- Parameter Value Units
- Button 1 and 2 act like SCROLL_UP and SCROLL_DOWN.
- Button 3 is not used but it's planned to implement TAMPER feature.
- LED1 updates with each serial port communication
- LED2 and 3 are not used
The application continues to utilize the Harmony3 DRV_MEMORY and FILESYSTEM configuration. Different options are evaluated depending on the platform:
- Internal NVM (ATM90E26)
- SDCard SPI (ATM90E36)
The filename for the metrology configuration has been updated to use the specific device name instead of "metrology" to prevent issues when addressing different ATM90EXX devices using the same hardware setup.
The SUPC and Tamper event detection features are currently unavailable. Additionally, the process for detecting minute and month changes has been adjusted to align with the capabilities of the SAMD20 RTC.
New events have been defined according to the detection capabilities of the ATM90EXX within the specified structure, but they are not yet handled by the application.
Most of the commands are available with the same parameters. The register information for the ATM90EXX has been organized to mirror the structure of the "SmartEnergy Metrology Driver" (control, status, and accumulator registers).
Additional Commands:
- System (SYS): allows to configure the System Log Level. Helps in the development/debug process.
- Support for common format for measurement/metering parameters
- Support for Set Configuration Registers (DCW, DCM command line)
- Support for Direct Access to Read/Write Registers from Command Line (DRR, DRW)
- Support for ATM90EXX-GUI access
- Support for Calibration (CAL command line)
- Support for THD & Harmonic Analysis (HAR, HRR command line)
- Real testing with AC signals
Tools | Quantity |
ATM90E26-DB | 1 |
ATM90E32AS-DB | 1 |
ATM90E36A-DB | 1 |
ATIO1-XPRO | 1 |
On ATM90E32 platform, an EEPROM 4-CLICK is attached to SAMD20-EK using a ATMBUSADAPTER-XPRO connected in the EXT1.
On ATM90E36 platform, an ATIO1-XPRO is attached to SAMD20-EK EXT1.
ATOLED1-XPRO is connected to SAMD20-EK on EXT2. Previously the ATOLED1-XPRO connector has been flipped to allow the extension using a direct cable connection.
ATM90EXX-DB is connected to SAMD20-EK on EXT3.
- On the ATM90EXX-DB, the jumper that controls the RST pin must be removed to avoid to keep in reset the ATM90EXX (the pin corresponds with GND on the Xplained Pro connector).
ATM90E26 Hardware Setup:
- ATM90E32 Hardware Setup:
- ATM90E36 Hardware Setup:
The project has been developped with:
- Version: 6.20
- XC32 Compiler v4.45
- MPLAB® Code Configurator version 5.5.0
- MPLAB® Code Configurator core version 5.7.0
- SAMD20_DFP v3.6.112
- MCC Harmony
- csp version: v3.20.0
- core version: v3.14.1
- bsp version: v3.21.0
- CMSIS_5: v5.9.0
- dev_packs: v3.14.0
Any Serial Terminal application like TERA TERM terminal application
New users of MCC MPLAB go through the overview.
Step 1
Connect the Demo Meter platform to the device/system using a micro-USB cable connected to the SAMD20-EK USB connector.
Step 2
Select the corresponding project according with the expected configuration on the firmware folder.
Step 3
Open Harmony MCC Configuration to check the configuration.
- metering_demo_atm90e26_serial_samd20
- metering_demo_atm90e26_spi_samd20
- metering_demo_atm90e32_spi_samd20
- metering_demo_atm90e36_spi_samd20
Step 4 - Clock Configuration
The clock configuration is common to all projects.
The external 32.765Khz XTAL is used as reference for RTC peripheral and internal 8Mhz oscillator is used for the rest of the system.
Step 5 - RTC Configuration
The RTC configuration is common to all projects. The peripheral is configured in Clock/Calendar mode.
Step 6 - Time System Configuration
The system time is used working with the TC0. A 1mseg resolution is enough to implement the delays and timings on that application.
Step 7 - System Console, Commands and Debug Configuration
System Console, command line and debug system use the same SERCOM configured as serial port that is accesible on the SAMD20-EK USB Connector.
Step 8 - Display Configuration
The OLED1 Xplained PRO includes a SSD1306 SPI controller to address the LCD Display.
The Buttons 1 and 2 are scroll up/down the contents of the LCD.
Button 3 has been planned to simulate a tamper event but it has not been implemented.
LED1 shows serial port activity.
LED2-3 are not used but can notify events.
Interrupts Configuration:
Step 9 - Storage Configuration
The storage subsystem is based on a standard MCC File System Block (FAT32) running on:
- Internal NVM using MCC NVMCTRL + Memory Driver (asynchronous mode)
- SPI EEPROM using MCC Microchip AT25 Driver (attached to SERCOM 0) + Memory Driver (asynchronous mode)
- SDCard using standard MCC Microchip SD Card (SPI) Driver (using SERCOM 0)
Step 10 - ATM90EXX Interface Configuration
The ATM90EXX device is addresed using a SERCOM configured like Serial/SPI. In both cases, the access is configured using USART/SPI Drivers in synchronous mode to be compatible with any other Microcontroller architecture:
- ATM90E26 supports both Serial/SPI interfaces
- ATM90E3X support only SPI interface (higher clk speed)
Other Important PINs:
- ATM90E26: Reset, IRQ and WARN interrupts, Usel (SPI/Serial selection)
- ATM90E3X: Reset, IRQs, PM (Power Mode selection), DMA_CTRL
Interrupts configuration:
Step 10
Generate the code if any change need to be done.
Step 11
Clean and build the project. To run the project, select "Make and program device" button.
- The Precompiled hex file is given in the hex folder. Follow the steps provided in the link to program the precompiled hex file using MPLABX IPE to program the pre-compiled hex image.
The applications folder can be found by navigating to the following path:
- "../firmware/"
As the board is not isolated if the ATM90EXX-DB is going to be connected to real AC sources:
- an USB-Isolator is mandatory between the SAMD20-EK USB connector and the PC.
- an isolated tool must be used to interact with any button.
Connect an USB to uUSB cable to the SAMD20-EK board:
- Baud rate: 115200
- Parity: None
- Data bits: 8
- Stop bits: 1
- Com port: COM USB serial port
The system starts configuring the board with a default configuration and requesting information from ATM90EXX device each integration period (SAMD20-EK LED0 toggles with integration period periodicity).
Send a "HELP" command
Read the metrology control registers.
Interact with OLED1 Xplained pro Buttons and observe the Display information.
Learn by interacting with the command line:
More information can be found in: