- None
- Added ETQFP064 and ETQFP100 pin diagram for PIC32CZ-CA70 and PIC32CZ-MC70 devices
- Fixed package pinout name issue in SUPC PLIB
- Version dependencies for the following DFPs are updated
- PIC32CZ-CA70_DFP to version 1.1.27
- PIC32CZ-MC70_DFP to version 1.1.26
- PIC32CM-GC00_DFP to version 1.0.27
- PIC32CM-SG00_DFP to version 1.0.31
- Same as v3.22.0
- None
- Fixed MISRA-C required rule violations in NVIC and EVIC PLIBs
- Same as v3.22.0
New part support
- Added support for PIC32AK GC family of devices
- Added support for SAMA7D65, SAMA7G54 and SAM9X7 SOM devices
New Features and Enhancements
- None
Bug Fixes
- Fix UI issues in SAM9X75 and SAM9X60 clock configurators
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
- same as v3.21.0
For PIC32AK-GC family of devices:
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.25 or higher
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v4.60 or higher
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Code Configurator 5.5.2 or higher
For all other parts:
- Same as v3.21.0
- None
New part support
- Added support for new parts in PIC32CM JH family of microcontrollers
- Added support for PIC32CM-GV family of microcontrollers
- Added support for PIC32WM_BZ6204 part in PIC32CX-BZ6 family of microcontrollers
New Features and Enhancements
- None
Bug Fixes
- Fixed MISRA-C violation in FLEXCOM peripheral
- Fixed clock related issue in PIC32CZCA-80/90, PIC32CXMTSH and PIC32CM-GC/SG family of microcontrollers
- Updates to the Pin Manager
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
- Applications created for PIC32CM-GC/SG family of microcontrollers when built with -Os optimization results in hard fault.
- Same as CSP Release v3.20.0
- None
New part support - This release introduces support for
- PIC32CM-GC/SG family of devices
- PIC32CX-BZ6 and WBZ653 family of devices
- PIC32CZ-CA70 family of devices
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
New Features and Enhancements
- Added MCC help for all the CSP modules. Right click on MCC configuration option of CSP component will open the relevant online datasheet page.
- SMBUS mode support in I2C Plib for PIC32M devices
- TSENS Plib support for SAMC21 and PIC32CM-MC devices
- Added LIN mode support in UART Plib for SAM SAM E7X/S7X/V7X devices
- ISO7816 Smart Card mode support in SERCOM Plib
- Updated SMC PLIB and NAND FLASH driver to support the SAMA5D2, SAMA7G54 and SAMA7D65 devices
- Bug fixes and enhancements
- Applications created for PIC32CZ-CA80/CA90 using csp v3.19.2 or older will require reconfiguration of pins due to change in device package type.
- Applications created for SAM9X75 device (used in SAM9X75 Evaluation Board) using csp v3.19.7 or older will require reconfiguration of pins due to addition of a new device package type (BGA256).
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.20 or higher
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v4.45
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Code Configurator 5.5.1 or higher
- None
- None
- Fixed issues with message handling in ADC PLIBs
- Same as v3.20.0-E1
- New part support - This engineering release adds support for
- PIC32CX-BZ6 and WBZ653 family of devices
- None
- None
For PIC32CX-BZ6 and WBZ653 family of devices:
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.20 or higher
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v4.45
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Code Configurator 5.5.1 or higher
For all other parts:
- Same as v3.18.0
- None
- None
- Added PIC32CX1025SG41080 part support
- Fixed EOC interrupt enable issue in ADCHS PLIB
- Updated PIC32CX-SG41 DFP version in package.yml
- None
- Updated PIC32CX-SG41 DFP version in package.yml
- None
- Fixed unavailable GLCK IO signals issue for PIC32CZ-CA devices
- Updated default value of BOR Trip points FUSEs for PIC32CZ-CA devices
- Fixed MISRA-C violations in TC PLIB and SAMG55 clock
- Fixed PORT PIN enum code generation issue
- Updated PIC32CZ-CA80, PIC32CZ-CA90 and PIC32CZ-CA91 version in package.yml
- None
- Fixed EVSYS register name in secure project for PIC32CM-LS devices
- Fixed issue in SAMV7x pin manager UI
- Updated PIC32CZ-CA80, PIC32CZ-CA90 and SAMR21 DFP version in package.yml
- None
- Fixed CLOCK, PORT PLIBs and pin configuration UI issues for PIC32CZ-CA devices
- Added 64 pin part support for PIC32CX-SG41 device
- Updated PIC32CX-SG41 and PIC32CZ-CA91 DFP version in package.yml
- None
- Fixed Clock PLIB issue for SAM9X75, PIC32CK-GC/SG and PIC32CZ-CA devices
- Fixed ADC, PIO and TC PLIB build issue for SAM9X75 devices
- Fixed SUPC PLIB issue for PIC32CX-MT devices
- Updated TC, TMR, TMR1, CORETIMER, NVIC, EVIC, AIC and GIC PLIB for DVRT support
- Updated SAM9X7, PIC32CZ-CA70 and PIC32CZ-MC70 DFP version in package.yml
- New part support - This release introduces support for
- Enhancements to ADC and PWM PLIBs for Harmony QSpin support
- Updated TCC PLIB to connect with Time System Service
- Fixed baudrate issue in DBGU PLIB
- None
For SAMA7D65 and WBZ451H family of devices:
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.20 or higher
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v4.40
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Code Configurator 5.5.1 or higher
For all other parts:
- Same as v3.18.0
- None
- None
- Fixed peripheral security attributes and FUSEs for PIC32CK-SG devices
- Fixed AC, EVSYS and DMAC PLIB build issues for PIC32CK-SG devices
- Fixed FCW and FCR read routine by adding cache invalidate operation
- None
- Fixed general exception handler and NVM erase/write APIs for PIC32MZ-W devices.
- None
- Forcing all MPU applications to build with ARM mode.
- Version dependencies for the following DFPs are updated
- SAMA5D2_DFP to version 1.10.213
- Fixed MISRA-C violations in plibs
- Removed hard-coding in trustzone project paths
- Bug fixes
- Version dependencies for the following DFPs are updated
- PIC32CX-MT_DFP to version 1.3.132
- Removed dependency on dev_packs package
- Version dependencies for the following DFPs are updated
- PIC32CX-BZ_DFP to version 1.3.238
- PIC32CX-BZ3_DFP to version 1.1.171
New part support - This release introduces support for
- PIC32CZ CA91
- PIC32MZ W1 2MB part
- CEC1734 S0 2HW/2ZW parts
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
New Features and Enhancements
- For the CEC173X device
- Added SPI master mode support in QMSPI PLib.
- Added SPI peripheral target (SPT) PLib support.
- Updated SMBUS PLib to return the PEC byte to the application.
- For the CEC173X device
Same as v3.17.0 release
Same as v3.17.0 release
- None
New part support - This release introduces support for
- PIC32CM LE/LS 128 KB parts
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
New Features and Enhancements
- MISRA-C 2012 mandatory and required rules compliance for all Peripheral Libraries in MCUs and MPUs
- Link-time optimization (LTO) support in CSP
- DMA CRC support in PIC32CZ-CA
- Added support for ADC temperature sensor channel in SAM SAM E7X/S7X/V7X devices
- Bug fixes and enhancements
The current known issues are as follows:
- The following product families specifically requires the below mentioned DFP versions to be installed with MPLABX v6.05. It is always recommended to use the latest version of DFPs for all products provided by Microchip.
- SAMA7G5 Family: SAMA7G5 DFP v1.2.176 or higher
- PIC32CZ-CA80 Family: PIC32CZ-CA80 DFP v1.2.150 or higher
- PIC32CZ-CA90 Family: PIC32CZ-CA80 DFP v1.3.150 or higher
- PIC32CK-GC Family: PIC32CK-GC DFP v1.0.131 or higher
- PIC32CK-SG Family: PIC32CK-SG DFP v1.0.141 or higher
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.05 or higher
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v4.21
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Code Configurator 5.3.0 or higher
- None
This release adds support for WDT, ICCT, Timer32, RTOS timer, Hibernation timer, Breathing LED, EC Register Bank and PWM peripheral libraries for CEC173x family of devices
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
- None
- Offline documentation is not available for this release. For documenation refer to MPLAB® Harmony Peripheral Libraries publication at onlinedocs.microchip.com
- Same as v3.16.0-E1
For CEC173x family of devices:
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.05
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v4.21
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Code Configurator 5.2.2
For all other parts:
- Same as v3.16.0-E1
- None
This engineering release adds TrustZone support for PIC32CK-SG family of devices
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
- None
- Same as v3.15.0
For PIC32CK-SG family of devices:
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.05
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v4.21
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Code Configurator 5.2.2
For all other parts:
- Same as v3.15.0
- None
This release adds support for PIC32CXMT family of devices
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
- None
- Same as v3.14.0
For PIC32CXMT family of devices:
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.05
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v4.21
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Code Configurator 5.2.2
For all other parts:
- Same as v3.14.0
- None
This engineering release adds support for the PIC32CK-GC/SG family of devices
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
- None
- Same as v3.14.0
- Same as v3.14.0
- None
This engineering release adds support for the following features in PIC32CZ-CA family of devices:
- CRC support in FCR Peripheral library
- Support for programming fuse bits
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
- None
- Same as v3.14.0
- Same as v3.14.0
- None
This release adds support for QMSPI, SMBUS and DMA peripheral libraries for CEC173x family of devices
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
- Updated the clock initialization routine in PIC32MZ-W1 devices
- Fixed SPI slave write issue on E70/S70/V70/V71 devices
- Same as v3.13.0
- Same as v3.13.0
- None
- N/A
- Fixed issue in serial setup API of UART Peripheral library for PIC32M devices whereby transmit and receive gets disabled after the API is called
- Fixed issue in PIO peripheral library when interrupt generation is enabled on multiple pins of the same port
- Fixed issue related to context save and restore in Azure RTOS ThreadX for PIC32M devices
- Fixed MISRA-C violations in a few peripheral libraries
- Same as v3.13.0
- Same as v3.13.0
New part support - This release introduces support for PIC32CM-JH, PIC32MK-MCA, PIC32CX-BZ2 family of wireless microcontrollers (MCUs) and WBZ451 modules, ATSAMA5D29, SAMA7G54
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
New Features and Enhancements
- MISRA-C 2012 required rules compliance for all M0+, M4F, M23 based MCUs
- Added ADC comparision mode in SAM E70/S70/V70/V71 and SAM G51/G53/G54/G55 Family of devices
- Added support for non-blocking delay in Systick Plib
- Added pin export feature to export pin configurations to a CSV file for all devices except PIC32M devices
The current known issues are as follows:
- The default/max clock for ATSAMG55 devices is changed from 120MHz to 100MHz. Some of the clock dependent peripheral configuration may need to be verified/updated.
- The following product families specifically requires the below mentioned DFP versions to be installed with MPLABX v6.00. It is always recommended to use the latest version of DFPs for all products provided by Microchip.
- CEC173x Family: CEC DFP v1.5.142 or higher
- PIC32CX-BZ2 family of wireless microcontrollers (MCUs) and WBZ451 modules: PIC32CX-BZ DFP 1.0.107 or higher
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.00
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v4.10
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Code Configurator 5.1.9 or higher
- None
New part support - This release adds basic support (clock, pin, interrupts and UART Peripheral library) for CEC173x family of devices
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
New Features and Enhancements
- None
- Same as v3.11.0
For CEC173x family of devices:
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.00
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v4.00
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Code Configurator 5.1.2
For LAN9255:
- Same as v3.11.0
For all other parts:
- Same as v3.10.0
- None
New part support - This release introduces support for LAN9255
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
- All MPLAB X applications are updated to work with both MHC and MCC tools.
New Features and Enhancements
- None
The current known issues are as follows:
- Same as v3.10.0
- With XC32 v4.00, any stdio library functions that reference "stdin" generates a warning message "warning: read is not implemented and will always fail". As a result, any function that reads from standard input does not work. XC32 v3.01 may be used to read from standard input.
For LAN9255:
- MPLAB® X IDE v6.00
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v4.00
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Code Configurator 5.1.1
For all other parts:
- Same as v3.10.0
- None
New part support - This release introduces support for PIC32MM, WFI32E01 and SAMRH707
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
- All MPLAB X applications are updated to work with both MHC and MCC tools.
New Features and Enhancements
- Added CMSIS v5.8.0 Support
- Added blocking millisecond and microsecond delay APIs for MCU and MPU products
- Added DMA mode support, Digital Comparator and Digital Filter support in ADCHS peripheral library used in PIC32MZ and PIC32MK products
- Added polled mode support in DMA peripheral library
- Added edge interrupt support for PIC32M/PIC32C products
The current known issues are as follows:
- Simplified the API for CAN and MCAN peripheral library used in MCU and MPU products based on ARM Cortex-M and Cortex-A series processor. Configuration option is provided to generate older version of API and the old APIs will be deprecated in the future release.
- The following product families specifically requires the below mentioned DFP versions to be installed with MPLABX v5.50. It is always recommended to use the latest version of DFPs for all products provided by Microchip.
- SAM L11 Family: SAML11 DFP v4.3.139 or higher
- SAM RH707 Family: SAMRH707 DFP 1.0.28 or higher
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.50
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v3.01
- IAR EWARM v8.50
- KEIL MDK v5.31
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.8.0
- None
- N/A
- Fixed issues reported by MPLAB XC32 Compiler v3.00 in HSMCI and PIO
- Same as v3.9.0
- Same as v3.9.0
New part support - This release introduces support for PIC32MX3/4, SAM R21, SAM R30, and SAM R34/R35 families of 32-bit microcontrollers.
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embedded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
New Features and Enhancements
- Added Compatibility with C++
- Added SPI Slave support for FLEXCOM and SPI peripheral
- Added I2C Slave support for FLEXCOM and TWIHS peripheral
- Added 9-bit UART mode support
- Added UART FIFO support for FLEXCOM peripheral
- Added SPI FIFO and multiple chip-select support for FLEXCOM and SPI peripheral
- Added CRC support for DMA peripheral
- Added Timer, Compare and Capture mode support for TCC peripheral
- Added DWT peripheral library for Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7
- Added support to configure security bit to lock FLASH memory for SAM MCUs
- Added Power peripheral library to support low power mode for PIC32M MCUs
- Added support for DMA chaining, Auto-enable, Half-done and pattern match features in PIC32M DMA peripheral
The current known issues are as follows:
- PIC32M SPI peripheral library is updated to allow only IO pins with SSEN function as the chip select lines in slave mode. If the SPI slave mode is used in PIC32M, then SPI component must be re-configured by removing from the project graph and then re-adding it.
- Clock PLIB on SAM D20 is updated to use DFLL in closed loop mode by default. This requires enabling the internal 8 MHZ Oscillator clock source for GLCK1 in MHC Clock configurator, which is used as a reference clock for DFLL.
- The following product families specifically requires the below mentioned DFP versions to be installed with MPLABX v5.45. It is always recommended to use the latest version of DFPs for all products provided by Microchip.
- SAM 9X6 Family: SAM9X6 DFP v1.5.50 or higher
- SAM A5D2 Family: SAMA5D2 DFP 1.5.53 or higher
- SAM D51 Family: SAMD51 DFP v3.4.91 or higher
- SAM E51 Family: SAME51 DFP v3.4.98 or higher
- SAM E53 Family: SAME53 DFP v3.4.79 or higher
- SAM E54 Family: SAME54 DFP v3.5.87 or higher
- PIC32MZ-W Family: PIC32MZ-W DFP v1.4.193 or higher
- CANFD peripheral library data types are updated to support co-existence of CAN and CANFD peripheral in the same MCU. Applications that use CANFD peripheral in PIC32M devices should be updated to use the new data types.
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.45
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.50
- IAR EWARM v8.50
- KEIL MDK v5.31
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.7.0
- Removed weak declaration for interrupts that are enabled in NVIC to enforce definition of interrupt handlers for MISRA C Required rules compliance. Any interrupts that are enabled without a corresponding interrupt handler will result in build error and hence the unused interrupts must be disabled.
- Same as v3.8.2
- Fixed compiler warnings in QEI PLib
- Same as v3.8.2
- Same as v3.8.2
- Same as v3.8.1
- Fixed issues related to clock and NVM wait states
- Same as v3.8.1
- Same as v3.8.1
- Updated supported product families
- N/A
- Same as v3.8.0
- Same as v3.8.0
New part support - This release introduces support for SAM A5D2 SiP/SOM and SAM R34/R35 products.
- MPLAB Harmony provides large number of application examples to accelerate learning and reduce the development cycles for your embeeded systems with reusable software components. The applications examples are moved to the product family specific repository.
New Features and Enhancements
- I2C HS mode (3.4 Mbps) support for SERCOM peripheral
- SPI Slave support for SERCOM peripheral
- LIN Master and LIN Slave support for SERCOM peripheral
- I2C Slave support for PIC32M devices
- SPI Slave support for PIC32M devices
- CLC Peripheral library for PIC32MK product
- Shadow Register support for PIC32M devices
- External interrupt support for PIC32M devices
- Reset Peripheral library for PIC32M devices
- Single-lane transfer mode for SQI peripheral
The current known issues are as follows:
- Default linker file is added to the MPLAB X projects. The applications that uses custom linker script must disable the linker file generation.
- The following product family requires newer DFP version to be downloaded from packs server and to be used in the MPLAB project to build with MPLAB X IDE v5.4.
- SAM L21 Family: SAML21_DFP v3.4.80
- SAM L22 Family: SAML22_DFP v3.4.59
- SAM L10/L11 Family: SAML10_DFP v3.3.82, SAML11_DFP v4.0.114
- PIC32MK MCM/GPK Family: PIC32MK-GP_DFP v1.4.117, PIC32MK-MC_DFP v1.5.115
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.40
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.41
- IAR EWARM v8.50
- KEIL MDK v5.29
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.6.0
- N/A
- Fixed UART ring buffer transmit interrupt related issue.
- Same as v3.7.0
- Same as v3.7.0
New part support - This release introduces support for the following devices
New Features and Enhancements
- Ring buffer support for UART peripheral
- IAR EWARM Projects for Cortex-M MCU, SAM A5D2 MPU and SAM 9X60 MPU devices
- KEIL MDK Projects for Cortex-M MCU devices
- Updated demos to use newlib-nano with XC32
- Created group project with at91bootloader for SAM A5D2 MPU to debug with MPLAB X IDE
Development kit and demo application support - The following table provides number of peripheral library examples available for different development kits and toolchain.
The current known issues are as follows:
IAR application examples build with a warning message:
Warning[Pe111]: statement is unreachable for return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); statement of main() in IAR
When using MPLABx to program/debug SAMA5D27C projects
- "Run project" feature is not supported. Clicking on the "Run Project" button will not run the application on the target board.
- "Step out" feature is not supported. Clicking on the "Step Out" button (or pressing Ctrl + F7) while debugging an application will not move the program counter.
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.4
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.41
- IAR EWARM v8.50
- KEIL MDK v5.29
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.5.0
- Regenerated PIC32MK MCJ Family Applications to work with updated Board
- None
- Same as v3.6.0
- Same as v3.6.0
New part support - This release introduces support for SAM HA1, SAM9x60 SiPs, SAM G51, SAM G53, SAM G54, and PIC32MZ W1 families of 32-bit microcontrollers.
New Features and Enhancements
- Added I2C slave support for SERCOM peripheral library
- Added SPI mode support for QSPI peripheral library
- Added Normal Frequency and Normal PWM mode support for TC peripheral library
- Added timestamp support for CAN and MCAN peripheral library
- Added hall mode support for PDEC peripheral library
- Added XC32 support for SAM9x60 device
Development kit and demo application support - The following table provides number of peripheral library examples available for different development kits
The current known issues are as follows:
- Use MPLAB X IDE V5.25 with SAM D10 Xplained Mini, SAM RH71 and SAM DA1 Xplained Pro.
- SAM HA1 and PIC32MZ W1 will be supported in the next version of MPLAB X IDE release.
- ATSAMA5D2C and SAM9X60 example applications build with a warning message:
Warning[Pe111]: statement is unreachable for return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); statement of main() in IAR
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.3
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.30
- IAR Embedded Workbench® for ARM® v8.4
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.4.1
- N/A
- Fixed issue with Pin Manager hanging in some cases.
- Same as v3.5.1
- Same as v3.5.1
- N/A
- Fixed documentation and PLIB of gpio_01166 (PIC32MX7)
- Fixed API documentation for missing XXX_I2C_TransferSetup
- Fixed wrong clock generation for SAM G55 and SAM D11
- Fixed NVMCTRL PLIB for SAM E54
- Fixed SAM RH71 startup code, HEMC PLIB template and TC clock configuration
- Fixed SDI1 pin-setting for SPI in PIC32MX270F256B
- Fixed multiple issues in CAN_03247 and CAN_01152 (PIC32Mxx)
- Same as v3.5.0
- Same as v3.5.0
New part support - This release introduces support for SAM DA1, SAM D09/D10/D11, PIC32MX5XX/6XX/7XX, PIC32MK GPH/GPG/MCJ, PIC32MK GPK/GPL/MCM, and SAM RH71 families of 32-bit microcontrollers.
Development kit and demo application support - The following table provides number of peripheral library application available for different development kits
The current known issues are as follows:
- Configuration fuse macros are not generated for SAM D09/D10/D11 devices.
- PIC32MK GPK/GPL/MCM and SAM RH71 will be supported in the next version of MPLAB X IDE release.
- Interactive help using the Show User Manual Entry in the Right-click menu for configuration options provided by this module is not yet available from within the MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC). Please see the Configuring the Library section in the help documentation in the doc folder for this Harmony 3 module instead. Help is available in CHM format.
- ATSAMA5D2C and SAM9X60 example applications build with a warning message:
Warning[Pe111]: statement is unreachable for return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); statement of main() in IAR
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.25
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.30
- IAR Embedded Workbench® for ARM® v8.4
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.3.0.0 and above.
New part support - This release introduces initial support for SAML10 and SAMG55 families of 32-bit microcontrollers and Support for ATSAMD21E17D, ATSAMD21E17DU, ATSAMD21G17D, ATSAMD21J17D, ATSAMD21E17L, ATSAMD21G17L has been added.
Development kit and demo application support - The following table provides number of peripheral library application available for different development kits
The current known issues are as follows:
- Interactive help using the Show User Manual Entry in the Right-click menu for configuration options provided by this module is not yet available from within the MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC). Please see the Configuring the Library section in the help documentation in the doc folder for this Harmony 3 module instead. Help is available in both CHM and PDF formats.
- ATSAMA5D2C and SAM9X60 example applications build with a warning message:
Warning[Pe111]: statement is unreachable for return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); statement of main() in IAR
- Preliminary support added for ATSAMA5D2C using MPLAB X and XC32. This complete tooling support will be added in future release of MPLAB X.
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.20
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.20
- IAR Embedded Workbench® for ARM® (v8.32 or above)
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.3.0.0 and above.
New part support - This release introduces initial support for SAML21, SAML22, PIC32MX 1/2/5, PIC32MX 1/2 XLP, PIC32MX 3/4 families of 32-bit microcontrollers and SAM9X60 family of 32-bit microprocessors.
Development kit and demo application support - The following table provides number of peripheral library application available for different development kits
The current known issues are as follows:
- Flash wait states are now calculated as part of respective flash Plib(EFC/NVMCTRL) instead of clock manager for SAM microcontrollers. Older projects must be reconfigured to add the respective Flash Plib to the project graph.
- Interactive help using the Show User Manual Entry in the Right-click menu for configuration options provided by this module is not yet available from within the MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC). Please see the Configuring the Library section in the help documentation in the doc folder for this Harmony 3 module instead. Help is available in both CHM and PDF formats.
- ATSAMA5D2C and SAM9X60 example applications build with a warning message:
Warning[Pe111]: statement is unreachable for return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); statement of main() in IAR
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.20
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.20
- IAR Embedded Workbench® for ARM® (v8.32 or above)
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.3.0.0 and above.
New part support - This release introduces initial support for PIC32MK family of 32-bit microcontrollers.
Development kit and demo application support - The following table provides number of peripheral library application available for different development kits
The current known issues are as follows:
- Programming and debugging through PKOB is not yet supported for PIC32MZ DA, need to use external debugger (ICD4).
- PIC32MZ DA device family will be supported by next version of XC32 compiler.
- The ICD4 loads the reset line of the SAM V71 Xplained Ultra board. The ICD4 flex cable must be removed after programming the device to run the application.
- Interactive help using the Show User Manual Entry in the Right-click menu for configuration options provided by this module is not yet available from within the MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC). Please see the Configuring the Library section in the help documentation in the doc folder for this Harmony 3 module instead. Help is available in both CHM and PDF formats.
- ATSAMA5D2C example applications build with a warning message:
Warning[Pe111]: statement is unreachable for return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); statement of main() in IAR
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.15
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.15
- IAR Embedded Workbench® for ARM® (v8.32 or above)
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.2.0.0 and above.
New part support - This release introduces initial support for SAME5x, SAMD5x, SAMA5D2, PIC32MZ EF, PIC32MZ DA families of 32-bit microcontrollers.
Development kit and demo application support - The following table provides number of peripheral library application available for different development kits
The current known issues are as follows:
- Programming and debugging through PKOB is not yet supported for PIC32MZ DA, need to use external debugger (ICD4)
- PIC32MZ DA device family will be supported by next version of XC32 compiler.
- The ICD4 loads the reset line of the SAM V71 Xplained Ultra board. The ICD4 flex cable must be removed after programming the device to run the application.
- Interactive help using the Show User Manual Entry in the Right-click menu for configuration options provided by this module is not yet available from within the MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC). Please see the Configuring the Library section in the help documentation in the doc folder for this Harmony 3 module instead. Help is available in both CHM and PDF formats.
- ATSAMA5D2C example applications build with a warning message:
Warning[Pe111]: statement is unreachable for return ( EXIT_FAILURE ); statement of main() in IAR
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.15
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.15
- IAR Embedded Workbench® for ARM® (v8.32 or above)
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.2.0.0 and above.
New part support -This release introduces initial support for SAM C20/C21, SAM D20/D21, SAM S70, SAM E70, SAM V70/V71 families of 32-bit microcontrollers.
Development kit and demo application support - The following table provides number of peripheral library application available for different development kits
Development Kits Number of applications SAM C21N Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit 38 SAM D20 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit 32 SAM D21 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit 26 SAM E70 Xplained Ultra Evaluation Kit 39 SAM V71 Xplained Ultra Evaluation Kit 36
The current known issues are as follows:
- Programming and debugging through EDBG is not supported. The ICD4 needs to be used for programming and debugging.
- The ICD4 loads the reset line of the SAM V71 Xplained Ultra board. The ICD4 flex cable must be removed after programming the device to run the application.
- Interactive help using the Show User Manual Entry in the Right-click menu for configuration options provided by this module is not yet available from within the MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC). Please see the Configuring the Library section in the help documentation in the doc folder for this Harmony 3 module instead. Help is available in both CHM and PDF formats.
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.10
- MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler v2.15
- MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins:
- MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) v3.1.0 and above.