Contributing to the MM manual is very welcome. The data will be managed here on Github and after approval automatically at Readthedocs to an HTML page as MM-Handbook.
The easiest way to contribute to the manual is via a Github account with which changes or completely new pages as a ‘pull request’ (PR).
For minor changes to the page displayed in the manual, you can follow the link ‘Edit on GitHub’ at the top right and edit the text directly in the browser and create a PR.
For more extensive changes or completely new articles, it is recommended to create a fork of the manual and edit the clone locally. Feel free to take a look at an existing file - you can usually see the structure and formatting quite well.
Alternatively, you can also send your article to [email protected].
The texts are labelled in reStructuredText, which is similar to Markdown. The conversion on the page Readthedocs page is performed by the tool ‘Sphinx’. If you wish, you can also install Sphinx locally and convert the entire manual into the desired format such as HTML, EPUB, PDF, etc.
The text should address the reader in a neutral way - usually with ‘man’.
Please avoid nested sentences and divide longer paragraphs into logical blocks.
After writing a new article, ‘re-click’ the instructions yourself - this will help you find gaps and errors in the process.
H1 Headline
H2 Headline
H3 Headline
Images are in the folder _img/screenshots/..
Insert in the text via ‘replacement token’ e.g. Lorem ipsum |img_multi-textfilter_01|
bla bla...
and at the bottom of the page
.. |img_multi-textfilter_01| image:: /_img/screenshots/cookbook/filter/multi-textfilter_01.jpg
Inline: as :code:`das ist mein code`
.. code-block:: php
// Redirect if data empty.
if (!count($this->data)) {
$pageId = 42; // Page id
$page = \Contao\PageModel::findByPK($pageId);
$pageURL = $page->getFrontendUrl();
Please note that the first indentation is three spaces. When specifying ‘code-block’, other specifications are also possible such as css, yaml, xml are also possible.
above the heading to be linked
.. _rst_features:
insert as link e.g. via
or with your own link text
:ref:`Neue Funktionen <rst_features>`
external links:
`Contao <>`_
obviously there is no way to specify the ‘target’ attribute...