- d2bs allows manual playing
- use these parameters in the profile, and no script will be loaded.
-L -w
- it's a starter script for manual play.
- you have to manually login into account and create or join game.
- it gives you some improvements like:
- reveals map
- loads chicken/potion/fastmod from character config
- shows ping
- shows game time
- shows vectors
- displays IP
- with numpad key 0 - goes to next area
- with numpad key 1 - goes to previous area
- with numpad key 2 - goes to wp and grab it (if possible)
- with numpad key 3 - goes to boss from quest (if possible)
- with numpad key 7 - disables monsters
- with numpad key 8 - disables vectors
- to see all details properly, change the resolution to 800x600 in game settings!
- if you wanna view maps + monsters while you are pressing < ALT > key you have to search to the line 727 of kolbot\tools\MapThread.js and to remove the 0x0D code. After that line is looking:
hideFlags = [0x09, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x18, 0x19, 0x21];
- it's another script for manual play with description in this saved html file or pdf format.
- How to use (from bh topic):
- copy the code from @Laz - pull-request or from laz repo, and save it in a new file named "Manual.js" in "libs/bots" folder
- in your character's config add "Scripts.Manual = true;"
- use d2botblank as starter/entry point/.dbj for the profile.
- in d2bs.ini (located in kolbot/d2bs) set "UseGamePrint=true", otherwise you won't see anything useful ingame.
- if you wanna view maps + monsters while you are pressing < ALT > key you have to search to the line 727 of kolbot\tools\MapThread.js and to remove the 0x0D code. After that line is looking:
hideFlags = [0x09, 0x0C, 0x01, 0x02, 0x0F, 0x18, 0x19, 0x21];
you can run your leader and to have up to other 7 followers in your game. check multi-botting