you need these to be installed:
install Tortoise SVN
on your local hard drive, create a folder for D2BS and name it whatever you want.
R-click that folder
and use SVN Checkout...
at (! use this link only for Tortoise SVN, for browser it become
- using will have the result of downloading the whole tree of repository.
let the default option for Checkout Depth drop down list = Fully recursive
press "OK".
- after download is finished, open that folder and R-click D2Bot.exe and click Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)
R-click the D2Bot.exe shortcut and choose Properties. follow the 4th steps
for Win 8 if you get issues, choose either "Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows 7"
- download the d2bot-with-kolbot files using tortoiseSVN
- use SVN Update option when R-click the d2bs(d2bot-with-kolbot) folder