Completely over-the-top solution to offline editing of FFXIV macros in the authentic font.
A from-scratch text editor implemented in HTML Canvas so we can use the sprite-based fonts extracted from FFXIV (which it uses instead of vector/TTF-based fonts).
- There's some order of delete/insert (maybe clipboard) that doesn't create two undo states, just one
- Moving the cursor doesn't finalise the previous undo state so insert > move > insert is a single state
- Scrolling from keyboard navigation isn't quite working (down arrow, at least)
- Cursor not restored correctly when undo/redoing
- Mouse events are firing on the scrollbars
- Save New isn't working properly (might not be setting deleted=false, but also console errors)
- If the screen is to wide for both editor and glyph picker to be in one row, it doesn't scroll properly
- Selection information doesn't work on column selections where the caret is to the left of the anchor
[x] CPU usage wtf [x] Drop insertion point drawn in the wrong place at the end of a line [x] Show/hide whitespace not toggling [x] Re-implement autoscroll in refactored editor
Vague list of features still to implement
Migrate off CRA to Next.js, Gatsby or ??? [x] Kerning [x] Character picker (slightly better one, but performance suffers) [x] Line wrapping and/or scrolling [~] Refactor control key bindings in TextEditor [x] Last character in selection should select max of g.w/g.advanceWidth (vertical line have a huge +ve right margin) [x] Insert by drag/drop or glyph picker should be its own Undo state [x] Always show cursor (maybe don't blink if not focused?) [x] Styling via CSS (including ::selection) [x] Drag and drop from glyph picker into editor window
Zoom button as well as font size
Add the Lodestone's icon font to the page so we can render it in title fields, input boxes etc (not usable for everything because it's only the private codepage and they don't put out the rest of Axis, so all other charcaters are wrong) [x] Text colour [x] Optimise rendering [x] Only render what's changed
- Do a full redraw on requestAnimationFrame but only redraw if needed (would get around not being able to spot CSS changes) [x] Column-mode selection, multiple selections
- Selecting zero characters on multiple rows produces multiple cursors
- Copy/paste gets interesting. Desired/imitated behaviour (notepad++, seems to cheat and use internal flag to differentiate):
- Paste with no selection: insert first row of clipboard data at current caret, each subsequent row in the same column further down
- Paste with active selection: delete all active selections, then paste as if no selection above
- VSCode does it differently:
- Paste with no selection: insert as if it was a regular text w/ newlines
- Paste with selection that has the same number of rows: delete and replace with [x] Refactor TextEditor/TextModel more thoroughly into MVC split [x] Model knows about glyphs and pixels [x] View is just the canvas/render stuff [x] Control is the event handlers [x] Refactor the cursor/coordinate/x/y complexity into something cleaner [x] Use visual position rather than column during vertical cursor movement (?) [x] Switch to dynamically loading fonts and spritesheet (rather than the huge bundles we're currently making) [That was far more complicated than it had any right to be] [x] Anything involving the mouse
Double-click to selet a word, triple-click to select line, quad for whole document [x] Dropping text (easy) [x] Dragging text (why not! Seems easy enough) [you fool. You utter rube.]
Input mode for entering unicode
More shortcuts for commonly used glyphs (vertical/horizontal lines, letters/numbers in boxes)
Form association ( [x] Refactor to make all functions that use TextEditor.font etc take a custom this: type declaration [ Messy but worked ] [x] Status bar with current cursor and pixel position
- No. of lines selected [x] View whitespace (U+00B7 for short space, something for long space) [x] Common glyphs as well as full browser (types of space, the lines, ???)
Glyph picker enhancements
- Don't auto-sort glyphs in sections so we can have all the spaces at the start of the 'useful' section
- OR remove them from 'useful' and put them in the "insert some space" button list
- Kerning class/table
- unicode names for glyph picker tooltip
- Double-click to insert should un-pin the tooltip
- Close button when the tooltip is pinned
- Double-clicking repeatedly doesn't insert as often as you'd expect
- Don't auto-sort glyphs in sections so we can have all the spaces at the start of the 'useful' section
Ctrl-B to cycle between thin and thick lines within selection
Separate glyph browser page?
Help/tips page(s)?
Command to attempt to increase or decrease the length of a selection by replacing spaces/wide spaces
List of possible pixel-width spaces and buttons to insert them (3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14[, 15, 16 etc all trivial from here]) [x] Replace character picker with a canvas-based solution [x] Drag/drop still needed on new glyph picker [x] Tooltips on character picker to show glyph dimensions [x] Split App.tsx up into components [x] Make a proper React component wrapper around text-editor [x] onChange event from text-editor to make that work better
- Would making the statusbar a memo()d component improve performance? [x] Start using MUI [x] Keep is a good template to take inspiration from
Overlays for common chat window sizes
- Mine is ~466x189px, most standard macros seem to come up maybe a bit shorter [x] Dark theme
Further UI improvements
- Remove app bar, replace with small title box
- Left panel for logins, hidden if logged out
- Move glyphs etc. to right drawer?
Amusing default macro contents
Line count in status bar (and warn if >15)
Move web component to asset-loaded CSS [~] Saving and loading macros with firebase storeage or similar
- 'New' button
- Delete button
- Mark dirty
- Warn on load/navigate away
- Disable save unless dirty
- Auto-saving drafts (including for anonymous users)
- More fields on documents:
[x] Created/last modified
[x] Owner
- Tags
- Disabling stuff when load/save is in progress
- Shippable alpha auth/user state:
- No signups
- Signin button reasonably well hidden
- Save buttons removed
- Remove anonymous auth (? browser-local storage of current editor probably achieves the same thing)
- BUT if we want last-editor-state/drafts to persist to account then maybe not...
- Beta:
- Signup via e-mail/google/???
- Can only view own macros [~] Authentication and user management
- Privacy policy and ToS :<
- Upgrading anonymous users (merge by assigning all anonymous user's macros to existing auth)
- Move away from firebase-ui as it's a bit rubbish, but doing it by hand will really suck
- Loading/browsing could eventually use something like for lazy loading
Icons from
Tags for macros. Use XIVAPI for lists of applicable tags?
- Class/job:
- Trials and Raids:,ContentFinderCondition.ContentType.ID%3C=5&pretty=1 (note this only has the latest Unreal on the list so that's a bit of a pain) [~] Icon browser for /micon selection (XIVAPI again) [x] Better favicons ( - 32, 128, 180, 192px