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Cards Against Humanity: In OCaml. Need I say anymore?



Cards Against Humanity is a card game (based on the popular family card game “Apples to Apples”) that pushes the bounds of friendship and political correctness through the incorrect and explicit juxtaposition of frankly unrelated objects in a very unusual (and often obscene) context. In other words, Cards Against Humanity is the game you don’t want your mother to know you play.

How to Start

First navigate into the folder CardsAgainstOcaml.


######Update 5/19/16: Directions for compilation on Ubuntu ----External Dependencies---- (Optional, only if you do not have these tools)

  • sudo apt-get install gtk+2.0

----Installing OCaml via OPAM---- (If you already have OCaml installed via OPAM, you can skip this step)

  • sudo apt-get install ocaml
  • sudo apt-get install opam
  • opam init
  • opam install ocaml

----Installing dependencies---- (Only install the ones you don't already have)

  • sudo apt-get install liblablgtk2-ocaml-dev
  • opam depext conf-m4.1
  • opam install cohttp async
  • opam install yojson
  • opam install lablgtk2

Clone the repo!

----Automatic, quick compile---- (Once in the directory)

  • chmod +x
  • ./

----Running the program!---- ocamlrun server.byte - First step, to start the server in the background ocamlrun gui.byte - Run as many of these as you like, and connect them to the server ocamlrun botgui.byte - Run as many of these as you like, and connect them to the server

####Original Directions for compilation on the CS 3110 Course VM If you just want to get the basic game running quickly without understanding why:

  • cs3110 compile
  • cs3110 compile
  • cs3110 run
  • (In a new terminal) cs3110 run (Do this one time for each player)

When there are multiple people connected to the server, start the game.

Also, make sure that you have all the dependencies needed such as (but are not limited to)

  • CoHTTP 0.19.2
  • CoHTTP Async 0.19.2
  • YoJSON


In terminal run:

  • cs3110 compile
  • cs3110 run

This should start up the server. If properly started, you should see a message telling you what port the server was started on (default to 8080). If 8080 is in use already, then this will not work. The server MUST be started before anyone can connnect or join the game.


In a new terminal (other than the one running server), run:

  • cs3110 compile
  • cs3110 run

This should launch the GUI. From the GUI, type in the ip address of the server you want to connect to (this defaults to localhost). Press the "Click to connect to server!" button. If you get the message "You are now connected", then feel free to start the game when all players are ready.


To start up a bot, from the same machine that is running the server, run:

  • cs3110 compile
  • cs3110 run --[name of json trainer file]

You can also run in order to start a bot:

  • cs3110 compile
  • cs3110 run

Enter the parameters necessary.

How to Play

If you are a player, then simply click on the white card that you feel would best complete or answer the black card. If you are the judge, wait for players to submit their responses; then click the answer you feel best responds to the black card (or is the sickest). Scores are noted in the top right, and if you would like to see old winners, click the button and a log of old winners will be shown.


Using Different Decks

If you would like to play with different decks, you can modify the white.json and black.json files within the folder. This will modify the decks that you play with. [WARNING] This will break the bot. The bot is only trained to play with the base. If you add expansions or modify the deck in anyway, DO NOT START A BOT.

Changing Bot Playstyle

If you would like to change how the bot is trained, modify the file called trainer.json. To do so, you can play around with the Python script we used to originally train the bot, which is found here