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The following README will guide you on how to use the provided Terraform plan to deploy an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Kubernetes Engine cluster and connected it as an Azure Arc cluster resource.


  • Clone this repo

    git clone
  • Install and Configure AWS CLI

  • Install wget package (required for the eks module)

  • Install AWS IAM Authenticator

  • Install or update Azure CLI. Azure CLI should be running version 2.7 or later. Use az --version to check your current installed version.

  • Create a free Amazon Web Service's account

  • Install Helm 3

  • Install Terraform >=0.12

  • Create Azure Service Principal (SP)

    To connect a Kubernetes cluster to Azure Arc, Azure Service Principal assigned with the "Contributor" role is required. To create it, login to your Azure account run the below command (this can also be done in Azure Cloud Shell).

    az login
    az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "<Unique SP Name>" --role contributor

    For example:

    az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "http://AzureArcK8s" --role contributor

    Output should look like this:

    "displayName": "AzureArcK8s",
    "name": "http://AzureArcK8s",

    Note: It is optional but highly recommended to scope the SP to a specific Azure subscription and Resource Group

  • Enable subscription for two providers for Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes
    Registration is an asynchronous process, and registration may take approximately 10 minutes.

    az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Kubernetes
    Registering is still on-going. You can monitor using 'az provider show -n Microsoft.Kubernetes'
    az provider register --namespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration
    Registering is still on-going. You can monitor using 'az provider show -n Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration'

    You can monitor the registration process with the following commands:

    az provider show -n Microsoft.Kubernetes -o table
    az provider show -n Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration -o table
  • Install the Azure Arc for Kubernetes CLI extensions connectedk8s and k8sconfiguration:

    az extension add --name connectedk8s
    az extension add --name k8sconfiguration

Note: If you already used this guide before and/or have the extensions installed, use the az extension update --name connectedk8s and the az extension update --name k8sconfiguration commands.

  • Create AWS User IAM Key

    An access key grants programmatic access to your resources. To create an AWS Access Key for a user:

    1. Navigate to the IAM Access page.
    2. Select the Users from the side menu.
    3. Select the User you want to create the access key for.
    4. Select *Security credentials of the User selected.
    5. Under Access Keys select Create Access Keys, this will download the
    6. In the popup window it will show you the Access key ID and Secret access key. Save both of these values to configure AWS CLI later
    7. Set your credentials via the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, environment variables, representing your AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key.
        $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="anaccesskey"
        $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="asecretkey"
        $ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-west-2"


  • Navigate to the folder that has EKS terraform binaries.

    cd azure_arc_k8s_jumpstart/eks/terraform
  • Initialize Terraform
    Run the terraform init command which will initialize Terraform, creating the state file to track our work:

  • Deploy EKS
    Run the terraform apply --auto-approve command. Wait for the plan to finish:

  • Setting Up kubectl
    You will need the configuration output from Terraform in order to use kubectl to interact with your new cluster.
    Create your kube configuration directory, and output the configuration from Terraform into the config file using the Terraform output command:

    mkdir ~/.kube/
    terraform output kubeconfig>~/.kube/config

    Check to see if cluster is discoverable by kubectl by running:

    $ kubectl version
    Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"15", GitVersion:"v1.15.5", GitCommit:"20c265fef0741dd71a66480e35bd69f18351daea", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-10-15T19:16:51Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.10", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
    Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"16+", GitVersion:"v1.16.8-eks-e16311", GitCommit:"e163110a04dcb2f39c3325af96d019b4925419eb", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-03-27T22:37:12Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
  • Configure EKS Nodes to communicate to EKS Control Plane
    Now let’s add the ConfigMap to the cluster from Terraform as well. The ConfigMap is a Kubernetes configuration, in this case for granting access to our EKS cluster. This ConfigMap allows our ec2 instances in the cluster to communicate with the EKS master, as well as allowing our user account access to run commands against the cluster. You’ll run the Terraform output command to a file, and the kubectl apply command to apply that file:

    terraform output config_map_aws_auth > configmap.yml
    kubectl apply -f configmap.yml

    Once this is complete, you should see your nodes from your autoscaling group either starting to join or joined to the cluster. Once the second column reads Ready the node can have deployments pushed to it. Again, your output may vary here:

    kubectl get nodes -o wide

  • Finished Deploying EKS
    Once done, you will have a ready EKS cluster under the Elastic Kubernetes Service section in your AWS console.

Connecting to Azure Arc

Now that you have a running EKS cluster, lets connect the EKS cluster to Azure Arc by:

  • Login to previously created Service Principal

    az login --service-principal -u mySpnClientId -p mySpnClientSecret --tenant myTenantID
  • Create a resource group

    az group create --name arceksdemo -l EastUS -o table

    Note: Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes is currently supported in East US and West Europe

  • Deploy Arc binaries using Azure CLI:

    az connectedk8s connect --name arceksdemo --resource-group arceksdemo --location 'eastus' --tags 'Project=jumpstart_azure_arc_k8s'
  • Upon completion, you will have your EKS cluster connect as a new Azure Arc Kubernetes cluster resource in a new Resource Group.

Delete the deployment

In Azure, the most straightforward way is to delete the cluster or the Resource Group via the Azure Portal or through the CLI.

az group delete --name arceksdemo

On your AWS portal, select the cluster and delete it or alternatively, you can use the terraform destroy --auto-approve command.