This project is a extension of VITIS-HLS to manage clock automatically for low-power HLS design. Currently, only support Xilinx Ultrascale and Ultrascale+.
PLL/MMCM/BUFGCE_DIV selection automatically
#pragma HLS inputclk clk_src 10 void top(){ #pragma HLS clkdomain clk1 20 module_1(); #pragma HLS clkdomain clk2 15 module_2(); };
In this example, "clk_src" is connected to ap_clock. Since the frequency of "clk1" is 1/2 of "clk_src", the BUFGCE_DIV is used to generate it. For "clk2", PLL is used.
rst_sync Reset for each clock domain will be generated automatically.
- Insert CDC circuits between different clock domain. The CDC circuit selection depends on the INTERFACE type.
- FIFO interface: async-fifo
- BRAM interface: async-bram
- FSM :
- set FSM at the fasest clock domain
- expanding control signals
- syncronize the edge if they are pose-sensitive
- pipe for some states because of clock domain
- Updated original clock/reset related signals
Insert clock mux to generate a new clock domain
Generate selection signals
From high to low level
Skip sub-modules of dataflow modules
if a dataflow modules is well optimized for streaming, sub-modules will always run with father module.
based on Xilinx Power Estimator
install packages:
- pyverilog
cd to the path of a benchmark, modify the path of AutoClock
"make xclbin" to generate bitstream
"make host" to generate host.exe
"host.exe -xclbin top.xclbin" to run it on FPGA