Jenkins has a syntax generator that can aide in generating scripted pipeline
The syntax generator can generate the PiP setup for us, just follow these points:
- In the
sample step
choosecheckout: General SCM
- use
- Fill in the url to your repository - Github, bitbucket, gitlab etc.
- Choose the set of credentials you use with your repo
- In
Branches to build
choose thebranch specifier
to be*/ready/**
- In
Additional Behaviours
chooseUse Pretested Integration
, that should give two extra options. - As
integration branch
choose the name of your integration branch, normally it ismaster
- As
repository name
it should beorigin
- Click
Generate Pipeline Script
This should output a long line in the text field which you will use as the first step in the scripted pipeline. To push you changes add pretestedIntegration()
after the end of your job
This is an example of a pipeline script with a single pipeline job that does Pretested Integration, a mvn install and pushes the changes to the integration branch after the previous steps are successful.
node {
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/ready/**']], extensions: [pretestedIntegration(pretestedIntegration: squash(), integrationBranch: 'master', repoName: 'origin')], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'GitHub', url: '']]])
sh 'mvn install'