name | order |
Usage of persistent store |
5 |
There are a multiple way to use/create persistent stores.
This method allow to configure the storage by first creating it. This is particular useful for LocalStorage, SessionStorage, EncryptedStorage and ChromeStorage that have configuration.
NOTE: It's the only way to use EncryptedStorage and ChromeStorage
import {writable} from "svelte/store"
const persistedStore = persist(
writable("my value"),
writable("my value")
the store you want to persist<<storageCreateFunction()>>
one ofcreateLocalStorage
the key that will identify the store in the storage
declare function persist<T>(store: Writable<T>, storage: StorageInterface<T>, key: string): PersistentStore<T>
declare function createLocalStorage<T>(listenExternalChanges?: boolean): StorageInterface<T>
declare function createSessionStorage<T>(listenExternalChanges?: boolean): StorageInterface<T>
declare function createCookieStorage(): StorageInterface<any>
declare function createIndexedDBStorage<T>(): SelfUpdateStorageInterface<T>
declare function createEncryptedStorage<T>(
wrapped: StorageInterface<T>,
encryptionKey: string
): StorageInterface<T> | SelfUpdateStorageInterface<T>
declare function createChromeStorage<T>(
listenExternalChanges?: boolean
): SelfUpdateStorageInterface<T>
take a boolean as theirs first parameter (false
by default). If set totrue
the storage will listen for changes (of the stored value) in other pagescreateEncryptedStorage
have 2 parameters, the first one is the storage that you want to encrypt, the second is the encryption key to usecreateChromeStorage
have 2 optional parameters, the first one this the type of storage (local storage by default), the second (false
by default) if set totrue
the storage will listen for changes (of the stored value) in other pages
This method allow to use pre-created storage, configured with default options. This avoids creating multiple times the same storage
import {writable} from "svelte/store"
const persistedStore = <<persistFunction>>(
writable("my value"),
writable("my value")
the store you want to persist<<persistFunction>>
one ofpersistBrowserLocal
the key that will identify the store in the storage
declare function persistBrowserLocal<T>(store: Writable<T>, key: string): PersistentStore<T>
declare function persistBrowserSession<T>(store: Writable<T>, key: string): PersistentStore<T>
declare function persistCookie<T>(store: Writable<T>, cookieName: string): PersistentStore<T>
This method allow to quickly create a writable store without the boilerplate of creating a Svelte store and a Storage.
const persistedStore = <<writableFunction>>(
"my value"
"my value"
the value store you want to persist<<writableFunction>>
one oflocalWritable
the key that will identify the store in the storage
declare function localWritable<T>(key: string, initialValue?: T): PersistentStore<T>
declare function writable<T>(key: string, initialValue?: T): PersistentStore<T>
declare function sessionWritable<T>(key: string, initialValue?: T): PersistentStore<T>
declare function cookieWritable<T>(key: string, initialValue?: T): PersistentStore<T>
is an alias tolocalWritable
The long format allow you to use High order function principle.
The persist
(and also persistCookie
, persistBrowserSession
, persistBrowserLocal
) function is a high order function: it takes a parameter and return an augmented version of it.
As High order function return an augmented version of their parameter, they can be chained.
Imagine we have another lib that enhance a store (like @macfja/svelte-invalidable
) we can chain them:
import { invalidable } from "@macfja/svelte-invalidable"
import { persistBrowserLocal } from "@macfja/svelte-persistent-store"
import { writable } from "svelte/store"
const myStore = persistBrowserLocal(
invalidable(writable(0), () => Math.random()),
// $myStore will return a number
// myStore.invalidate() (added by @macfja/svelte-invalidable) still work
// The value or myStore is saved in the browser localStorage
With the full format (persist
only) you can also add encryption to a storage
import { persist, createLocalStorage, createEncryptedStorage } from "@macfja/svelte-persistent-store"
import { writable } from "svelte/store"
const storage = createEncryptedStorage(createLocalStorage(), "5368566D597133743677397A24432646")
const myStore = persist(writable(0), storage, "my-data-key")