- added authors, description, and reference section. closes #2 (c23716b)
- added example test files (722c721)
- added github actions (83dcc44)
- added log file export for all modules, closes #1 (94c1a5a)
- added module for R MSstats package (3a99ae1)
- added module to automatically retrieve proteome fasta file (aa00ca9)
- added module to clean up temp files after pipeline execution; fixes #1 (785f877)
- added module to generate HTML report from R markdown template (d239316)
- added module to sent email reports; closes #8 (04037a6)
- added more options to decoypyrat (89db96c)
- added new module to check sample sheet (b48cac4)
- added possibility to submit contrasts with samplesheet, fixes #3 (2f952e6)
- added protein summary tables to email report (d9c2512)
- added rule to gather module and env log files; env info added to report (f9b5897)
- added schmematic overview of pipeline; closes #2 (df4aec0)
- added support for PDF export, closes #7 (ef5f75e)
- added support to select workflow from sample type (11dd081)
- added yml config for sm workflow catalog (7cce96d)
- change license to MIT (d80702c)
- finished building basic HTML report with many different QC figures (b9bd8c7)
- improved report, QC figures and documentation (35c901a)
- major change in organisation, adding conda env definitions (6def601)
- major update to repo structure and dependencies (df35acc)
- streamlined snakefile regarding in/output paths, fixes #6 (c83e9f8)
- update catalog yml and snakemake options (9198719)