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Running tools with CWL

Here we will use cwltool and docker to run a toy workflow. We will extract the words from a pdf and draw a wordcloud with these.
This workflow has two steps; we will run the steps individually and together. These programs will run in a docker container on your laptop.

If we run

cwltool pdftotext.cwl

INFO /usr/local/bin/cwltool 1.0.20191123091325
INFO Resolved 'pdftotext.cwl' to 'file:///Users/ubuntu/Skyport2/CWL/wordcloud-tutorial/pdftotext.cwl'
usage: pdftotext.cwl [-h] --pdf PDF --text TEXT [job_order]
pdftotext.cwl: error: the following arguments are required: --pdf, --text

This downloads a docker (named commonworkflowlanguage/cwltool:latest) and runs cwltool. Cwltool checks if we have everything we need to run the pdftotext tool--and don't, since it has two mandatory arguments. Cwltool declines to start the mgrast/pdf2wordcloud:demo since it found we did not specify all of the required inputs.

Let us run pdftotext tool again, giving it arguments for the input file (demo.pdf) and the output (demo.txt):

cwltool pdftotext.cwl --pdf demo.pdf --text demo.txt

This time it produces loads of output:

    INFO /usr/local/bin/cwltool 1.0.20191123091325
    INFO Resolved 'pdftotext.cwl' to 'file:///Users/ubuntu/Skyport2-Workflows-Tutorial/Part3/CWL/pdftotext.cwl'
    INFO [job pdftotext.cwl] /tmp/vbx0dkp9$ docker \
        run \
        -i \
        --volume=/tmp/vbx0dkp9:/SbjxQI:rw \
        --volume=/tmp/gccrhk35:/tmp:rw \
        --volume=/Users/ubuntu/Skyport2-Workflows-Tutorial/Part3/CWL/demo.pdf:/var/lib/cwl/stgc935e0dc-56c4-4f1f-bd8e-1af67ee761f6/demo.pdf:ro \
        --workdir=/SbjxQI \
        --read-only=true \
        --user=0:0 \
        --rm \
        --env=TMPDIR=/tmp \
        --env=HOME=/SbjxQI \
        --cidfile=/tmp/41zgtg7y/20191206172536-305323.cid \
        mgrast/pdf2wordcloud:demo \
        pdftotext \
        /var/lib/cwl/stgc935e0dc-56c4-4f1f-bd8e-1af67ee761f6/demo.pdf \
    INFO [job pdftotext.cwl] Max memory used: 0MiB
    INFO [job pdftotext.cwl] completed success
        "extractedText": {
        "location": "file:///Users/ubuntu/Skyport2-Workflows-Tutorial/Part3/CWL/demo.txt",
        "basename": "demo.txt",
        "class": "File",
        "checksum": "sha1$b6272ceb6da71f9a1ed61069dfde46856851fb70",
        "size": 40649,
        "path": "/Users/ubuntu/Skyport2-Workflows-Tutorial/Part3/CWL/demo.txt"
        INFO Final process status is success

And one output file, demo.txt. Now we will run the second stage, wordcloud, which turns text into an image:

cwltool wordcloud.cwl --text demo.txt 

Which should create wordcloud.png

So far so good, we can run tools on our local machines, and we only had to install docker. We have prepared a tool description that runs both of these steps, going from pdf to wordcloud in one invokation:

cwltool pdf2wordcloud.cwl --pdf demo.pdf

This produces extracted.txt.png from the specified pdf.

Let's look at the cwl tool description:

#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
cwlVersion: v1.0

class:  CommandLineTool

# optional hints for CWL execution
# set execution environment for baseCommand
- class: DockerRequirement
  dockerPull: mgrast/pdf2wordcloud:demo

# required, name of command line tool
baseCommand: pdftotext

# required, input mapping
    type: File
    doc: PDF input file to extract text from
      position: 1
    type: string
    doc: Name for text output file
      position: 2

# output mapping
    type: File
      glob: $(inputs.text)

While the cwl description describes the tool and what it needs to run--this does not change. But when we want to run our workflow on other data or with other options, we want to change the arguments. CWL calls for a second file, a job file with arguments (input files and options).

Let's look at the job file:

  class: File
  path: demo.pdf
text: demo.txt

So we can run the above workflow with inputs specified in a file (instead of on the command line)

cwltool pdftotext.cwl pdftotext-job.yaml

Which accomplishes the same thing as pdftotext.cwl above.